《The Reincarnated Boy's Tears》Chapter 20: The Party Continues, A God Arrives...
Chapter 20: The Party Continues, A God Arrives...
Zak and Lyo suddenly pulled weapons out of what appeared to be thin air, pointing them at the individual that appeared on the balcony. Yuu already deployed multiple layers of magic protection, as did Aurelia. Matilda readied her fists, having nothing like any of the others could call upon anyways.
"Who are you?" Yuu said.
"Well, I am Avalon of course, one of the gods of this world. Part of my domain in spirits and souls, as well as how they are managed...and reincarnated" the boy, who named himself as Avalon, replied. "I also handle some, though not all, of the Summoning Rituals as well".
Hearing that, Yuu, Zak, and Lyo all understood in an instant what Avalon was trying to say. He knew that Yuu was a Reincarnator, and he knew Zak was a Summon.
"You know, you all really shouldn't keep secrets from each other though" Avalon mentioned, sitting down on the balcony without any fear of falling over. "As interesting and fun as it could be, you dont really have the time to deal with secrets between each other".
As he said this, he saw no one said anything, and he just shook his head.
"Really now....Yuu, Zak, and Matilda?"
The moment he called out those names, everyone looked shocked. Zak and Yuu looked over at Matilda, and Matilda looked over at Yuu. The Princess seemed to absorb it well enough, but seemed a bit surprised at the fact the mysterious boy who appeared from thin air knew all of this.
"Wait wait...Matilda?"
"Hold on...both of you are not from this world?"
The Princess had suspicions about Yuu, but Zak was a total surprise. As expected of a vampire who had lived here for over a thousand years, he genuinely felt like he belonged in this world. Although he had not totally given up on everything from his home either.
Matilda was a big shock though, since she acted a lot like Lyo. However...
"Ah, dont be too confused. Matilda herself is sort of normal...technically speaking, she was born in this world...it was her mother who was summoned here, while she was pregnant".
"...I think that might be a first..."
"...I definently never heard of anyhting like that".
In other words, Matilda was concieved in one world, and born in another. Yuu had to wonder if there were going to be some sort of weird side effects from that, but she seemed mostly normal...probably.
Considering she never seemed to have guards for herself though, it made Yuu wonder about that.
"In any case, you really managed to piss off the Demon King ya know?" Avalon mentioned, appearing behind them. He was floating upside down in a standing position. "Dont think he is sending some low level thing you can beat either. Something really big and powerful that is guarenteed to crush you all is coming".
"...well, I guess that should be expected".
Only a moron would send an enemy that might lose. Strategically, it was better to crush enemies with a guarenteed method.
"...I guess he is really mad I told him off while taking his power but not accepting him".
"So, is that why you are here?"
"Well yeah, also I wanted to check in on everyone, also check on the people around the hero, make sure there are no weird lolicon perverts around or such that might traumatize them....too many summons tend to get traumatized, so its best to avoid as many as possible".
Yuu stared at Avalon, as if he wanted to retort something. Feeling the piercing glare, Avalon just smiled awkwardly.
"Now now, I cant control all the circumstances around reincarnation. In the first place, very few bodies are actually suitable. I know that, back in your world, it always seemed like reincarnators got crazy powers in manga and such, but...its actually the reverse. They were reincarnated into those bodies because of the immense mana. If the body does not have a suitably high level of mana, then the soul wont be able to affixate properly and could cause....problems".
Hearing that, Yuu continued to glare at him.
"Exactly how rare are the levels of mana needed?"
"Exceptionally rare...which is why sometimes we get one or two that accidentally get reincarnated into Dragons or Spirits or such. Furthermore, since all races aside from human tend to have somewhat higher mana levels on average, reincarnators, while it is possible, are rarely humans actually".
This was very interesting news to Yuu. In otherwords, his high level magic abilities did not come from being a reincarnator. Instead, this body having high mana attracted and make it compatible with his soul.
"Exactly how does that work though?"
He still didn't understand the logic exactly though.
"Very simple. In order for a Reincarnated Soul to properly survive the process unhindered and successfully retain its past memories, it needs a sort of protective membrane to embrace it as it enters a body. The large amount of mana provides that protection, and allows for a very clean and efficient affixing. They naturally attract reincarnator souls in the first place if the souls are available when the bodies are being created. After that, the body simply needs to mature enough to develop the sense of self, and the previous memories can awaken. That usually happens at around six years old".
So all Reincarnators were basically guarenteed to have high magical abilities....that also meant most reincarnators if not all would be mages then.
However, Zak, who noticed where the conversation was flowing, realized something.
Wait...did he just...interrupt the conversation before we reached a certain point? Why did he appear before us, when it would be easier to operate in secret? Is he...hiding something about Yuu?
Zak could not only realize that, but felt a certain charm spell at work. Avalon was using some sort of divine magic to sway the focus where they currently were. It would be hard to notice: Only an over one thousand year old vampire with plenty of experience could even realize it probably. And that likely had something to do with the Ring of Inversed Light he wore on his finger, which protected him against vampire detection methods, and even the sun to an extent.
But also his experience has led to him develop passive multi-layered protection barriers and automatic response protection spells.
"Hold on, what about the demon?" Lyo asked absentmindedly. Avalon looked almost surprised by his words.
Did Lyo...resist the god charm? Seriously, what sort of heroic blood is inside that airhead?
"Ah yes....well, you see, the Demon King this time around is a serious schemer. They all tend to be, but this guy is a cut above the rest in terms of intelligence. That is why, when something unexpected happens, and an unexpected foe defies expectations, he doesn't send progressively stronger enemies they might be able to defeat. He always tries to go for 100% chance of success, guarenteed victories, and uses multiple strategies. He has plans upon plans. ANd his sending one of his elites here is not just to kill you. He wants to eliminate the king of this land, the princess, and the summoned hero as well, so he decided it was a good and efficient use of resources".
Yuu hadn't even noticed any protection against that, however he remembered Aurelia mentioning how these things were highly guarded.
"IF you are wondering, Yuu....yes, there are various defenses. However, to not bother the people at the party, there are very well concealed. Around the city right now, fifty mages are forming an advanced high level multi-layer barrier of various types. In addition, several operatives have been dispatched into the city to help deal with matters that slip by the barrier. And if a fight does break out, multiple A-Rank adventurers are here...and a few individuals considered above that....to handle it".
"But the Demon King will account for all of that, and develop counter plans".
"Which is why we have our own".
"And thus, the chain of counters is born".
Plans and counterplans. Resources and preparations. All of this was happening. It was true, it seemed like unlike various things he watched and read, the people of this world loved to plan, counter plan, and so on.
"So, there is still a chance he might break through. But at the same time, people might escape or be prepared for him".
"Yeah, something like that" Avalon said. "But the most important thing is that its dangeorus, and bad, and you should be careful".
"So....how exactly?"
"Oh, just be prepared. The Demons that serve him are just as tricky, and all use plans and counter plans as well as multi-plans. More then likely, the party has a number of assassins mixed in that have their sights set on you all. So, dont die!"
Suddenly, Avalon's form changed, and he was wearing clothes similar to Yuu.
"And of course, I will use this manifested body to come in as well".
"Manifested body?"
"Ah, well you see, the power of a god normally cannot set foot upon the mortal world, not without some serious preparation. IV made some...but I would rather not waste it, ya know?"
Avalon suddenly showed a hint of an accent, but he kept going without letting that stop him.
"So we can manifest bodies. They are basically mortal bodies, though when killed we just get sent back to the divine realm and cannot manifest a new one for a time. Ah, that said...you already know me actually..."
He suddenly went and poked each of them on the forehead. Suddenly, a wall felt as if it came crashing down, even in Zak's mind...and when they saw Avalon...
It was the mage taht supported them during the last fight, the final member of their party, Avo.
"Pretty cool huh? The form looks identical, so I had to place perception blockers on you all. Was a real hassle".
"...so you were helping us the whole time? Of course you were..."
"Yay! More friends...or does this mean less friends?! Should I say oh no?!"
Lyo was conflicted on whether to count this as gaining friends, by making friends with the god Avalon, or losing friends, because rather then being friends with both Avalon and Avo, they were the same person so he had less friends then he thought.
"...Lyo, its not less. None of them died or disappeared".
Yuu said that, putting Lyo and ease. Matilda also seemed relieved.
"So anyways, our manifested Forms are not even that strong, A-Rank Adventurers at most. Not S-Rank, Hero, or such. Though to be honest, rank is not some ironclad rule of who can beat who anyways. That said, we do have a combat form we can take. It has quite a bit of divine power, so it has some impact on the world's ecosystems, but its only minor...relatively".
"Well, not like it matters right now! Lets go enjoy the party! I heard they have cookies!"
And so, a god arrived at the party.
...but five seconds later...
"Aha! So that is the truth about everything!"
The hero appeared before them, after clearly being caught listening in on everything. Next to her was Luka, the wizard that followed her.
She immedaitely ran up to Yuu and hugged him.
"What the...idiot! Aho! Wargo! Baka!"
Speaking in several native languages, and one non-native, Yuu protested this situation a lot.
"So this is what a reincarnated boy feels like! And a catkin boy!"
This unreserved hero rubbed her cheek right against his, as her arms began to dig around and feel up his body under his clothes. Yuu, feeling extremely annoyed, prodced an electric field to electrocute her off of him.
"Thats borderline perverted".
"But I wanna know all the differences!"
Then ask, moron....not that I would tell you everything... Yuu thought to himself. Even he did not know everything about his own race yet. He knew that they had a higher level of body heat, as was all beastkin. As a result, they tended to prefer lighter clothing even in colder temperatures, and often wore outfits that revealed a good amount of skin for easy ventilation. Cold would affect them less, and heat would affect them more. Yuu wondered if that made complete sense, but as he lacked any real knowledge on the topic, he decided to believe what he experienced.
He also understood that beastkin had some primal instincts that could sometimes affect their behavior.
And apparently, Beastkin tended to have an instinctive desire to find people to socialize and get along with. Yuu heavily disagreed with this one.
In either way, it appeared the so called Hero decided to listen in on their conversation.
"By the way" Rin said, looking over at Avalon. "Is it true people can be reincarnated as dragons?"
"Actually, there is one boy who did get reincarnated as an Ancient Dragon....although because Ancient Dragons are kinda like gods in their own right, he became an immortal basically. He should still be around as a result. Last time I checked in with him was...three hundred years ago was it? He was trying to access manga, anime, comic books, novels and games from this world".
"Yeah. He was doing the same thing around six hundred years ago also, but I do think he tends to procrastinate or get distracted easily".
"...or its just impossible..."
"Its not. We gods sometimes do that when there is no major crisis".
Everyone who understood what was just said looked at Avalon with dead fish eyes.
"What?! We need to take breaks and have fun too!"
"...lets just move on, please?"
"By the way...it seems like there is a weird pressence in here" Avalon said, as his shadow came out and touched all of theirs. Suddenly, they could all see a strange black mist, just barely noticable, floating around.
"What the..."
"Its the scent and corruption of the Demon King's power...which is why, Yuu...you should probably look at yourself".
Yuu turned to face a mirror that was nearby, and saw it was radiating from him as well.
"I cut that bastard off...are you saying this stuff is still on me?"
"Ah, here" Avalon said, as he suddenly took Yuu's face and planted a kiss on his lips. Everyone else was shocked by this development, as the kiss was not a light one but maintained for a good few moments before Avalon let him go.
"What the hell?!"
"I was just cleaning it up a little. Now that you cut him off, the flow stopped, so I could do it properly. Ah, unless you wanted us both to strip totally naked and press our chests and bodies against each other, kissing was the only way I could do that".
"At least warn me next time!"
"OH come now, its not like I am your first kiss. Didn't Lyo steal one as well? And you kissed the princess a few times here, not to mention the rehearsal kisses you two did so you didn't totally muck it up and could master kissing in a noble looking way".
"Shut up! Whatever...so this black mist then..."
"Yes, it means demonic influence is already here. They are hiding themselves properly though, even I cant tell who it is. Could be the servants, the staff, any of the nobles. Shouldn't be too many though...three at most, and likely not demons but just agents of the Demon King that were given power".
"He gives power freely to others?"
"He wasn't lying about the Demon King being cunning" Zak mentioned. "The guy is systematically strategic. Even if we beat his first plan, he probably has three or four backups. Or several different goals for his plan, of which even one would be considered worth the resources he spent on it. Its a nightmare, its like playing Ryozamer....ahh, that is like Chess but more advanced and complicated, by the way, with an ultimate master".
"Sounds vexing".
"Indeed. You cant trust a single thing he says or offers either, because there will always be some part of his plan that accounts for anything he would have to give up".
In other words, in this world, battles did not just occur between people of great power. The grand battle of strategy was also involved, and therefore was a great factor in everything.
"Looks like things will be rather dramatic at this party...".
"...but we cant break the festivities. Not like we could tell them how we know anyways".
At this moment, Yuu took Aurelia's hand.
"But at least, this will be a lot more fun".
"Indeed. Shall we dance while scouting the room at the same time?"
"Lets. I want to also see the look on Alibaster's face...you think he is assisting in this?"
"I doubt he would jepordize his own safety and home. He is likely uninvolved".
"Then, let us see how he looks all the same".
"Fine with me".
The two then took to the dance floor. Lyo and Matilda looked to each other and sighed, going out with each other to join them.
"What are they doing?" Rin questioned, unable to understand the flow of events.
"Matilda and Lyo dont trust Yuu and Aurelia alone. They think the two might set the place on fire, litterally, if something makes them uncomfortable in any way".
"Yikes...so what should we do then?"
"You probably dont know enough about this world to spot any big differences...." Avalon said, as he listened into a conversation of nearby nobles using his enhanced hearing. "Sounds like those two are talking about another human summoned in a nearby land...Yuyan, is it? Anyways, they seem normal".
"Ah, I can do some looking around!" Luka spoke up. "I am good at scouting and listening, and as a former servant, I am good at moving unnoticed".
"What about you Zak?"
Zak's eyes began to glow.
"I think I will make use of my vampire blood to its fullest, and also check for any spell arrays they may have placed around the mansion".
"Alright...Rin, you should be able to sense stuff like that as well, so help him. But make sure you all have some pressence at the party. We dont want them catching on, and we do have a public profile to uphold".
And so, the party began to move into a new climactic stage.
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