《Sustain》Chapter 9


When he finally ended the kiss, Aura just stood there, looking up at him, frozen in shock. He couldn’t help smiling down at her though. After all, shock was a slight step up from terror, he assumed. So he had accomplished his goal of calming her. At least a little bit.

Taking a moment to remember how to speak, she finally did, “we could be about to die, at any second. And you pick now to finally kiss me for the first time ever?”

“Well, if we’re really about to die at any second, does any of the rest of it even matter anymore?” he smiled again, and leaned in for a second, even more shocking kiss.

As he kissed her, he led her with him toward the bed. Pushing her down to the mattress behind them, his body following hers, never breaking the kiss as he did. Upon feeling her back come into contact with the mattress and his body laying above hers, Aura used every bit of will to place her hands on his chest, gently pushing him backwards just enough to end the kiss and give them both a chance to breathe again.

“What is this, Adan?” she managed through broken breaths.

“That’s a rhetorical question, right?” he smiled down at her, his hand moving up to wrap around her still wet hair.


“If you really believe it’s all about to end, do you really wanna spend what could be our last night just being afraid to finally let yourself have one good thing before it’s all gone?” And with that, he kissed her again.

As the kiss continued, Aura felt him slide his hand inside the top portion of the robe that was the only thing covering her body right then. And at that moment she lost all ability to think at all, let alone speak. His hand moved to her breast easily, showing none of the fear of intimacy that she had always had, especially when it came to expecting it from him. He caressed her skin and moved his lips against hers as his thumb moved over her nipple hardening it in response to the gentle touch.

As if he were also somehow afraid of this possibly being their last night, he barely wasted any more time before sliding his hand down from her breast, over her ribs and stomach, pulling the loosely tied robe open as he did. As the material fell away from her, exposing the rest of her pale skin to him there in the semi-darkness, his hand continued moving down over her abdomen, and further.

Barely able to comprehend anything but his touch, she felt him move his lips to her throat, and then her chest, and then downwards to her breast. But even more distracting than all of that, was when she felt his hand slide down between her thighs, ever so gently caressing her as it reached it’s destination.

As his tongue teased her breast, his fingers slid inside all of that overwhelming wetness waiting inside her for him, causing her to gasp at the penetration. Sure that she had to be the one dreaming now, and that the earlier nightmare of the evening had now turned into a completely different sort of dream, Aura closed her eyes tightly, pressing her head and body back into the mattress, as her hips rose to meet his caresses, almost of their own volition.

It was mere moments before the motion of his fingers and her hips combined to make her begin shaking in ecstasy as the orgasm overtook her. Smiling as she whimpered and moaned, and let the tremors eventually begin to slow, Adan finally removed his hand and slid back just enough to begin pulling the sweatpants off.


Finally forcing her eyes open, despite her ragged breathing, and still shaking body, she looked up in time to see him drop the pants to the floor at the foot of the bed, exposing that perfect body of his now as well.

“You’re... you’re...” she struggled with the words.

“Naked?” he teased as he moved back to her side. “You too” he stated playfully as he ran a finger over her stomach as he continued to smile down at her.

“I was gonna say... you’re actually...” she swallowed, her eyes moving down over his body and back up, unable to even finish the sentence.

“What? Turned on?” he offered with the same playful smile down at the shock in her eyes, as well as the way she was still trying to recover from the pleasure he had just made her feel.

“Yeah, that” she swallowed hard.

“It’s pretty...hard...” he smirked, “not to get turned on after seeing how much pleasure you can give another person with just your hand” he teased again.

“Are you actually gloating?” she whispered, not able to keep her eyes off of his body, considering their current subject of conversation, as well as a few hundred other factors right then.

“Are you actually complaining?” he smirked. He then moved to pull her closer, her naked body against his now as he kissed her once again. When this kiss finally ended, he looked down at her again. Repeating her words from before they stepped through that door, “last chance, Aura.”

“For what?” she whispered.

“To tell me not to do this, if you really don’t want me to.”

“This?” she choked on the word.

“Well, I mean, so far, only one of us actually... I mean, I could finish by myself if you don’t wanna...”

“Shut up” she said as she was then the one who pulled him close and kissed him this time.

“So, was that a green light?” he teased as the kiss ended.

“Considering where your hand just was, and a million other things. You already know that answer” she whispered, though for the first time, the tears in her voice were not quite ones of despair.

He smiled down at her again, and then moved to reclaim his spot above her. He gave her another of the gentlest kisses before taking a breath and reaching downwards. He then, even more gently, slid himself inside her at long last.

She gasped at that penetration as well. At first it was the mere shock of it. Then it was the briefest moment of biting pain inside her, as he was the first person who had ever actually been there. Trying to keep his own tiny hold on his wits at the feel of being inside her, he just barely registered the fact that it actually was her first time, and tried his best to find words in the face of that fact.

“Are you OK?” he managed. “Should I stop?” he added, silently pleading that that wouldn’t be her request. The mere pleasure of being inside her was heady, and he honestly didn’t want it to stop as soon as it had even started.

Closing her eyes and breathing heavily as she held him tightly above her, she gave him the only answer she could, “never.”

When the sounds of their lovemaking finally stopped. And their soft muffled speech during those moments of afterglow finally gave way to the sound of their breathing changing; he knew then that they were once again asleep. He waited out there in the hall for a long while, his back against the outer wall of the bedroom, next to the door. Finally, he moved, silently, to turn toward the bedroom door and open it just enough to peer inside.


Though the only lights in the room were the four tiny security lights along the ceiling at the top of each wall, there was still just enough illumination to see. There the two of them laid atop the bed, their naked bodies wrapped around each other as they slept. His eyes moved over them. First the girl, then the boy. Then his attention moved to the bed next to their sleeping bodies. There he saw the bloodstain, and knew immediately that it was the girl’s blood, recently shed.

At that realization, his eyes quickly moved back to the sleeping male. Adan, his name was. His expression darkened as he looked back at the blood, then the boy, then the girl, Aura, then back again. None of it truly made much sense to him, but he knew that any time there was blood, it usually accompanied some kind of pain or suffering. And that was what had darkened his expression as he took in the scene.

He tried to force those dark thoughts away and remember his reason for entering their room that night while they slept. He had heard them talking earlier. Before they had closed the bedroom door and before the talking changed to something very different inside that room. And he knew that something had to be done about the fears they had expressed during that conversation.

It was still too soon for him to even try to explain his presence. And now he was even less sure of whether he should, and when, and how. Taking another awkward breath, he moved toward the sleeping teenagers again, and leaned over them.

Aura was the first to wake the next morning, as usual. And when she did, she opened her eyes and looked around the room, trying desperately to piece together what it was that she was even seeing.

She easily came to the obvious conclusion in the face of all the evidence her eyes provided her with. As well as the way her body felt. As though she had run a marathon the night before, though she was positive that hadn’t been what happened.

Their naked bodies asleep together on the bloodstained bed made it pretty apparent what had actually happened, but somehow she felt disconnected from the truth of what had occurred between them the night before. It was a strange feeling, and a scary one. And all she could think to do while she tried to figure it out, was grab her robe and leave the room, and Adan, behind while she did.

At the feel of Aura leaving the bed, and the sound of the door closing behind her, Adan also stirred. He groggily pushed himself into fully waking up, finally opening his eyes to look around the room then as well. As his eyes moved over the bed and to the door and over his own naked body and back, he felt a bit of that loss of control over his own brain that Aura was normally the one suffering from.

Though he had managed to avoid the pitfalls of drugs and drinking that most child stars fell victim to, he had indulged a few times. And right now, he felt like he was suffering a major hangover or comedown of some kind. Looking around the room, it was impossible not to know what had happened between he and Aura, at long last. But knowing it happened and clearly remembering it? That was somehow the problem. And the way she had bolted from the room, waking him as she did, that made him wonder if she was suffering this same fog that had now taken over his own brain.

Despite his current lack of clarity about everything that had happened the night before. Or more precisely, how it had even happened, he made himself dress and leave the room in search of his companion. He had to know if she was feeling the same confusion he was right then, painful as it was for him. Knowing it would be even worse for her.

He eventually found her fumbling with the opening of one of their prepackaged meals as she stood over the table, her hair falling forward to hide her face once more. “So, last night, huh?”

“Please Adan.” her voice shook as she couldn’t manage to look up and just kept struggling with the wrapper, not that she was remotely hungry. But she had to find some distraction, any distraction at all.

“There’s no alcohol or drugs in this bunker, is there? Like maybe mixed in with our food, or water, or something?” he grasped at straws.

“What?” she asked, finally looking up at him with tear streaked cheeks.

“I just kind of feel really fucking hungover or something. It’s weird” he tried to keep his tone light, though couldn’t help biting his inner lip, despite how rare he ever succumbed to nervousness. This was a definite exception to the rule.

“Are you actually asking me if I drugged you?” she asked, appalled.

“God, no, Aura. Just my head’s all foggy right now, and I don’t understand why. Do you even understand what happened last night?” He had to know.

“I think that was pretty obvious the moment I woke up.” She sniffled and went back to struggling with the container.

“I mean, there’s this gap. I don’t get it, that’s all. One minute we’re fighting... ish. And the next we’re waking up together naked? I just need to understand what happened between point A and B. Do you remember how we even got from where we were to where we... ended up?”

“No” she admitted through a sob as she gave up on breakfast and slumped down into a chair, hiding her face in her hands once again.

“So you really can’t remember either?” he asked sadly as he took a seat across from her.

“No. I just know what happened. Not how it actually did.” She sniffled again.

“Same” he whispered as he looked up at her as more tears slid down her cheeks. He then made himself speak the thought that was scaring him even more than their unexplained memory gap. “And I’m guessing the tears are because you actually do regret it happening?” he stated in a whisper.

“What?” she said as she looked back up at him quickly.

“Isn’t the girl crying the next morning a pretty good indication of that?” he managed in the same sad tone.

“You idiot” she responded.

“OK, that’s a yes then?” he replied, wounded.

“How could you ever think I regret it happening, Adan? Really?” she let out another cry of disbelief. “What I really fucking regret is that I can barely remember any of the most important and special thing that has ever happened in my entire life.”

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