《Maou Decides to Write a Shoujo》r1 | --Re: Opening Act--


It was a big venue.

You can see a gathering of people as the glamorous lights light up the hall on a good Sunday night. The stage was only a small are compared to the whole function room. At the sides were catered dinner, beverages, liquor. The event staffs handing out glasses of champagne could be seen almost everywhere. As the scenery goes anyone could only think that this was an event only for those with higher standing at the society. Middle-aged people wearing suits, young-looking women on glamorous dresses, jewelry, gold-plated watches, almost everything.

He was a man at twenties. Leaning his back on a pillar near one of the beverages table, it was pretty obvious he was trying to look cool and trying to fit in.

A clichéd combination of 'can you spot the plot-related character in the crowd?': rugged jeans, simple leather jacket with a white in-shirt, his anxiousness clearly showed on his face. Will he be able to fit in with this crowd? -is what he had in mind.

“Sigh... Look at you... That's why I’ve been telling you to dress up. It’s not like you have to lose a great deal considering what you earned from this event.”

The girl had a young body but could be considered well-endowed despite her age. Her fair complexion contrasted from the white dress she was wearing with a slit up to the lower part of her left thighs. She also had a black wavy hair that ranged just below her shoulder, silver eyes, and burning red lips. She was not falling behind the man considering the height difference but also not that tall enough to be considered a model candidate. She’s standing beside the man holding a glass but not wine.

“I don’t wana hear that from a girl who can’t even handle her liquor well.”


“Handling liquor and buying good clothes for an organized event are two different things, you can’t do that.”

“Come on, you know this is the only set I’m comfortable with. I don’t want to risk being compared to those men in suits.”

He sipped on his champagne. He looked at the droplet from where he sipped as it slid down from the glass he was holding.



“Where do you wanna go after the event?”

The man wanted to go home and take a good night rest. He was not that tired-looking yet he tried to insist on going somewhere other than the event. But as much as he wanted to, the woman tried her best to stop him by shutting down his argument.

“You really might want to finish this event first instead of having ridiculous plans like ditching.”

“Hey I said after didn’t I? Eeeh do I really have to?”

“You’re already contradicting yourself--”

Without the woman doing that much talking, the ridiculous plans of the man to ditch the event were stopped by an inanimate force called reality: It was the fact that the event was purposedly set up for him. The night was for him and him alone.

It was a sudden interruption. A huge bang on the speakers were followed by a grand orchestra music interrupted the busy venue. The volume lowered after a few more seconds followed by dimming of the lights. A single light was left opened and focused on the left side of the stage where a supposedly commentator can be seen.

“Ladies and Gentlemen! We hope you are already enjoying our venue tonight, first of all we would like to thank our sponsors….” It was an endless flow of words and thanks coming from the commentator.


It was an awarding ceremony for manga artists, not really a big event but it was an event essential for new aspiring artists who submitted entry oneshot mangas. Winners will be awarded and will be granted a chance to advance on the path they have taken.

“And without further adieu, let us announce the winner ‘Fresh Aspirants’ Oneshot contest. Mr. Maou Spence. Everybody give him an applause.”

Lights suddenly turned off. A narrow one suddenly turned on to his direction spotting only him within the entire area. He was supposed to proudly show his face but that was not the case. Covering his eyes with his left arm while holding the glass on the right, he shouted in pain of being suddenly blinded by lights that split-secondly focused on him from the darkness:

“Ouch Ouch!! Hey I told you not to do that, my eyes are sensitive to light.”

There was a small laughter on the crowd as he adjusted his eyes to the sudden brightness. The light was only enough to spot his body. The woman could only almost be seen standing by his side.

“Phew... just don’t go blurting out strange things there, okay?”

“I’ll be back and grab you out of here, we’ll go to a place you’ve never been before, ‘kay?” -He tried to sweet talk her despite the way they talked a while ago.

It was something scripted he planned to say to liven up the crowd. He said that and hand over the glass to a staff and proceed to the stage.

There was a large applause that accompanied his walk towards the stage. With both his hands inside his pocket, slouched a bit, one could see a hardworking figure that spent half of his life writing. This was his break though.

It was then when he didn’t noticed one of the chords slightly elevated for some reason. He tripped of course.

Losing his balance, he tried as much to gain back posture but his inertia won’t let him. It was when he bumped into someone and they both fell down. The soft sensation can be surely felt as one looked on the scene. Of course the light was still focused onto them. It was a well-endowed lady wearing quite a revealing dress too. His head was pressed onto her chest and his left hand holding and feeling one of the huge rounded bosom.

Everyone on the venue except for the girl in white was shocked, meaning she already knew a sort of thing like this would happen. She covered her face and ended with a sigh.

After feeling it a few more times he came to a realization and rose his read up. “Somebody tell me this isn’t being broadcast at nat tv right now.” –not the realization we expected though.

There was a large shout at the venue followed by a sound of the most painful slap that night.

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