《The secrets of the cores》Chapter 4 The hunt


Celestial realm:

“We are so screwed!”

“Stop whining and help me!”

“What for?! The Talma of fucking Reality has just broke! Do you realize what that’s mean?!”

“Yeah, more work! So, get your ass up and help me!"

The being that was held at by another got up from the shiningly clean floor where he was sitting and went to a rectangular console while trying to hide its golden tears.

“How sever was that breach anyway?”

“Who cares? We are dead! We will be discorporated for a week at least!"

“For the love of %&$#’ stop crying! Look, we will send out someone to check if something happened and then we will act accordingly. Fine?"


“Good! Now let’s see… who is strong but also extremely stupid? Grandel?"

“No, his is a bootlicker, he will certainly talk.”

“Joey then?”

“Joey… yeah, he might do it. We will instruct him on the radio during the whole time, trough.”

“I recommend Cred. He can’t even count.”

The two entities turned toward the unknown, voice. It was a woman around here twenties, with blond hair and blue eyes. Her entire figure was beautiful and with the cloth, she was wearing it even added to the mix.

“Miss Pandora. What a surprise!”

“Well, what can I say, I got homesick and decided to look around. Disappointingly nothing has changed, so I was about to leave when I heard you guys.”

She leaned forward, facing the two entities with a bright smile, revealing her sharp teeth.

“So, what’s the matter boys? Did some soul managed to escape the reincarnation process? Those an another external Devil is trying to attack us?

“N-No it’s that…”

“Yeah, … well someone brek the Talma…”

The smile on Pandora’s face disappeared, replaced by a stunned expression.

“Come again?”

“T-The Talma of Reality… someone brook it.”

“… Did someone attack us?”

The two beings looked at each other.

“…Well not exactly….

“… You see, miss… from inside.

“ Speak up!”

For a second she lost her composure revealing a fragment of her true personality.

“ F-From the inside… it broke from the inside.”

Silence. No one dared to say a word.

“…From the inside? Like someone living in this world actually broke a barrier made by almost all gods in this universe?”

“… Well, if you are put it that way…”

She didn’t listen, she already left the room.

The two entities looked at each other with sweats on their faces.

“…Could have gone worse.”

“…Shut up!”


When I started the day, my states was like this:


Name: Thomas Svelvon

Race: Human(?)

Class: Saint (apprentice)

Level: 5

HP: 15/15


Str: 5


Skills: [Languages comprehension] [Basic Appraisal; Lv:3] [ Mapping; Lv:5] [Overload; Lv:2] [Light Magic; Lv:4] [Basic Healing] [Basic Human Anatomy] [Intimidation]

Unique-Skills: [Ultra-Surgery]

Titles: [Reincarnated] [Blessing of Somnus]


And now it’s like this…


Name: Thomas Svelvon

Race: (∆€¥¢^£π)

Class: Saint (apprentice) (Corrupted)

Level: 1



Str: 10


Skills: [Languages comprehension] [Basic Appraisal; Lv:3] [ Mapping; Lv:5] [Overload; Lv:2] [Human Anatomy; Lv: 3] [Intimidation] [Slave Link] [Void Magic]

Passive Skills: [Night Vision] [Corrupted Knowledge]

Unique-Skills: [Ultra-Surgery]

Titles: [Reincarnated] [Blessing of Somnus] [The one who saw the truth]


‘What is this?! My states have exploded! What is that my race? I’m human okay, 100℅ human! And my [Light magic]? Where did it go?!’


[Do to [Void Magic] other elemental magic have been locked.]


‘Eh? Show me it’s description!’



[Void Magic]: magic that uses the energy that resides between dimensions. When used it has the ability to absorb all magic. It’s power and consumption depend on it’s level as well on the user. Its wilder can’t use any other element.


The f#ck...

‘This magic is such a cheat! I can erase all magic? I became the worst nightmare of all mages! But this is a double-edged sword, not only it erased my only offensive magic, it even blocks the possibility for learning new ones! Still...could be worst.’

The spider stopped at the edge of my desk and looked at me. Even if it wasn’t alive it understands that I was its master.

“Sight, come here.”

The order came automatically, like breathing. The title guy jumped on my lap and crawled on my shoulder.

‘What should I do? Right now, I can’t stay here too long, not with a status like this.’

The discrimination against none human races aren’t as bad here as in other countries, still, there are people who believe that they are far superior to other races. Being a Saint in this kind of situation is extremely risky and there is a big chance that I will be discriminated or even… killed.

Keeping my human appearance is extremely lucky, since its facilities my escape. Having a horn or a tail would be a pain in the ass to hide.

‘Since the king is here, there must he guards stationed around this place in case of an attack. I could wait till he leaves, but the risk of being found out. I could sneak out during night time, but yet again, the environs are probably surveyed…’

I gave up thinking about it and went to bed. The spider I made has grilled up on my wall and made a little best from its thread at a corner of my ceiling.

‘Hehe, what a day!'


After my ‘mutation’ I made extra sure not to grow too much attention. I keep myself far away from everyone and used the biggest weapon a kid at my age could: playing sick. Since I always was earnest and the king was here, they let me rest in my room, while a servant brought my food.

In my free time, I was thinking about a plan to leave, while trying out my new skills.

[Night Vision] and [Corrupted Knowledge] weren’t so surprising. The first one made so that I could see in darkness with my right eye and the second one gave me a headache. Not a regular one, no sir! This was the headache of the headaches, something that left me one the floor for course will giving out sounds and substances that I’m not proud of!

And the [Void Magic]. Well, I don’t really know how I’m supposed to feel about it. When I used it, a black dote started to hover on my palm. I couldn’t shout it out or shape it. When I touched it with my pencil, the part that made contact vanished like somebody took a byte from it. Yeah, this thing was a palm-sized black hole. Maybe in the future, I could use it for something, but with my current level, I only used it for one thing: cleaning evidence.

Since I succeeded, sort of, I need to get rid of the bodies. All I did was create my little black hole and make it absorber the bodies, piece by green gooey piece. I keept the mana cores and absorbed the memories cores to widen up my [Map], before throwing them inside my dimensional dumpster.


My first creation also tried to help, buy cleaning up the floor with an apron, made from its very own silk. I decided to call him August because he was made in that month. Before I started cleaning up, I worked on him a little and now it had all of its legs and at the right size. Will I was operating on him, he didn’t move an inch from the pain. Well, he was technically dead so…

Thanks to the skill [Slave Link] I could see from his eyes and be able to find its current location. Using this, I scouted the exterior of the church.

Turns out I was right, guards were posted around the building, holding diverse weapons that looked really sharp.

‘I need a reason to leave this place my self. Sight, easier said than done, this guys never slowed me to leave…’


(3 days later.)

“A hunt?”


“With the King?”


“In the forest?”


'Bfff... The chance for me to escape have literally offered himself on a silver plate!'

While I was in my room studying none-elemental magic, a servant came with the news. It seems like the king will go to the nearby forest where a great number of monsters are living. Since I can use healing magic I’m a perfect candidate to accompany him.

‘Hehehe, this is perfect! I will run away during the hunt, making sure to look like I was killed or eaten by a monster! It’s so much better than running away since no one will look for a dead man!’

“I understand. Could you tell the head priest that I will gladly join? When will be the hunt happen?

“Tomorrow, when the sun rises. His Majesty ordered me to tell you to bring with you your equipment and anything you might need.”

“Thank you. You may leave.”

The servant bowed and left to its other duties.

“Auguste, come here!”

My Franken-spider (name on pending) let itself fall from the ceiling onto one of my shoulders.

“I going to need a few things. Bring them to me, without anyone seeing you.’

After i told him the list, it jumped straight of my shoulder and exited through the still-open door. '

I went down the kitchen while humming to myself when I accidentally bumped into someone.

“Watch it!”

It was the prince. Like always he looked at me with hateful gasses.

“You? ...So you are still alive? I heard you got sick or something after our fight. What, did you got too scared from my talent?”

‘... Weren’t you the one who lost consciousness?’

“... Yes, I was. I heard the king will go on a hunt tomorrow, will you accompany him?”

“Well of course! I will be there so that we could hunt anything! I guessing you will come to?

Will, he pumped out his chest he glared at me.

“Yes. His Majesty wants me to be there to treat the possible wounded.”

“You?! What can you do? Spite on the wound then bandage it?”

‘He is annoying...'


I small voice started to whisper in my head. It was cold and distant, while somehow it holds a frightening power in its tone.

The prince started to clap his finger before my nose.

“Hey! Are you listening!”

“Ugh... Sorry, i have to go.”

I pressed past myself and hurried to the dining room.

‘What was that? Did i finally go insane?’


[No status abnormality detected.]

[User is currently 90% sane.]

‘That’s good... wait 90%?!’



Everybody was fully equipped and ready to go. We were in total of 20 participant pulse 10 or so carriers, cooks musicians and so on. You can guess, when we went to the city gate, it was a parade, people looked at us from both sides of the streets, cheering for the king. I was on a carriage that transported rations, so I wasn’t really visible, but still felt embarrassed by the people looking in my direction.

‘How can these people support this? I would be red as a tomato in 5 minutes!’

Turns out hunting means killing high tier monsters. Yep, you heard it. I believed we will be going after a deer or a wild boar. I don’t have the suitable equipment, i only wear my brown cape and a leather punch, where I stock some MP and HP potion. My only weapon is a sword that i borrowed from the treasury.

‘I will die if I try to fight.’

Good thing that August was able to bring me all the things on the list.

We exited the city and now we were in the forest. Our group spread out into smaller teams, each with one healer and one carrier. Of course, I was assigned to the king as a healer. His son and himself were in silver full body armour decorated with golden symbols. Their movement where loud and sluggish, not to mention the light reflected on the armours.

‘Isn’t hunting an act that should be done in discretion? Or are they trying to irritate the monsters so that they attack?’

I couldn’t be too far from the truth, a group of goblins attacked us.

‘Small, green, ugly, pointy ears and crowd weapons. Yep this all goblins all right.’

It was strange to see an image so iconic in front of me. There was no fantasy game or novels without these guys. I kinda felt sorry for them, they were terribly thin and their weapons could only be described as bad.

The king only needed one swipe of his sword to get rid of them. One swing and almost a dozen goblin were cut into two with the trees behind them. Around the cut crimson red flames appeared, incinerating the victims into shapeless forms of ash.

‘Holy Moly! This guy is scary!’

He sheltered his weapon; will he have turned to us with a smile on his face.

“May I ask you to collect the magic cores and what left of their horned?”

“Eh...Y-Yes of course... your majesty!”

I quickly dismantled them and I quickly absorbed one of their memory cores.

[Map updated]

A new area appeared in my head, more precisely a big part of the forest and the different locations where this guy went.

[Two major areas detected!]

[Area one: Goblin village]

[Area Two: Cursed Dungeon]

'Hm… that last one didn’t sound very appealing.’

“Ok, sir I’m done. What should I-“


I looked down to my stomach where a spear was pierced in. Around the wound, I could feel the blood leaking out. My mouth had a metallic taste in it, and I got dizzy.

I looked at the one holding the spear.

It was the king. His face was calm and cold, while his eyes were foul of determination.

“I’m sorry.”

He pulled out the weapon that followed by a fountain of blood. I dropped on my knees while looking at my hands, reddened by blood. August, who was hiding in my coat jumped out, its fangs pointed at the face of my enemy, but he was easily cut into two without much resistance.


“Why? Because you are a monster! I had my doubts when you knocked out my son but when I looked at you with my detection item, I became certain."

He raised a pendant which was made to look like an eye, with glass at its centre.

“I don’t know how you get into the church or what you are but know this: this is mercy. If the circumstances where different I would have executed you publically, but this method will keep your honour at least. Be at was, if your mother is human then we won’t harm her. And now-“he raised his open palm in front of me.”-rest in price.”

The next thing I knew was that I was burning. The heat and the pain were unbearable, I tried to roll around, but my body didn’t allow it. I could only endure the pain while my mind faded away.

‘Is this really the end? I will die again, without doing anything. When I finally was able to have results in my research? What a horrible luck.’

I must have passed out because a second later the sky turned dark. The flames have dispersed leaving only smoke behind.

Right now, there was no pain I guess my nerves were burned away. It’s a surprise that my eyes survived.

[User in critical condition]

[Forceful activation of unique skill [Ultra-Surgery]

[Error, missing piece detested.]

I faintly heard a noise not far away from me. I looked in that direction and what I saw was my breaking point.

It was a wolf, the size of a horse. Its pelage was snow with a black line on its back. It was happily eating something. Something that looked like a left arm…

‘Oh, you didn’t! How dare he! I was able to survive a stab wound in my stomach and being burned alive! And now this big beast is here, eating my arm like it was a f#king chicken wing!’

The anger helped me. It gave me a reason to get up. To stand on my feet and fight. My skill has healed me enough so that I could do this but it wasn’t enough.

It looked at me with one of its eyes, then it swallowed my arm whole and let out a satisfied belch. It didn’t seem like it was in a hurry, surely it believed that it could kill me anytime it wanted.

I knew this and it angered me more.

‘I managed to reincarnate even with my soul shattered into tiny pieces, I work tirelessly so that I could have a good life and I managed to give life to August. For what? So that stupid king could take it away from me? Fat a chance! I will live, I will survive this and I will shave my foot into his mouth till he suffocates.’

The wolf leapt forward, his claws bearing at my bare throat. I instantly raised my hand and my familiar black hole appeared, cutting through the monster like butter.

He retreated while letting out a surprised roar. His pawn was completely destroyed, black blood was gushing out from it. I could only smile at the scene before me.

‘Oh, do you like the taste of your own medicine? Don’t worry there will be more.

I took a step forward and the world halted back shaking like a leaf.'

‘You, the king, the church, this country, it’s people, this continent, this entire world! Whoever tries to stop me, I will crush it! Mercy he said? Well, I won’t be merciful when I’m done with him, oh no! I’m done playing the good guy! I will make my plans come true, I will do whatever I want to whoever I want. I will become an immortal, I will never go back to the darkness. I’m going to-

“I’m going to dissect all of you!”

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