《Goddesses are out of Heroes, so it's up to Me to Save an Isekai World! [Poll Story]》Prologue


Yuusha Kigiraya was on the bus with the rest of his class, driving to what was supposed to be a fun time in a water park—sun, water tube slides, long still shots of teenage schoolgirls in swimsuits.

Yuusha didn’t see the car driven by a drunk person coming from the opposite direction, spiraling out of control. He didn’t have to see that car. The bus driver, however, did have to see that car. But he didn’t. He was too preoccupied on his phone, playing his favorite gacha game ‘Ambitious Hunt’, finishing a daily quest before ‘hot time’ ran out.

The bus driver did periodically look up at the road and when he did, and finally saw the car coming straight at him, he panicked, overreacted and turned the bus off the road, off the bridge and down into the Hudson River. Nobody survived.

Drowning is not a very pleasant experience. So to ease her conscience a certain goddess made it so the students all hit their head against the ceiling of the bus during the fall and lost consciousness.

Everything was dark. But it wasn’t cold. It wasn’t hot either.

“Open your eyes, oh potentially great hero!”

Yuusha opened his eyes. There was only darkness all around him, not even a single star. But before him, shining in heavenly light floated a woman. Early twenties. Long, blonde wavy hair, reaching to her knees. Natural D-cups, perfectly shaped and on full display, save for the nipples, which were hidden by narrow pieces of pure-white cloth, no doubt silk, extending from her shoulders and connecting beneath her navel, where the “dress” continued all the way down to her ankles, but only from behind. At the front, it was cut out and had a skirt that barely reached her upper thighs. Full, red lips. Deep, blue eyes, long black eyelashes, and perfect eyebrows. Either a goddess or a bimbo.


“My name is Luluna,” the woman spoke in an echoing voice. She spread her arms and looked upwards as if basking in imaginary sunlight. “And I am the Goddess of Awakening and Transportation.”

“Very specific,” Yuusha said.

Luluna glanced at Yuusha but continued without change in tone, “There can be no overlapping titles between Gods and Goddesses. Some are... luckier than others.”

“Will I get a prize if I guess correctly why I am here?” Yuusha asked sarcastically. He already knew the answer. Perhaps he watched too much anime for his own good, but what else could this be – he dies a tragic and pointless death only to immediately find himself facing a Goddess welcoming him with open arms? Yuusha saw this scenario too many times – he was basically a short conversation away from gaining an overpowered item or special power and being on his way on a magical adventure with an ever-growing cast of quirky companions (most of whom or all of whom would be female). That would also adore him, of course.

There could be some variation, Yuusha surmised, but as long as the goal is to save the world from a Demon King of some sort I’ll be able to breeze through this on savviness alone. There is even a decent chance that the Goddess herself will join me if I’m especially lucky.

Another glance from Luluna.

“You have been summoned here to help save a fantasy world from… Let me check.” Luluna pulled out a hard-cover notebook, (don’t ask from where – Yuusha didn’t notice) licked her thumb and quickly flipped through the squared pages.

Here it comes, Yuusha thought.

“A Demon Lord named Gorgonoth and his five lieutenants.”

And the winner is Yuusha Kigiraya! Yuusha felt like patting himself on the back. I suppose I should go through the motions so that her effort is not completely wasted?


“Why me?” Yuusha asked.

“Japanese teenagers and young adults, that are knowledgeable enough in gaming and/or fantasy novels, aren’t dying fast enough and we aren't allowed to commit murder in Japan, so we had to look abroad. Right now, we’re rapidly burning through Japanese exchange students, and I was lucky enough to stumble upon one with some potential as a reincarnated hero.”

“Potential? Such as?”

Luluna flipped some more through her notebook.

“Let me see:

Dark spiky hair, that sometimes covers the eyes for dramatic effect? Check.

Slightly anti-social but in a cool, standoffish way? Check.

Facial features generic enough not to stand out but pretty enough to be attractive to girls that should be out of his league? Check.

Pretty enough to be attractive to boys if need be? Check-“

“What the fuck!?” Yuusha protested.

“Hidden potential? Check

Virgin? Check-“

“Oh, fuck you! I’ll have you know that I-”

Luluna would hear none of Yuusha's excuses. "As far as I’m concerned, you’re more than qualified to become a hero in another world. So, off you go!”

“Wait, that’s it? Don’t I get an item of my choice to take to this fantasy world so that I stand a chance to save it?”

“Here, you go.” Luluna tossed an orange crystal at Yuusha. “This crystal will activate the special potential, hidden within you. Just hold it close to your face, imagine your potential and it will become so.”

“You’re not coming with me?”


“But what if I need some support or guidance, or advice-”

“Those are synonyms.”

“Or comedic relief-“

“Look, buddy! Do you have any idea how many generic fantasy worlds there are out there that need saving?”

“A lot?”

“A LOT! Every half-baked light novel or manga or web novel or webcomic that was ever started and dropped or canceled. What, you think those worlds just stop existing? They create the setting, the problem, and then don’t solve it! Like some kind of demon king, or regular king, or an incoming zombie apocalypse, or, Jupiter-forbid, an eldritch abomination! Those are FUN!”

Yuusha wondered if the vein bulging on Luluna’s forehead would burst or not.

“And now lesser goddesses like me have to go around cleaning up these messes. And it never ends! The backlog just keeps piling up by the second! I swear turning all that garbage into reality has got to be the most heinous, sadistic, inhumane prank by that Bitch, Aurora yet!”

“Are you done?”


The vein didn’t burst. After a couple of seconds of awkward silence, Luluna took a deep breath, extended her right arm, pointing the palm of her hand at Yuusha. A bright blue light appeared under Yuusha’s feet and grew brighter and larger, slowly engulfing him.

“I’m sorry, that was not very Goddess-like of me. Now go and… have fun or something.”

The bright blue light consumed Yuusha completely, and he disappeared from Luluna’s presence, leaving her alone in the void.

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