《Conquer the World》Chapter 7: Around The Incident


"You let our son exposed to the danger and look what you did! Not only you intentionally let that soul entered his body but also tried to do something from it!"

Right now, someone was being scolded. Not only that but his face became swollen and around his eyes, a black circle appeared!

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry! Please let me finish my words first before you do anything." Ye Canghai was the one who gets the scolding directly.

Naturally, he wanted to tell the reason why Ye Yingyuan protected that small and weak soul. As a Nascent Soul cultivator, dealing with some soul was no problem and a merely weakened soul is a joke for him!

"You still have something to say? Aren't you still avoiding the consequences of your deed?" Yu Feng really went on a rampage and strike him without mercy.

Ye Canghai could only accept that as the fault lied in himself. And as for the strike he receives, he just let it hit him!

This husband and wife actually have a wide distance in their cultivation base. Ye Canghai recently became a Nascent Soul cultivator while his wife Yu Feng is just a Culture Core cultivator.

"Right! I admit I'm in the wrong this time but you also wonder about that soul, am I right?" Ye Canghai could not ignore that conversation with Manstein.

It was true that no matter the case, Yu Feng also wondered all this time. Why such a weak soul suddenly appears in their residence without detected even with one of their most reliable formation, Great Detector Formation.

Along with Interceptor Nascent Formation, the Ye Residence was akin to a small fort in the city! But of course there also weaknesses to these formations.

'Yes, even with Great Detector Formation, that soul still slipped through and entered our residence. What should I do?' this was what Ye Canghai's thought all the time.

Both of them now stopped and did nothing for a few seconds because they also lost in their own thought!

Then Ye Canghai opened his mouth again. "What are we going to do now? Should we accept that soul in the family or we just remove it from the body and let him out from here?"

The choices were really hard because they also need to consider the vessel for that soul if they accept it. But at the same time, they could use some technique to just exterminate this soul but now this option was thrown away.

Or just let him out from their family and bye. When this thought arrived, Ye Canghai really wished that he could do it for real but there was a concrete reason why he could not.

The most obvious reason was, of course, Ye Yingyuan's expression when he told them every details and conversation with that soul.

Even he realized that the relation between Ye Yingyuan and that soul only increased the longer time pass. He really felt helpless to do anything to that and then he asked this question to his wife.

But unexpected to him, Yu Feng answered with resolution in her face. She said, "Why don't we let him become a part of our family?"


This words echoed in Ye Canghai's head like a fly that buzzing around in his ears. "You mean....we...." even his words started to stutter and his eyes look at Yu Feng with disbelief.

"Yes, we will adopt him if possible. I have the feeling that this event regarding that soul is not so simple." Yu Feng had this feeling when she had seen Manstein talked.

Even so, Ye Canghai still hesitated to decide this important matter that could affect their family.

"Why are you still hesitate to decide? Your son chose to protect that soul from anyone including us! Can you see how much he really want to be together with that soul?" Yu Feng shouted when she saw the face Ye Canghai had made.

"But..." Ye Canghai really in a hard place right now. After some thought, he then decided something in his mind.

"Alright then, since Yuan'er really fond of that soul we can let him stay in this residence. After that, we need to separate the soul from the body and find it the suitable vessel, is that satisfy you?" said Ye Canghai with a displeasure looks on his face.


"Not only the scroll contain the information in this world but also some cultivation method that recorded in the history. After that, there was also the introduction regarding the plant that suitable for cultivators."

Manstein sharpened his memory to let it become unforgettable information. This was the most critical process when some important information was received.

"From the most basic plant such as Black Grass, Red Treant's root, Yellow Lotus, Jade Leaf......." Manstein had recalled twenty-six plants and after that started to explain the effect.

"Then there is also the martial arts. I wonder if I can train in it if my body was not organic."

Martial arts, in his world there was also some martial arts. But as far as he knew, he had only heard most of them while the rest were taught by some instructor in the facility to self-defense.

"Really, I can't compare myself to those experts but at least I can make myself stronger and safer, right?"

But he had realized that he actually nervous. He was afraid sometime in the future, he would spend his entire life in the vessel that could not be moved by his own.

'Maybe that's why I'm doing all of this, doing nothing but to distract myself.' Manstein remembered that he also had this feeling when he was doing the test to pass the exam.

Time flew without his notice and after some days, Ye Xiaobai woke up from his sleep.

This time, Ye Shui with Ye Guhan and Ye Yingyuan were the persons who currently present in the room. Of course, The Patriarch had known about the soul but Ye Canghai talked about it with him.

'Now that the problem with that soul at least has a solution, we need to deal with my descendant first.' thought Ye Shui

They then saw Ye Xiaobai weep and cried. Even though his body was still laid on the bed but his sounds when he did all of it have reverberated to another place as well.


"Why!? Why are you looking down on me!?" he really looked pitiful with his body full of medicinal paste and tears flowed from his cheeks.

"Cousin, calm yourself first! Your condition is still not good enough to move around." Ye Yingyuan tried to stop Ye Xiaobai from shaking his body.

"I don't like you!" said Ye Xiaobai while pointing his sight to Ye Yingyuan. Then he continued, "And I hate my father for not fully support me!"

This exclamation made Ye Guhan shocked. "What?" Ye Guhan trembled really hard. Never he imagined that his biological son that he raised since infant was said such things to him now!

"Why are you all not trust me for something that I do?" Ye Xiaobai then inhaled the air before he breathes it out.

But to Manstein, this was like when he visited a mental hospital. From everyone expression, he believes that this Ye Xiaobai's personality was not so bad until Ye Yingyuan said about Ye Xiaobai leaving for a few months only to return with that crazy obsession of power.

'What a mess! Now we have a person with mental disorder here because of cultivation method?'

Manstein could not know that this cultivation art actually really risky to the user until a certain time in the future.

"What happened to him, Patriarch?" Ye Guhan really out of his mind seeing his son like this. Ye Shui himself only looked at Ye Xiaobai with a grim expression and said, "This is the cultivation from the north Wutian Continent. It used the chaotic energy that must be stimulated to go into chaos."

Then Ye Shui continued his explanation. "But when the chaos in their energy occur, it can cause the body and mind to become injured, damaged and even destroy it!"

This also included internal organ, mental state, and mind. Right now Ye Xiaobai was in such mental state that he could not be easily healed.

"The most effective method is to consume Mental Recovery Pill. Sadly, only the alchemist know it better than me." Ye Shui obviously lived longer than the rest of the people in the room so knowing a thing or two was actually normal.

Manstein also agreed. 'Ye Xiaobai was in denial and his self-righteous still at its peak. Unless he wanted to abandon that, there is nothing we could do much!'

'Mm, how about the alchemist then?' Manstein then tried to remember some information related to the alchemist.

"Then, do we need to attend one of the seven school to search for an expert in alchemy?" Ye Yingyuan asked Manstein.

In fact, Manstein also wanted to meet many master alchemy to absorb and learn from them. But the current situation prohibits him from that.

"Now, I can't think about another alternative other than to ask a master alchemist to make Mental Recovery Pill for Ye Xiaobai." Ye Guhan then sighed very long.

Ye Yingyuan also felt the same. Even Manstein could not do anything either.


It was in a cave that this event took place. This place was full of shining crystals all over the place, making the cave full of colorful lights.

"What!? Are you saying that you failed despite all of the resources I poured to you!?" an old man with a long white beard was roared to someone who was kneeling right in front of him.

"This is because an unexpected factor comes to play. Forgive this man!" the person who was kneeling said those words while his entire body was trembling.

"What unexpected factor!? It's your job to begin with and also you are the one who responsible for every result so why are you scapegoating others while the fault lies in you?"

The old man then kicked him and said to him with his eyes full of killing intent, "You can only do it one more time or else, I will personally make you into a Blood Pill!"

Even he was being kicked by the old man, he still thanked him and left hastily.

The old man then stroked his beard, his eyes still looked at a certain direction. No one other than him knew what was in that direction.

"Really troublesome, that Ye Family. Now, what should I do next? At least my scheme was successful to make a surprise attack at their residence. But what a pity even with that, I still cannot make things into my favor."

He pondered about something in his head.


"Little Yuan, are you there?" Ye Qingcheng asked in the front of the door. But there was no sound and no response at all.

This made him thought to enter the room and checked inside. But he then felt something was coming, not from inside the room but outside. In fact, this thin came at an astonishing speed which caused sound everytime it moved.

The weather was still sunny and it was almost noon so he looked to the sky. What awaits him was a person that flying at his direction and without difficulties in reducing the speed.

"What a good day to flying around, ah." a man with looks that did not past his thirties arrived in the front of Ye Qingcheng.

'Who are you!' shouted Ye Qingcheng in his mind. 'Please not one of the family's nemesis or we really done!'

He was trembled and feared this man for his high and profound cultivation. But from this person expression, Ye Qingcheng clearly saw that he had not any malice intent.

"Senior, this junior greets you." because of that, it would be better if he gave the other party some face as a good will.

"Eh? Your face looks familiar but a bit different from Canghai. They say this is where Ye Residence lived and even I can hear people talking about it along the way but maybe I lost direction?"

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