《The immortal that ran away from home》Chapter 20 - Circulate your cultivation base and move your ass!


After beating up the armed guys Jaime stood there without moving as if he was waiting for something until a memory stick appeared in his hand then he got closer to the beauty with sexy body and gave the memory to her “I´ll trouble you to give this to the police and explain everything to them” he smile and was about to leave when he heard a melodious but firm voice

“I´m detective Kennedy” she took out a detective badge “I´ll trouble you to stay and answer a few questions” she looked petit and thin but the determination and aggressiveness in her eyes make everyone understand that underestimate her would be a grave mistake

“Miss you should be able to understand that if I really want to escape there´s nothing you can do to make stay” Jaime looked at her with tenderness and was about to pat her head when he felt an unbearable pain in his crotch. The detective obviously wouldn´t lose the opportunity to give a good kick to Jaime when he was defenseless

Seeing Jaime´s look of pain the detective was satisfied with herself. The police department was worry that if they left the masked man do as he pleased NY would sooner or later become chaotic. Who would have thought that she would find him almost as soon as he appeared?

It seemed like the female detective was as innocent as Jaime because just looking at the mystical way he dealt with the armed guys it was clear that a kick on the crotch wouldn´t stop Jaime for more than a couple of seconds. By the time she took out her handcuffs Jaime was already gone

“Do you want me to die from shame? How could you let a mortal hurt you?” when Jaime didn´t answered Tong Bo Yue was about to give Jaime a lesson when he saw that he was a little depress she couldn’t help but ask “What happen?”


“I had a fight with my parents” he said with a sigh

“Why?” Now was Tong Bo Yue turn to feel depressed. She had not seen her parents in months and she didn´t know if she will ever see them again.

Sometimes she wonders if she made the right choice. She could have asked Jang Chen for sex and tell him to fuck off after getting his primordial yang or marry him and ignore him… He has so many concubines, who knows? He might even let her do as she pleased after the wedding. Of course, those thoughts doesn´t last long because when she imagines herself choosing either of the 2 options she feels like killing herself. For a woman, her first time and her wedding are 2 of the most important events in her life, especially for someone like Tong Bo Yue whose pride doesn´t lose to Jiang Che´s.

She knows that her parents had good intentions and she still love them but she would rather go to the nine level of hell than act as a prostitute and have sex with someone she doesn´t love just because he can make her more powerful

“My mother doesn´t like violence so when she knew what I did Jonathan and her friends she got really disappointed, I told her that she was exaggerating and when she was about to cry my father slapped me”

“Mortals are too soft… You don´t need to worry, you will have to abandon them anyway if you want to have a chance to become an immortal”

“I know is just that knowing that every passing moment our distance is getting bigger and that one day I will leave them once and for all makes me sad”

“You should guess by now that I left my parents. I know how you feel and if you love them you will regret to leave them behind but if you chose to stay it must be because living like a mortal is what you want from the bottom of your heart. If you stay here for them there will be a day when their souls are sent to reincarnate and you´ll have to part ways anyway and even if you don´t tell them they will leave this world knowing that they hold you back and it won´t make them happy”


Jaime and Tong Bo Yue didn´t say anything for a long time until Tong Bo Yue took out a tequila bottle and two glasses from her interspatial ring and gave one of the glasses to Jaime

“Do you always bring alcoholic beverage with you?” Jaime was amazed

Tong Bo Yue filled her glass with tequila and took a gulp “the space in this ring” she said waving her right hand “is bigger than you can imagine and I guess if you asked me to take out 100 things from it I would at least take out 80 of them”

Jaime looked at simple ring with shinning eyes “can I have one?” He knew it was pointless to ask but he still had to do it

“Of course” Tong Bo Yue said as she filled Jaime´s glass with tequila and took another gulp from her own “but you have to drink more than me”

Jaime didn´t know whether to laugh or cry. He had never been good drinking and even if the power of his cultivation base would make all the drinkers envious there was no way he could be a match worthy of Tong Bo Yue whose cultivation base was unfathomable to him not to mention she had been drinking since she was 12

They didn´t talk anymore and silently drank until there were 4 empty bottles in front of them. Tong Bo Yue slowly stood up while circulating her cultivation base and only when she knew she was in her peak condition did she say “I was emotional and wanted to drink but you need fighting experience” she looked seriously at the red-faced Jaime “Don´t stay there like an idiot, circulate your cultivation base and move your ass… Didn´t you want to save people?”

Jaime really like to save people and didn´t dare to disobey her teacher so he quickly used the power of his cultivation base to get ready to fight and followed Tong Bo Yue

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