《The Reincarnated Boy's Tears》Chapter 18: The First Princess
Chapter 18: The First Princess
"Hey! What the..."
"Let go!"
"Don't take that!"
In a dark place, away from public eyes, the three boys struggled as the hooded people held them down. This proceeded until they were standing in the dark warehouse, completely naked and embarrassed.
Of course, they knew why this was happening, and it was not for some perverted reason...probably. It was done to ensure they did not have any magic arrays drawn on their bodies, no secret weapons or poisons, and to totally disarm them and make them harmless to the handful of disguised guards protecting the one who stood on a box in front of them, looking down at their now naked bodies. Even their underwear got taken...although...
"Found it. There was a string made of some sort of magic metal, right inside the underwear".
...Yuu actually did have a hidden weapon there.
"...you cant use weapons well, so why do you..."
"...even if I cant use weapons well, I can strangle people when put into bad situations".
If it was a normal noble lady, their dignity might have been preserved. Even if this world was more open and accepting of bodies and nudity and such, and it wasn't as embarrassing, it was still very embarrassing to be stripped and forced into this position. Even Lyo, who had matured a little, was a bit embarrassed...
No...wait, that redness might just be anger for treating me like this... Yuu thought to himself.
However, he couldn't help but notice the princess was standing on a box. Now that he got a good look, didn't her shoes look like they had very thick soles? Was she actually shorter then Lyo?
Not that Yuu could talk about height. His height complex grew in relation to his lack of growth. Sure, he was getting taller, and now he knew he was not human but a Cat Beastkin, who were naturally short like wood elves. But...it still bothered him. The significance of developing a height complex though had yet to be realized by him though.
Which is why he could somehow tell right now, amid his embarrassment, that the Princess might have one herself. Furthermore, when they locked eyes, he felt something...familiar.
"Did you really need to go this far" Zak said, as he calmed down first.
"Ara, wasn't this familiar to how you met my great, great grandfather though? And yes, I know very well about you. You did help us quite a few times after all, and even fought against previous Demon Kings".
"...Zak, how powerful are you?"
"The power gap is not that great. Actually, one Demon King once got killed by a normal peasant. He set up a trap and had several large boulders roll down at him from both sides, and crushed him like that".
Yuu flinched when he heard that, and then looked back at the princess. He seemed angry, but something about her felt weird to him.
Meanwhile, the Princess hopped off the box for a moment, and circled Yuu, apparently examining and possibly even rating his body. Yuu's face got red as he got a bit flustered by this treatment, though it was not just out of embarrassment. Her reactions indicated positive remarks, which meant he was getting praised. And as Zak had pointed out earlier, he was weak to praise and such feelings, even if he did not want to admit it. When she was done, she hopped back up on the box.
"I see...he shall do just fine. I do hope you dont mind all this, but ever since my mother was assassinated by a loyal servant, steps have to be taken".
"Anyways..." Zak said, looking around as he put his hands on his hips. "It looks like it wasn't your idea for this anyways, was it? Not completely?"
One of the hooded people, the royal guard, returned with their belongings. Each of them were handed their clothes and even their weapons again, which was a bit surprising. The guard who had held a sword to Yuu's neck before seemed unhappy.
"It would be best if they remained bare until you finish your business".
"Arlo, I appreciate your dedication, but I did plenty of research before I decided this meeting. I shouldn't have to tell you when you know me so well, that this is fine. Besides, what I want to do...requires a bit of equality".
As she said that, the three were already getting dressed. A mage then looked over at them, and took out three chokers.
"...it would still be best to ensure they remain submissive".
"Oh, I don't doubt that" she said. "But I have different plans".
Once they were finished getting dressed, Yuu looked at the princess. The way she acted seemed strangely familiar...she was hiding her true intentions behind a mask for sure.
However, Lyo and Zak had already figured it out. It was as clear to them as day, that she had gigantic trust issues just like Yuu. She wanted to open up, so she mentioned the reason for them, but like Yuu...Zak could tell her heart had darkened. Not corrupted, not fully lost, but...darkened, for sure.
"I thought the Royal Family would not get here for a few days, for the party...you got here quite early, and its a bit strange you know Yuu when he has not even been here for a week".
"My spies do a very good job at searching everywhere, including the surrounding forests, and piecing together stories...and that party is why we are here. As are others".
At those words, she took out a piece of paper. Yuu could feel intense magical power coming from that paper, as well as the ink written on it. A couldron like table was placed between them, with the paper put on top.
"You have great potential Yuu. Some of my spies say you are too unstable, too dangerous. Others think you might be a threat. A few think you would be a good asset".
As she said that, the two of them locked eyes.
"But I suspect you dont want to be under anyone, or be controlled by anyone. So instead, I have an offer for you. Two, actually".
She pushed the paper closer to him. As he read the words, it was clear to him it was some sort of contract. A magic one, by the looks of it, with absolute power that could not be betrayed without serious penalty. Possibly even death. However, the contents were the most interesting thing about them.
All of the clauses were very straightforward. The first was the simplest possibly. It stated directly that Yuu would not attack, seek to cause harm, death, or injury to the First Princess, Aurelia Reynard, or her family and friends. And in exchange, she would not attack or seek to cause harm to Yuu, or any of his family or friends. The only exception was in self defense, if they commited a crime against the other, or if they did it unknowingly, without any clear hint of reason that it was.
In other words, she, the next ruler of this kingdom, could not attack, try to kill, or abuse Yuu in any way possible, and he could not do anything to her and her children.
The second was that she would help Yuu get out with any crimes that were not serious, if he did not let any criminal who seeked to harm the country go easily without justifiable reasons.
The third was a restatement of the first in a way, using different words to prevent loopholes.
The fourth was that except in emergencies that demanded it, they could not reveal each other's secrets to unknowing parties, though they could discuss secrets they already knew the other knew.
But in the end, what is basically boiled down to was that he would not attack or interfere with her, and she would not attack or interfere with him. That they would help each other out when they reasonably could, but would not be stuck or forced to do so unreasonably. And this would be bound by magic, in a special way that neither could break, even for royalty like a princess.
Which meant this contract was a very big deal. For royalty to use it with someone who was not even a noble, it was very odd and very unusual. It meant seeing each other as equals in a way, and it seemed this was part of the reason everyone was so on guard about Yuu.
However, there was one clause in particular that stood out. It was something that made it clear she knew about the feelings, the plans he had deep down, and also made it clear her own desires and wishes.
It was that Yuu would help Aurelia deal with the murder of her mother, and deal with the murderers and assassins that took her life, and in exchange, she would help him deal with the murders and assassins of his mother, and deal with the people who had wronged him three years ago and used him as a scapegoat for their plans.
"Zak....is it really impossible for a magic contract to be broken?"
"Oh, its possible...but the price is deadly usually, so its effectively unbreakable. Furthermore, a great amount of pain and force would be put against the person if they knowingly try to break it. And it seems like there are a number of clauses specifically preventing accidents and mistakes from triggering it. But its also quite steep against intentional breaks it seems".
Yuu had some reservations of course, but this would not mean he was under someone's control. If anything, it would protect him from the kingdom's wraith, and help him with his own goals. In the end, after thinking it through, the pros outweighed the cons. And it was written in a way where it would not backlash against her.
From this, Yuu realized that the two of them were the same kind of person. Ready to do whatever it took to get what they want. But before he could sign...
"...and what was the second request?"
"Simple. For this...party, I will need a partner. Someone to escort me, and for me to escort. It would look better, and also keep away the annoying pigs who want me to marry their children, or even themselves. The lord here has not masked his desire, though I do suspect he cares more about the power and being a king then anything else. Of course...escorting me would help you as well, since it would allow you to observe your enemy right up close. And you would get to see his reaction to your pressence with your own eyes".
Such a juicy offer was layed out in front of Yuu. It seemed that she had been inspecting his body because if she had to go, she needed a partner who looked good enough physically to be with a Princess. She also wanted it to be someone who would not stab her in the back. And also, someone who wouldn't bother trying to woo her or hit on her, but someone just as intellectual as she was.
So, less of a date, and more of someone to help keep bothersome things away. And even then, all that was more of a side thing, their main desire was to see their enemy's reactions. It seemed like she considered this man to be an enemy as well, so it was mutually beneficial.
"I see...very well then, I accept".
Aurelia handed Yuu a knife, as they began to walk around the paper. Each one cut their palm a little, and allowed the blood to drip onto the paper. Their blood turned into their signatures, and following this, all present also had to put their blood on it as secondaries. They would not be bound as harshly by the same rules, but it would prevent the royal guards present from attacking Yuu as well, and would also prevent Lyo and Zak from attacking the Princess. An extra layer of security.
And thus, the contract was done and sealed.
"I do hope you realize though that, at least me and Lyo don't have party clothes".
"Its fine. I will handle it all. The party will be soon, and I think it will be very fun".
The two of them smiled at each other. It wasn't quite innocent, but without a doubt they had the same things in mind right now. Revenge against those who wronged them, and threatened and took things that were theirs.
It would be a night to remember.
Margrave Alibaster glared at the words his informants brought. That the boy Yuu could not be found anymore, that the trackers either lost sight of him, or were killed. He almost questioned why they did not follow orders and pin the murders on him, except that their bodies were discovered while Yuu had been away, or been seen in public. And there were clear signs of people prepared to counteract his desire to pin something on Yuu, at least not unless he fabricated some good evidence.
The royals, and various other nobles, would be here for the party soon. The royal family was actually coming here to inspect the land, but of course as they were royals, he would naturally hold a party in their honor. Furthermore, with the party so close, they would actually be arriving today so their guards could get a feel for the city, even if they probably had spies doing that already.
The damned royal family had been particularly reformist lately, putting in all sorts of fairness and equality laws, while also taking out those viewed to be corrupt and criminal. It got particularly bad after the assassination of the queen, leaving her husband and her three children alone three years ago.
And now they were coming here, to his territory. He had made sure to hide evidence of wrongdoing, if not outright destroy it. He made sure of all of it. But...the brat, Yuu, could unravel everything if he remembered certain details, recalled certain things. And as a potential heir of that person, he was a threat that needed to be exterminated anyways.
"Sir, I have a message from the gates!" a man announced as he entered in a hurry. "The royals are here!"
He quickly stood up, and went over to the dresser with the mirror to make himself presentable as his servants prepared the entrance hall. It did not take too long, but he had not expected them to arrive this early. They were moving annoyingly fast, but he would play his part just fine.
Once he had fixed himself, he went into the entrance hall, where he waited for a few moments. Not too long, the doors burst open as the royal guards marched in, escorting a singular person.
"My father will be arriving a bit later, but I have come to greet you. I am the First Princess, Aurelia Reynard, and the future Queen of this country" she said to him, as he kneeled in front of her.
He made sure to appear extra charming too.
"Hello, my beloved princess. I am so happy to have you here. I would love to have dinner with you tonight, and speak of the many tales that have crossed my ears".
If he could impress this little girl, who knows? Maybe he could pull it off right, and they could get married, so he could become acting regent if something happened to the king as well.
"No need, I have my own plans for dinner tonight. After all, I have acquired a date before I came to the city. You will be able to meet him soon".
The Margrave was a bit shocked, but he didn't show it. The girl in front of him was actually known as one of the coldest and coolest nine year olds, and sometimes considered a bit odd. The fact she already had a date seemed weird when at any other party they both attended, she was alone and kept away, even from other children.
Sure, as a result of coming alone, alot of nobles, both men and boys, often tried to get close to her, develop connections and such...but with her trust issues, he had not heard of anyone breaking that barrier...
Naturally, he didn't think at all that it was Yuu. The Princess came from a totally different circle after all, so the bane of his existence aside from the royal family would not come to mind.
"Very well. Do you have a place to stay?"
"There is a lovely manner that we had the people sent ahead refurbished. Owned by one of those nobles who died mysteriously....maybe we might even find something to be a lead for that".
The noble did not make any visible signs of guilt, but inside he was worried. He had his agents sweep it and clear any evidence, but if something was missed....
In any case, he didn't even realize at all what the Princess was really doing. Distracting his mind, and therefore also distracting his assets. She would make sure he would be very busy covering the areas she would be visiting, so that he would not realize what she was up to before it was too late.
Yuu, Lyo, and Zak meanwhile snuck out of a wagon. The Princess was helping to make sure they would remain unassaulted for the next few days while she kept the Margrave occupied. It was only just as a precaution, but both sides were being careful.
After all, what they were planning to pull off could be legendary.
That said, as they got off, they entered the mansion that would be the residence of the Princess and her people while they were in town. An incredibly nice and lavish place, the gardens alone were beautifully maintained and the walkways practically sparkled with the setting sun's light hitting them just right. Furthermore, as they walked up the white marble steps and approached the Elderoak door, the smell of delicious food could be smelt from within. It appeared the princess had sent orders to have some food made for them.
And so, the moment they entered, a large amount of maids and butlers greeted them of all ages. Some were old and grey, while others looked little older then they were, twelve of thirteen at most. Although notably their outfits were somewhat different, as the younger the maid or butler, the shorter the skirt or pants/shorts were. Furthermore, there were a few girls wearing butler outfits, and a few boys wearing maid outfits, which stumped Yuu a bit.
Now that I think about it, is crossdressing even a thing here? Or is there some sort of inate difference between a butler and maid that is helped to be displayed by different uniforms...well, at least the boy maids are all young. I dont really care about all that too much, but if I saw an old man in a maid's dress id probably set my eyes on fire.
Even the callous and cold Yuu, who didn't think about romance or preferences at all in those areas, would be displeased by seeing an old man or a grown man in a dress. If it was a boy though, it was at least tolerable, maybe even amusing for him.
Although, Zak could totally pull of wearing a maid outfit...Lyo actually did pull it off, not that I would tell them that and have him start a weird habit.
That said, if Yuu knew that Lyo and Zak were thinking the same thoughts about him, he would immediately be displeased.
Another thing Yuu noticed though was that they were not all human. Elves, Beastkin, and such were mixed in. Even a few of the Daemon Race, which were different from Demons but tended to be misunderstood and treated poorly.
Either way, the maid who appeared to be in charge, a wolfkin maid with brown hair, approached them.
"Ah, you must be the Princess' date and his friends! Welcome, welcome! Come, eat! Afterwards, the bath will be ready and prepared for you! We even just got some new high quality soap and shampoo!"
Hearing that there might be a proper bathtub for the first time in forever he could use, Yuu's spirit lit up a little. So far, he had only bathed in the homemade hot spring he made, or in rivers and streams. However, his skill at creating magic items did not extend to the area of making a proper bathtub.
In his previous world, he barely got to use that too. Leaving aside the one time his parents almost "accidentally" had him drown, there were times where they would drag him into the back, strip him, and hose him down, saying that he wasn't good enough for the bath and that it was an earned privlidge.
And so, the trio enjoyed a lovely meal of well made food. It was exceptionally better then Yuu's cooking, as while he did learn how to cook food himself to an extent, it was using store brought ingredients or only things he could make easily without his parents messing it up. Because of that, his cooking was not particularly exceptional. Nothing like those people from manga and anime that somehow made it look easy. No, it was hard work, required a lot of ingredients he could not get, and ultimately the fact he made it tasty at all, most of the time, was probably exceptional in its own way since he lacked most spices and seasonings.
And so, once they were done, the maids escorted them to the changing area right before the baths. They offered to come in and help, but Yuu quickly denied them, getting an uncertain feeling about their motives. And so, they quickly undressed and picked up some towels.
The three of them entered the baths, leaving the towels on the designated rails. Although certainly there were public bathhouses were available, a lot of people often times bathed in rivers or streams, or ponds. Children would sometimes be bathed in a public fountain even. After all, although it seemed they did have some plumbing, or magic tools that replicated plumbing, it was not cheap enough, or the world not developed enough, to be wide spread.
That said, while public baths were not rare, something of this scale certainly was. It was built of marble and shiny metals. It was not so golden as to be gaudy, but it certainly had a regal and elegant feel to it. As was the custom of this country, each of them hung their towels on a hood and started to head towards the area to rinse off.
And yet, before they could, something happened that neither of the three could have expected. The door opened once more, and this time it was the Princess, and her childhood friend Matilda. Both of them were carrying their towels over their shoulders, the five children's bodies were fully exposed to each other.
Matilda seemed a bit shocked, while Aurelia simply shrugged it off. She seemed totally unphased by the boys seeing her in the nude, and even walked towards them while dragging Matilda in hand.
"Funny, my servants seemed to fail to mention there were people here already".
Those damned little...they set us up?!
She then took one of the cloths used for soaping and rinsing the body, and pushed Yuu down onto one of the seats and began to soap him up. Even though she was a princess, she had no issues at all washing a commoner, which shocked Lyo, Zak, and Matilda. Even Lyo knew of royalty and how their positions should be"
"Its fine, its just us five, so you can call me Aura. As you all can call me Aurelia. It appears tonight, my servants think we are all just dirty children who need to bathe immediately" she mentioned, sighing. Yuu was a bit embarrassed by all of this, but as she moved her hands around, his eyes became those of a dead fish.
"...exactly what are you doing, washing my front first? I do believe its custom for most people to wash themselves, with people only assisting the back".
"Getting the most embarrassing part out of the way. Besides, its my first time bathing with a boy who isn't a servant, or a family member".
In this world, it was actually quite common for boys and girls to bathe and swim together. Things like swimsuits did not exist, so everyone swam in the nude, because one's body was not considered shameful in this world, but rather a proud gift of the gods. Of course, that did not mean people walked around naked all the time either. Since clothes are made of the materials of the world that the gods produced, it became known that wearing clothes to protect oneself from the elements was the right and smart thing to do, and caused a development of people who wear more clothes on average to be more prestigous and noble.
However, without a doubt, a Princess washing a commoner did seem odd.
"As the Princess, and the master of this house, its only natural I lead by example and treat my guests" she said as an excuse, with a proud and declarative smile. If Yuu was actually the type of boy who was a hormonal, emotion starved teenager, perhaps this sight would invoke a reaction.
"And you are okay with this?"
"You mean washing and bathing you, or with you? I dont see an issue" she said, as she used her free hand to grab his hand and put it on her chest. As she was only nine years old, there was absolutely nothing there. "Tonight, we are all just children who can play with each other and not hurt each other, after all".
However, just like Aurelia, he was also a nine year old boy who had been severely harmed emotionally in his past, just like her. Although she did not say anything, she did not need to say anything. He could understand insinctively what might have happened to her.
So leaving aside the fact both of them were too young to have physical attraction like that, both of them also had the mental states where this would not phase them even if they were four years older. Each of them knew their partnership, while long term, was one out of benefit, and their own desires for both revenge, and protection.
"Just to be clear, your father wont kill me for this right?"
"A reasonble worry, but it will be fine. He is known as the reasonable and wise king at his age for a reason".
"How old is he?"
"Twenty nine".
"Well then" he said, grabbing her wrist. "I suppose this is enough. As a Princess, I must insist you let me wash you first".
She smiled again, using her free hand to grab his wrist. Both of them had a strained smile. "No no no, I must finish washing you first, as a Princess I must lead by example".
She then pushed Yuu onto the ground, overpowering him with her superior strength. Yuu was a bit surprised, but only a bit as he wrapped one of his legs around her torso, and twisted his body to flip them, pinning her to the ground now.
"No no, it would be disgraceful if I didn't wash you first".
As the two began to goof around like this, the trio who ended up washing each other's backs and each other just starred at the two.
"What...is going on here?"
""Control freaks"" both Lyo and Matilda said in unison, surprising each other but then smiling and shrugging it off. Zak however looked confused.
He already knew this wasn't some romance flag like one might see in these situations, however this was not how they would go. Normally, the boy or girl would walk into the bath while the other was there, usually the younger already being there, the party already there would get embarrassed first and overreact or such, and the intruding party would overreact or shrug it off.
There were other variations, but that was the basebones of it. However, what was happening here was definently something different.
"...can you explain?"
"Yuu was using the conversation to act as the dominant and in control one, since he was at least trying to be somewhat respectful to the princess in this situation" Matilda mentioned.
"However, Aurelia would not cede control, and kept trying to lead it as well as the bathing. So Yuu decided to try and take control of the bathing".
"Which Princess Aurelia, being a control freak, would not accept".
"ANd Yuu, who is absolutely a control freak as well, rebelled against that non-acceptance".
The trio looked back at the pair, who were clearing having some childish brawl at this point. Limbs, butts, and other things were everywhere as they wrestled on the ground.
"...the fight doesn't seem serious though?"
"Yeah, those two are wierdly on the same wavelength. I think they might make really good friends".
And with that said, Zak finally understood. Yuu, who didn't seem to act within standard reason, rather then triggering the romance flag with the princess, triggered the friendship flag first.
Which given that in Zak's personal oppinion, she was acting a bit villianous, was both surprising and made sense. After all, Yuu seemed to have a bad streak in him as well.
He did apparently somehow steal some of the Demon King's power, though he did think it was puzzling that the Demon King bothered to leave some power in a child as young as he had to be when he got it.
Either way, Lyo and Matilda sighed, and got a bucket of water. They went over both Yuu and Aurelia, who realized what they were about to do.
"No wait, Lyo, its all in good fun....!"
"Matilda, as the Princess, I order you to..."
And before the two finished, water got poured onto them as well as soap, and the two began their assault on the two scrambling on the floor.
With that done, everyone finally got into the baths.
"Matilda, that was not necessary at all!"
"Lyo, we were just playing around..."
Suddenly, the two friends pinched the noses of the two still protesting while tickling their stomachs, causing them to become flustered and fall back into the water.
After the two surfaced again, they finally began talking normally about things for a bit. Well, at one point Lyo and Matilda broke out into an argument about who was better, Aurelia or Yuu. But the two that were being talked about were able to standback for about three sentences before they heard them spouting some embarrassing stuff and forcibly stopped them, which resulted in the four of them falling into the water.
"Seriously guys, cant we just enjoy the bath?" Zak complained.
Yuu popped his head out of the water, his cat ears twitching.
"You know, im not sure if Zak cleaned himself up properly".
"You are right...Lyo, Matilda, hold him down!"
"Eh, wait! Hold on! Why me?! Why are you both picking on me now?!"
"Isn't it obvious? I just cant stand that whole 'not involved' attitude you just gave".
"And I still need to get some revenge for that dirty trick you pulled earlier".
Zak tried to escape, but Lyo and Matilda grabbed his arms before he could.
"Ah come on! Mercy! I am sorry! Noooo!"
Once they were out of the baths, they were able to get dressed again in the central changing room, and then the maids appeared to escort them to their bedrooms. Naturally, although it vaguely felt like the maids were trying to set them up back there, it appeared they would not make them sleep in the same room yet, so they were safe on that account. After undressing once more and putting their dirty clothes in what appeared to be a laundry hamper, locking the door to be safe, the three boys got under the cover.
However, there was something a bit strange with the currently sleeping arrangement. Rather, why was it that Yuu was in the middle? He didn't like this position, at all. Furthermore, although he was used to it with Yuu, Zak was new so Yuu felt a bit embarrassed with him sleeping so close with all three of them naked, although not as much as he used to be. Zak and Lyo was totally fine though since this was a normal occurance for this world.
"Oi, Zak. Switch places with me".
"I wont allow it!" Lyo protested.
"Then you switch places with me!"
"Nope! Yuu's best spot is in the center!"
"No! I hate it, its annoying".
"In any case" Lyo said, casually ignoring Yuu's complaints. "Zak, so, so, how did you become a vampire, if you are one of those isawhatever people?"
Yuu also looked towards him, without saying anything.
He wants to ask to, but wont admit it, huh?
The eyes of the two boys staring at him as all three were sleeping next to each other was extremely effective at eroding his resistence.
"Fine, fine...the truth is, I am actually a Summon" he said with a somewhat dejected voice.
"...a Summon, huh. The way you said it though, it wasn't a hero summoning?"
"It was a Kingdom that summoned me, but it was one that was being controlled by a Vampire Queen. She is the one who turned me into a vampire, and...enslaved me" he said, his hands moving to protect himself from the woman in his memories instinctively. He noticed, and quickly stopped as his face turned red and sour.
Yuu, who could read the mood, understood roughly. It wasn't an easy topic.
"Eh? Wait, so she made you a slave? Did she treat you badly?"
Unfortunately Lyo was oblivious to all of this, being the warm ball of innocence that he is.
"Yeah, basically. She was a pervert among perverts, and a terrible person. She had several other boys enslaved to her, but she wanted one from another world, something exotic and unique that would act differently. So she summoned me to this world".
"THat sounds mean and selfish".
Zak chuckled a bit, though it was a bit dark.
"Yeah, I am glad to be rid of her. Sorry, a thousand years and its still not something I particularly like to talk about".
"Its fine" Yuu said. "More importantly, it seems like monster activity is rising. Are kingdoms going to be doing more summoning? It seems like some Demon King is on the move".
"Maybe, although...the Demon King are not the only issue at the moment. There is also a powerful military nation on the rise, that uses magic to oppress its people and take over other countries. As cliche as it might sound, the rumor is they seek to conquer the world. And then there are certain Dragons which also seek power, or just get hungry, that have been causing issues. As for the summoning...I guess you don't know, huh".
"Know what?"
"Well, a lot of Kingdoms have already summoned heroes. In fact, even this kingdom has, although...they didn't quite get what they expected".
"They didn't get what they expected?"
"Well, you will see for yourself, since she is coming to the party...but it seems the Hero is considered a bit eccentric, according to my sources".
Yuu sighed when he heard that. An eccentric hero coming to the party? He got the feeling she might be exceptionally bothersome then.
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8 108 - In Serial9 Chapters
Silent Exile
Time spent within the nothingness beyond the Horizon is bound to change anyone, much less the young soul of a human boy. The changes this time around, however, would be unlike anything anyone would’ve expected, the boy included.Not everything within this pitch black space was friendly, something the boy would soon come to know.Now, saved by a Goddess who seems to have bigger plans for his previously dull existence, and the looming threat of world-wide enslaved, the boy must struggle to contest with his world’s most powerful, all while being cut from the benefits everyone else had been provided.This, however, also meant that he was exempt from many of the rules these benefits came with.***Hello!A quick reminder that this is only my second attempt at writing a longer cohesive story and tags are bound to be added as the story progresses. The tags selected at the making of this novel should, therefore, be considered as being "possibilities" instead of promises. I will try and remain open to changing tags and the direction of this story based on feedback, as I hope to create something that can be enjoyed by as many people as possible.So, again, any feedback would be greatly appreciated.
8 103 - In Serial22 Chapters
Among the Dead
No one thought the virus would get this bad.John always thought it was in some far off place. That it wouldn't affect him. That it wouldn't come here, to his home.But it did.And there's nothing anyone can do to stop it.John Rider, a normal teenager, will go through hell to save his life and the lives of those he cares for as everything falls apart around him. Will he survive as the world rapidly changes under the trampling feet of the infected? Can life ever be the same, or will he turn...like all the others.
8 80 - In Serial317 Chapters
Abominable King
(Rebooted version Synopsis) I was just a man like any other, until I got sucked into a world that wants me dead. I can’t think of a reason why they want me dead, aside from the fact that I command a massive army of the unliving and have the reputation of being the embodiment of evil. Between a character I had created in my youth who wants nothing less than to conquer the world in my name, a force made up of unholy monstrosities and the Forces of Light constantly trying to kill me, how am I to live peacefully or find a way back home and will I even want to by the end of my journey? I will do what is needed and fight for survival, even if it means becoming what the slanderous rumors about me proclaim as truth. The reign of darkness has come again on this fantasy world, and all who try to fight me will face the wrath of the Abominable King. (I did not make the art.) (WARNING! THIS NOVEL CONTAINS CONTENT THAT IS NOT SUITABLE FOR YOUNG READERS! IF YOU ARE UNDER 16-21 OR HAVE ISSUES WITH INTENSE DEPICTIONS OF CRUELTY AND/ OR OTHER NSFW CONTENT, THEN KNOW THAT YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!) (There are acts and opinions in this novel that I do not condone. Read at your own peril and watch out for depictions of violence, cruelty, evil in the extreme and more.) (Updates every Saturday at 8:00AM when not on Haitus.)
8 230 - In Serial24 Chapters
Gone Boy
Izuku had taken it badly. He was right back where he started: quirkless. Who knew taking a bullet for someone would be so detrimental.Warning: slight gore and dark themes. Art not mine.The characters belong to Boku No Hero Academia. The plot is mine however.
8 110