《Solitary Sovereign》13. Interrogation


As a bare-chested, dark youth entered their view, the bandits were cowed by Yun Fei's tall and well developed physique and his sharp and domineering gaze, but they put away their fears after looking up to their leader Song Shifang, gaining confidence in their battle strength.

One of the dacoits eager to show off in front of the leader stepped up and shouted.

“How can a worm like you be anything but prey, come, kneel before our boss and we’ll consider sparing your waste of a life.”

Sneering in contempt Yun Fei mocked ”If you want me to kneel, why don’t you come and make me.”

“YOU.......” shouted Chu Tian the bandit, dashing towards Yun Fei as he raised his sword and brought it down in a diagonal slice.

In that intense moment, Yun Fei calmly thought to himself,

'So slow, is this guy even trying?

Can only fight like a second rate bandit in the end.'

Stepping to the left and easily dodging the saber slicing downwards at him, Yun Fei threw out his left hand.


A loud and sharp noise resounded as Chu Tian's neck turned more than it was capable of and he fell diagonally backwards near the feet of Song Shifang.

Song Shifang looked on with a tinge of surprise but he was not fearful. He thought to himself,

'Even I could have finished him in one move, this boy cannot be at a higher cultivation than me, otherwise he would know not to infuriate the association behind me'

"You dare!!"

Song Shifang shouted loudly and moved much faster towards Yun Fei, completely set on maintaining his reputation in front of the bandits by finishing this guy who had eyes but failed to see.

He figured that this guy was probably a very strong mortal martial artist or someone who was just on the 1st or 2nd level of Qi condensation because it was impossible to be someone stronger than that to be dressing like a beggar and messing with them.

All the cultivators above the 3rd level of Qi condensation in this area knew that they were a subsidiary of the ironfist association.

"So you are the leader of this ragtag bunch, sleep for some minutes while I finish the rest of your bunch, I have some questions for you"

Yun Fei's eyes shined as a pressure descended upon Song Shifang which he could not bear, knocking him out. Song Shifang's whole momentum just made him eat dirt as he slid across the ground like a puppet whose strings had been cut.

The observing bandits felt their balls shrivel up into their abdomen in fear. Abandoning all formation they fled, every man for himself

"Hahahahahahahaha" Yun Fei laughed loudly

"Trying to escape, why don't you ask for my permission first?"

Yun Fei removed the bow from his shoulder and drew it, unleashing many projectiles in one breath, a man to an arrow, an arrow to a life.

Song Shifang finally regained consciousness after getting kicked 2-3 times by Yun Fei and slowly opened his eyes.


Looking at Yun Fei's smile as Song Shifang sat up, he felt a foreboding feeling.

"You... don't you know that my group is a subsidiary of the iron fist bandit group. Release me right now or you'll be hunted down."

"You jest, I haven't stopped you or your lackeys from running away. Why don't you just follow their example and run while I hunt you down?"

Song Shifang knew that he was being played with and said with an even more domineering tone.

"I am not playing games with you, if you don't provide an explanation about this to"


Song shifang's face turned a full 180 degrees as two of his teeth flew out before he could even finish the sentence.



Song shifang's face turned once again and two more teeth, now from the opposite side of his mouth flew out with blood spittle.

"Finally quiet aren't you,blabbering on and on about whatever ironmist or ironfist.I don't care about that fisting group of yours. I'll ask and you will answer, is that clear?"


Song Shifang realised that this guy wasn't going to budge just because he said the name of his group and decided to try out a different tactic.

"Hahahaha, you should've cooperated the first time."

Yun Fei was having a lot of fun handling Song Shifang like this. It was the first time in his life that he felt that he had some kind of power over another human being and this made him very thrilled.

Since he knew that Song Shifang and his group were basically bandits who murdered common people, Yun Fei didn't even feel a speck of sympathy for them.

"What is your cultivation level?"

Although Yun Fei knew that this guy had some kind of cultivation, he wasn't able to gauge the exact level as he didn't have any experience.

"Qi condensation 3rd stage" Song Shifang replied curtly.


Another slap echoed and Song Shifang was thrown to the ground this time.

"You don't know how to speak politely?"

Song Shifang looked towards Yun Fei and kept quiet.


"Don't know how to ask for forgiveness?"

Said Yun Fei, clearly feeling thrilled.

"Sorry senior, I made a mistake" replied Song Shifang very meekly, afraid of Yun Fei's antics.


"Too late. Tell me about the method that you cultivate in"

"Senior, I cultivate according to the standard Qi condensation manual that is widespread in the Skyrend continent"

"What are the differences in cultivating in different methods for Qi condensation?"

Song Shifang felt very weird that someone would ask such elementary questions from him when he clearly had a cultivation base higher than him, but he still decided to reply as he didn't want to be slapped once more.

"Senior, for the Qi condensation level of cultivation there aren't any significant differences in different methods as they all just instruct you to open your meridians in different wordings"

Hearing this, Yun Fei figured that the real difference in cultivation methods probably started from foundation establishment.


"What is inside that mist?"

Yun Fei asked as he pointed behind him where the mist grew thicker and thicker until there wasn't anything visible than the colour grey

"Senior, nobody knows what's inside there. We don't dare to venture too far inside as the people who go there mostly don't return.

I don't know if the big sects have information about that, but even the leader of ironfist group doesn't know about it"

Yun Fei looked towards the direction of that mist and contemplated.

'The rectangular block is inside there, nothing is visible from here. As soon as I walked a little far away after touching the ground, it basically disappeared.

Just what kind of secret is that place hiding'

"Give me directions for the nearest city around here that cultivators gather at and the manual for that standard Qi condensation manual"

Song Shifang complied meekly as he put his hand inside a small pouch by his side and pulled out a booklet that shouldn't have been able to fit inside that pouch no matter how you looked at it.

Yun Fei was shocked thoroughly by this, this was the first time that he had encountered such a pouch, without saying anything, he directly snatched the pouch from Song Shifang and asked in an excited tone

"How do you use this thing?"

Song Shifang, now used to the weirdness of Yun Fei, decided to ignore any abnormalities as he answered.

"Senior, you can store or take things out from it by channeling your Qi through it"

As Yun Fei pushed his Qi out of his body into the pouch, he could suddenly feel the space inside it. The volume inside was a little more than 1 metre cube.

Yun Fei felt there was a change of clothes in there, a few more booklets and around 20 stones filled with Qi. The rest of the space was filled with gold and silver

"Senior, that space pouch is provided by the ironfist group. Please return it" Song Shifang said while thinking

'Even if this guy is showing that he doesn't care about the ironfist association, he would still have to be wary around them since the leader of the group has reached the 7th level of Qi condensation, he isn't someone this guy can match.'


"Did you forget that I ask questions and you answer, give me the directions I asked for and I may think of leaving you a life"

Song Shifang now understood that this guy was completely not worried about the iron first association.

'I must comply here, each pouch is marked by a tracking formation, it can be recovered after I report to the leader.

This guy can possibly be from some other organisation, maybe that's the capital behind his arrogance'

"Forgive me senior, the free city of Sungon is situated directly towards that direction. It is a 2 day ride by carriage.

The city is part of the free city alliance across the Skyrend continent as you can tell by its name. The charge to enter the city is one low quality spirit stone for each cultivator"

The Sun could be seen sundering the dark of the night and Yun Fei was getting a little bored from playing with Song Shifang.

'I have already acquired all the information I can from this guy. Ican find out more on my way or in the city itself.

If someone comes here, it would be a pain to deal with. I should just wrap this up and go towards the city.'

"Well done, good job providing me with all that information. However, your luck is simply too bad"

Song Shifang was a little confused by this statement but that confusion in his eyes completely vanished as Yun Fei’s hands cradled his head almost lovingly before snapping his neck with a sharp twist.

Song Shifang had never imagined that this guy would actually kill him. It was a great provocation to the organisation if any of the members who were cultivators were killed.

Yun Fei felt a little amused by this situation. Today was the first time he had killed humans and he didn't feel even a sliver of guilt or remorse.

Maybe it had to do with the fact that Song Shifang and his group were low lives that preyed on the weak or that they had tried to attack him first. He didn't know why but he was completely indifferent to their lives.

Changing into the clothes that he took out from the space pouch of Song Shifang, Yun Fei started walking briskly towards the direction that Song Shifang had pointed out.

Although the directions provided by Song Shifang could be wrong, Yun Fei simply decided to ask the next person he came across again.

As Yun Fei was walking, he heard the sounds of hooves and rolling wheels making him turn around to look.

He saw a carriage that was being pulled by two horses coming towards his direction.

Thinking of hitching a ride, Yun Fei called out towards the carriage that was moving towards him while raising his arm.

"Brother, please wait for a moment."

The coachman pulled the horse's reins to stop the carriage and asked.

"Is there anything you need?"

"I was just wondering if your carriage was going towards the free city of Sungon and if it was, could you take me with you as well? I'll pay the fare." inquired Yun Fei

"Brother, this carriage has already been booked and you will need the permission of the miss in the back if you want to travel with her."

As the coachman answered Yun Fei, a woman's crisp and melodious voice sounded from the passenger's seat.

"It's alright with me, since we are both heading to the free city of Sungong, we might as well travel together."

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