《Mana-Script》Chapter 10 - Seventy-Two Husks


Wednesday 31st of October 2018.

It was the end of the month, Jude sat in boredom in the lecture.

At the front of the room, addressing seventy-two husks, was a slim androgenous adult. Their short black hair flopped down in front of their right eye as they turned to address the room.

It was 3:15 p.m. at the start of Socio class. Unfortunately, it was not a very interactive lecture, a one hour talk with minimal question and answering sessions. Too make matters worse they still had another hour of work after this.

Jude tapped his pen into the palm of his right hand. As the lecturer, Morgan Segreti, told them about the affect Alterations had had on society.

“Does anyone know how many continents there are on Sole Novum B?” They posed to the class.

There was a simple silence that had washed over the room throughout the last fifteen minutes. But one brave soul put their hand up; his name was Benjamin Barone, but he went by Zero to his friends. The pale arm creeped up; the white shirt sleeve fell down slightly.


“Close. It’s actually Twenty-two. Now can anyone else tell me the number of islands we’ve discovered?”

This was problem. Their martyr Zero had been removed from the equation. Now someone else would have to volunteer. People avoided Morgan’s eyeline, some even started whispering to their neighbours to get an answer.

Eventually it fell to the one person who had gained the trust of everyone to answer: Archie. The man was essentially if a search engine took physical form. He just somehow knew facts, retained knowledge and could compute complex equations in seconds.

“At least five thousand.” A smug grin formed on his face and he pushed up glasses up just to show that he knew it was right.


“Well yes that is true. We know of over five thousand at the moment, it’s the easiest rounding. Obviously, we’ve only explored certain ones so far. The smallest is about the size of Norfield and the largest is twice that of Africa.”

Morgan began to drone on, and Jude took notes diligently. The information hit his ears, transferred to his left hand and onto the page. There was no processing what was being said it simply became notes.

It was the same for most of the class, it was Halloween. Sure, it was the middle of the week and they all had something on Thursday afternoon but everyone was planning on where they were going to party that night.

An hour and half later lectures were over, and Jude was waiting for the lift from the second floor to the fifth. The university had been built into a hill so technically the second floor was underground at one end.

“You guys put much thought into your costumes?” Rin asked the group.

“Of course, I have. I’m definitely going to blow you all away just watch me!” There was a very excited member of the group. With brown curly hair, piercings and a wardrobe consisting of black jeans and band t-shirts he stood out amongst them.

“That remains to be seen Damian.” Rin said with a smile. “Jack you got a costume picked out?”

“Oh yeah definitely. I’m going as my favourite video game character.” He nudged Jude as he spoke, “What you going as buddy?”

Jude sighed and grabbed the straps of his backpack. “I’m not really sure. I wanted to go as a Superhero, but I kept forgetting and couldn’t order one in time.”

“You’ve got a costume, though right?” Jack inquired, seeming almost upset that Jude had just told him this news.


“Yeah, I found a ninja costume at a local shop. I had to buy some cheap sandals so I can wear something on my feet though.”

“Ooooh! That’s so cool!” Damian shouted, they had made it to the main lobby of the university building and yet he was still being obnoxiously loud.

Rin put his hand on AJ’s shoulder, “What you off as?”

“Wall socket.”

Sure enough AJ’s answer silenced everyone. Thankfully for Kuna who could avoid telling them he wasn’t going to the party nor had he acquired a costume.

Their banter kept going until they were nearly home. Just outside their student accommodation, which was just a monolith of grey, Jude stopped. “Hey lads, I’m going to head to the shop. I need food for tonight.”

“I’ll come with you.” Jack responded.

Everyone nodded and the two groups split up.

“What’s on your mind?” Jack asked.

“What do you mean?”

“Oh, come on man, you’ve been quite for the last week. You’ve got something on your mind.”

“I’m trying to find a strategy for us to win the tournament in December.”

“Why do you have to find it?”

“Well, because I came up with one for the test. I also used to come up with plans back home when we went exploring.”

“Yeah, but it’s Uni now. Relax a little, there’s twenty-three other people to help you out.” Jack patted Jude on his back, but kind of just hit his rucksack.

Even though it was a bit of an odd comment it did make Jude feel a little more reassured.

“And if you ever forget that I’ll sock you one.” Jack added. Jude no longer felt reassured, just playfully threatened.

At least now he could enjoy their Halloween party.

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