《Conquer the World》Chapter 5: About Ye Family (3)


“Oh is that you Qingcheng? I thought that you still secluded somewhere but who would have expected that you are present here. So, why am I doing all of this? Isn’t that already obvious in your eyes!?”

Ye Xiaobai then pointed his finger at Ye Yingyuan who now lowered his head.

‘Really, this is why you must listening to someone.’ Ye Xiaobai felt like he was being ignored by a brat!

“Before you asking the other, ask your little brother first whether he really listen to my earlier words!” Ye Xiaobai then used a technique that pointed every energy in his body to the finger that pointed towards Ye Yingyuan.

“What are you doing!?” almost spontaneously, everyone in this chamber shouted with surprise. He really dared to use a cultivator technique to his own cousin!

“You....” Yu Feng’s face darkened. If not for the person in front of her was a family member that Ye family cherished, she might as well use her cultivation base power to directly confront him.

Ye Xiaobai’s thought that if he threatened this brat, he would have the face and that brat will at least listen to his words but when he unleashed the power in his finger something so unexpected happened!

“Wait, what’s happening here!” he believed that this is the most technique he mastered but now it just became out of control! But he thought for a moment before he realized that the person behind him was grinning.

“Oh no that’s Explosive Chaos Technique!” exclaimed Ye Qingcheng. “Mother, we must leave now!”

Ye Yingyuan and Manstein also had seen the movement from Ye Xiaobai and could not help but asked themselves if someday they could also do that.

“But everyone had already been gathered here and the most crucial thing is the patriarch was still in his room!” Yu Feng replied and then grabbed both of Ye Yingyuan and Ye Qingcheng to go to the Patriarch Room.

But before that two figure also appeared in the middle of the chamber.

“Xiaobai, why are you collaborating with the outsider to solve your problem?” After the day when Ye Xiaobai left, Ye Guhan had felt really strange about his own son.

“Because you all do not want to waste your resources on me! Why are you so petty!? I just want....I just want to make a name for myself, alright! But what are you all doing? Instead of giving me a chance, you just ignore me!”

Ye Xiaobai said that while himself had already fallen to the other’s scheme!

Explosion Chaos Technique was actually a self-destruct technique! What he didn’t know was, this technique and his finger technique were actually had a similar practice and it was very hard to recognize the difference!

“Hahahaha, you really still an infant in the cultivation world kid! As your wish, we will make you become a person that your family can look up to~”

The four person in the black robe then attacked the first annoying obstacle in front of them!

Each side gestured their hands and prepared their incantation but then Ye Guhan used an artifact that sealed the space for the four black robes one and both of Ye Guhan and Ye Canghai.


“Quickly take care of my son, I beg you!” Ye Guhan begged to Yu Feng, Ye Qingcheng, and Ye Yingyuan.

Manstein frowned because he as a soul without a vessel, could analyze the energy which flowed from Ye Xiaobai’s body. Furthermore with that energy, he had found it quite similar to a certain machine in his world.

Yu Feng could only nod before she then told the brothers, “You two please escort the other family member out from the chamber while mother needs to take care of your cousin.”

“But Mother, I think....I think we can solve the problem without harming him right?” Ye Yingyuan saw the eyes of his mother and felt a premonition that if she really cannot handle the matter then their cousin needed to pay it with his life.

Actually, Manstein told Ye Yingyuan to halt Yu Feng so that she would listen to his explanation.

“Really? Then quickly said it” Both Ye Qingcheng and Yu Feng already witnessed the power of Explosion Chaos Technique and then here they are, found someone who claimed to have an idea to stop it.

In fact, they naturally didn’t believe it but because the person that had given the suggestion was their own family member, might as well try it.

“Okay.” Ye Yingyuan breathed in and out. “Mother do you have your shawl that Father gave?”

Then Yu Feng grabbed her bag and after that, a long yellow shawl appeared! “Your father had used this as a gift to me in our tour and its effect was to avert the energy in opponent’s body.”

Then he turned to Ye Qingcheng and said bashfully, “Brother, you have that item right?”

Ye Qingcheng turned red from embarrassment. Actually, that item was Ye Yingyuan’s but snatched by his brother as a punishment. When Ye Yingyuan mentioned it, of course he felt embarrassed.

He also grabbed his bag and let out a chain from it.

"This is naturally yours so I temporary returned it to you." Ye Qingcheng said while he also grabbed his own weapon, a two-edged sword.

Manstein who saw all of this then prepared another tactic to save Ye Xiaobai. At least this would be considered a repayment for Ye Yingyuan's kindness.

"Then what?" Ye Qingcheng already prepared himself for the worst situation but suddenly Ye Yingyuan asked, "Can Mother surround him with your shawl and absorb a portion of the energy in the outer part of his body?"

Ye Xiaobai's body now covered in the chaos energy as he holds his finger from pointing at something.

"Sure." Yu Feng then moved gracefully and then used her long and pretty shawl to envelop Ye Xiaobai's body.

Soon after, the only thing that could be seen was the yellow shawl which covered Ye Xiaobai entirely.

"Ye Yingyuan, you said that your mother's shawl could absorb a portion of the energy attack and then your chain could bind even the cultivation base.....now I wanted to see whether my theories were correct or not!" said Manstein with confidence.

"Then this chain I use will become your savior, cousin!" Ye Yingyuan then used the chain to add a layer of thing that enveloping Ye Xiaobai.


"Bind the cultivation base!" shouted Ye Yingyuan.


In the sealed space

"You really are a formidable opponent!" said one of the black robe.

"I see that you used Cleansing Air art in your technique. Are you the disciple from Cleansing Ancient sect?" Ye Canghai had known the technique of various sect because he was a wanderer before he returned to this city.

"Can't believe we encounter one of the Nascent Soul here and wasted our chance and trump card. What an unlucky day." another black robe said that.

Even they outnumbered the enemies, but because one of them already reached Nascent Soul stage, only their demise would be waiting for them.

Realizing that fact, they decided to used Explosion Chaos art too.

"Yes, with this at least I can take down a Nascent Soul cultivator with me!" their eyes were filled with determination as their energy went into chaos and then started to even larger in size!

"They're crazy! To think they did not fear death!" Ye Guhan frowned.

Those four actually also the same as Ye Guhan, a Culture Core stage cultivators. But due to the appearance of the anomaly that was Ye Canghai, both of them was not easy to deal with!

"Let me test something." Ye Canghai then used the power of Nascent Soul cultivator to fight against them that tried to self-destruct.

He raised his hands and from it appeared a hundred of silhouette that formed a black beast with its mouth wide open.

"This is Beast of Energy Devourer art which I cultivated for a century. Let your energy become its food and nourishment!"

The four of them suddenly felt dread towards the beast figure that formed with the hands of Ye Canghai.

It was because Beast of Energy Devourer was an art that specializes in absorbing energy, either energy that cultivator used or ....... explosion from a cultivator that self-destruct.

"No, it can't be! I can't accept this!" all of them could not revert the self-destruct process and even if they succeed, their effort was in vain.

Returning to the chamber

"Actually, how much energy can the shawl absorb?" the only thing that Ye Yingyuan asked was this.

His mother then told him directly, "Not much. But why we must do this?"

"Just believe me, Mother. I want to save him and I believe he needs more attention and care!" replied Ye Yingyuan.

'Bullshit! It was because you and I need him to our benefit, right?' Manstein said that casually.

"Sowing karma has its own benefit so let's do this!" Ye Yingyuan's little figure then gripped the chains in his hands and a series of hand gesture was being done.

Then the chains shining with the faint light as the binding became stronger. The chains bind the cultivation base so the energy that emitted from Ye Xiaobai's body could be suppressed to a certain extent.

'Because he only a Foundation Establishment cultivator that this is becoming not hard to deal.' Manstein commented his own theories as a successful one.

"Did it work?" even Yu Feng could not believe it but the energy that supposed to went chaotic in Ye Xiaobai's body finally calmed down.


Or not all of it. Yu Feng felt that the person inside her shawl was unconscious. Ye Yingyuan release the bind and Yu Feng recalled the shawl back.

Ye Xiaobai was lying on the floor. His skin turned darker and had a sign of burn in it.

"Can you please take a bowl of clean water?" Yu Feng quickly walked towards Ye Xiaobai to treat him as soon as possible while asked her sons to bring her some water.

"Yes, Mother!" both of them hastily searched the well and after that returned with a bowl of water.

After that two figure appeared once again with tattered clothes but spirited expression.

"What happened here?" Ye Canghai was surprised to see his wife already sit and treated someone that got injured.

"Son!" Ye Guhan recognized Ye Xiaobai and then also sat down and looked at his condition.

This incident caused a little disturbance because someone attacked Ye Residence in the front of their own face.

"Isn't that Ye Residence? Why is it so noisy now?" a commoner who passed the area recently asked.

"You're late. A moment ago some people with black robe attacked the residence, killing all the guards and now I don't know the situation." answered the other.

This incident then spread from mouth to mouth and then after that the entire city had known about this.

But currently, the Ye Family did not care anything besides stabilizing the condition before it worsened.

"I'm taking the responsibility on my son's behalf. Please punish me for the failure of properly educate him." Ye Guhan did this while his face full of tears.

The Patriarch, Ye Shui right now sat on his majestic chair. Ye Canghai previously treated him with some medicine paste and a mix of Spirit Powder.

"This is not your fault entirely. I also to be blamed for this so stand up, don't kneeling anymore."

Ye Guhan then stood up. He then asked, "Then what about my son?"

Ye Shui then answered with his commanding tone, "Because he created a ruckus, as well as killing some guards and then collaborating with the outsider, his punishment shall be the exile from the residence."

Even when that punishment, some things were not completely revealed that time. Most of the family realized this and then Ye Yingyuan paid a visit to his cousin.

He already recovered from his injuries after using Majestic Chain.

'I felt the energy in your body decreasing at astonishing speed! Lucky I was aware of it or else you may drop a layer in your cultivation.' said Manstein while thinking about this whole incident.

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