《The Reincarnated Boy's Tears》Chapter 9b: Lyo's Diary


Chapter 9b: Lyo's Diary

Entry 1:

Dear diary,

Today after dealing with a bandit group, some of the supplies we took included some books. A few were blank like this one, but others were written in. Yuu took those, except for one, which he told me to read and learn from. Apparently its a learning guide. Anyways, you were the blank one, and now your my diary!

Either way, today after me and Yuu took a bath, I grabbed him before he could get changed. He got red and embarrassed, but its easier to measure height like this! I decided we should use a nearby tree to measure our growth. Yuu complained, but eventually he went along with it. But then when he saw the centimeters I was taller then him by, he got mad again and declared he would outgrow me.

It wouldn't be weird, since I hear even as children Wood Elves are shorter then humans of the same size, but its okay! I told him his big brain probably weighted him down, and he would grow down there. He got really mad and threw pinecones at me, calling me names because he was embarrased. I dont see why he would get embarrassed just because I said the body below his head would eventually grow.

Yuu still is acting tough, but I know he is just shy. I dont really get it, but I feel like he was hurt really, really badly. Its the feeling I get. But I also feel like as much as he hates people, he wants to have connections too. I dont really get it, but I remember mommy once told me that people want what they have never had before.

I feel really sad every time I think of my mom, but I feel like Yuu needs me!


Yuu says a lot of big words though...I heard him mutter once that I was "using him to compensate for losing everything", or something like that. There were a lot of big words and I didn't really get what he meant.

Entry 5:

Those mean slaver guys came around. They were going to take me away, but then Yuu saved me. I finally got to see him smile. I hope I can see it more, he looks more....Yuu like. Though he still gets embarrassed too easily.

Entry 56:

Its been several months now. I caught Yuu torturing bandits, so I got really mad at him. I mentioned how the God of Friendship would be sad, though he questioned how that was relevant. I still had to scold him though, he was severely harming them to experiment with all sorts of things.

Yuu's heart is really cold. I need to make him laugh more. I love it when he laughs, so iv made sure to fully map out his ticklish spots. He is fun to be around, for some reason bandits are always coming here.

I think a few of them might have mentioned looking for a boy, but Yuu would get mad and attack them if he learned that, so I didn't tell him.

Entry 107:

We met some adventurers today! I punished Yuu for nearly killing them though.

Then we met some others. There was this one gross old man who kept flexing his muscles, it was weird. His name was also weird. A weird old man.

Yuu warned me that I should never hang out with him, especially alone, since he was something called a pervert.

I think he might have good intentions but...every time he flexes his muscles is gross.

Entry 108:

That guy Garron tried to stab me, but I had faith in Yuu and did that thing he told me about using mana, keeping my blood flowing so I didn't die. Yuu then came and saved me, using his new potions. Then he was really angry, and after we escaped the temple, went after Garron. He tried to kill Yuu, so I dont like him either. So I launched arrows at him. Eventually he died, but me and Yuu were in bad shape, so weird old man guy and Argen helped us out.


We finally convinced Yuu to go to the city, but only after two years. He needs to prepare. I have seen him sometimes, not only touching his scars, but touching unscarred areas as if they were scarred. I wonder if he had more scars before that got healed. Most of his scars now are healed now, thanks to magic, although traces remain.

Yuu is fun to be with. He makes me feel safe and comfortable. And life is enjoyable with him. He is my bestiest best friend. But I want him to have more friends. He only has me right now.

Entry 177:

I had a weird dream. A black mist, hiding in the woods. It felt like a threat, but Yuu wasn't there. But I felt like I had to protect Yuu...he is my friend after all.

Maybe this is nervousness?

Entry 244:

We celebrated Yuu's eight birthday. James visited as well, I finally remembered the weird old man's name! He brought us some sweets and other things from the city. He does that sometimes. He says when we get to the city, we should go to the adventurer's guild. Yuu didn't have a favorable impression of adventurers, but James mentioned it would be worth his while, and he had met nice adventurers too. They also visit with gifts sometimes. Yuu has been trading them monster parts to pay them for it. Apparently they can turn them in as something called "Proof of subjugation" at the Adventurer's Guild.

James then told Yuu about the receptionist, and Yuu got a bit interested. He also told him some other things, and had a mischevous face. He looked like a gross weird pervert though. He slapped Yuu on the butt, and Yuu called him a "shotacon". James pouted a bit after that.

Entry 351:

Its time to go to the city now. I had a really weird dream again, of people coming after Yuu. I was chasing after him. Yuu seemed a bit upset when he heard me mention it. He seems to think I might have been able to hear some things. I pouted, and then tickled Yuu until he told me everything. Apparently, Yuu was planning something.

Anyways, leaving that aside, Yuu set up a bunch of magical devices to keep our home safe and clean, and self managing. So it wont get all dusty or overrun by monsters while we are gone.

Its been a nice three years here, but...its time to go. Yuu needs more contact with people. And more friends.

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