《My life in another world - isekai》8. Adventurer's guild


I wake up at around twelve and look outside the reinforced window. A light snowfall restricts the visibility to a few hundred meters, but it can be seen that the streets are already busy with stalls and merchants. I get off my bed and put on my usual white tunic and brown pants. I leave the leather reinforced jacket on my chair.

I walk out of my room and head towards the kitchen

"Good morning mother," I say to my mom who was busy cleaning plates.

"good morning Gorrad, I prepared some salamander eggs for you, there are already on the table."

"again?" I ask perplexed "its the fourth time in these past four days mother, cant we have something else?"

"Gorrad, your father bought 10 salamander eggs accidentally. We all have to help him finish them up, today is the last day of eggs okay?"

"understood" I start to dig in the fried salamander egg that tasted quite like the usual chicken egg from my former world, except that its three times bigger...

"Mother, I will go check upon Zelos and then join the adventurers guild."

"okay do just tha- what?? What do you mean join the adventurers guild? you are too small for that!"

"Mother, the AG doesn't have an age restriction, just a lvl restriction. I asked father and he told me that the lvl restriction for an E ranked adventurer is 8, and I am already lvl 18."

"well that is certainly true but you are still five years old Gorrad, your father and I won't allow you to join until you are at least 12."

"Father already allowed me yesterday though."

"wha" - mother was shocked, anger and fury could be seen in her beautiful green eyes. She is quite scary when she is angry.

"very well, then I will allow you too, but at a few conditions. will you accept?"


"I didn't hear the conditions yet mother."

"I can't believe you are five years old... anyways, the conditions are:

- you can never do a request on your own

- You cannot do requests that are higher than D rank. Even if you have the rank of SS adventurer, you won't do anything that is too dangerous, understood?"

sigh, at least she is letting me do it. Last time she didn't even want to hear about it. "Understood mother."

"good, now, go to your father, he is probably in the town hall talking with some slimy merchants, he will introduce you to your future party member."

With that, I walk back to my room, put on my reinforced jacket, and on top the fur coat. I secure the sword to my waist and head out, throwing the sack onto my shoulder.

I start walking towards the stable. the stable was a two and a half meters tall wooden shelter. Inside, our family had a horse and now a wyvern. The wyvern was placed in the further end of the shelter, so the horse would not feel as threatened.

I whistle with my two fingers in my mouth, and Zelos comes out running to my side. "good boy, I can't believe I actually began to like you."

The wyvern looks at me with a quizzical look on his face. " let's go"

we head off on the long brick road.

After a few minutes of walking, we both stand in front of a building that has the symbol of a sword and shield, the Adventurer's Guild. I open the door and look around the room. On the left-hand side, there are about 15 muscular adventurers sitting at tables conversing and drinking. They are a mix of all the races that can be found. I head towards the receptionist that is right in front of me.


"Welcome to the Adventurer's Guild, what can I do for you, little one."

indeed you can say that I am quite small, my height barely reaches the desk of the reception. But... it still hurts.


"Ah, yes sorry. I would like to register as an adventurer."

the whole room went silent. I felt the gazes of all the fifteen men staring at me.

"ah, I heard that correctly right? you... want to join the Adventurer's guild?"


"okay, but first I need to ask, how old are you?"

"I just became five." damn, i should have lied...

"Go home ya brat, this aint your playing ground, ya hear me?"

I ignore him

"miss, I heard that the guild accepts the registrations based on your level not your age, was that information incorrect?"

"uh, no no, that information is correct. But, that means that you have to have a level at least higher than 8 to join."

"yep, I am level 18"

"what?!" "That brat is 18?!" "What joke is this?!" the reaction from the adventurers was quite the same as I expected it to be.

"If you say so... then I need to check if you are telling the truth, wait a minute please."

the bust receptionist went to grab something from below the table and said:

"please put your hand on this orb. This orb is capable of discerning one's level, no other information will be displayed except your name and level."

I put my hand on the orb and it began to glow in in a white light.

"oh, so it is true... please accept my apologies. I will prepare your registration form."

She takes out a piece of paper, writes down my name level and race. the paper transforms into a card that was very similar to an old credit card.

"please take this, this will provide for your identification as well as a mean to see your level up status. Here - she points at a green line that was going from one side of the card to the other - this is the exp. line, when the line reaches the other end you will level up and the line will return to the original starting position."

it was now in the middle.

"take you very much."

"not at all, if you want to start with a request already than you will be able to find them on the right-hand side of the wall from the entrance. I would suggest with lower difficulty requests at first when you will rank up, the requests will become harder too, so I suggest that you practice a lot with the easy ones."

"Understood, thanks again."

I walk out of the guild with 30 eyes that follow me to the door.

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