《The secrets of the cores》Chapter 1. Darkness


‘??? POV:

Astera a world made by us, existences that don’t have a name so that we can give peace for those souls that couldn’t rest. Without worlds, souls will become unstable, creating phenomenons that might destroy all possible existences. We shed our blood and sweat and, in the end, we created a universe where different races can live together. In the end, our expectation was blown away. At first, the races in this world started to cohabit, live and work together.

Some of us decided to go to create other words and some decided to stay to guide the habitants of this world. The others and I became the pillars that held the world in one place.

It was a marvellous sight, as our children started to create something big from the dirt, we gave them.

Sadly, the peaceful days didn’t last for forever.

Right now, this world, OUR world is filled with magic, beauty and… well, war.

A strange disease invaded us, destroying all of us. The only way to saw our world was to take souls from other worlds that have been strengthened by the transfer, making them veritable heroes to fight for us.

But who knew doing so will make matters worse?


Celestial Realm:

“Who the hell did that?!”

“How in hell should I know! They just appeared from thin air! I already contacted the others but we need to do something!

“Damn it! Why did this must happen right now? Can we stop the transfer?”

“No, but we can slow it down. Give me a sec… Here, done. They will arrive 30 years later than scheduled. …What the actual trick?!

“Now what?!”

“On of them got through! It’s heading straight to the infected zone!”

“Was it a strong one?”

“Eh… no, I don’t think so…”

“Then leave it be! We have like 24 more! Make sure to erase all proof of its existence and keep silent about it!”


If we knew… knew what we have done when we let that soul go. Maybe those tears newer would have felt…


??? POV:

“I’m bored.”

Well, what can I say, I have been stuck in this darkness for a really long time. Here I can’t see, touch, smell or taste shit. At first, I was in a total state of panic, but now…

‘Is this Hell?’

To be honest, I wouldn’t be surprised if it was at this point. Floating in nothingness makes you realise some things.

‘I should have been nicer, more caring. Sight, I just hope I won’t be stuck here for eternity.’

Days, maybe years have passed since I got stuck here. I realize that I started to forget after a time. The face of my parents, my favourite food, my name, they have been completely erased. I can’t even remember how I died if I existed in the first place.

Then, for the first time in a very long time, I saw a light. It only started as a spark then it illuminated everything with white light.

[Alert! Unauthorised soul detected! Commencing deleting protocols!]

‘Hey, wait a sec! Why can I hear a voice of an old man in my head?’

[Answer: I’m [The Words of the World] a being that is in charge of the world now as Astera. You have been sent here to reincarnate, but your soul has some irregularities.]

‘What does that even mean?’

[Answer: It means you are a bad person. You might commit crimes if I let you reincarnate.]

‘So, what, you will fix me?’


[Answer: Impossible, your soul is to distorted to be fixed.]

‘Then what, you will erase me? Without giving me a chance of redemption?’

[Answer: Yes.]


[Process Restarted. The soul will be deleted.]

Hey, calm down! Why, don’t we talk about it? Let me live and I will be in your debt…

[Answer: Refused.]

[Preparations are complete. Soul is deleted.]

I have felt back to the darkness, but this time it looked different. I know it’s stupid, I can’t see anything in darkness but now it seemed… I don’t know deep? Like a rabbit hole? Sight, did I go mad, why do I think about something like this in this type of situation?

And I was back to my nothingness. I thought being deleted will be… I don’t know painful? Maybe a little bit scarier with some voices or images. My expectations were so high?

Well, I pretty used to dark places so I didn’t really panic or anything.


Great, now I have started to imagine someone snoring.


‘Ah, I miss my bed. Maybe I should try to imagine that I’m in it?’


‘For #$%& sake stop snoring!'

“Zzzz…hum? who is here?”

‘What, you can hear me?’

“Yeah… Yawwnn. Damn, I slept for so long! What time is it?”

‘Don’t ask me I completely lost track of time here.’

“Really. You are a soul, right? What are you doing in the void?”

‘Well, it’s a long story. I heard another voice in my head that it said that I will be deleted or something.’

“Interesting. You have been destroyed and yet your consciousness is still in one piece. You do realise you have been deleted for 3 years, right?”

‘Seriously?! It was just a minute ago that I talked to that guy.’

“Well I guess after a time; you must have lost your consciousness. Hearing me sleeping must have triggered you.”

Dude, you really snore that loud?

“I am Somnus by the way, the god of slumber. I was taking a nap in this void when I heard you. I’m surprised that a mortal soul can still exist even grinded to dust.”

‘What can I say, I’m hard to get rid of. So, you are a god, like a god god?'

“Yes, I have born as one and I have unlimited power! Hahaha!

‘Eh, ok. Then why were you taking a nap in this void?’

“… Overwork. I’m the god who makes people sleep, give them dreams and donations. I have to cover a lot of areas, unlike the minor gods who are only specialized in one field. Having power isn’t always fun!”

‘I can imagine. Can I ask you something?’


‘What will happen to me now?’

I can’t forget that I’m currently dust in the void. Will I float in here forever or there is some salvation for me?

“Hmh… I can’t say it for sure, but after a while, your memories will fade away and you will disappear.”

‘Hey, can you bring me back to life or something?’

“Me? Well… I can try but I never did something like this before. Don’t start complaining if I mess it up!”

‘I believe if you mess up something, I couldn’t even complain even if I wanted to.’

“Fair point. Let’s see…

For the first time in a while, I could feel something. It was a warmth that gave me comfort and tranquillity. Yet again I was engulfed in light, but it had a hint of gold sparks in it. When the sparks disappeared, I was in a completely different place. It was a richly decorated room filled antiques, paintings and exquisite furniture. The one which was in front of me was occupied by a jong man wearing a pi jam. He looked really tired with the bags in his eyes.


“Here this should do it. You have a bit of insane luck my, friend. The part of your soul that retrains, your memories were untouched so it was easy to reform you. Before I reincarnate you do you have any wish."

‘For what?’

“Anything! Family, race, wealth you name it.”

‘Eh, a normal family would be okay. I don’t want anything extra.’

“Very well, a normal family coming right up! At least accept this.” a ball of light award in his palms. “This will certainly help you. See you later! I wish you to have a good life and many good dreams.”

After his words, I lost consciousness and I drifted back into the familiar darkness.

[Warning! The deleted soul has been restored. Countermeasures have been set… Error. The system has been overwritten. Starting reincarnation procedure.]


Almost a year has passed since I was reborn and right now I’m crying my lungs out.

“There, there, everything is going to be fine.”

The woman who was holding me was my mother. I didn’t know her name jet so I only called her like this. I never saw my father and my mother really looked really tired from work. My new body was born in a poor family guessing from our modest home. The whole place was the side of a small apartment with only two rooms, one was we slept and the kitchen. Maybe three if we count the attic where the study is.

My new name was Thomas Svelvon, guessing that was my maternal family name two. I have inherited her blond hair and blue eyes, but there was a problem. I think it’s maybe the result of my soul being destroyed but I came out a little… deformed. My right eye was strange, the colour of my iris and the white was swapped and some if my hair above it was whit. It made me scared the first time I saw it. In addition, it at glows at night with a pal light adding to the creepiness factor. Luckily for me, my mother never tokes me out and left me in this house when she went shopping. What a reliable person! I would call the child protective services if this were my old world! Well, I’m a baby right now so there is no helping it.

By the way like every reincarnation story, this world also had levels and status. Reminds me of all those video games I played. Now that I think about it, why can I remember video games and don’t even recall my own death? Existence is a bi##...

Anyhow, this is my states:


Name: Thomas Svelvon

Race: Human(?)

Class: none

Level: 0

HP: 10/10


Str: 3


Skills: none

Unique Skills: [Ultra-Surgery]

Titles: [Reincarnated] [Blessing of Somnus]



[Ultra-Surgery]: a unique skill that grants the ability to perform any surgical operation without any risk. All surgeries have 100% of success rate. Able to heal other than the body.

[Reincarnated]: a title granted to those who maintained their memories when reincarnated. Additional Abilities: None

[Blessing of Somnus]: a title granted to those who were favoured by the god of slumber.

Additional abilities: Locked.


Yeah, I know, I’m weak. I don’t know what is the standard in this world but I’m sure that the baby me wasn’t one of the most powerful beings in this world. Plus, my unique skill is fairly useless in combat. Having a healing ability is helpful don’t get me wrong but I preferred having a power that can do damage instead of removing it. And what is that question mark behind my race? I’m 100℅ human!

‘Or maybe it’s a clue about my previous life? It would be cool if I was a doctor!’

Yeah, the possibility of that is really slim.

I spent my days training my body. I learnt how to crawl when I was 3 months old and walk at 1 year old. My mother, who didn’t seem to have any knowledge of how to raise me didn’t found it weird. She just laughs heartedly and praised me.

I tried to read the language of the books but it was impossible. I couldn’t even recognise the writing, let alone reading it.

‘Seriously, buying a picture book could kill her? I’m bored!’

[Message received from: Somnus]

[Do you wish to open it?]

‘Eh, WW? (Words of the World) long time no see. Still, pissed about me reincarnated?


‘Sight, yes open it.]

[Opening message.]

[Hey, friend,

How’s your new life? I hope it’s comfy. I got back to work and get this! I was sleeping for 1000 years! Can you imagine the things I missed! The Romans have totally disappeared there is a thing called the internet and the others have migrated to this world!

Anyhow, I send this letter to you for apologies because it seems. I made a little mistake in your body creation that may have resulted in unwanted complications in your new-found life.

To make up for it, I have pulled some strings and the local church will help in your raising. Don’t worry they won’t turn you into a cultist or anything… I hope. (-_-‘)

I have also sent you a lite gift that you will receive after you read this little message.

Good luck!


‘Heh, it’s good to see he is having fun.'

[You received a gift from Somnus.]

[Do you wish to open it?]

‘Of course, it’s a gift from a god!’

[Opening present.]

[You received package named [Beginners set]]

[You have received new skill: [Languages comprehension] and [Basic Appraisal] ]

‘Seriously, this guy is great!’

He gave me just what I needed!

My mother wasn’t here so it was the perfect time for me to sneak to the study. Well, I call it study but it’s only a small room which has all the books in the house.

I quickly ran to the nearest booked and tried to read its cover.

’69 ways to make carrots delicious.’

Success! I can read! Hahaha, now I can read all these books….

‘Delicious meals for all the family'; ‘Prodigies’ ‘Making sweets without sugar.’….

‘What the hell?! This are all cooking books!’

I checked everyone that I could reach but they all were the same. The other type of books must be on the higher

‘You have to be friking kidding me! I’m finally able to read and this is what I found out! No fair, I want rebounds!”

I started to cry while throwing away one of the books in my hand. I couldn’t help it I was still a one-year-old kid.

Thump! Squish!

[Target killed]

[5 EXP received]


I looked in the direction of my book I could see that I dropped it on something. I slowly raised it and saw a spider the size of a tarantula under it.

‘Gross! Are all the spiders this big in this world?!’

[Do you wish to appraise it?]

'Eh, ah sure?'

[Teran House spider: a small spider that usually lives in houses. It feeds on mouses and other rodents, making it grow quickly.

Threat level: none existent]

‘Small, it’s written small. ‘

At that place I sward I will sleep with a bug zapper.

‘WW, what is EXP?’

[Answer: EXP means experience points. Every time you kill or complete a mission. When you reach a certain amount, your level will rise.]


[That’s correct. Levels define the overall power of the user. Every time it increases your overall stats also increase.]

‘Oh, it’s like a video game! Cool! But still poor spider I should do something about it… Hm, what is this?’

[Unique skill activated.]

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