《Evil Incarnate》Chapter 09: [Zenda] and [Zendan]


Chapter 09: [Zenda] and [Zendan]

„Well I could if I wanted to but why should I wish for something like that. I’d much rather accept you into my Dominion as my subjects. You see Mr. Mummbles I am in dire need of talented people of any profession! And in this village you have around 300 people with different professions!“ I stated my intention.

On Earth „racism“ was the main reason for at least half the problems the world faced.

People from europe set out to conquer the world and they achieved what they desired for a short period of time they owned the world.

But what did they „DO“? Nothing! Instead of using the planet to achieve greater heights for the human race they just brought upon the world all the following wars. Well this world isn’t much too different from Earth. People still hate and condemn what doesn’t conform with their sense of normal, beauty or mainstream.

I’m not stupid enough to think that I’ll be able to change what makes up [human nature] but I’ll use it if it helps me and I’ll deal with it if it stands in my way.

Alfred could have been a great pawn depending on the situation if he had worked for my enemy’s he could be a little racist and abuse his powers and by doing so he’d push all the little [Halflings] away. And at that moment I can appear as their saviour by extending my help I’d win their loyality without doing much. There he could rage and be a pain in the ass for all I care but he had to be annoying while working for me. And making my life more difficult and complicated is unforgivable.

„So Mr Faust wants to employ us? Is that why you are here?“ Seems like this guy has a rathe cautious nature.

„Employ you? No I won’t employ you at least not all of you because I can’t pay you but I have something better in mind. Can you feel anything different Mr Mumbles? It has been at least two weeks don’t tell me you have not noticed anything so far.“ let’s see if he gets the hint.

„If you don’t want to employ us what then do you want to offer? And what have I missed to notice?“ Seems like the transfer is rather fluent and can not be noticed by anyone.


„What if I told you you are neither on [Kor] nor in [Zenda] at the moment! What if I offered you and your people a new [World] in which you can be free and the option on taking revenge!“

„Hahahaha I thought nobles didn’t know how to joke around but it seems to me you’re not like most nobles!“

„Haha I knew you wouldn’t believe me!“ my hand flew out grabbing his hand and in the next second we stood in an deserted place where originally a forest should have been.

„Waaaah!“ he stumbled and fell to the ground.

„Welcome back to [Zenda]!“


„This place here is where originally your forest was!“

He kept looking around and finally he started to believe me because near the horizon he could make out the mountain range through which he had to walk when he first came to „Rimrok“ and through wihich he wanted to walk to get back to his home.

„This is really [Zenda]! You didn’t lie!“

„I have no reason for lying to you and now give me you hand.“ I stretched out my hand waiting for him to grab. From a distance it looked like he would accept a deal by the devil. A man on his knees and the other looking down on him waiting for him to accept the lose-lose deal of his life! But did he have any other choice than submitting. He grabbed my hand and the next second we were back in the tent, back in the camp.

„Who’re you! Where is this? What do you want?“

[the little guy is quite flustered.]

„Well that is normal Ai. I fe he were able to keep his cool I’d be worried.“

„Well I am Sirius Faust a noble and this is [Zendan] a world which is owned by me so I decide who can enter and who cannot and it isn’t much too different from [Zenda]. And I want you all to help me make this world into a better place than [Zenda] and once we’ve done that we take revenge on those who have pained us. So what do you say are you willing to kneel and succumb to me!“ by the end my voice wasn’t louder than a whisper but his body kept trembling being over agitated.


Mumbles felt as if life had given him finally the oppurtunity to change all that he felt was wrong. It was hilarious how life played him but at this moment he felt like he finally saw water after a really long journey through a brutal and burning desert.

He looked once more at the young man named Sirius. Mustering his face for the first time and years later he’d recount to his grandchildren about this moment in which he met the only man worth his respect, the only man worth to be admired, the only man who made the world burn for the sake of seeing it burn the man whom all called [The Evil Incarnate].

His short black hair completly unkempt, bandages covering his eyes and beneath them one could make out the scars which covered his face from his forehead to his cheeks. A cripple but not with th air of one rather he gave one the feeling of „hope amidst hopelessness“.

And he bend his knee „willingly“ for the first time in a very long time.

„Mumbles at your services My Lord.“

„If you are willing to serve and submit yourself sign this [contract].“

He didn’t hesitate at all biting his finger and signing the [Contract] which had appeared out of flames in fron of him. After the [Contract] disappeared his palms started burning and after a few second my brand could be seen on both his palms.

A cicrle and a a bony hand both glittering in a silvery light.

„Good from now on you’ll help me build up [Zendan] into a world to my liking! To help you do that I gave you a two abilities namely [Scan] and [Feel].“

„Yes My Lord“

„[Scan] helps you to see peoples talents their strong point and weaknesses the moment you touch them. It also helps you to [Scan] anything els for example your food I don’t want my right hand to die by getting poisoned. And as for [Feel] it helps you sense danger, opportunities and unique people and things.“

„Tank you My Lord. Thank you very much!“

„Good I want you to do a few things for me! Firstly I want you to move to the Village afterwards I want you to collect and compile a list of every occupation that people in my Dominion have at the moment! I want to know how many Smiths, farmers, pharmacists and so on I have at my disposal. Secondly I want you to help me build a few [Prostheses] which have high magic endurance and are easy to maintain and finally are deadly. And thirdly I want you to look around my Dominion and see what kind of recources we have at our disposal which we’re not using at the moment.“

„I’ll start right away my Lord.“

„Oh and seeing how my last stuart which helped me get here is probably dead. Can you recommend me someone new for the job otherwise I can’t get back to tha castle all alone.“

„I will find someone immediately.“ and without wasting time he ran out of the tent starting to shout and issuing commands.

Not much later a young girl around Sirius age came into the tent.

„Hello Sir I am Farina and from now on I am at you service!“

She had two little horns, blue skin and silver hair and her clothing was a dirty and worn out leather armor. After introducing herself she told me she belongs to the [Asura-Race] and OMG I nearly couldn’t stop myself from flipping out.

I have read about this race a lot in wuxia-novels but standing in front one of them is totally different and they’re so damn hot.

„Well nice to meet you Farina!“

„Ai scan her!“

[Beep. Scan complete.

Name: Farinag Ming

Gender: Female

Race: Asura

Strength: 2.4, Agility: 2.5, Vitality: 1.4, Status: Malnourished and easy to provoke.]

A 3D hologram appeared before Sirius’s eyes. It displayed Farina’s body and showed stats on the side. Seems like Ai is learning to compile information better and better. At the beginning she jsut threw me some numbers without rly doing anything to make it easy to understand but now she evn tries to do some 3D Holograms...

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