《Danimal》Chapter 29: Earth


Dahn continues to fly without any destination, on his face you can see the sadness and rage he feels at not being able to help the first person and woman who showed more than war, tears run down his face while his essence continues to increase.

Without realizing it, Dahn reaches a part of the planet that he had never discovered; after all, he only knows 5%. He stops for a moment to observe his surroundings and is surprised, despite having spent years here he knows nothing.

He can see new fauna and flora, new mountains, rivers and seas, everything at his disposal, everything belongs to him, even though he is aware of this he had never taken to heart and today for the first time he realizes that this is all his. He is the only one.

Despite being in a new place, no creature tries anything, the power that Dahn emanates is so great that even the greatest beasts do not come out of their caves.

Koning: "Dahn!" "Your aura is affecting the planet" "Calm down."

Dahn inadvertently sees Koning appear from the heavens, even though they are friends Dahn is always impressed to see him arrive, the presence and majesty Koning presents is incredible, in turn, Dahn realizes that Koning's essence has increased, Dahn is amazed and can already confirm that the planet is growing, just like him.

Koning: "Dahn!, lower your aura."

Dahn looks at him out of the corner of his eye and begins to observe his surroundings, by looking closely he can see how the environment is being affected, at that moment he remembers what Tata explained about the essence.

Tata: "Dahn, the essence exists everywhere" "Everything that exists in the universe, living creature or not, has essence" "The more essence something or someone has, the more powerful it is, technically" "If you do not have control of your essence you can easily suffocate the essence around you" "Be careful because you could walk a dark path if you so choose, where death will always be with you "


Remembering those words serve as a catalyst to calm him down and control the feeling he is feeling, he realizes that around him, about 1 meter in diameter, everything is dead, the grass and bushes lost their lives.

Dahn touches the ground and can confirm what his eyes see, he gets up and finishes controlling his essence, on his face it can be seen that it also hurts to harm his planet, which he has both struggled to care for and has been the same one who hurt him.

At that moment, he realizes what his mother may have felt one day, having lost something so precious to her. Dahn has never thought about his birth planet, much less his mother, or if he has a family at all.

Meanwhile, in the capital, Karin is thinking of a way to gain his trust; she can feel that Eva is very attentive to everything she does. Karin decides to act normal and hopes that time will help her since on that planet, there are only the two of them, and in a month, many things can happen that can create that trust.

In the blink of an eye, Karin feels a small breeze behind her, and when she turns around, she notices it's Dahn.

Dahn: "Karin, what do you know about planet Earth?"

Karin is a little surprised that he knows that name.

Karin: "Beautiful planet" "I am from there; I was born in Australia" "Why?"

Dahn: "Eva, make preparations to go to Earth" "Congratulations, Karin, you have become my tour guide."

Karin: "WHAT?" "Earth is many thousands of years away" "Is not that easy" "Also, I haven't been there in a long time" "You'll need a ship capable of traveling that distance" "As I told you, that is not that easy."

Eva: "Arrangements have been coordinated with one of our suppliers" "I have sent a notice to The Alphas to keep Draak Aarde as a: Do Not Approach Planet" "I also warned The Travelers, but I doubt they will do anything, but who knows maybe they want to come here for a short vacation" "The only tricky thing will be to keep open communication with you, but I will do my best to keep you informed" "The flight will be next week "


Karin remains in silence; she is shocked to know how something so difficult to coordinate has happened in minutes, her amazement is even greater when she knows that Evan and Dahn have access to The Alphas and The Travelers.

All she knows is that those two groups are unique, The Alphas are know by 90% of the universe, but The Travelers are unique, there are very few people who know who they are and their fame and power.

Knowing all this, Karin can feel an internal pressure where now her mission, no matter how easy it sounds, can have more enormous consequences for her and others. There is only one thought in his mind now, and that is to accomplish the mission.

Dahn is a little anxious and nervous, and at the same time excited, this will be his first time out in the universe on his own. He will go back to his home planet, although he still feels a little afraid of leaving Draak Aarde without much protection he knows that everything will be fine.

Dahn: "Karin, I know that I already asked you, but what else can you tell me about Planet Earth?" "I don't have that many memories, and to be honest, I think I know nothing of what I once knew when I lived there" "The people the culture."

Karin sighs, and takes Dahn for a walk; she knows very well that the talk will be very long, Karin begins to explain a little about what the land and its countries are like.

Planet Earth is different from Draak Aarde, it has countries, and even though they say they like each other, they really don't; the only thing they are good at is the destruction of their kind. Dahn remains silent and listening to everything; the conversation went on for a while.

At nightfall and after a long day of walking and talking, Dahn takes Karin to a distant island where he prepares dinner in gratitude for everything Karin told her.

Dahn: "Thank you very much for sharing information; it is not very common or at least in what I have lived that someone gives something for free, and yet you did it" "This island is one of my favorites, for some reason, there are no creatures on it, it is small, but at the same time quiet, from here you can be really at peace" "I do not know why you came to my planet and for what Eva says I shouldn't trust you" "You haven't done anything to make me doubt your kindness but let me say something" "Don't make me regret opening my planet to you or you and your family will know my dark side."

Karin stays at the place when Dahn mentions her family and can feel Dahn's murderous aura, although it is a very low level, she can feel it as it runs down her back, touching her soul directly but she remains still.

Karin: "You don't have to threaten me, much less my family" "And although I know that you are stronger than me, if you touch my family, it will be your worst mistake."

Dahn laughs and hugs her like she's just another friend.

Dahn: "Excellent, so we agree," "I can't wait to go."

Taking advantage of the moment, Dahn calls Konin; after a few minutes, he arrives with all his splendor, the moonlight makes him look even darker, which puts Karin in fear.

Dahn: "Koning, in about a week I will leave the planet, I entrust it to you, and you had better give your life so that no one hurts it" "I have noticed that your strength has increased, so I have no doubt that no one touched our planet."

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