《The secrets of the cores》Chapter 9. Hail to the king!


[Evolution completed.]

[New race has been implemented into the system]

[All skills levelled up by one]

[All followers levelled up]

[Due to unorthodox evolution the user’s name has been lost]

[The birth of the [Feaster King] is complete]

I came back to my senses.

I felt refreshed like I was taking a nap.

I even remembered dreaming about a beach, where I talked with someone. The details are fussy.

‘Damn, I feel great! I should raid more dungeons in the - ?’

The place I was right now was completely different from before. It was something that looked like a throne room, from the Demon Lord’s castle. Everything was coloured black except for the red rug that leads from the gate to me.

I was sitting on a thrown made out of black rock or something, which was set on an elevated platform.

“Where the hell am I? Is there someone here?”

Nothing. I was alone.

‘What happened? I remember eating the mana core and then- I don’t remember.'

I tried to stand up, but I was started by the height and felt on my knees.

“Did I grow?”

Now that I looked at it my hands, where different. They were elongated and bony, with gold rings with each on them.

“What happened to me?”

I touched my face. Since I fixed my face, I was bold, without any hair, and yet now I could feel something on the top of my head.

“This doesn’t make any sense... [Status]!”


Name: None

Race: Feaster King (∆€¥¢^£π)

Class: S

Job: Dungeon Master

Level: 1

HP: 1000/1000


Str: 300


Skills: [Languages comprehension] [Basic Appraisal; Lv:4] [ Mapping; Lv:6] [Overload; Lv: MAX] [Human Anatomy; Lv:4] [Intimidation; Lv:2] [Slave Link; slaves:843] [Void Magic; Lv:7] [Body Reconstruction] [Citizens:1]

Passive Skills: [Night Vision] [Corrupted Knowledge] [Mana Consumptions] [Starvation Berserk] [Uni-core being]

Unique-Skills: [Ultra-Surgery]

Titles: [Reincarnated] [The one who saw the truth] [Race creator] [Monster Maker] [Memory Eater] [Paranoid Maniac] [First King]


If i had water in my mouth I would spit it out with the force of a canon.

“How did I get so strong?!”


[You went through an evolution, resulting in sewer physical changes.]

[Temporary discomfort or muscle pains are normal.]

“Evolution? Like in Pokémon?”

Yes, I know that I don’t remember much of my old life, but one thing I know: Mimikyu is the best and I don’t care what others say!


[When an organism with a mind reach its level cap, causing it to evolve exponentially.]

[This rule also applies to skills.]

‘So now I’m a king?’

“WW show me my race description and my new skills!”

The panel appeared before me showing everything I need.


Race description:

The king of all Feasters. Being the oldest and wisest it has wast knowledge and power. Unlike the others, this monster poses the power to create other of its race without turning them into ghouls.

When faced with this being, all adventurers under golden rank must flee on sight.

Danger Level: S

Racial skills:

[Citizen]: all kings need citizens. When they become one they will be unable to lie or betray you.

[Uni-Core Being]: beings with this skill has only one core.

[First King]: The first blood of the great lineage of kings. Grants increased charisma and leadership.

Reward for killing it: not yet set.


'Oh, not bad, so I became the ruler of a race while I was sleeping. No pressure!’

“I need a mirror!”


I got up from the floor and went to the door. It opened silently before I could touch it. It showed me a row of stairs that lead up, probably to the level above this one.

“My mortal enemy…”

I went back to the throne and threw myself into it.

“Now that I think about it, where dis that dungeon core go?”


[Due to unique circumstances, the previous core was reformed into [Unnamed Entity]]

[Do you wish to be transported to its location?]

‘Reformed? What, is it catholic now?’


My surrounding changed, making me find myself in an underground of some sort. The place was illuminated by flight elites from the surrounding flowers.

In front of me, there was a big oak tree, with as a bone, with leaves as red as blood. In closer inspection, I could see small fruits hanging from the brakes.

When I got up from my throne (that came with me for some reason) one of the fruits fell on the ground before me. I slowly picked it up, slowly examining it.

It was an apple of some sort, yet it was completely white. It was pulsing in my hand, like a small heart.

After a moment of hesitation, I took a bite.

[[Overload] activated]

[10 EXP received]

Wow, this thing is filled with mana to the brim!

“I can use these…”

[Do you wish to name this?]

“… Eve's Apple.”

[… Name set as [Eve’s Apple]]

[Consecutively source been named [Eve's Tree]]


From one of the corners of the room a door opened and a person wearing a white robe entered.

I couldn’t recognize him yet; I didn’t feel any hostility from him.

‘Do I know him?’

The figure stopped in front of me and kneeled down.

“Oh, my king it is such a joy form to see you awake!”


“Excuse me, but do I know you?”

“How cruel! To think that you would forget about me!”

The person made a pirouette at the same time he studs up.

“My name is Jeff, your first son!”

“My son? Are you the mage that I transformed at the bandit village camp?”

“So, you do know me! I’m so glad! ~”

He made another pirouette, smiling like an idiot.

“Yeah… tell me what happened while I was 'sleeping'.”

Hearing my order, he stopped playing the idiot and became serious.

“Yes, I also woke up a week ago. When it happened new information and orders pure into my head. One of them was to protect your Majesty and reinforce your domain. I used the ghouls to gather materials for you on the surface. Do you wish to see them?”

“Yes, that would be great. Wait you said week. How long have I been out?”

“A month. Give or take 10 days.”

‘A month?! It takes this much time to evolve?!’

He turned around and started to walk in front of me.

The door he came in, lead us in a waste cave system. It didn’t have any lighting, yet I could see perfectly, capable to distinguish the smallest details of my surroundings.

“How where you able to commend the ghouls? I believed I was the only one.”

“I received the skill [Inferior Comend]. It allows me to give orders to them, most of them. That rabbit was the worst, it kept on biting me.”

“I can believe that…”

We reached another door. This one was made out of metal or something around those lines.


“When did you build all this?”

“I believed that it was you my Lord who made it.”

We entered the place and what was in front of me… put a smile on my face.

“It wasn’t easy to capture them. We lost 12 goblins and 7 ghouls. The damaged were minimal on the structure of the dungeon. What will you do about them, if I may ask?”

“…You could say that I will settle a debt. But first, we need something. Send out the fastest ghouls, make them bring back any living being they find. If they can’t bring it back alive then make sure that the bodies are in a usable state. We will be really busy.”

“As you wish. But… May I ask you to follow me somewhere.”

He escorted me to the floor above us.

When we reached the top of the stairs, I was taken aback by the number of monsters in front of me. There were some that I made, some that popped out from the dungeon and some that seem to be totally new.

“We have been preparing for your away. Our numbers are exactly 834. We swear fidelity to our lord and king. Please, give us your orders! “

Everyone kneeled at the same time even Jeff.

‘Orders? What orders?! I’m getting nervous! Ok, calm down say something that sounds like that comes from a king!’

“… My subject, I’m finally awake. Starting today we will have a lot of work to do so prove to me that you are all able to please me! Now listen to me!”


(Royal Palace, 8 days later.)

“So, our kingdom, demand that your Majesty and your people swear loyalty to our empire.”

‘He finally shut up!’

The man sent by the holy Empire kept on talking about there imaginary superiority and the thing they ask so that his country be Spears by them.

‘If only they knew.’

Their country had an army of 5000 people, with 400 elite knights and if things descendants of the previous heroes who he controlled, like puppets with false promises. Even if things turned bad, his ‘Friends’ would also help behind the curtain.

‘A mear army of 8000 won’t make us afraid.’

“My King, they returned!”

“Finally, I started to worry. Bring him in I!”

“Yes, your Majesty!”

The King smiled and turned to his wife.

She was once the most beautiful women in the kingdom. Even after many years and 4 children, she kept her beauty, still making the head of people turn around when she walked past them.

“I told you that he will come back. Our son is too strong to be killed by a mere beast!”

“Yes, you were right my dear.”

The prince walked in. His equipment was in horrible condition, full of dents and broken parts, that told the tale of the fight he had. His face was also full of scars and was very white, like a corpse.

Yet the king didn’t see anything in his happiness.

“Well come back, my son! I’m happy to see that you have returned after so much time. Tell me how was your hunt? Why aren’t your men here?”

Hearing the questions of his father, the young prince looked at him his eyes clouded.

“W-We went to the forest as you ordered. At first, everything was fine, the monsters left us alone thanks to the artefacts we bought with us. Then when we… then we…”

The prince looked confused, he started to scratch his head violently trying to remember something.

“Are you alright my son? You can tell us what happened later when you are well-rested and-“

Not hearing his fathers words, the prince scratched his head more and started to speak more loudly.

“Then we reached the center and everybody felt weak, the sorcerers even passed out, making us retreat. But t-they came. They t-took us and imprisoned us. Day after day my man felt I’ll and became… and became-”

“But you escaped and we will make sure that we will make them pay for what they have done!”

“…No father. I didn’t escape.”


The king and his court were stunned by the story of the young prince.

“H-He came. He freed me and sent me here. With a message.”

“…What message?”

The prince took off his left gauntlet, revealing what was inside. When his surroundings saw the arm, they cried out from disgust and fear

“This is a dream, right? A nightmare!”

Even his beloved father was in shock.

The prince's arm was swollen red, with black wins coursing through it. It only had three fingers on it and a disgusting mouth. As it felt the contact of the fresh air the mouth started to speak, with a voice that resembled nails on a chalkboard.

“Dear King, what a joy is to me to finally talk to you! Sady what you are hearing is only a recording so please don’t interrupt me. –“

‘This voice I recognize it.’ the king thought.

“-Your Majesty may call me the Burned King. I’m sending your son out like this to warn you! Do not enter my forest! If I see even one soldier in my territory then…well, let’s just say what I did to your son was a beauty spa in comparison. I will send a messenger with an official contract that will contain the deal for giving me rule over the forest. Also, this messenger will have the antidote that can remake your son to its original form, so please be smart.”

When the monster was done talking it shout up tightly, mostly completely disappearing.

The court was also silent, afraid of the thing that became the prince. The one who had such a bright future, the one who had the chance to rule this land, the one who might have been the greatest man of this area. Now the only thing left of him was a monster with a talking hand.

“…Bring…my sone to his room. Send him the best doctor in the town to look at him.”

One of the guards noted and took the prince away.

“General Heldar, resemble as many soldiers you are capable and send them out in the forest. If this self-proclaimed king believes that we will do nothing after what he did to my son, then he is as foolish as arrogant!”

“B-But my king, what about the prince?”

“We will make that charlatan heal him once we capture him! I won’t tolerate anyone insubordination! Now everyone, get out my sight!”

The throne hall was soon completely empty only leaving the king with his boiling anger. Even his wife run away from him, afraid from his anger and worked for his first-born son.

“I know you’re here, show yourself at once!”

From the shadows, a tall man appeared wearing a mask without any holes or decoration.

“You asked for me, your majesty. ~ “

“you lied to me! You said that you will protect us! Yet my son became a monster! Our contract is terminated!”

The atmosphere around the masked figure changed to a crushing pressure.

“… You do realize what that’s mean? If you cut the contract now, we will take everything that we gave you. Whit interest.”

what he king could not say anything, to that, just glared at him in anger.

“Don’t worry, we will look after what happened and fix it. Think about it as compensation for this accident. Rest assured we will make the one pay dared do that to your son. ~’

The figure disappears into the shadows like it was an illusion


(Inside the Dungeon)


I was sitting at my throne, looking at the report that Jeff made. I change my clothing since I woke up and now, I was wearing a black robe with exotic patterns on it. I also found a mirror, discovering that my face didn’t change at all, only to small horns popped out on the top of my head. My body on the hand has grown, making me talker and more muscular.

Also, I had hair! I was not bald anymore. Of only I could fix the ode, dark purple colour of it, then I would be a happy man!

While I was working, I didn’t leave the dungeon. I didn’t have to, I had servants to do my bidding and I was sufficiently busy with the prey they bought.

The increase of my subjects by kidnapping the residence of the forest was a good idea. By capturing new species, I was able to learn more about the different type of anatomies t this works could offer. The prince talking arm was also such thing. At first, it was some kind of worm that imitated the surrounding noises. I only needed to implant a message into its mind core and it was ready. The arm thing was only payback for before. If they decide to sign the contract and give me this land, extracting the bug is an easy task. Of Course, I made sure that I was the only one that can remove it without any side effects.

We hosted the I turned ones in the cages, where we leave them for a week. The dungeon and the surrounding territory lingers in a special kind of mana that seems to incapacitate beings that are susceptible to it.

When they are weakened to the point that they can’t fight I bring them to one of the newest chambers that I made.

If it was an animal then I transformed into an animal type ghoul or a Chimaera and ended it up to one of the upper floors.

If it was human then I brought them to a special place that I called “The Nest”. Here we stored the cocoonified humans that we’re able to survive the process and didn’t turn into ghouls.

By the way, turns out that ghouls can also evolve. My rabbit also created a cocoon around itself and laid torment for a while. I hope it will not become something too horrifying.

Currently, we held 21 humans that are in cocoons. If my guess is correct then they will stay in this state till a month.

“With this, I can finally start sending them in to the city or the villages I only need to find a way to not turn them into ghouls."

Since I evolved, I’m able to turn every human into a Feaster without a problem. Jeff, on the other hand, can turn people into ghouls with his blood as a medium for his mana.

When I found this out, I started to work on a portable method to make Feasters. Up until now, the only thing I managed to make was a black serious that could be diluted in water and drunk by any living thing it would transform into a ghoul. Sadly, my goal wasn’t to make a fantasy world style Racoon City, so I put it into storage for a rainy day.

“This is taking forever! Why can’t there be a mad scientist nearby when I need one?”

“What about a goddess?”

In the middle of the hall a woman, dressed in revelling cloth appeared from thin air. She was beautiful her skin was snow white with crimson eyes. The contour of her body could be described by one word: perfect. And yet-

“Who are you?”

Nothing. I felt nothing looking at her. Maybe because I was no longer human or that I was a screwed-up person remains a mystery.

“How rude. I took so much time for me to come here. You do realize that this place is toxic right?”

‘Toxic? I know that it weakens them but to be toxic is a little bit a stretch.’

“My name is Pandora, the goddess of curiosity and knowledge. Also, the mother of some monsters routing the planet. Technical you are my subordinate.’

‘A goddess? What is she doing here?’

“Excuse my rudeness but I don’t remember popping out of you. Could you tell me why I’m your subordinate?”

She smiled me, revealing her sharp teeth, that ruined her image in my eyes.

“You have the honour to talk to a god and yet you don’t kneel before me? That’s arrogance. ~”

‘You are talking to me like that, and I’m arrogant? Well, she is a goddess so I should hear her out.’

I got off my throne and kneeled down before her.

“That’s better. Now listen, the other gods aren’t happy about you appearing and doing whatever you want. So, I came down to supervise you.”

“So that’s means?”

“It means that I’m staying!”

‘Oh, f**k me!’

I couldn’t speak for a whole minute from the shock.

‘A goddess living here?! Yeah, troublesome!'

“If I may, this place is not equipped to be able to lodge someone at your status. If you may reconsider your decision-

“Believe me I don’t doing it for pleasure. I was ordered here by the Creator so I’m staying. But I can make my stay worthwhile.”

She touched my chin and raised my head to look into her eyes, that where refer then blood and deeper than the night.

“You were looking for a way to turn yourself immortal, right? This is why you are in this state. But don’t work I can make your wish come true.”

“- And what you might ask for me in exchange?”

“Nothing much, only a little chaos.”

“-I’m listening.”

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