《Inertia》Chapter 4: Dealing with the Girls (Mini-Chapter)


After the Elves warp out, Anivia and Livia are teleported onboard to my ship while their ships disappear into the Void Rift to be repaired.

"Master! Did you see Livia? My guns went boom boom and when they got past me I charged into them! Like this! Wheeeeerrrrrrrrr KUUUUMMMMMMM!" Livia shows outlandish charade-like gestures as she does so. Behind her, however, is a very upset and cranky Anivia. Thankfully Livia is slightly transparent. I have time to mentally prepare.

"Yes, yes. Good job, Livia." I attempt to dismiss her, but just sits there and stares at me. "What is it?"

"No... Headpats?"

Oh my goodness, that's right... In the story, Livia is practically a child. She has a childish face and personality, but her body says otherwise... It feels almost sinful giving her a headpat, but I do it anyways since it'll quiet her down.

"Yes, good girl." I mentally sigh. Livia skips away happily, then behind her, Anivia, the princess of flat (especially in comparison to Livia), crosses her arms and stares at me.

"What is it?"

"Honey. We need to talk."

Honey. Honey again. It's making me quite nervous being the virgin I am.

"What about?"

She steps up to me, and this time the half foot difference in height really shows. I am 6'1" and she's around 5'5". While she tries to look intimidating, it just looks cute.

"You. Are. Reckless!" she attempts to pull me down by my shirt, but with my new body my Strength stat is a lot higher than hers.

"Hmph!" she turns away from me, arms crossed.

What do I even do in this situation?

"It was necessary for the plan-"

"Necessary my ass!"

The crewman that runs the teleporter has wide eyes. Once they realize I know they're watching, they cough then cautiously exit the room.

"What else were we supposed-"

"Why didn't you summon the other ships? Hm?"

"They were undergoing repai-"

"Undergoing repairs?! They just had their hyperdrives gone! They were still fully functional!"


"Look, Anivia..." Now that I think about it, in game, only Ragnor, Aurora, and Tera know how the Void Rift works. "You can't bring a ship out when it's undergoing repairs in the Void Rift."

"Why not?!" she childishly stomps her foot. I see where Livia gets it from.

"Because. The ships are directly repaired by the Void Rift, and taking them out early has the chance to damage them even more."

"Why was I never told about how this stupid rift thing works anyways?"

"I'm sorry, I never thought to tell you. The people that needed to know how it works kne-"

Out of the blue, she hugs me, knocking the wind out of me mentally.


"Please... Continue to be safe... I don't know what I or the others would do without you..."

"I'm sure the others could get by just fine."

"NO!" she hugs tighter, "Really..."

I think she had some pent up emotions, possibly from Exavier, so I hugged her back to comfort her. After a few minutes, she lets go and half smiles, then a realization comes to her.

"Oh. I believe today is the day to switch."

"Day to switch?"

Anivia says nothing and leads me to the mess hall. "It's dinner and soon to be lights out. Hurry and have fun! See you soon. Message me if she takes you for all night!"

She pushes me away then disappears into the crowd. Then, from behind, I get grabbed by two... somethings. Looking down, it's massive spider legs.


I look up, and Tera Drach's mostly human face smiles down on me.

Do everything in your power to resist the urge to be terrified. Don't shake. Don't shake. DON'T SHAKE!

"Tonight's my turn, Lord Darian. I'm looking forward to it." she then bends her human half down and rubs her head against mine.


I'm terrified. Please send help.

Wait... Switching? Does that mean tonight I have to... Oh god... I did flirt quite a bit with Tera to raise her affection level to increase her loyalty. I have doomed myself.


At some point, we got food and sat down. My mind was in a haze the whole time, so I forgot what we had talked about.

"So you sure that you want to do that tonight?"

"Uhuh." Wait... My mind's been on autopilot so I could avoid peeing my pants. What are we talking about?

"Oh I'm so happy! It's been a while, so I'm excited."

Excited? For WHAT? What did I just sign up for?

Tera extends two of her freakishly gigantic and long legs around me and pulls me in for a hug.


Tera's Strength stat is greater than mine. Even if I wanted to, I couldn't resist. I understand Aurora's pain. Back to autopilot... Please don't kill me.

Tera leads me to the quarters, her legs making clacking noises against the metal floor as she walks. We reach the biggest available quarters, and she leads me to the bed.


"Come on out, my babies."

Upon her command, about a dozen freakishly terrifying giant spiders come out from under the bed and the closet.

I'm going to have nightmares from this.

She forces me to sit down on the bed, and one of them sits on my lap.


These Spiderlings of hers are different than the ones she summons in combat. These ones are highly, highly intelligent. The others are stronger, but also dumber. They can follow orders perfectly, however they can't learn like these ones can. Tera only cares about these ones, the others are disposable pawns to her.

That said, it doesn't make them any less terrifying. For their looks, imagine a tarantula except not fuzzy looking and instead looking like a sleek killing machine with some hair. They make kak-ing noises with their fangs to communicate, but I can't understand what they're saying.

Tera smiles. With sharp fang-like teeth. "He wants you to pet him and hold him. That's Rachne, she's the most affectionate of my babies."

Affectionate. Sorry, with this body... She looks like she could kill me. She's actually as big as my torso!

I take a deep breath then slowly, every so slowly reach my hand out. Tera's distracted with "loving" on some other of her babies. I close my eyes and pretend I'm just touching a plastic chair or something. Yeah, plastic chair.

Surprisingly... It feels kind of good. Not much like plastic, but it's smooth and has some really soft hairs on it. If this thing weren't a terrifying death machine it'd make a good pet.

I open my eyes and it looks at me, kak-ing.


Eyes are closed again.

Lord save me.

Surprisingly, I made it out alive, but with a traumatic experience. Turns out all Tera wanted me to do was play with her "babies". While I must admit Tera's human part is quite beautiful, her spider half is nightmare-inducing.

I make my way to the quarters I share with Anivia. The only reason I know where it is because it's a primary character interaction spot for Anivia. When I open the door, she is fast asleep, communicator in hand.

She was probably waiting for me to contact her that I'd be late... I'll get an earful in the morning. Can I ever get a break? Shitty goddess, it's your fault I have to put up with all of this stress.

I get ready for bed. Surprisingly, everything is just like it would be back in my world. Toothbrushes with straight-forward toothpaste containers, etc. The toothbrush was electric... or mana, though. I've never used one of those so it was interesting.

I lay down next to Anivia, but I'm too exhausted to think much of it. I just need sleep.

I quickly drift into the realm of dreams nightmares.

Why are there so many goddamn terrifying spiders here?

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