《Conquer the World》Chapter 8: People Incoming!


'He even knows father! Who in the world is he?' Ye Qingcheng was in his training clothes and now he had met this person.

The most notable things from this man are his bulging muscle! And in addition to that, his face was rather attractive. His face looked like someone in his thirties and now he turned his head left and right.

After that, he looked to Ye Qingcheng again. He said, "Not bad, already at early Foundation Establishment at such young age. I wonder why such person was a guard?"

The man only heard about the attack at Ye Residence from the people he came across and after he heard that, he hastily moved here without procrastinate.

'A guard?' Ye Qingcheng twitched upon hearing that. What this man did not know was most of the guards in the residence were killed during the incident and the family was pay the money for those who died. As for recruiting the new one, they had ordered someone to inform the citizen for anyone who wants to get a job as a guard.

'I can't...hold...it.' Ye Qingcheng wanted to tell this man that he was not the guard but it seemed improper to do that.

After that, the man moved swiftly to a certain room. Ye Qingcheng had known that room, it was his parents' room.

"Canghai, it's me! Do you not want to greet this man?" the man said with a passionate sound. This sound even shocked the Patriarch that was standing in his room.

"What is this? Why is Interceptor Nascent Formation did not react?" Ye Shui had made sure that no one other than his blood-related family knows this key.

The door opened and Ye Canghai appeared from inside the room. "I just finished my battle last night and after the rest, someone actually yelled my name! Who!?"

Well, Ye Canghai really lucky this time. It was because after a hundred of scolds were thrown at him as a bonus, Yu Feng calmed down after hearing his decision.

That led to the point where they did the battle to settle the score in the battlefield called the bed.

"It's me! It's me! Are you forget your own senior brother Canghai?" the man's gaze met with Ye Canghai. When they saw each other, there was like a certain attraction force that moved their body closer to each other and then they hugged each other.

"It's been a long time, Wei Liang." Ye Canghai then remembered the past memories with this person.

"Same here, I worried about you after hearing that Ye Residence was attacked by someone." replied Wei Liang.

This made Ye Canghai feel warm in his heart. Ye Qingcheng who saw his father even greeted this man means that they are on the friendly side.

But then the Patriarch, Ye Shui made an appearance. He released his Nascent Soul cultivation and in his hands, a tiny token was shone brightly.

"Oh, Patriarch. Sorry for the sudden arrival but can you please listen to my explanation regarding breaching into your residence?" Wei Yang actually held more power just by his cultivation base alone but because his junior brother was also lived here, he needs to show some courtesy.


"This is my fault for not informing Patriarch, this person here is my senior brother Wei Liang. I already told you about him in the past and he also had this Interceptor Nascent Formation token in case he will visit me." Ye Canghai could only use the formal title of Ye Shui because Wei Liang was present.

Hearing that made Ye Shui nodded and then he took a glance once more at Wei Liang. His expression that earlier showed displeasure took a great turn and transformed into a welcoming smile.

"Then why are you not showing me the token? That would make things easier," said Ye Shui.

"But what if you did not believe my explanation and instead attacked me earlier because of this? Who would believe me then?" Wei Liang replied with his innocent attitude.

"Oh, Cheng'er! Come and meet my senior brother." Ye Canghai was happy and after he had seen Ye Qingcheng, he called him.

But Ye Qingcheng could only lower his head. His face now was hard to read because he kept thinking that this was the worst development for him!

"Eh? So he wasn't the guard but your son?" Wei Liang asked while scratching his head. Suddenly everyone presents stared hard at him, thinking that Wei Liang was really ignorant.

"I want to tell senior but I'm afraid it could do more harm so I just keep silent until now." Ye Qingcheng almost failed at holding his own discomfort and this was the only reply he could think of.

"He is the first son of Ye Canghai and he currently becomes one of our family's greatest talent. We nurture him with our best resources along with other children in the family." Ye Shui said this in a happy mood.

But currently, because of that incident, many family branches and the talented young children were forced to train in the closed room to prevent additional casualties.

"Is that really true? Then I really should apologize to this young man." Wei Liang then really made his words true, he really apologized to Ye Qingcheng.

"Father, is..this fine?" he really confused to did anything for that moment. But to his surprise, Ye Canghai only nodded.

Even this made the mood there more lively.

"But Father, do Father and the others see Little Yuan?" Ye Qingcheng asked. He had searched for a quarter hour and yet he still did not see any sign from his brother.


"Why are we doing this?" Ye Yingyuan walked in the middle of the street. There were dozens of merchants as well as shop, vendor and some traveling wanderer in the city.

"Long story short, I also want to see what kind of city your family resides and then I need to prepare myself to do my own business in the future. This tour is basically for that purpose, sorry for troubling you." Manstein looked in every direction he could reach with his eye sight.

"I know that. Well, you already know that this city is at the corner of Wutian continent. But do you know that even in this place, I believe there will be some hidden master living peacefully."


Ye Yingyuan believed it but never see it himself. Manstein also agreed because this place was the most suitable for a peaceful life and resting place.

When they walked to the center of the city, a commotion occurred and it had happened for some time. Lots of people crowded the nearby place because they also wanted to see it themselves.

"What's happening there?" Ye Yingyuan wondered before walked over there. Manstein pondered about it because in this city, there would be patrolling soldiers that usually tasked to secure the safety and stability in the city.

'Then why are those patrols not here......unless' Manstein thought about it and when they got closer, some people who wear white metal armor surrounded a man who wears a gray robe with a straw hat.

"What sin did I commit for make you appear in my presence?" the gray robed man asked kindly.

From the outer appearance, this man was like any normal people that usually found in any place. But on the opposite side, the patrol which numbered five people smiled with disdain.

"You said that you come here because you want to live here for the rest of your life but looks like you really don't know anything about 'that', right?"

One of them mocked the gray robed man. Because the man suddenly made an appearance out of nowhere, he was being asked by the patrolling soldier.

"Yes, maybe this is the first time he arrives here so he should not know the rules."

But the people only looked at them in disgust and did not do anything. It was because the one who leads the group were someone who was influential in this city.

"Who is the one that has the most arrogant look in his face?" asked Manstein. He had only remembered the name of the important person but the face and their figure were not included so he asked for confirmation.

"Ai, to meet that person here means that the gray robed man is in a serious trouble! Should I call the mayor to lend a hand?" Ye Yingyuan thought about the mayor who was recently returning from the capital city.

"What do you mean you need the mayor of Xuan City to lend a hand? Who is he?" Manstein felt anxious because someone who needs the mayor himself to cease the current commotion must have a background.

"Did you read about Li Kuang? That's him," answered Ye Yingyuan.

"What!? That's him? Seriously, I thought that he has some trouble both his personality and his background!" commented Manstein.

It was because that man was the adopted son of the mayor of Xuan City that Manstein thought this man surely relied too much on his father's position.

"Please let me live here. I just want to spend my time here peacefully and I asked one of the citizens that this city actually free from living tax, so why are you asking me about that?"

The man in gray robe actually had indifferent looks on his face and actually asked those question instead humbly.

"Did I hear you wrong? Listen to me, this is our territory and as you know we also have rules here not like some barbarians that lived in the north with their unrestrained lifestyle so you need to follow our rules and pay the living tax!"

Li Kuang said that while pulled his sword from the scabbard and showed that man the sharpness of the blade.

"Well, if that's the case I should pay a visit to the mayor to negotiate with him." said the man happily.

Manstein did not know why but for some reason he felt that the man with his gray robe and straw hat was not someone who you could bully easily.

'Why I also felt like that?' Ye Yingyuan thought. For some reason when their thought were the same, they could felt themselves getting additional strength!

'So you also thought the same.' Manstein said with delight.

The man then walked to the direction where the mayor usually lives but Li Kuang and his group stopped him once again.

"Now I started to get a bit impatient with you. If not for you are the soldiers from Xuan City, I will attack you right here. Now, please don't make my mood down or else someone will bear the consequences."

The man then walked again after gave them a piece of 'advice'.

This made Li Kuang's face red with anger. 'This man really dare to say that in front of me! Let him know that messing with me will not end up good.'

So, they withdrew from the location with Li Kuang as the leader. They wanted to settle their problem with another kind of method.

Most people sighed with relief. They really scared when Li Kuang started the commotion but this time, it ended better.

"I can't believe this! What makes him do this? I feel like this was not himself." commented a man.

Another also said, "Usually he will do any kind of physical damage to anyone who offends him but who would have thought that he just backed off like that!?"

But for Manstein, he felt that this man started to try his hands on underhanded method. It was not like Manstein never see someone like that though.

"Ready to use the concealment art I mention to you again?" asked Manstein. The concealment method of his actually was a method from his worlds that became really effective in this world.

"Of course! Even when we left the residence, no one even detected me much less seeing that I left." for Ye Yingyuan, this was really a great concealment that he never heard before!

And this was only the start of everything that happened even in the future.

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