《Stuck in a game world with an OP shop》Chapter 10


Chapter 10

In the bright morning sun of the fourteenth day, I look around. The wall is trashed, the tree I lived in for two weeks is toppled to the ground, and red blood covers the white snow. I should think about finding a new home soon. Well, I might as well get started on the cave exploration. I keep my axe in one hand and a torch in the other as I walk to the cave. I will be able to hit any rogue monsters with my axe and the torch if they surprise me, and I've got a feeling there are more snakes inside the cave.

Nope, nevermind! New idea, I catch sticks on fire and throw them into the cave! Safer! With this new plan, I approach the cave with an inventory full of sticks. I catch one on fire, and then throw it inside the cave. Nothing. The stick is still burning, so I get another stick and throw it inside further. Still nothing.

This is going kinda slow, so I open the shop. I sell an iron arrow and buy two wooden arrows. With the torch, I light a wooden arrow on fire and shoot it into the cave. The fire goes out almost instantly. Again, I try to shoot a flaming arrow into the cave, this time, wrapped in bark and fired much slower into the cave. A good amount of cave gets lit up, but I still don't see anything, so I decide to walk inside.

>You have entered a Black Mountain Snake Dungeon!

>Black Mountain Snakes will continuously spawn while the dungeon is empty, and will venture outside if threatened!

>Good luck with your first dungeon!

A dungeon! Cool! With my torch in hand, I adventure further into the dungeon. I was hoping to get some money today and maybe buy something else from the shop, but I guess this will have to do for now.


I continue deeper into the cave. For around twenty minutes, I find nothing. Two hours later, though, I find something very interesting. The cave suddenly gets much larger, and a huge empty room opens up. I can't see anything inside, so I enter. The ground is flat, and the ceiling curves two dozen feet up.

GROWL! From the side of the room, a pitch black movement can be seen! I quickly try to think of what to do, and I run back out of the room.

>You can't exit the boss room before defeating the boss.

Fuck me! I run back into the room and try to find somewhere to hide. I've been hiding and cheesing everything until now, and I don't know what to do when I can't climb up into a tree and rain death from above. Fortunately for me, there is a small undercroft against the wall of the room, and it is too small for the snake to get under. I place the torch next to me so the light will still fill the room a small amount, and I get my Steel bow from my inventory.

One Iron arrow flies in the black mountain snake, and an explosion of puss flies from its abdomen. It's one of the most disgusting things I've ever seen, but it doesn't stop me from firing another arrow. Each arrow to enter the beast causes puss to leak out, similar to a burst pimple of a high school teenager. With ten arrows, I think the beast is dead. This new bow is truly powerful, and it certainly shows when I killed the boss.


Yeah, and I leveled up.

>You have completed the Black Mountain Snake Dungeon!

>Hostiles will cease to spawn while you are still in the dungeon, and a treasure chest can be looted at the end of the boss's room.



After crawling out from the recess, I check the corpse of the Black Mountain Snake. I can put it in my inventory, and it comes up as a Black Mountain Snake Mother. Next, I want to check out the treasure chest!

I didn't see it when I first entered the room, and it probably only appeared when I killed the boss. It looks very expensive, but I can't put it in my inventory. I open it up, and see what kind of goodies are inside.

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