《The secrets of the cores》Chapter 5. Wish and new life.


The goblin chief. The strongest being in the entire village, ruling the other members like a king. His exact title was “Hobgoblin King” but because there were no others like him, he was simply called like this. He became the leader when he fought his way down to the 9th level of the cursed dungeon where he evolved and with the weapons, he got from there he took over the village.

Nowadays he lived a quiet life. Well, quiet in goblins standards. He commended the warriors that made this place safe, attacked nearby tribes, killed countless human and stole a great sum of money.

And now he saw something that made his day even better. The Silver Wolf, the king of this forest was dead. His corps laid before his feet, throne to bits only recognisable by some tuff of white pelage.

Will the site made his subordinates shiver, his heart was warmed by the bloody sight.

With the disappearance of this mighty beast, he became one of the strongest creatures in this forest. He lost so much of its people hunting this thing.

The only thing he felt bad I that he couldn’t kill this monster himself.

Being the strongest of the group he rarely faced a strong opponent. Good fight only occurred when facing adventurers.

“Bring everything to the village make sure that nothing is left here.”

The ones behind me groaned and started to work.

He crossed his arms and kept guard. Unlike his subordinates, who were weak and thin, his body was tall and muscular. His dark green skin was covered in numerous cicatrices, from the fights he went through.

‘A being that stronger than this wolf? I hope it will leave my village alone.’

Rustle. Rustle.

Looked at the moving bushes, readying himself for an attack. The only thing that came out was a rabbit that served as easy prey for a nearby goblin when it hopped out.

‘Just my imagination.’

When they finished they left the area leaving behind. They didn’t see the creature that was looking at them inside the dark forest, with a white crystal in his month.


Things started to turn good for him, yesterday they were alle to kill a very juicy pray so right now they are having a banket. They opened up the wine barrels they have stolen from a passing by merchant and made a big campfire, where they roasted different kinds of meats.

“Drink up boys!”

A loud cheer followed its statement. Being a hobgoblin, he was able to talk normally unlike his subordinates who grounded and scored to each other.

‘What a weak bunch!’

It was a shame that he was the only one of his race. If there were more then he could strengthen the village more. He could even conquer the whole forest and became an absolute ruler.


A bone-chilling scream filled the cheerful air. Everybody froze, then picked up their weapons and rushed to the direction of the noise. Everyone except the leader. He knew that there are lots of weak creatures out there that are capable of killing one of its people. Like horned rabbits, they kill goblins every day, while for him, they are only appetisers.



The screens continued on the sound of battle could be heard in the distance.

“What, did someone attacked us?”

The goblin chief got up from his spot and with his trusty axe, he went to the fighting grounds.


What was in front of him, he couldn’t comprehend?

His people surrounded the intruder, weapons in their hands. They were surrounding the enemy that was largely outnumbered. And yet he was in advantage.

The chief didn’t know what that monster in front of him. It was wearing burned cloth, it skinny was red with countless cicatrices. Its head was completely hairless, while its back and left arm were covered in white pelage. In addition, the arm was bigger than its body and had sharp class at its end.

‘What the hell is this thing? A mutated ghoul?!’

One of its subordinates managed to cut the creature. It screamed from the pain and slashed the attacker int small bits. The wound that it caused has already healed.

“No way... this thing can regenerate!”

He stepped forward while doing a diagonal slash with its axe. It was booked by the deformed arm, that was harder than steel.

“Ugh... Fall back! Evacuate the village go!”

Everyone immediately turned away only leaving him and the monster.

“Who are you? What do you want?”



‘Is it trying to find it’s mother? How old is this thing?!

“Ma... Mana!”

With its scream, it pushed me away with tremendous strength. I evaded a punch from his normal-looking right hand and retreated.

From its body, black strings excited that reached out to the hobgoblins fallen comrades.

“You bastard, what are you doing to them!”

“Ma-Mana... Need mana...

From the corpses, white crystals emerged, holder by the things.

“Their white heart? What are you-You bastard!

The light from the cores vanished and the physical condition of the creature have improved. His burned flesh regrow and hire started to appear on its head.

‘It absorbs mana to heal himself. He came here not to loot but to feed.’

“More... More... Need more... Give me more!”

A jet of black string went in my direction. I raised my axe to block it, but they turned away in mid-air and when too the corpses behind me.

‘Does it mean it can only absorb only from the dead?’

He brandished his axe with all his force and shattered one of the nearest cores. It exploded into sand accompanied by a white light.

The creature roared in anger and charged at him. The goblin chief blocked the attack from the giant hand and retreated in direction of his house.

‘I need my equipment. Without them, I’m good as dead.’


He creature went after him, but it was too slow to catch up.

The hobgoblin safely reaches his house and quickly put on his breastplate. There where more equipment, like helmets and whatnot. The only problem was that they needed time to put on and time he didn’t have.

He grabbed his best weapon a red broad sword infused with fire magic, that he got from a chest and keep him alive during his adventure. I

“I counting on you.”

Like it understood him the sword glittered once.


Screams. This time it wasn’t a goblin. It was… human.

“Shit, I forgot about the slaves!”

Yes, goblins use slaves. Usually, they capture them when they attack a nearby human village or capture a travelling party. They are an extremely valuable resource, especially the female ones since the goblins are composed only of males. Breading them between each other is the safest way and one of this village did this. Losing them now… would be devastating.


He rushed to the barn and what he saw made him completely immobile of fear. Everyone was thrown to pieces, the entire place was covered in bits of meat. At the centre of this bloody mess was the creature, covered in the red liquid. The treads were moving in every direction, picking up corpses and white hearts.

“Why? Why, did you do that?!” the chief shouted.

“Parts… Not good not good…”

“You dame sick animal you will pay for what you have done! Red Clash!”

His sword was suddenly in red light and swung it with all its might. The creature defended against it with its left arm. When the two collided, a shock wave swept the entire area, destroying completely of what rested of the barn.

The chief charged again, covering the enemy with a barrage of attacks.

“Crimson Clash!”

When he shouted this word, the blade was covered in a second layer of red aura. Sensing something was wrong, the creature, but it was too late. The weapon touched his arm sending it in red flames.

The creature screamed and ripped off his blazing arm in front of the chief’s eyes.

‘T-Those this thing has no sanity?”

Losing a limb, in this forest was equal do death. With a limb lost the pray can’t run and the hunter can’t hunt. Only a few exceptions existed from this rule. Pulling off an arm… it’s unheard off.

From the monsters wound dozens of threads emerged flying to the bodies and ripping off pieces from them. It only took a few seconds and the creature had a newly constructed arm, made from different parts.

The hobgoblin steered with eyes so wide that they almost popped out.

Suddenly the creature jumped forward, holding in his palms something that looked like a black heart.

This was enough for him he firmly grabbed his weapon and he activated all his offensive skills.

He knew it this, was the final clash. Surviving depended on this strike.

“Red Ox Clash!”

The two attack where both launched at the same time. The hobgoblins magic was stronger and faster than his opponents. But there was 3-second difference. 3 second that made a huge difference.

One of the orbs landed on the hand he was holding his weapon and the other on his abdomen.

There was no pain only a strange sensation of coldness. The weapon felt on the ground with its severed arm. He looked at his wounds. Where the orbs touched him there was nothing. On his abdomen, there was a gabbing hole, where blood was spilling out. Still in shock, he felt on his knees, feeling heavy.

The creature steered at him and then also felt on his knees in front of him. His body was cut into two from his left shoulder till his right side of its tight. Two parts slowly divided, while spraying a fountain of blood.

“I-I won. I won!”

He shouted and razzed his intact hand in joy.

Will he survive from the wound? No. Those that mattered now? No. This was a fight that he was looking for. What those it matters for me if he dies for it?


The head of the monster was still moving, from his mount blood flow out while he spoke.


Allover its body black threads shouted out grabbing the body of the dying hobgoblin.

‘So… This is it.”

His immobile body was slowly being entangled and the last thing he saw was two orbs emerging from the monster’s body, connected to the threads.


Thomas POV:

I don’t remember ever having a hangover. Not in the previous and definitely not in this life. I’m not even sure that I ever drank any alcohol in my live(s)!

In any case, when I got up my cranium hurt like a mother trucker!

‘Not to self: losing consciousness after killing a wolf is not fun!... Where am I anyway?’

My last memories were that I was brutally murdering a big white wolf and then everything went blurry…

‘Wait, first things first, how are my wounds.

I check my body. My skin was strange. It was like a coat made out of different skins. I touched it and felt that three was a great gap between the skin and my muscles.

‘What happened to me?”

I tried to stand up. Then I raised something. My legs were a different colour. They were green and muscular.

“Wh- What is this? Status!”

[Status open]

[Status being updated do to corruption]


Name: Thomas Svelvon

Race: Mana Feaster (Unique monster) (∆€¥¢^£π)

Class: B

Job: Butcher

Level: 10



Str: 25


Skills: [Languages comprehension] [Basic Appraisal; Lv:3] [ Mapping; Lv:5] [Overload; Lv:2] [Human Anatomy; Lv:3] [Intimidation] [Slave Link] [Void Magic] [Body Reconstruction]

Passive Skills: [Night Vision] [Corrupted Knowledge] [Mana Consumptions] [Starvation Berserk]

Unique-Skills: [Ultra-Surgery]

Titles: [Reincarnated] [The one who saw the truth] [Race creator]


“What is happening? How did I this happen?”

[Answer: Due to the user critical state unique skill took over the body, for repair.]

[Side effect caused the user to change rase.]

[Consult the race details for more information.]

“…Show it to me.”

[Warning: Due to the user’s racial change race display will be updated.]

[...Update complete.]


Race description:

Mana Feaster: a unique being that never been seen before. This creature, like the name implies, feast on the mana of its victims, keeping it alive. Similarly, to vampires, this monster has a racial skill, being able replace parts of its body by those of its victim, giving it a variety of shape and size.

When facing this monster be sure to be well equipped.

Danger Level: B

Racial skills:

[Body Reconstruction]: the user can change its body anytime it wants. The size and strength depend on the skill’s and user’s mana capacity

[Mana Consumptions]: The user doesn’t need any physical food anymore. Mana regeneration and cost of magic is halfened.

[Starvation Berserk]: when mana capacity drops below 10% the user goes into a frenzy, slathering everything it sees, too sustain its hunger. During its activation physical states are doubled and intelligence is lowered.

Reward for killing it: not yet set.


I didn’t know how to react to this. Being a monster wasn’t anything new but to change to this point is unexpected. Getting stronger is a good thing don’t get me wrong, but I lost my blessing from Somnus in the process. Those that meant that I don’t need it anymore? Or that I’m not worthy enough for it? I got a bad fealing about this.

At least I could always make myself look human and technically my wish came true.

It said that mana kept me alive. I could always change my body if it gets old. So, I only need food and I’m okay.

‘Yeah about that…’

I left the barn and what I saw was a picture of hell. Bodies everywhere, houses in ruins sings of a fight at every corner.

‘I should probably figure out how should I eat, without…causing a genocide.’

I went to one of the houses that didn’t seem in pieces and looked around. It was the biggest of them all and it was the most decorated one of all. I took some cloth since my old ones wherein a sorry state, as well as some coins, a pouch fool of medical herbs and a dagger. Well, I only took it for my mental safety. I would certainly use my black holes to protect myself from harm.

While I was searching, I was able to study my new body a little more. My legs and my abdomen was coloured dark green. There was a visible line that stretched out from my left shoulder till my right leg.

Further from it, my skin was a little reddish, my lost arm was replaced by a green muscular one. My face was completely ruined, full of cicatrices and burn marks. All my hair was lost except on my back that was covered by the white pelage of the wolf. I tried to pull it off, but it was completely fused to my skin. In addition, my body posture was like of an old man, my back curved making the pelage more revelling. Did I also take the bones of the wolf?

Yep, I reached the point where I can’t even call myself ‘Human-like’!

Before I left, I made sure to bury all the dead. I didn’t feel sorry or anything for them, but I felt that if I left them like that then I would be able to face myself. It took me quite some time and when I was done, I made a short prayer for them. In this world, the god of the underworld accepts every soul that he receives. I don’t know if this true for monsters, but better be safe then sorry. Wait, scratch that, didn’t I died and reincarnated without meeting him? So, they will also go through the process? Ugh, I hope they rebirth will be a better one than mine.

I left the village and decided to go to the coursed dungeon.

‘Why?’ you may ask.

First, I can't stay here. I buried the bodies, but the scent of blood still lingers in the air, it may attract monsters. And there is the possibility that there are survivors who may bring back reinforcements.

And there is the problem of food. Right now I can only absorb mana from the cores of the dead. I searched the bodies and I was able to salvage a couple of ones, still, I need a constant source of energy.

A dungeon filled with monsters doesn’t sound too bad. I can hunt freely there and maybe I could find something there that could…

‘What do I do now?’

I became (technically) an immortal being. I severed (or burned my ties with the church and the humans. I even became something unique.

‘Maybe I should try to reproduce?’

Since I’m the first of my race then isn’t it logical to try and create more of me?

Yes, that’s it I will make sure that my race will survive!

“… How the hell should I do that?!”


Demon realm, the monster council:

In a dark council room several figures where murmuring between each other. They were all glancing at the chair that just popped out from the ground.

“Is that true?”

“Yes, a new one has appeared.”

“How long has it been? 5000? Maybe 6000 years?"

“Who cares?! Let’s meet him!"

“Calm down, old man. We need to find him first. Megalda, if you may?”

One of the shadowy figures stepped forward and started to chant something. Suddenly a light emerged from the empty chair and letters started to dance in the air like fireflies.

“…Mana Feaster?”

“Sounds scary, I like it.”

“Is this some kind of vampire?”

“Don’t look at me!”

the image changed again and a map appeared.

“The new one is in the middle of human territory. Even if you went there it would take you a year to get there.”

“What should we do?”

“Hmph, maybe we should send a representative?”

“Nah, they would be killed instantly! Let send our children!”

“ChIlDrEn? WhY SHoUlD We SeNd HaTcHlInGs?”

“He has a point. Sending young one’s is much cheaper than a representative. We can also test them by this.”




“Then it is decided. Send out one of your children and bring us the new race first member, so that it can join us!”

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