《Ascended Dark Sovereign》Chapter 8: Battle Slave


“Alright alright that’s enough no need to dwell on the topic, now let me tell you about the pride of all Magus, that being their spells." Teacher Li consoled those that seemed depressed and tried to lighten the mood.

"As I have mentioned before Magus Spells can be split into three categories Foundation, Combat and Formation. I will be explaining Combat spells so prepare yourselves for a long and juicy lecture." Teacher Li wanted to make sure everyone had calmed down from earlier before starting.

"Combat Spells are as numerous as the clouds in the sky and the grass on the ground every single one varies in power and form, some capable of toppling mountains and others of creating mountains to crush your enemy heh but im sorry to tell you that these spells are currently out of your reach, to put it simply you are weak and thus to help people measure the capabilities of Combat Spells they are split into tiers there are 8 tiers each corresponding to the Realm required to utilise them as you can guess they are simply called Mortal tier, Earth tier, Sky tier and so on.

Right now you are obviously only capable of using Mortal Tier Techniques but which techniques you can use depends on your Foundation Spell otherwise called your Soul Attribute. Soul Attributes decide which techniques you can learn, Soul attributes are split into classes these are Elemental, Armament, Physical and Mental.

Elemental Soul Attributes are the most picky as you may only learn elemental techniques that have an affinity with that soul attribute an example would be if your soul attribute is fire you may only use fire techniques but you can learn any Physical, Mental and Armament Techniques you desire.

Physical soul attributes allows you to learn any technique that isn’t associated with a Mental attribute, this is the same for a Mental soul attribute instead being unable to learn any physical techniques. This could be seen as harsh conditions as you will be unable to train your body or mind depending on the attribute however, those with Mental and Physical Soul Attributes are known to improve their essence quality much quicker than those at the same level.

Finally Armament Soul Attributes can learn every technique except for other Armament techniques. Thus people say that Armament Soul Attributes are the most flexible, that is assuming your foundation spell creates an armament you can use." After a long breath Teacher Li sat down with a smile on his face, "Okay then I have finished my lecture you must now write down everything you have learned today and then you may go." Teacher Li gave an instruction and then sat down and began reading something.

Malice naturally had to comply and began writing down what he had heard, Teacher Li truly gave long explanations that even Malice thought had too much detail, but it didn't take long for him to finish so he left class and waited by the nearby courtyard, Malice was unsure where Bella, Violet or Nova’s classroom was so he could only wait for them. He had decided that he would always focus on cultivating and meditating no matter what but would take time out of his day to nurture relationships with strong individuals like Bella, Violet and Nova.


Malice knew deep down he was using them but he felt that letting out bottled emotions gave him peace of mind therefore, improving his meditation efficiency. Even while he was waiting Malice was constantly trying to perfect his essence shape, Malice was almost positive that his foundation spell had something to do with a sword, knowing that he had an Armament Soul attribute relieved Malice as it would allow him to be more free with his spell choice.

"Malice what are you doing sat there alone, don't tell me you forgot about us." A charming voice drifted into Malice’s ears awakening him from meditating.

"Violet he clearly cares more about meditating than us hehe" Malice turned around and saw Bella say that in a joking manner.

"Ah come on no need to poke fun at me for being diligent and it's just I have no way of meeting you guys in this vast array of classrooms." Malice responded walking toward the two girls.

"Oh well if that’s the case let me mark our class on your map. There much better you can now find us in the future." Bella marked her and Violets class on Malice’s cloth map

"Thanks, where is Nova I would expect him to be with you at this time." Malice questioned Bella.

"He has been struggling to move his essence any more than a slight push, so he is training with his father the vice-head of the Starlyte family. He has Middle stage A grade talent just like me and Violet however he doesn't wanna lose to you so he has been training extra hard." Bella narrated why Nova was absent she seemed happy he was training so hard.

'After knowing I moved my essence before him he probably felt jealous in his own way so he is now training extra hard to surpass or at least stay level with me.' Malice thought that with Nova’s personality that he wouldn't let himself be beaten in any capacity.

"Shall we go to the Dining Hall, I can get us a whole table without much trouble." Violet spoke as if to mock herself but still joyfully giggled.

"Okay let's do that maybe we will eventually fill this table you have reserved for us." Malice also joked along but thought that it was unlikely he would actually make more friends, Malice made friends with people who had valuable traits such as determination and strength, that was if he kept an open mind. Right now he was handling his new friends just fine what was the need for more.

Although this group started off as a way for Malice to get powerful backers, he actually grew to respect the company of Violet, Bella and Nova. Regardless of who you were being in the company of two powerfully backed beauties would make you feel some kind of emotion, although Malice would be lying to say they weren't attractive he cared more about their talent, power, daringness and willingness to accept outsiders. Moreover although people would usually dislike shameless and arrogant people like Nova, Malice simply didn't care about his personality rather he appreciated Nova’s tenacity, talent and vigour which was rare for such a young person.


Malice, Bella and Violet made their way to the Dining Hall found a table where they then proceeded to chat and eat together. Malice truly changed personalities in front of these girls from cold to sociable.

They soon after parted ways saying goodbye before leaving in different directions. Violet and Bella both would travel back to their respective families whenever lessons would end, how they travelled such a distance in a short amount of time made Malice guess they both possessed High Level Flying Beasts.

Malice at the moment seemed in a excited mood and although socialising was good to an extent Malice was actually thinking over what happened in the Dining Hall earlier, which was Bella’s display of her foundation spell. When Violet and Malice came to know that she had completed it they watched in admiration as she called forth her white glistening essence which then slowly changed into a pink and red flame that she freely controlled around her body, the fire looked beautiful and powerful at the same time. Malice was very intrigued by how powerful his spell would be, this is why he was happy to train and hopefully complete his fountain spell.

It was only the afternoon so Malice took the chance to perfect his foundation spells shape. Instead of his usual meditation he requested to hire a servant to train with. In the Institution students could hire servants for all types of jobs, the particular type of servant Malice wanted was a Battle Servant who could train with their master and even become their bodyguard if they were strong enough. Malice wasn't looking for an expensive bodyguard though, no what he needed was someone to stimulate and satisfy his urge to fight and through this he believed he could perfect his foundation spell.

So after a short time his request was granted and an average sized young adult came to the lake near Malice's quarters, he looked more like a slave than a servant but was there really a difference in the first place? Malice didn't think so.

With a scruffy but clean beard and only a bruised arm it looked like he hadn't been beaten badly by his previous master and treated quite well. "Good evening Master I am your Battle Servant Gla.."

"I don't need to know your name only your ability, now come!" Malice had been waiting impatiently for awhile now and wanted to fight straight away.

"Should I stand still and let you hit me, I don't want to hurt you I might get in trouble" The servant didn't look like a fighter but more like a punching bag used by young kid's, who probably threw punches that barely hurt.

"Don't look down on me Slave" Malice ran forward and gave the Servant a gut punch that made him cry out in shock and fall over.

"With someone as weak as you I doubt I'll be able to even train a little bit." Although Malice was yet to truly become a Magus, he still was in peak physical condition thanks to his daily training thus making him quite lethal in a mortal fight.

"I'm not a slave and will never be one again!" The Servant spat which happened to land on Malice’s family crest, got up and threw a punch clearly triggered by the fact he was called a Slave. The punch caused a loud crunch sound however, the crunch wasn't from the punch it was from the Servants arm bending upwards half way down his left forearm.

"Do you know that spitting on my family crest is equivalent to desecrating my parents graves? You are a worthless slave and dare to disgrace my family?" Malice spoke with his usual cold attitude but this time it was a murderous coldness like a Frost Serpent had wrapped it's tail around the Servants neck, it wasn't just his natural coldness that came forth even his aura of swords was exhibited making the servant believe he was targeted by an Army of blades.

The servant couldn't respond because he was in so much pain but before he could even fix his arm back in place Malice grabbed it with an iron grip and spun it around ripping it right off. The Servant entirely fuelled off instinct not reacting to the fact he lost an arm kicked towards Malice as a last ditch attempt to hurt his attacker.

"You became a Slave because your weak, you chose to be a servant because you are weak, you disrespected me because you are weak and now you will die because you are simply too weak." Malice easily caught the kick, pulling the Servant towards him. Then with inhumane strength threw the Servant into the lake. Malice knelt down with his hands pushing on the slaves neck and shoulder whilst his head was underwater, staring at his terrified expression with a cold and murderous demeanour.

Constantly struggling for air the Servant kicked around, panicked and screamed from under the water. All the while Malice held him in place not treating him like a human at all, like this man was simply an object that could be used, that was what a slave was after all and to Malice that's what this man was.

"Oi who's making all that noise, it's late go back to your residence now, or do I have to report you two." A girl wearing the Institutes Aqua Robes saw Malice in the distance and complained about the noise he was making.

The girls voice alarmed Malice making him release his grip on the Servant allowing him to gasp for air.

"What are you two doing in the lake, it's not even good weather for a swim." The girl had made her way over to the two wanting to check out the situation. Malice wondered if she would tell anybody about an injured servant and if so would he have to deal with her?

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