《The secrets of the cores》Chapter7. Army


We finally arrived! It took us more time than I have expected, but I made it! The GPS inside my had started to beep like crazy. The Cursed Dungeon.

I was waiting for something like a dark castle or some lava. Yet it was only a cave that leads to darkness.

I was seriously disappointed.

[Do you really want us to go down there? We can gather food easily now.]

“The food is not a problem. What I need right now is a safe place where I can get stronger and experiment.”

[...And that safe place is a dungeon, filled with monsters?]

“...Yes. They are basically free materials. Ugly n.1, Ugly n.2 go down and clean up the monsters."

The two corpses stepped forward and entered the cave.

Mh? What? Did you really want such a precious resource? Fools! I want to create more of my race, which is human-based. Of course, I will use human corpses, especially fresh ones! I’m not stupid!

Well, I used some of them... The others where... uhm consumed.

To more precise things happened and... slight, I need a flashback!


(After defeating the bandits.)

“Let’s go. We still have a long way to go.”

[Will you leave them like this?]

“Oh yeah, I forgot. Ehhh, we should loot them?”

[I was talking about the bodies, knowing your personality, but sure.]

We took everything useful and made to groups.

The first, one where the still-living ones. They were unconscious or moaning in pain, completely defenceless against anything. Hehe, the perfect white mice!

First thing first I tried the same thing with them as with the rabbits.

The results were the same. One turned into a golem, one a familiar and one into a ghoul.

The ghoul showed the most physical changes. The body became thinner, the skin became ash white. The facial features disappeared, leaving only something that looked like a skull with a thin layer of skin stretched on it.

The teeth and nails have elongated and sharpened, while the eyes became foggy.

“Do you understand me?”

Nothing only grumblings.

‘I see, the intelligence of the subject must be affected by the transformation. I need to keep experimenting on the… hey!’

My newly made ghoul jumped on one of the survivors and started to eat it alive.

“Holy…I’m going to be sick...”

I didn’t. At that point, I believe I lost the ability to get sick.

I continued my experiments until all living subject we’re turned or killed. I created 3 ghouls, in addition, the others turned into lumps of flesh. Changing the amount of mana create a different type of phenomenon on each individual that I can only describe as ‘Mana Rejection'.

‘The mana from me seems to corrode them, turning them into ghouls. I need to study this ore.’

I found a notebook in one of the bandit’s bags. It contained all the information I needed, the location of the bass, the number of people killed and even where are the hidden treasure.

Yep, yep this is perfect.

Now that I thought about it, I needed equipment like weapons and armours. Diving into a dungeon was in itself a life-threatening thing even with proper equipment. I can’t believe I almost went there unprepared!

[Map been updated]

[[Mapping] reached LV:2]

‘Neat. Now then onto the new thing.’

Working with humans is so fun. I’m starting to understand why they are hunted by monsters. They are literal sacks of EXP bad mana, ready to open up.

Take their memory core for example. The knowledge stored inside of one of them can’t be even compared to anything that I have ever eaten. It was a scout who was good at hiding and opening locks. When I absorbed everything I was able to imitate him to the point of perfection, Still, I didn’t get the skill which was annoying.


With this discovery, I decided! I will eat every memory core!

Bone appetite!


[Title received: [Memory Eater]]

I’m full!

Not only did my map went up to LV:5, but now I had a detailed dictionary of skills and combat technics in my head.

Sword technique? Have it.

Lock picking? Have it.

Various killing and stealing techniques that can make me rich? Have it.

The guts to use them? Totally have it!

I believe that I have done things that can be considered inhuman and heretical in so many different ways. What is some minor crime compared to it?

The next thing was getting a new body. Luckily there was a wide variety of donors.

Let me tell you again how I look right now. My left arm and everything down there was green. The great was red and burned completely. My back was covered by a white sure that was tainted by blood and other liquids from my experiences.

I needed it. I don’t care what others thought I needed it!

Getting rid of a limb was surprisingly easy. I just thought which part I wanted to get rid of and then poof, the next thing I knew was that I was on the ground without legs and with one arm. Then my threads dragged me to a nearby corps and the magic started to happen. I couldn’t and didn’t want to describe it.

When I was done, I had a shining new body. All muscles and nervous systems where functional and my mana capacities didn’t get damaged.

‘Seriously, what the hell is this ability! It’s so overpowered!’

Then the follow up was the face.

I skinned one of them and put it on my head. The threads worked fast, it quickly fused with me leaving not even a mark while keeping my facial features.

‘Nice! Back to normal!’

[What are we going to do about the rest?]

Foxy glided up on my arm and retook its position.

“Hmmm… I don’t care. They can eat them if they want. We have bigger fish to fry.”


(Bandit camp)

It was quick and smooth.

The ghouls killed the guards and then they attacked the rest. Who survived the attack I transformed them into, adding more reinforcement to our group.

Shortly, my subordinates number doubled. I also made some golems from the dead. Unlike the ghouls, who could only fight with their claws and fangs, they could use weapons making them handier.

The bandits, whit their equipment and poorly organized tactics stud no chance.

I entered the buildings during the commotions, looking for anything that can be useful.

“They have surprisingly a lot of money. I guess taking it from them won’t bother anyone.’

During my search, I found some really interesting things. Like a white coat that was decorated with 3 black lines in the back. I didn’t know why but it attracted me so I decided to keep it.

When I left the house, it was already finished. I lost some of my ghouls but the incapacitated bandits were more numerous.

“Well then, time to make mo-“


The corner of my eyes an explosion blasted into pieces some of my ghouls.

From the debris, the silhouette of a man appeared holding a strange staff.

“Don’t come any closer! I will not die by the hands of such a foul beast!”

‘A survivor? And he can use magic? This is problematic.’

“Hey, you over there! Are you the one controlling these monsters?!” I

“Hmm, are you talking to me?”

“Do you see anyone else?! What have you done?! Are you with the King?!”


“The King…”

Hearing these words rage have erupted inside of me like fire, that devours reason.

“…Let me tell you something. I’m not working for anybody. You on the other hand…”

Two ghouls sneeze behind him and threw themselves in the ground pinning him down.

“…will work for me now. Don’t kill him I need him alive. Make sure he stays silent though, we don’t need any more explosions.”

“Hmmm Hmmm!”

He tried to say something, but the cloth that the ghouls put Inside of his mouth kept him silent.

“Stay still, I don’t wish to harm you. Well, at least not kill you. You see, I have been experimenting. I made this thing out of the idiots who attacked. They are strong and fast but in intelligence, they are no better than a dog.”

I kneeled before him and grabbed his head so that he could look into my eyes.

“You, on the other hand, can use magic. I really hope that that gives you a better chance than these idiots.”

“Hmmm Hmmmmm!”


And that happened.

The magician didn’t turn into a ghoul. Instead, he fell into a comatose state. Where I touched him raches appeared, coursing through his body. I saw them as signs of progress. My own transformation was also something like that so I didn’t worry too much.

We took a carriage from the campsite loaded with some rations and treasures and left the place. I transformed everyone into ghouls or golems making our numbers skyrocket.

It also placed a great burden on my body. The golems needed mana from me to function. They suck out a quantity equivalent to the action they took, meaning fighting took more than walking. I posted forward as meat shields. The carriage was drawn by some of them while the ghouls were behind us.

An hour later the two golems returned signalling us that the path was cleared.

This time, everybody descended, prepared for an ambush.

The inside of the dungeon was surprisingly clean and well lit with torches. The passageway was wide enough for the carriage to pass. It was a great bet to bring it with us since we can’t turn around with it and if there is a trap then the whole thing gets stuck. Well, we can’t leave the object behind since we don’t know if they get stolen by someone, so there was no helping it.

Thanks to the clean up the passage were safe, here and there I could see corpses of monsters, felt victims of my golems. The ghouls collected the cores and brought them to me, in return I let them eat.

These stones were different than usual.

First, there was no mind core. Each one only had a mana core nothing else.

The second was that there was some sort of humming emitted from them. They hummed in a union like they were singing. It was quite mysterious.

‘Could it be…’


To my comment, everybody stopped.

[What is it, my Master?]

“I need to check something.”

I jumped off the carriage and pressed my hand on the floor.

“I see…”

Under our foot, there was a flow of mana. It was like a vein, pulsing the Sam way as the cores.

“I see. This must be how the dungeon controls the monsters. It gave orders by the humming of the mana. Wait, if this mana then…”

I sent down by threads and tried to absorbed a little.

Yep, I could eat it.

'Then could I…’

“Everyone, guard me till I’m done!”

I started to absorb and pump mana into the vein. The process was long and energy-consuming.

The dungeon showed some resistance. First, it tried to cut off the mana supply by closing up the vein. To counter it I sent my threads deeper, sucking out the mana where it couldn’t close it.

Then it sent a wave of monsters at us. They came from every corner of this floor, enraged by what I was doing. My soldiers defended me, shredding them into small pieces.

‘Come on, come on, I don’t have all day!’


[1st floor was corrupted.]

[1st floor has been detached from the dungeons the main system]

[Steven Selvon have been set as 1st floor's master]

[Job have been changed to [Dungeon Master](Partial)]

‘About damn time.’

After the announcement, the waves stopped. The remaining monsters all felt on the ground, motionless. They were still breathing and yet they looked like puppets without strings.

“Let’s see what can I do with these guys.”

I reconnected with the veins and started to move the mana under it, trying to imitate the pulsing.

After a while, the fallen monsters started to move. Their skin became grey and there fangs elongated. They were at my commend.

“Well then, shall we continue?”


Name: Thomas Svelvon

Race: Mana Feaster (Unique monster) (∆€¥¢^£π)

Class: B

Job: Dungeon Master (Partial)

Level: 23



Str: 40


Skills: [Languages comprehension] [Basic Appraisal; Lv:3] [ Mapping; Lv:5] [Overload; Lv:2] [Human Anatomy; Lv:3] [Intimidation] [Slave Link; slaves:69] [Void Magic] [Body Reconstruction]

Passive Skills: [Night Vision] [Corrupted Knowledge] [Mana Consumptions] [Starvation Berserk]

Unique-Skills: [Ultra-Surgery]

Titles: [Reincarnated] [The one who saw the truth] [Race creator] [Monster Maker] [Memory Eater]



(Royal palace)

“Did you ask for me, father?”

“Yes, I have a special task for you.”

The king was in his study looking out the city, from his window. His son who just arrived was dressed in full plate armour like he was going to war.

“I received information about monsters behaviour strangely in the forest. They seem to run away from something. Since you were about to go hunting, I want you to investigate and if possible, solve the problem. Return immediately if you find it too difficult to complete this task, we don’t want you to die vainly.”

“Yes, father I will not disappoint you!”

He left the room, slamming the door shut.

“Is this enough?”

“Yes, your majesty~”

From the shadows, a tall figure emerged. He was dressed in a well-tailored suit with a top hat. He wore a white mask, that had no decoration on it. It was a mystery how he was able to see.

His way of speaking was weird. It was like he was singing, it had some kind of rhythm that made people uncomfortable.

“With this our deal is complete. Your kingdom will receive our protection during the war. Just bring us back the artefact. ~"

“Yes, we will keep the end of our bargain.”

“Oh, before I forget! Two of our people will enter your territory in about 8month from now. We don’t want any intervention, if you know what I mean. ~”

“Very well. Just don’t cause any unnecessary ruckus.”

“Hehe, as you wish. ~”

The figure merged with the shadow completely disappearing from sight, only leaving cold air behind.

“… Mary, what have your country become?"

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