《Evil Incarnate》Chapter 10: Let it go!!
Abed was sitting in his study getting informed on the most recent events. In [Zenda] the Lords finally decided amongs to share the land amongst themselves so there were no more troops controlling the borders. Anytime he wished to do so Abed could finally set out to experience the world of [Zenda].
And as for the Situation in [Zendan], the 300 people of Mumbles group had finally finished moving into the village and living amongst the villagers. At first there were some problems like people starting fights or attacking the newcomers and discrimaination but Abed knew how to deal with this bullshit the best way.
He used the surveillance system of the [T1-Golems] he had already set in place to find the troublemakers and imprison them.
Once these disruptive elements were taken care of the rest of the population settled down and accepted the newcomers as part of themesleves.
[Abed how do you feel about this situation? We have had too many cases of robbery and assault against the newcomers!]
„Well they’re mostly being seen as inferior by the people of the [Blood Archipelago] because most of them are being sold and bought here.“
The [Blood Archipelago] was part of a few hundreds of smaller and bigger islands situated between three of the continents in [Zenda].
[Kor], [Gong], [Gada], [Gharib] and [Kar] were surrounding the [Blood Archipelago] and were collectivly called the [Toujar-Union] and the Archipelago was the place to trade for anything inbetween these five continents. A place where everything goes, no rules, no regulations and no knowing when you might be killed by the person next to you.
The other Two powers if you want to call them as such were the [Badjens] which [Zar] where Sirius’s Family lived was part of and the [Nekbakht] a collective of continents who called themselves righteous and just and despised the [Badjens] for being evil and inherently corrupted.
But these two groups only „existed“ when they fought against eachother or when some major events were about to happen otherwise no one gave a fuck about anyone else and the continents didn’t interact much with one another.
[That might be true but still you need to solve this matter.]
„Bend or break. This has always been the rule in any society! Only those who know how to bend their knees when necessary are smart citizens and only those who know how to endure till they break when necessary are meant to be soldiers/warriors. But these little shits are neither warriors nor do I see them as citizens yet so they’re overestimating their own worth! Kill them!“
[In this case you’ll kill 27 people! Of which 8 are part of families by my estimation you’ll end up with around 40 more people who might rebelagainst you. I recommend you find anothe solution instead of killing them.]
„They have to understand that I have zero tolerance for any kind of racism!“
His reign wasn’t a democracy or anything mercifull to put it in concrete terms he was the King, the owner of this World and should these people try to run away. Where could they possibly go seeing how they’re weaker than Abed himself. But he also didn’t want to create unnecessary trouble so he must find the „cleanest method“ to solve this problem.
In most novels you read how they kill thousands and thousand of people but is that the best possible way? What if you let one of them escape you’ll create a posible source of trouble for yourself. Or what if you just kill those who you deem guilty will their families accept it or will they just endure in silence and wait until you forget about them. Waiting in the shadows for you to give them the oppurtunity to attack.
Abed felt the need to be better than those characters he’s from a modern world in which treachery and deception are being non-stop used by the media, by politcians and by companys.
He has seen how people used the most ridiculous lies possible but still got away with it.
The devil had already told Abed how he used [Zendan] as an prison. So a few things were cleared up firstly this world isn’t empty, secondly the only reason this settlement has not been yet attacked is because it is placed in an rather desolate and hidden corner of this world and thirdly the beings in this world must have been imprisoned for a reason in [Zendan] so they are rather formaidable.
Since Abed got the [World Heart] of [Zendan] he felt a connection to this world. As if everything in it was within his direct control if he wished so. Be it the clouds, sun, rain, earthquakes, growth of plants or the lifes of any being in it.
He could feel them and he could kill some of them without any problem but most of them were so strong that Abed was afraid from approaching them. To describe what he was feeling, once he concentrated on the [World Heart] it felt like he was using [cerebro] from the X-men movies.
Abed could make out where these being were located, where their cities and groups. He couldn’t make out what kind of beings they were just based on the feeling he got from their life-energies but he now understood that this world wasn’t empty at all. And most of the beings were many times stronger than him, even stronger than when he was in his [refined Form].
He could try to moving around this world with his [refined Form] but had to stay low key for the moment, he had to built up his strength slowly and carefully.
He didn’t aim to kill all these beings rather he wanted them to submit to him and recruit them as part of his group but would these beings submit to someone who is way weaker than themselves.
They didn’t submit to the devil who gave him [Zendan] and who was strong enough to catch them and throw them into this shithole so why should they submit to him.
But given enough time Abed could think of a solution for this problem but for now he had to focus on sorting out the bad eggs in his village.
„Farina go inform Mumbles that I wish for him to accompany me when I visit the imprisoned people later on!“ Farina hurried towards the door.
„Wait!“ She turned around.
„Yes my Lord?“
„Also ask Mumbles wheather he has tried his hands on the [prostheses] I wanted from him. And get someone to send for Rimrok I have something discuss with him.“
„Will do my Lord!“ and she ran out of the door.
Farina didn’t know wheather to like or hate this new Lord. At first she thought he seemed like a and nice guy because he was polite and well behaved when he eneterd the camp and he even scolded and left that fucker Alfred, pay the price for his little antics.
But a bit later when chief Mumbles send her to accompany him back to Rimrok it became awkward how he checked her out at first from head to toe and at one point she even tried attacking him when he tried to touch her all over. Who the actual fuck does something like that to a girl he barely knows okay the guy is blind but still that is totally inappropriate. But surprisingly enough the blind and crippled guy dodged all her attacks and kept smiling and nodding his head.
She ran out trying to do the task she was given.
Half an hour later Rimrok and Farina knocked on the door and entered.
„My Lord Mr.Rimrok is here!“ Farina said.
„Hello Mr Faust you called for me!“ an old and hoarse voice sounded.
Rimrok didn’t like Sirius at all he’d want nothing more to rip out his other arm and leg just to avenge Lisa and his family. But subconsciously he had already began to fear the blind cripple in front of him.
He thought that at least in a week he might be saved and his family freed by the other Lords or that he might at least get the chance to get away from this crippled slave but the oppurtinity never came or never existed to begin with.
Despite having no one guarding him each time he tried to run away he would end up getting assaulted by an unbearable pain which kept getting stronger the harder he tried to escape and it would only stop once he gave up on the idea of escaping.
He had heard of [Soul Contracts] but those were Items which were created by using high-lvl Items and Magic and not something which a slave could produce, so he didn’t or couldn’t understand how a lowly slave chanced upon a [Soul Contract].
Also he didn’t think they would be so fearsome as to even stop him from insulting this man infront of his eyes in his mind. Eachtime he tried cursing Sirius he’d end up feeling like someone slapped his face.
Long ago he began starting to regret how he stupidly signed such an powerfull contract, everything happened so fast and he couln’t process anything and by the time he began to understand the consequences it was already to late. The contract was signed.
„Rimrok I think you might have a few doubts by now! So I have invited you today to clear them up. Farina can you be a dear and get us all something to drink please.“
„Yes My Lord!“ she went over picked one of the drinks she didn’t know the name of and poured it in the cups for everyone in the room.
„I’ll be honest then why has none of the other lords reacted by now! How did you do it!“
„Haha that is a good point! Unlike what you might believe they did react but to no avail. And as for what I did hehe I’ll tell you don’t worry! It is one of the reasons why I have invited you over today.“
„They did react?“
„Yes they’ve send their troops all the way to where Rimrok castle was placed and they marched and watched the border for nearly two months! It was quite the show and at the end they decided to share up your land and each gobble up a part of it!“
„The visited the castle?“
„No no when did you hear me say they visited the castle! Are you getting slow in you old days!“
„B...but you said...“ he began to think about what words I used.
„I said they’ve come all the way to where Rimrok castle was „placed“ and not they visited Rimrok castle old man you need to think out of the box old man! hehe“ it feels actually quite amusing being able to lead someone by the nose when you’re able to.
„Castle was placed...you mean to say you moved the castle?“ he was quite sceptical.
„Haha now you are nearly getting it! I didn’t move the castle...I moved your Land all of it!“
Rimrok couldn’t process what I was saying and even Farina who was silently nipping and testing the wine and didn’t pay and attention wasn’t able to stop herself from spitting out her wine while laughing.
How can this guy boast about something so unbelievable she had seen more than a few liars over the years but this guy was over the top.
Abed kept smiling it didn’t matter if they’d believe him or not! But if he were able to see at the moment he’d start laughing cause the wine Farina had in her mouth which she spit out while laughing ended up in her cleavage and it was funny how she tried to wipe it once she noticed it.
„You moved the land...you’re lying...How...Where to?“ it is nearly unbelievable for something like that to happen unless you are a Rank 6 or higher Mage and bored as fuck even then it might take at least a day or two. So how could this guy do the same feat Rimrok couldn’t and wouldn’t believe it.
„Well why don’t I show you!“ With a snap of his fingers the three of them were in the place were the castle originally was.
„Welcome to [Zenda] and the place where Rimrok catle at some point in time was!“
Rimrok kept looking around he couldn’t recognise the place at all it was desolate no trees, no grass and no houses or humans only when he finally looked towards the horizon like Mumbles did he recognize the Mountain-range which he was to know.
snap and they were back in Abed’s study.
„You see Mr Rimrok I am a bit special since a while ago!“
Rimrok looked pale like he was thinking about something that he didn’t deem possible! His face spasmed and he looked as if his worst nightmare became reality.
„You’re the devil aren’t you!“
[Seems like this guy is actually quite smart once in a while! haha] Ai’s voice sounded in my ear.
„Well true and not true at the same time! I am not the devil with which you had dealings but the devil has sent me over to your world!“
I’m not forced to hide my identity! And I don’t see a reason why I should do so in [Zendan] this world belongs to me.
„So I have succeded in summoning you?“
„You’re not human?“ Farina grabbed sloly for her sword depending on my next words she might try to attack me!
„Nah, not really! As I have said before the devil has send me over! You didn’t summon shit! Idiot! You’ve failed Rimrok and you killed Sirius and the reason why you and your family ended up like this is becasue Sirius wished for it! Also I’am a human Farina so please chill your damn base!“
Well Sirius’s body is human and unless Abed transforms into his [refined Form] he isn’t lying!
„So you’re human and the devil has send you over!“ Farina asked suspiciously.
„I am and I was a human! In my world I was on the verge of dying so the devilstole my soul and offered me a [Deal] I accepted and I found myself meeting Sirius in one moment and the next I ended up in this crippled body!“
„For what reason are you then so hostile towards me and my family!“ Rimrok began questioning me maybe he was thinking that seeing how I am not the one he has tortured I might forgive him!
„Haha you crippled my body is that not enough reason to hate you? And you are incompeten enough to not even be able to dismantle your own curse! I have more than enough reason to hate you!“
„Why have you exposed yourself to us?“
„That is the first good question so far! Haha“
Abed has been thinking about this decision for quite some time and to be honest there is no right or wrong way when deciding!
If he were to decide on forgetting his last life and start over in this world people might think he is mysterious or they might think he is stupid! People condemn what they don’t understand that is in their nature! So many novel authors keep writing how their main charcter did awesome shit but how can the people around them accept their decisions without further considerations.
But by stating the fact that he was from another world at least to those whom he trusted and those whom he had control over he could depend on their understanding and partial acceptance for his behaviour.
„I am quite the selfish guy! I need people whom I can trust and people who can trust me otherwise I will have to do everything on my own and I am not fond of the idea of doing everything alone while you guys profit from my hard work!“ Abed explained.
„Where is this place?“
„Where is this place?“
They both asked simultaneously!
„This place is a World I own the devil has given me three abilities [Zendan], [Creation] and [Contract].“ they didn’t need to know about the whole extent of his abilities and it is better to be safe than sorry even when you are talking to people you use!
[There is this chinese saying: Don’t use those you mistrust and don’t mistrust those you use!]
„That might sound nice but it is quite stupid! There might be honest and real humans but how many are they? Also would you only use those whom you trust this will make using people quite hard! At the beginning you’ll have to use people you don’t know and don’t understand and trust in contrast is a feeling that has to be build based on somthing be it experience, familiy-ties, contract or gut feeling! I, Abed, am pragmatic by nature! I’ll use any and everybody and only trust those who have signed the [contract]!“
„So this is your World!“ Rimrok said after being quite for some time!
„Yes and you guys are all my guests in here!“
„More like prisoners!“ Farina remarked seems like she’s way better at understanding and dealing with the situation than Rimrok.
„Well Farina you might be right but let me ask you something. weren’t you nothing more than an escaped slave back in [Zenda] here you’re no slave! I have already shown Mumbles that this World is not [Zenda]! In my World you people can live and prosper and this offer is much more than what you’ve gotten so far in you life!“
Farinas body was trembling and her hand which was holding the cup of wine was shaking, she was beginning to understand what this new World might possibly mean for her and her people!
„And Rimrok! Honestly I can’t stand you and your fucking family for what you’ve done to my body! But I am not one to waste anything and a Rank 1 Mage is an rare commodity! So I want you to work for me and in exchange I’ll improve your and your families treatment! You can work on earning my trust and forgiveness and we might leave our bad start behind us! Are you guys willing to submit to me? Farina are you willing to become my first [Bloody knight] and sign the [Contract]?“
„Sir I am willing to work and pledge myself for your cause if you can promise me to heal and treat Lisa better she’s like my own granddaughter.“
„Okay that is something I can do!“ To be honest Abed has grown quite fond of his little fuckdoll by now!
„I am willing to submit and become your first [Blood-knight]!“
[well it isn’t like the poor girl has much of a choice you’ll just throw her out or kill her to silnce her if she didn’t submit!]
„Ai for real don’t be such a kill joy! I like you but man you’re getting more cynical by the day!“
[Hihi I am just imitating you!]
„Well life is bitter and I am old enough to be cynical!“ Abed said gloomily.
„Well my Knight sign the [Contract] and take your gift!“
She silently signed the [Contract] which had appeared out of flames in front her with her blood!
Woosh the contract burned and disappeared into her glabella! in the next second a circle and a bony hand seemingly made out of silver appeared on her palms!
„You get two gifts from me the first one is called [Shadow sword] and the second one is called [Blood dagger]. From now on you won’t need weapons as you can use blood and shadow to create your own weapons at anytime and no one will know even when they try to use [Scanning] abilities on you as no-one knows abbout our [Contract].“
Abed gave her a pair of deadly weapons to be used to slay his enemys.
„Now leave me alone!“ Abed sat alone in his study not saying anything but in front of his eyes information kept being presented on the best possible course of action!
knock knock knock
„Lord Faust Mr Mumbles is here waiting for you o visit the imprisoned inmates.“ Farinas voice sounded from behind the door!
„Let him enter!“
A few seconds later the small green goblin entered the room! I liked this little guy! He does every job exceedingly careful with a fine eye for details.
In the last few days he used the skills I gave him to talk and interact with around a thousand people and find those with hidden talents and skills and put them into positions where they can bloom.
And the reason why I want those 27 people to die is also because they attempted to kill this guy.
The first time was just when he arrived in Rimrok one of the guards used the excuse of defending Rimrok to attack him with an arrow from his bow luckily Mumble survived.
The second attempt was yesterday in the tavern where he was talking with the owner of the tavern about how his son is really talented in accounting and how the new lord would appreciate if his son were to work for the lord.
But a few customer who hated non-human beingstried to attack and kill him luckily [Feel] gave him a sixth-sense like feeling which he used to escape and so he survived once more although he had a few cuts and bruises!
„Greeting My Lord!“ He seemed quite happy whily carrying a box at least twice his size with much hardship into the study!
„Hello Mumbles! I see you’ve got something for me.“
„Yes my Lord after I visited the treasury I found quite a few unique kind of ores and I used them to finish the six pieces of [Prostheses]. Yours My Lord were a bit more tricky to make and a lot more fun. And I also finished those for Madame Lisa although none of my creations are magical they’re exquisitely made with joints and gravures!“
With quite a bit of difficulty he finally achieved sitting into the chair which were made for humans but his small stature made it hard for him to climb them up.
He placed the six pieces on the table infront of me! I picked those who were made for my uses and looked them up and down the weight wasn’t much more than my wood-version quite light but in contrast he had made tham have jounts and it also didn’t feel as though they were hollow like my metal-version.
I had Ai scan them and seewhat she thinks about them.
[All of these prostheses can endure your Radiation and enrgy furthermore they’re able to merge with your body although you won’t be able to sense through them unless you use [Create] on them you can still get the ability to move around more flexible.]
I used [Create] on all six of the prostheses and used upgrade on my own pair afterward I cut my palm open and dripped my bllod on the ones I’ll be using from now on!
And once I put them on I felt so much pain as if my limbs were being cut of.
„Oh my dear fucking god Mumbles why the hell does it hurt so much?? You fucking son of a bitch what did you create?“
„Ahh Sir I didn’t do anything but it is quite fascinating!“ He jumped down from the chair on which he sat with mich difficulty and ran around the desk.
„Intresting. Really interesting! Sir it seems like somehow your ability and my creation have achieved what no one might think possible.“
„What? ngh“ I bit my teeth together trying not to show the pain on my face!
„Living metal! The metal has or is slowly taking on the structure of living cells and this might be the reason why you are feeling so much pain at the moment but once this process is finished your left arm and right leg will be much better than before! even I don’t know what will be the endproduct!“
„Mad asshole I am feeling as if someone is pulling my nails out once at a time and this guy is going nuts over what he is seeing!“ Abed kept cursing in his mind.
„Leave the prosthese here and go we will go to the Inmates tomorrow!“
„But Sir I wanna stay and watch!“ he said pleadingly whit big puppy eyes.
„Argh...Piss off before I rip you a new asshole!“ I cursed
„Farina get in here and get this idiot away from here and throw him out!“
„But Sir I wanna watch!“ He kept crying while grabbing my metall leg and not letting go which in turn caused me much more pain.
I kept kicking with my other leg but this little asshole just wouldn’t let go.
Farinah arrived and tried pulling him away by grabbing his legs!
„I wanna watch...It is my creation...No one has ever created something like this!!!Let me watch!“
„Let it go!! Mumbles! You’re killing the Lord! You Bastard!“ Farina cursed while she kept pulling at mumbles.
At some point in time Abed passed out with white foam coming from his mouth! That little Asshole didn’t let go till the fucking end!
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