《Phantasmagoria》4. The Moon


Lily was curled up on her mother's laps while her father sat at their side. Zinnia, too, was seating in the back of the car, near Lily and her mother. Everyone understood they situation, so they all kept quiet about the little girl's unsafe seating location. Mrs. White was constantly kissing her daughter, sometimes stroking her cheek on Lily's head. Mr. White patted her back while he firmly held on her hand, not minding the fact that Lily was only a tiny bit away from drawing his blood with her nails.

Zinnia kept thinking about the moment the paramedic had checked the girl's upper part of the body. Neither her and the paramedic said anything about it because the girl seemed fine, but it was probably the most problematic thing. Lily had signs of injections on her arms. Zinnia frowned hard. It's situation like this one that made her remember how much was her squad needed, how much joy she could bring, and how people can be such low-lives.

'Scum.. they drugged and raped her for years..'

The car stopped, indicating that they were finally at the hospital. Covered in a clean blanket taken from the ambulance, Lily was carried by her father inside as he and her mother, along with Zinnia and her squad, followed the two paramedics. A doctoress with two nurses were already waiting for them and lead the group to a waiting room near where Lily is going to be thoroughly checked.

Martha, Lily’s mother, was handed over some temporary slippers which Lily then wore. One of the nurses motioned Mrs. White to follow the doctoress and the nurse that went ahead. Martha put an arm over Lily’s shoulders and held them, helping her to stay steady on her own feet. After two or three steps, though, Lily looked behind her, toward Christopher, her father. Lily raised one arm toward him while with the other she firmly held on to her mother’s dress.


Chris was visibly torn. He didn’t want to let go of his daughter, even if it was for just a short amount of time, but he also knew he couldn’t go with her at the moment. Zinnia watched the man tightly clenching his fists. She sighed, scratched her head and got up.

“Come on kid, let’s go.”

Saying so, Zinnia gently held Lily’s outstretched hand and stared at her eyes. The girl seemed to calm down a bit as she accepted to leave her father behind. Still, Lily stole one or two side-glances in his direction before she entered the examination room.

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