《Evil Incarnate》Chapter 02: What can I do for you?


Chapter 02: What can I do for you?

„Magical“ the only way to describe this sensation and this space. It feels like there is neither time nor limit to the vastness of space here but contradictoray I can’t move freely. I can only move forward but i can conjure matter seemingle for the purpose of fighting it out with one another.

After moving forward while expermenting with this new abilities for what felt like a thousand years I saw a guy sitting there under an old tree and drinking tea. Blonde hair, blue eyes, well dressed and an arrogant flair aboout him.

As far as I knew I had to either destroy him or devour him so I can take over his body. I had my Ai-chip but I was dumb enough to want to much.

By wishing for „complete knowledge from all sentient beings be they alive or dead that have ever existed in this world till the moment I was taken away“ I literally shot myself in the knee!! Unfiltered Information is fuckin useless at least for now.

After observing him for a while I decided to approach my victim and not outright attack him and see how it’ll go.

„Hello Friend mind if I take place and drink a bit with you?“ not waiting for his reply I already sat down.

„Hello please take a seat.“ he said while drinking tea.

We both kept quite for a long time while drinking tea and looking out into vast emptyness. It felt like we did not need words to communicate. Just looking at the situation of us sitting together and drinking tea in this mysterious space you can imagine how hilarious fate has played us we both knew that only one of us can survive but it seems like both of us have too many things we regret and which binds us to our worlds. So none of us willing to attack.


Well life is not like in most Wuxia novels where you die and wake up in another world. It is more like leaving behind who you were, leaving behind your friends, your family, leaving behind the things you were used to, like porn and Cigarettes.

In fact you have to leave behind a lot of things which you usually would not think about.

After a long time he asked „What would await me on the other side if I win? And who were you? Can you tell me please?“

„Sure I can tell you a bit. First a three faced demon who is in pain and angry cause he got tricked by me, second a dying body lying in front of a restaurant in the middle of the night and third a cruel, corrupted and malfunctioning world where no one cares about anything except for their own gains and losses. There is neither honour nor backbone in that world. Everyone has turned blind to the pain the cause and endure. And as for me, I was many things but nothing good. Poor, immigrant, angry, hated, discriminated, thief, swindler and by the end murderer!“ I sighed while answearing truthfully.

„Well seems like a pretty messed up place to live in!“ he teased me.

„Haha yes! Now tell me what is awaiting me and about yourself!“ I inquired.

„Cruelty, betrayel, fear and desolation await you. In my world only the strong can rule and the weak can only be feasted on. On the other side a dark magician and a crippled body is awaiting you.“ he said while looking sad.

„I think we should switch to wine!“ I suggested as that shit was hard to take. This fucking devil coul not even deliver me a proper situation I felt cheated.


„I feel like you and me have much in common. Both of us pranked by life. Even though this is our first time meeting eachother and it will be also our last time meeting eachother! I have the feeling we’ve been friends forever. And drinking wine to drown your sorrows is a good way to let go. So Cheers!“ while iwas talking I cojured some wine.



„You said crippled and dark magician can you explain further please?“ I said while drinking.

„Five years ago i was still a one in a million genius in my Family born with five bloodline abilities. Four years ago some people in my Family plotted against me and I was exiled away to study in Antemor City on the way there our convoy was attacked by Slavers and I ended up as a Slave. Three years ago I was bought by th Dark Mage Krassus and he used my body for his experiments. I lost my eyes my left Arm and my right leg in the last three years since then and now he somehow got the idiotic idea to use me as a bait to trap and enslave a demon.“ he lamented about his life and experiences.

„What are your five abilities?“ well bloodline abilities were something totally ne to me as the did not exist on earth.

„The most crappiest ones ever dude! I was a genius just in name because I had activated many bloodlines but none of them were usefull in peacetimes. I have blood, shadow, sand, poison and illusion.“ he kept on gulping down and he looked tired.

what an idiot! How can you call these abilities useless?

You just don’t know how to capitalize on them I thought to myself.

„Do you have any regrets you’d like me to take care of for you? What can I do for you?“ I asked.

„Yes! Please find out who plotted against me and make them pay the price, kill those Slavers, kill that magician go to Antemor and if you somehow find a way to return to my Family please protect the Family. Also you are the first person I am able to see in 3 years with my own eyes! So sad you are not a beaty! hahaha And I know I can not win against you so just let us get over with it my Friend.“

„haha Well then let us get over with it my Friend.“ I said.

In a few seconds the guy I met in this empty and solitary space between worlds, the guy sitting there alone and smiling at the sky dissolved into light and entered my body. Life sure plays some cruel jokes on us. He knew he could not change his fate and he also knew taking over my body was no option so he gave me a way out without fighting maybe he just wanted to tell someone about his sorrows. People like us my Friend we hav to be cruel, unrestrained and wicked otherwise we will end up as corpse in the corner of an street.

I sat there for an long time alone. I got all his memories, from language, culture, traditions and many other things.

After emptying my cup I stood up and poured the rest of the tea on the floor and swore that I will fulfill his last wishes no matter what.

And I kept walking towards my new life as an crippled genius abandoned by everyone and enslaved by an asshole sounds like life is just about that much. Keep Walking.

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