《My life in another world - isekai》7. Appraisal in Tarnarok


I climb out of the pit with the wyvern on my back, unfortunately, the other wyvern is still following me around. 'haaaaaa'. If this continues I will have to give it a name.

I start running towards the forest, the sun was already starting to go behind the mountain. I look behind me to make sure if the wyvern is still following me or not and for my relief I see nothing. Unluckily I hear a familiar screech above my head.

“its. flying…”

Well, whatever at least I can raise a wyvern? I guess. doesn't matter, if I have to, then I will make it the strongest wyvern ever. In that instant, I decided to call it “Zelos”. Zelos was also one of the winged enforcers of Zeus in Greek mythology. I think that suits him.

I continue my run in the forest, knowing the dangers of the night keeps me going at full speed. After only forty minutes of incessant running, I get out the other side of the forest. I look back and see the sun just disappearing behind the mountains. 'that was quite the run' I say, feeling actually tired for the first time in a long while.

I turn back to face Tarnarok the village of the whites. Its quite imposing if you look at it from down here, I mumble. I start walking on the ice and ignite a white orb at the same time. Whenever the sun disappears, darkness follows soon after up in the mountains.

After 10 minutes I am in front of the city gates. The same guards as in the morning wave at me and open the doors.

"yo how was the hunt Gorrad, I heard this was your trial huh?" exclaimed cheerfully the younger and evidently less experienced guard.

"Went well" - I show him the wyvern on my back

"yeah that's Gorrad for you"

"that is not all though." I put two fingers in my mouth and whistle.

At that, the green wyvern descends from the sky and while blowing up snow from the ground comes to my side. I look at the guards.

Both of them with their swords ready for battle gawk at the just landed wyvern.

"I named him Zelos by the way. I found him injured in a cave, tended his injuries and now he won't leave my side." - I say. I mean it is not a lie, is it? They wouldn't believe me anyway if I told them that I defeated two murder tattooed criminals.


"that is Gorrad for you..."

"yep" - exclaims even the seasoned guard

I walk in the city with my loot and head towards the residence of my family. The whole city of Tarnarok had only one double floored building, and it was the town hall. This was mostly because of the strong blizzards that are able to tear down any badly constructed building, even a single floored one. My house is behind the town hall so it is relatively protected. As I walk through the white orb illuminated streets, Beastmen, Elves, Humans, dragonkin and White ones all chat and buy things happily. Tarnarok is famous for being one of the most open-minded cities in the continent, although small sized it still houses a jaw-dropping five races. Other than here, most cities are brutally discriminatory, mainly human ones.

I continue to walk past the fantasy-like scenery that I will never get bored of, as giant lizard carried wagons pass through the town's street.

I finally arrive in front of my house and open the front door. A maid comes rushing to the entrance and quickly calls for father who comes in a completely white tunic. His grey beard surely fits his gigantic muscles that can be seen through the short sleeved tunic.

"So you passed my child?" - said father, in a non-surprised manner.

"yes father, I also made a companion, I left him in the stall as he is too big to bring inside." - I explain in a relaxed tone to which my dad raises an eyebrow

"a companion you say? What species, is it perhaps a black fang?"

"a wyvern"

"what!? You are saying that you tamed a wyvern at five years of age??" - said father in a tone that I never heard before

I place the dead wyvern on the floor and call for Zelos through a whistle. The wyvern quickly comes to my side lowering his head. I slowly pet him.

"incredible... Melfia! Melfia come here quick!!" shouted dad as he called for the blond elf.

Quick steps were heard from the other room and fast enough the beautiful blond haired elf that was my mother came through the door.

"wha what is a wyvern doing here??"

"calm down Melfia, Gorrad tamed it."

"what? that is..."

"its okay mother, I saved his life and I think he is showing me his gratitude."

"is. that. so... Well, very well." said mother regaining her composure.


"let it sleep in the stall, we have more important things to discuss now Gorrad. You succeeded in your trial, right?"


More important? Did I do something wrong before going away? I try to remember but can't find anything that would have made them angry.

"Gorrad, as usual to the traditions, after your first trial, the priest of the village comes and reads your status through appraisal. Its an important ceremony where you will be introduced to the world of skills."

"the world of skills?" I ask dumbfounded. If I recollect correctly, the goddess Shiva did grant me the Appraisal skill but I was never able to use it. Is it because I had not done the initiation?

"how does the priest have the Appraisal skill, father?" I ask

"It is not like the priest has the Appraisal skill, its the orb that the church forges that has the skill embedded within it. The priest comes only to read what the orb is able to tell. You see the orb has the skill and the priest is the translator."

"ah, I understand father." I lie

What the hell, so now objects can have skills. And what is this about translating, is it written in another language?

Surely enough, I figure out that it was. It was in Kanji. The priest came as foretold and we held the initiation, the priest was now writing down my skills. I peaked at the inside of the orb and saw a floating sheet-like paper where you could read everything about me. written. in. Kanji! What?? I was struck with so many questions all at once that I couldn't even start to sort them out.

After two seconds of that, I feel that my body is enveloped in a blinding white light for a few seconds and I hear a familiar voice say "good luck on your adventures Kato, or rather Gorrad." It was the goddess. A few moments after that the white light dispersed and everyone looked at me with joy.

"You have completed the initiation Gorrad" explained my mother

"You will now be able to check your skills wherever you are" added Father with a delighted smile on his face.

"thank you mother, Father. I will work my best" I exclaim with joy filling my heart. So this is where it starts? I ask myself.

"I finished writing down your skills Gorrad, I know you can check them on your own now, but its a tradition to see the first paper written by the priest with the family. Don't worry, I can't tell anyone about what I see. I promised on the god Shiva.

"oh, ok" I dont think I have anything to hide anyway

the priest starts reading the paper:

Gorrad Ragna

Race: Half - elf Half - white one

Special traits: black hair; green eyes; ears with a small resemblance to elf ears

LVL: 19

HP: 15/15

MP: 36/36

STR: 30

VIT: 25

AGI: 20


- Swordsmanship lvl 10

- Krav maga lvl 10


- light magic lvl 4

- Evasion lvl 7

- stone throwing lvl 5

- silent steps lvl 4


- taming lvl 2

- slow motion sight lvl 1

Hidden skills:

- hidden

- hidden

"hmmm, I have heard of these hidden skills before, but I have never seen one in my life." says the priest.

"And what is with swordsmanship as Mastered!? Were you training in secret Gorrad?" asks father astonished

"ahhh, I forgot to tell you"

"My baby! I knew you were strong as your father!" said Mother while embracing me in a tight hug.

"ha, we will see about that." snorts father, as usual.

"You know Gorrad, the average STR, VIT, and AGI are usually all around ten for normal humans. For us white ones they are around 20, so that means that you are incredibly strong Gorrad, use that strength well" he adds

We then have a short discussion, and the priest explains what everything means to me. I just nod continuously because I pretty much understand it all from my previous life.

"Thank you for coming, Sir. Bal!" Shouts mother while waving towards the leaving priest. I go to my room and jump on my bed, exhausted.

'haaa, what a day. I think I had to tell something important to father... what was it... well whatever, I will do it in the morning. I also have to check those hidden skills, I wonder what they are." I block the mana stone that acts as a power supply to the white orb in my room and drop on my bed.

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