《Conquer the World》Chapter 14: A Visitor


“Why are you still ignoring her?” asked Manstein curiously. It was fine if Ye Yingyuan just replies it accordingly but he really ignores it.

“I get this strange feeling every time I see her, my body cannot help but become hotter. Even my head feels like a caouldron, full of heat.” Ye Yingyuan could not do anything against it.

Manstein only sighed. Sometimes the most hard things to do was not to convince someone who was stubborn but someone who was in anger! Why? Because when you were in anger, you refused any external stimulate and only felt that you were the only ones who was right.

And it was better not to disturb them too much!


After that, Ye Yingyuan entered the residence. He walked to the visitor room where usually anyone who paid a visit to the residence was placed in waiting. And yes, when Ye Yingyuan entered the room there were his father, mother, uncle and even....his brother!

While there was also a man that sat there happily, Ye Qingcheng only sat beside him with his face all turned white.

Currently, they sat on their chair and now that person saw at the direction where Ye Yingyuan showed himself. Of course, every person who saw this also reacted similar, turned their head to his direction.

“Sorry to disturb.” Said Ye Yingyuan with a smile. From the atmosphere, both Manstein and Ye Yingyuan knew that this person was in good terms with someone here.

“Do you see that young boy over there? That is my second son. Yuan’er, come here and greets him!”

Ye Canghai suddenly tapped Wei Liang’s shoulders and pointed at Ye Yingyuan. ‘Eh? Father being friendly with this person.’ Without much thought, Ye Yingyuan just sat down near his brother.

Ye Qingcheng’s eyes now shifted from Wei Liang to his younger brother. If Ye Yingyuan had known what happened before, he would not have chosen the seat beside his brother.

“Oh, so you returned.” Without much words, he said that indifferently. Then Ye Yingyuan asked his mother that seated to the left and asked, “Mother, who is this man?”

“Son, you need to know that this man here is a good friend of your father.” Said Yu Feng while she then spoke to Wei Liang. “Mister Wei, this is Ye Yingyuan. He is still a young boy who just recently reach a bottleneck in his cultivation.”

Ye Yingyuan glanced and scanned the person her mother talked about. He was emitting this aura that makes you inferior. This was the second Ye Yingyuan felt this kind of aura.

‘What is he doing here?’ thought Ye Yingyuan. Manstein just watched and learned without interfere but he kept his awareness to the highest level and executed the concealment method that he previously passed to Ye Yingyuan.

Actually, this concealment method was not too hard to master. In fact, even Ye Yingyuan could learn it in a single glance and mastered it after a few attempt.

Nature Flow Sync, that was the name of this technique. While it was rather easy but the difficult part of it came from the following the nature. Manstein must used his sense to feel the nature in and around himself.


The worst of his condition was, he currently only a soul! A tiny soul and now he needs to do it himself.

‘Elder Brother, why do you hide from him?’ Ye Yingyuan asked. It was actually a form of defensive stance that Manstein did every time something dangerous come to him!

‘Just cautious. I really can’t expose myself easily, after that encounter with the man that wears the straw hat.’ Manstein replied normally.

Now Manstein had been more careful in handling these kinds of trouble. ‘You started to use that term on me, is it? Well, if you want to tell me, it’s fine. Don’t want to tell me now is fine too.’ Manstein noticed that Ye Yingyuan called him Elder Brother instead of directly called his name.

But what could Manstein do?

‘But now, we still can’t find any hidden master yet. Maybe we really wrong in our closure and method.’ Manstein still thought about the failure but suddenly he remembers that.

‘I intended, I intended. That was why I can not find them. This region is too small and the probability is minuscule. How naive of me.’

But he really hoped to find them like in the stories of the legendary heroes but he self-introspect and in the end just accepted himself as a normal man.

“Ye Yingyuan pays respect to senior Wei.” Ye Yingyuan greeted. Wei Liang looked at him and nodded his head in a good mood.

But the discussion with Wei Liang is not over yet. “So he is your second son, Canghai? Really similar to you in the face, especially about his eyes and eyebrows.” Wei Liang commented about it at first glance.

“Really? But how can you say that Cheng’er is a guard in my residence if my son bears a similarity with me?” Ye Canghai teased.

“Oh, it just a little mistake of mine. But by the way, do you have heard of someone named Nie Yang?” asked Wei Liang.

When he asked that, Ye Yingyuan and Manstein surprised to hear the same name twice!

‘What is the relation between Nie Yang and this Mister Wei?’ both Ye Yingyuan and Manstein thought at the same time.

“I’m sorry but I never heard of someone with that name here. Why did you ask?” Ye Canghai asked. Suddenly, a messager came and then saluted to Ye Canghai.

“What happened?” this time, Yu Feng asked. Usually when they were being visited by someone, they would just pend the message until they were done with the guest. But the messager was came from the mayor’s mansion.

Then another footstep could be heard and then Li Ling also appeared. This time, she had those horrible looks and also salute everyone in the room.

“Miss Li, why are you also come here?” the messager surprised to see Li Ling came too. But without much talk, she asked with her pitiful voice.

“Can Mister Ye lend a hand for a second?” Li Ling asked. “I know that currently you want to hear what is actually happening and I will make it short. The messager was send here because currently someone assaulted the mayor’s mansion!”


She had given the information now. Whether the Ye family wanted to take a move or not maybe was not of her concern but she had to.

“Well...” only Ye Yingyuan hesitated but remembering the past he could not ignore this matter. Fortunately, even Ye Qingcheng had his spirit raised to the highest heavens.

“Then bring us there.” Said Ye Canghai to the messager. “Now, you all better wait here. There is something with the case that needs me.”

But hearing that only made all of them worried instead. “Father, should you really go there?” asked Ye Yingyuan. ‘Oh, not now!’ Manstein almost puked on the spot, lucky he was only a soul.

Ye Yingyuan’s face showed his thought. Even his mother had taken notice the second he made such expression. Unexpectedly, Ye Canghai patted the shoulders of Ye Yingyuan and when he did that Ye Canghai also moved his Nascent Soul to enter the soul realm.

Within the soul realm, right now there was an additional person in there. While the first two already familiar but the third was a newcomer.

“Uh, can I explain a little about this?” a young man with a lab coat opened his arms and asked. He smiled towards the man with the green robe that stood beside the boy.

“So this is your appearance. But the thing is how do you get here in the first place?” Ye Canghai asked. This was their first direct meeting and now Ye Canghai got the opportunity to ask something important.

“Of course. As you can see, I have something different from most of you here. I just a lost wanderer in the vastness of heavens and earth.” Manstein refused to talk about the experiment or something related to that.

“I understand. Then if I have a chance to restore your body, do you want to accept?” Ye Canghai asked. Manstein only frowned and kept silent.

“What’s the condition?”

Manstein was in fact very happy but if the opposite party gave him something unimaginable to him....anyway, he just need to listen first.

“You really just asking without much effort to know more.” thi time Ye Canghai felt that this man in the front of him was not so simple. “Just to the point. Saving time and I will know what to do.”

Manstein did not feel bad facing Ye Canghai like this but something that he needed right now is a body, a vessel. “Father, what are you going to do?” this time, Ye Yingyuan asked.

“Okay, you are prepared for this then. You want to know what I want to say. Then listen to this...” now Ye Canghai talked as if he was on the verge of life and death struggle.

“...please lend your hand for my sake.” This made both Ye Yingyuan and Manstein surprised. “Then what help do you want from me? I don’t have anything much that can be any use to you.”

There were some things that Manstein could but at the same time, there were also things that he could not. “Just tell us Father, what knid of help and we will try our best to do it.” Ye Yingyuan wanted to know about it too.

“Become our adopted son.” That was the reply they were waiting for. But instead of something that they had to do, Ye Canghai gave Manstein an offer instead.

“Wait, I..become your adopted son. I believe this is not your request. If this was yours, then you would ask for something profitable.” Manstein clearly felt that this matter was too sudden so he could only ask first before decide what to do from then.

“Actually, your existence itself is a benefit. Can you feel it?” Ye Canghai asked. “My very own existence is a benefit, what does that mean?” Manstein did not feel like that. During his stay, actually there were many chances that he did not look into account.

‘He still does not know but it is better not to tell them.’ Thought Ye Canghai.

“But, you need to promise me just one thing. You must care for my sons!” this was what he really wanted to say. But although the request was intended to tie Manstein to the family but first, did he have any choice?

The second was Manstein still had a bit of gratitude and wanted to repay it. Because of the kindness this father and son had provided, Manstein could answer it more easily.

“Ah, of course. You protect me, I will protect you. It’s just that we need to resolve the incident outside first.” Manstein reminds them.

“Okay, I will hear your explanation after this.” Ye Canghai then disappeared from there. Ye Yingyuan rushed to Manstein but he just silently stood there.

“What should we do now?” Ye Yingyuan asked. “Nothing. We will do nothing because even if we try, we will be loss before getting the benefit. Anyway, the last thing I can advice you is to forgive her, maybe there is still a room for reconcile.” Said Manstein.

“Why are you even asked it? I don’t even know how should I deal with her. Hey, wait for a second...” Ye Yingyuan thought for a while before realized that something was off.

“...are Elder Brother perhaps can see the memories of me?”

Manstein did not deny it. Actually, when Ye Yingyuan thought about something that he really wished to forget, it made the way to the deepest part in his mind. This indirectly made it easier for Manstein to see the memories.

Of course, only when Ye Yingyuan tried his hardest to forget that Manstein could see the fragments of the memories. ‘Maybe this is the side effect of my transmigration.’ Manstein did not think much about it.

Returning to the present.

“Then I take my leave!” Ye Canghai went. “Be careful not to do something reckless.” Said Yu Feng while she was standing in front of the gate.

“Wai for me!” Wei Liang shortl followed after him. As for the rest like Ye Qingcheng and Li Ling, they stayed behind. Ye Qingcheng heaved a sigh of relief.

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