《Phantasmagoria》6. The Magician


Yawning, Natalie stood up from her bed and walked toward her wardrobe first and cabinet second. She took out today’s clothes: a white shirt, a dull green cardigan, jeans, white socks, light blue bra and panties. Her vision was still a bit fuzzy, making her wobbly, but she still managed to reach her bathroom without tumbling.

Once she was inside, she closed the door behind her and the window’s curtain. Then she began undressing, taking off her pajama, before she opened the shower’s glass door. Natalie entered and put one of the many shampoos and shower gels each on the shower’s tiled floor. Then she exited, used the toilet and checked for any unnecessary things that shouldn’t be on one (a woman) ’s body. Not noticing anything wrong, Natalie once again entered the shower, this time closing the glass door and washing herself.

It took a while to clean her waist-long hair, but she liked them so it wasn’t much of an hassle. Almost an hour later Natalie was done and so she went out of the shower. She dried herself and put on her panties, socks and jeans. Maxing out the hair dryer’s settings, she spent a good twenty minutes drying her chestnut coloured hair while she sat on the small chair she kept in the bathroom.

Once done, she wiped her upper body before wearing her bra, shirt and cardigan. Natalie randomly choose a deodorant and used it. She knew it would have been easier and simpler to use it before she put on her shirt and cardigan, but she liked to use deodorants and perfumes after she was completely clothed. Done that, she opened the bathroom’s door, the curtain and the window to let fresh air circle in.

It was winter already but Natalie loved the cold so it wasn’t such a big deal. Still, her parents always nagged her when they saw her do that or something similar. She sat on the chair and combed her hair until she felt satisfied, at that point Natalie put the comb away and started braiding her hair in her favorite (and only) style, the bohemian side braid.


After that, Natalie got up and finally checked herself in the mirror. Her eyebrows were thin, and so were also her soft red lips and turned up nose. Her eyes were black and her skin was a light pink. Content that nothing horrible happened to her face during the night, Natalie pondered if she should apply a bit of eyeliner and glosslip before exiting the bathroom, but decided not to.

She steadily walked to the living room and sat on the end of the sofa, near where she last left her shoes. A bit later Natalie went to the kitchen and fixed herself some breakfast, milk with cereals and pear juice, as she still had time before she had to go. She leisurely took her purse along the car and house keys and exited the house, locking the door.

Natalie drove for around forty minutes before she arrived at the nice looking detatched house where she would work for the following days. As she parked the car near the house, she caught a glimpse of the flower-filled garden in the backyard. She calmly walked toward the door while paying attention not to slip. Even if it was cleared away, the snow had already made the ground wet.

After she rang the doorbell, a woman in her her late thirties opened the door. The woman had curly red hair that reached her shoulders and clear blue eyes, her figure seemed well proportioned but her clothes were too baggy to know for sure. She was also a bit taller than Natalie, as the missus was around 170cm tall. The woman’s lips formed a thin smile as she looked Natalie over.

“Hello, I’m Natalie Fern, I’m here to be the tutor of Lily.”

Natalie spoke first and offered her hand for a greeting. The woman shook it and replied after they both entered inside the house. The temperature was quite high in confront to the cold outside.


“Hello. I’m Martha White, feel free to call me Martha. Ashley told us a lot about you, we hope you won’t find this job a bother.”

The hallway the two were in was quite spacious, the walls were a light cream, almost white, colour. On one side were coat hooks, on the other were old family photos. At the end of the hallway you could see the stairs to the floor above and another hallway to the left. A few meters from the entrance were the living room to the right and what seemed a dining room to the left. Natalie handed Martha her jacket and talked again.

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