《The Reincarnated Boy's Tears》Chapter 4: Life with Lyo
Chapter 4: Life with Lyo
Yuu found himself sleepily waking up as the morning light came into his window. Due to all the cliffs and such, it got darker a lot quicker and earlier, and the light didn't reach well in the morning a lot of angles. That was why he built his house into the side of a cliff where the morning light would come in nicely from the east. At least, he figured it was east, based on his old world's system.
It had been two weeks since he met Lyo, and the boy had still not left. Rather...every night so far...just like last night and this morning, Lyo slept in the same bed as Yuu. Furthermore, he slept completely naked, and always somehow managed to prevent Yuu from wearing anything to bed as well. The first few times, Yuu had just been so drowsy from dealing with Lyo, he had run out of energy beforehand, and he was used to sleeping alone so since heat naturally gathered well in this canyon, he slept in the nude a lot. After all, even if it seemed to snow and be winter elsewhere, this canyon was above or close to volcanic caverns and such that he could easily find a sulfer spring to me a hot springs bath. While wind could get in, and sometimes blow strongly even, throughout the cavern, the walls made it warm up well and from what Yuu guessed, capture heat very well. Heat from below, combined with high amounts of captured heat, kept this place warm.
However, waking up two weeks in a row with someone else lying on top of them with both of them naked? If they were not both six years old, someone would be making some dirty joke. If there was someone who would make a dirty joke despite them both being six though, Yuu would probably burn his mouth off.
Yuu started the day like any other, kicking Lyo off of him violently. The naked boy hit his head against the wall, but still slept deeply. This frusterated Yuu enough to kick Lyo again in the stomach, but he still didn't wake up. Again. No matter what sort of physical violence he used, he could not get him to wake up. Yuu therefore tried sitting on Lyo's exposed belly, but still nothing.
"Great...how is it I am unlucky enough to get stuck with this moron?"
No matter what Lyo did, Yuu's Shadow would not attack him. Yuu thought for sure when Lyo made breakfast for him one morning, that it would count as taking his ingredients and Shadow would kill him, but Shadow did nothing of the sort, even though he made breakfast for both of them. When Lyo pulled Yuu's clothes off suddenly and carried him into the bath, or tickled him, or such, Shadow did not attack. When Lyo hugged him, bathed with him, slept with him, stole his pillows and blankets while sleeping, played with his and Yuu's food, clung to Yuu, threw acorns at him as a game, nothing triggered Shadow.
One time Lyo did something that for sure Yuu thought went too far, though he refused to even mentally reflect on the specifics of what Lyo did, Shadow did not trigger.
"Ah! Good morning Yuu!" Lyo said energeticly as he wiggled out from under Yuu, causing them both to stand up. And then, in that moment, he kissed Yuu on the lips, making him flustered. Shadow however did not attack then either.
"What the...dont do that!"
"That was just a friendship kiss! To celebrate our two week friendship anniversary!"
"I am amazed a moron like yourself knows how to properly count days and weeks".
"Don't be so bashful like that, Yuu!" he said as he hugged Yuu again.
"Stop it! Moron! Idiot! At least let us get dressed first!"
Yuu found Lyo to be a complete and total pain, however...Shadow was not attacking him at all. Now of course, Yuu could have always attacked Lyo himself, at any time. It would be easy for him to kill Lyo, he was sure. The boy was literally showing his naked rear to him. No defenses, no weapons, no enchantments. Yuu could place his hand on Lyo's chest, and freeze his heart solid. He could kill him instantly.
But Yuu couldn't do that. Even though he could so easily kill those bandits, it was because Yuu knew what they really were. He could tell their hands were covered in blood, that they were depraved individuals who were scum. Murderers, rapists, ect. But Lyo was innocent, an innocent and harmless boy. Like he used to be, before his father started beating him really bad.
ANd as much as Yuu's heart had turned cold, he was not going to stoop to the level of scum his father was. Lyo was outright annoying, embarrassing, and a moron...but killing or attacking him would make him the same as his father. The trash father who he hated from the deepest parts of his heart, the one who had caused him so much pain. That was his father, and he was his son. He wanted to reject that very idea, and Yuu knew that meant he had to be better.
He might not trust people, but he was going to at least be a better person then his father. Every time he thought of killing Lyo, that thought went through his head, and he stopped. Shadow did not attack Lyo, which meant Lyo was harmless to Yuu. There was no point to attack someone who was not an enemy.
"By the way, Yuu! When is your birthday, so I know when to get ready to celebrate it!"
"...I don't know" Yuu said.
"Ah! You answered properly! Ah, but you don't know? Hmmm...oh, I know! Lets make it today then! Ah, but then I dont have time to prepare! Tomorrow then! Lets make it tomorrow!"
"Do you even know what tomorrow is?"
"It is the 17th of Salar!" Lyo said confidentally, standing with his hands at his hips.
"Great...but can you get dressed before you make a triumphant pose?"
"Ehhhh? But its so hot today! And its not like anyone else is around..." Lyo complained. Yuu was pretty sure this guy was just trying to make it so Yuu would grow his bond deeper with Lyo, but the Shadows had no reaction so it meant he still had no negative intentions towards Yuu. That said...
"I am still not comfortable with the fact you keep barging itno my bed. You have no sense of personal space. Why cant you find your own place to sleep?!"
"Well, its very simple! Its more fun to sleep with you! Besides, I know you agree! You are just being shy and playful as ever!"
"Idiot! Moron! Moronic idiot!"
Yuu proceeded to beat his fists onto Lyo. Lyo seemed to saw ow a few times, but Yuu got the feeling he was enjoying it also.
"Right, then there is only one thing to do! We will celebrate your birthday tomorrow, so we must prepare!"
Lyo began to walk out the door.
"If you are going outside, at least get dressed first moron! Monsters are out there!"
"Ah, good point!"
Now up and dressed, Yuu was working on some new things. His progress was being seriously hampered by that moron Lyo, but he was making some work now.
He couldn't help but wonder if Lyo even understood him well enough at all to properly get a present. There were no villages nearby from what Yuu had found, though he never did venture very far. And Lyo...Lyo was a moron, but he was somehow able to use that sensor system Yuu developed to find his way home whenever they went out. Lyo was annoying, pushy, and couldn't read the mood though. He even once tried to get Yuu to play some games outside with him, sometimes even dragging Yuu away from whatever he was doing. Hide and seek, arts and crafts, childish things.
"Of all the people I had to meet, I get stuck with this idiot" Yuu said, having not noticed a few things. However, his mind became distracted when he heard the perimeter alarm go off. Yuu ran off to see what it was, and saw that Lyo was somewhere in the flower grove near where the creatures had entered. It seemed like they were heading towards him.
"That moron...uhg, I will make him pay for this!" Yuu said, putting on his boots and getting his staff before heading out towards the meadow.
The meadow was a place in the valley where a lot of flowers grew in abundance. Lyo showed it to him one time after a day of exploring, commenting on how pretty and beautiful it was, and then hugged him and kissed him on the cheek. The boy was a total airhead, after all. Yuu made sure to jump from tree to tree, to avoid being spotted, as he perched himself on a tree near the meadow. The meadow was also fairly clear of trees, and therefore got a lot more sunlight then others.
Looking down, Yuu saw that two people had arrows running through their chests, another had an arrow in the shoulder, while a fourth man was holding Lyo down and ramming his face into the mud. Furthermore, his clothes had been totally torn off leaving him stark naked again, and it appeared he had been kicked and beaten recently.
Unlike normal, Lyo did not seem all that happy though, even crying and scared. There was a fifth man in fancy clothes in front of Lyo, apparently speaking to him. Yuu enhanced his sense of hearing to listen in on what they were saying.
"Now boy...these clothes look way nicer then you were wearing before, and I know you are too stupid to do it yourself! So tell me, who else is here, and where do they live? If you do, we will treat you nicely...I promise, and you know I am a man of my word".
As Yuu heard that, he narrowed his eyes. He noticed a few of them looking around at the trees though, so he climbed down from behind to watch them at ground level. Lyo was crying.
That boy...he is weak. Those people seem to know him...
In any world, the only thing anyone ever did was look out for themselves. Yuu knew this. In his previous world, even though it was obvious he was being abused, and obvious he was unable to report it himself, they did nothing because it never affected them. Even as moronic as Lyo was, when push came to shove, everyone had survival instincts. Everyone betrayed others. It was ingrainted into their DNA.
"Alright!" Lyo shouted, giving in as Yuu expected. "You promise, right?"
"Yes, I do" he said with an evil snarl. Yuu figured the man probably wouldn't keep his word, but Lyo was in a desperate position. Plus, anyone with actual skills like repairing and refitting clothes, evne if Yuu used magic to do it, would be more valuable then him.
"Okay then!" Lyo said, as Yuu closed his eyes to think how he would fight them off.
But the next words made them shoot open.
"He lives north of here!"
Lyo was a moron, and he did get lost, but he knew enough about directions to always come home. Even after Yuu knocked him out twice and left him deeper in the forest, he found his way back. So Lyo had to know, it absolutely was not north. It was...
"So its south, huh?" the man said with a grin, with Lyo showing great shock. "Too bad, I knew you would try to lie to us and throw us off. Now the deal is null, and we know where this friend of yours is. And once we make him our slave as well, I am sure he will sell well. Who knows, maybe you two will be bought together?"
Yuu stood there, shocked at what he heard. The man had played Lyo...but that was not what shocked him. It was that Lyo was smart enough, or knew him well enough, to know how to play him! It was not north or south, it was west! Lyo must have said north, and not east, knowing that he might do that and go the opposite way!
To Yuu, Lyo was a moron...an overly friendly, idiotic, moron. But...for him to act in a way Yuu did not expect...and for the slave master to expect him to give the opposite direction...it would mean he had to have a great deal of consideration and thoguthful for his others...for his friends. To be selfless for them.
Lyo, who was whipped on the rear by the slave master, was then pulled up. "Take this brat back to the slave convoy!"
Yuu didn't budge. After all, if he did, those people might find him. And unlike bandits, they might be better skilled. If he moved, if he did anything, he would lose. He did not want that...after all, Lyo was just some annoying bother to him.
But while his mind thought of that, as two men began to drag Lyo away...something charged out of the forest and pierced both of them.
It was Yuu's Shadow, having emerged from his location. It was what pierced those two. His location now revealed, Yuu did not delay in jumping out and shooting a giant ice spear at one of the men. He was still a bit shocked, but moved to dodge, however it still tore off his arm. Meanwhile, the other man saw Yuu and immediately charged with his sword.
Yuu's Shadow attacked him, but he dodged as he knew to expect it. Yuu summoned a wind blade and shot it at him while he dodged, but he was able to stop himself, also losing an arm.
There were only two enemies left. The first two that the shadow hit both got killed, while Lyo was unharmed from the attack. Meanwhile, the other two were missing an arm, and the slave master just seemed shocked.
"Get that brat! Capture him! He will surely sell for a lot, enough to easily afford both of your arms getting restored!"
The men got up, seemingly filled with rage and adrenaline. Neither of them had lost their sword hand. Yuu proceeded to launch more ice spears at them, but they were dodging them, having learned to expect them. They were closing in, but as one got close enough, Yuu clad himself in lightning and grabbed the sword with his arms coated in Mana. As such, while he was fine, the man got electrocuted to death. That left one more, who had moved from behind while avoiding Yuu's shadow, preparing to strike at his back. However, he then got an arrow to the eye, which was fired by the bow Lyo had picked up.
"Don't touch my best friend!"
Yuu blushed a little at that public declaration, but first he kicked the man with a lightning infused leg and send him away scorched. Yuu then levitated a rock into the air with magic, and crushed the third man's head, before sending down another few lightning bolts at the fourth and final man, the slave owner. He proceeded to take Lyo hostage, putting a knife to his throat, but as he did the shadow charged forward through the grass and emerged, stabbing him through the chest. Furthermore, it even grabbed the knife and prevented it from cutting Lyo's neck, pulling it away.
"Ah..." Lyo said, embarrassed. "Sorry...for causing you so much trouble when you should be getting ready to enjoy your birthday..."
"Seriously, the first thing that embarrasses you is that? Get dressed, moron" Yuu said as he flicked Lyo's forehead, but all Lyo could do is smile. "What...what are you doing?"
"Its just...you are finally fully smiling Yuu. iv only managed to get you to slip up and smile a little, but I did it! You are really happy!"
Yuu didn't realize it at all, but it appears Lyo was trying to get him to smile. Yuu had some doubts on his methods, but apparently, he had made Yuu smile for a brief moment a few times already. Yuu didn't even notice, but he noticed know...he was smiling. Honest joy, he felt it. After years of abuse from his parents, and then the hell he woke up to here...after isolating himself and not trusting people, he was smiling? Now that he noticed, it felt so foreign to him.
"This...is joy?" Yuu muttered, causing Lyo to run up and hug him.
"Yes! Now we can be joyous together!"
He said that, but then...
"Oi oi! What are you doing?!" Yuu exclaimed as Lyo started to strip Yuu of his clothes until he was naked, and pulled him into the meadow.
"Spread your body in a star like position, and laugh! Laugh into the sun!"
"This is no laughing matter! We are surrounded by corpses that will attract monsters, you have no clothes, and I am naked!"
"But Yuu...I know deep down, you enjoy and like our bonding time!"
Yuu's face turned deep red.
"No! Idiot! Moron! I don't!"
"But you are not getting up right now" Lyo mentioned. "Also, there is more evidence".
"Like what?!"
"Well, if you didn't want us to sleep together, given how smart you are...you could have just made another bed. Or bedroom. Or house even".
As Lyo gripped his hand as they lay underneath the sun, Yuu blushed further. Indeed...why did he never think of that? Two whole weeks, it would have taken him less then a day to make another bed. Its only those fluffy leaf pillows, and some hide he finally figured out how to tan (with magic). It would take him two hours. A house? he got better with earth magic, it would not even take him half a day to make a decent one. And he already did all of this himself once...there was no reason he should not have thought about that as a solution.
"There are plenty of things you could have done without hurting me, but no matter what, you only really ever used your words and put up a feeble resistance. That is why I knew...you were just being shy and bashful".
There was one more thing...Lyo didn't know this was an example as well, since Yuu never explained it to him, but...the final piece of evidence of Yuu's true feelings was his Shadow. Yuu could not manually command the attacks his Shadow gave, they only activated automatically, and only when people tried to attack or take something of Yuu's. However...they reacted when those men tried to take Lyo away from him. In other words...Lyo was already considered his friend by his own subconscious at this point.
This annoying person who pushed himself into Yuu's life. Who came into the bath unwantedly, who took Yuu's clothes off when he didn't want him too, who ate with him, cooked with and for him, who Yuu eventually patched up clothes for since the tattered clothes annoyed him, or at least that was what he thought he believed, this annoying, innocent, pushy boy...had become his best friend.
"J-just so you know" Yuu mentioned. "I still will make you your own bedroom, because I dont want you crawling in my bed every night!"
"But, that means I can still crawl in right? Since sleep is easier when with friends!"
"How does that even make sense?!"
"Simple" Lyo said with a giggle. "Because then you feel safer knowing a friend is there with you".
Yuu's face probably couldn't get anymore red.
"Just...shut up! And get dressed! And give me my clothes! Monsters will be here soon!"
"Well, about that...they ripped up all my clothes!"
"Uhg...fine...we can...stay like this till we get back..."
"Wait...what am I saying, why dont I just use some of their clothes for a patch job for you..."
"Because you dont want us to go back with uneven levels of protection of course!"
"No no! It would be best to...uhg! You are messing with my thought process!"
"Come on, it will be fun!"
"I am not a nudist! And neither are you! You are just acting weird because...because I finally...accepted you..."
"Is that so wrong? its a great feeling!"
"Shut up! Stop making it weird!"
And so, Yuu's heart healed a little that day, having made his very first friend. Happy enough that, while he did not realize it, he cried some tears of joy.
End of Arc 1: Arrivals and Encounters
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