《The Manifest》Chapter 20


Edgar was just getting back from the station when Tuck met him in the hallway outside the lobby. He pushed his partner back a few feet, further away from the door before saying anything. Edgar could tell by how his partner was acting that something was up.

"What's going on?" Edgar asked with a bit of an idea what might be the issue since Tuck didn't want to talk inside.

"The office is bugged." Tuck said, "This was likely done last night after Jessica's second visit. This likely means everything we talked about last night was not caught on tape, so they suspect something but have no idea how involved we are just yet."

"Would explain the letter," Edgar said as he was thinking out loud, "They think we're very early into the project, so that was the preliminary walk while you still can king of threat. So, what's the plan?"

"Do you remember that restaurant three blocks from here you pointed out in the paper?" Tuck said, with a grin on his face, "We managed to get that apartment that is located two floors above it. To make things even harder to trace we got one of Devon's men to pay for the first three months in cash under one of his many aliases. There is no way they can connect us to this place. You're going to have to develop a love for Thai food, so they'll think you're just going for lunch."

"I'll manage," Edgar said, thinking about it.

"We'll make that place Jerome's central headquarters," Tuck continued, "That way I'll run things from here and make it business as usual. So if happens again, all they'll hear is normal, run of the mill shit that has nothing to do with Jessica's case. You and Devon's team can work out of the other office and kick things into gear. What do you think?"


"It's perfect." Edgar responded, fully aware that he was going have to get used to eating there for the next several weeks, "But I think you might want to see what I have here."

Tuck realized that Edgar had a new envelope in his hand. He took the envelope from his partner and opened it up. It was the results from the finger print search on the prints from that morning's letter. He kept reading till he hit the big conclusion.

"Government classified?" Tuck said as he couldn't believe what he was reading, "Do you know what this means?"

"Yeah," Edgar said, "It means either the person works for the government or is being held as a witness or suspect by the government. It also means Jerome is going to flip out when he sees this. Where is he?"

"Shopping." Tuck replied, "I gave him the company credit card and sent him off to gather up all the electronics and furniture he was going to need for the new location. I wouldn't be surprised if be bought a few cots for the place, as he's likely going to live this case for the next few months."

"That wouldn't surprise me," Edgar agreed, "But that's the kind of hustle we're going to need if we want to get this case taken care of as quickly as possible. We might need to keep an eye on Ms. Johnson as well. If they knew she came back to us again last night, they're likely following her to keep tabs on who she's talking to. There is a chance we may have to hide her away if they get a little more desperate."

"In order words," Tuck started, "We might need more than one cot at the new location?"

"Relax." Edgar called out, trying to reassure his partner. "Chances are if we find this woman, Norsberg will give us another crap load of money to find his daughter next. This could be more than just a one shot deal, and you know when things start to focus to his daughter, that dollar figure will go through the bloody roof."


Edgar began salivated at the thought of how much the old fart would be willing to give up for that case. They might need a truck to bring it in.

"But at what cost?" Tuck said, "I can't help but think we're putting ourselves at more risk than anyone else. He paid us through one of his many subsidiary companies to hide his name from the people we could piss off by asking too many questions. We're the ones with our dicks flapping in the wind and when it hits the fan we'll be the ones to take the hit."

Edgar could tell by Tuck's pacing around the lobby that he was a little uneasy about how things were progressing. Usually Tuck was the one calming other down, but occasionally Edgar had to be the voice of reason. Thankfully those moments were few and far between.

"I realize this case makes you nervous," Edgar said, trying to be supportive. "That's why I agreed to break things up. I'll handle the case and work the operation with Jerome and Devon."

"Sounds good," Tuck said, "So you're okay with me, staying here at the office and kind of sit this one out? You know I'm here 90% of the time, so for me to be gone might be too suspicious. I'll handle the small stuff and do our best to make it look like things are normal as usual."

"I like it for many reasons," Edgar confessed, "If they think I'm doing this on our own, whoever is watching might think you and the guys are not in on it, and get you out of the line of fire. It will leave the focus on me. It was also my idea to begin with and like Devon, so I'm not going to force anyone to participate if they're not down with it."

"Are you sure you're okay with it?" Tuck asked.

"I am," Edgar confirmed, "I think you're right. You being out of here too long will raise a lot of red flags. I'm always out of sight so that will look normal but I'll make the effort to come in and give an occasional rant and lecture as usual, dis new clients and such."

"Then it's settled," Tuck said, slightly relieved. "Get your ass down to the new location so you'll have your own spot staked out before Jerome breaks out the fine china. And for the love of Pete, be careful."

"I will pops." Edgar answered with a large amount of sarcasm, "You'd think I never did something like this before. Devon and I have been through worse and you know it."

"Is that why you picked him out of all the bounty hunters we have worked with?" Tuck said, even though he already knew the answer.

Edgar didn't answer the question and he didn't have to. Tuck walked back into the lobby and talking to a few people about the normal cases and to get their asses back to work. That was all the people listening were going to hear over the next few weeks and with Edgar's history for being distracted for non-business needs, it was going to be easy to explain his long absences. Edgar spotted Devon inside and he waved to the bounty hunter, asking him to come out to the hall. As Devon walked closer, Edgar gave him a grin.

"What is it?" Devon asked, not sure what the grin meant.

"Do you like Thai food?" Edgar asked.

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