《Dragon Sovereign》Ch 16 Todd!


****Nelding Estate****

****Todd Duncan POV;****

I opened my eyes and looked around to see the giant holding me in her arms she had red long hair and pale white skin and beautiful face, I was completely mesmerised by her beauty, after looking at her for what seems like years I swept my gaze to the Red haired baby in her other hand she also had the white pale skin, then I continued to look around until I saw the yellow eyes looking directly at me it was a man who also had long red hair and white pale skin, looking at the yellow eyes I felt that this man was very very very strong which made me sweat a little, I wondered how I got here.

I searched my memories I remembered everything that happened how my parents died because of humans and how I was treated like a slave for the humans, after struggling for over 100 years did, I managed to escape the humans and find freedom.

After leaving the humans I went to the Demon territory, there everyone was worse than the humans but everyone got a chance to make their life better as long as one had the strength you would be able to change your lifestyle and live a better life.

I Obtained the strength of a Deity with 200 years of painstaking work after I had enough Strenght I united all of the demons using force, I did all that just to kill the humans who killed my parents from me and made me their slave but after uniting all the demons the humans launched war against us using their superior number they made it all the to my castle where they jumped me with 20 deity's even though I killed 7 of them I ran out of mana, that's when Cindy stabbed me in the head with her dagger and I died.


The next thing I knew was that I was in a dark place which was very cold as well, I tried everything I could but it was of no use until I saw a white bright and warm light I moved towards it and hide in there before I was sucked into the darkness again.

After a short period of time, I opened my eyes to see that I was reborn because I could adapt very fast in new place's.

After looking around and looking at myself I understood and I knew somehow I got a Second Chance, after being given to the red hair lady who was giving off this warmth I knew she was my mother I decided that this time I won't make the same mistakes, but after looking at her I saw that she looked human which made me frustrated because I hated humans but this time I myself was a human I looked away from the lady and saw the red-haired baby staring at me she also had the same red hair and yellow eyes, I thought she must be my sister before a red-haired man stormed inside the room everyone in the room went quiet.

Looking at him come close I realised that he must be the father because he also had the same red hair and yellow eyes "What's with the red hair and yellow eyes is it very common!" I thought before he came next to me and my mother and the rest is history.

I looked at the red-haired baby who was asleep, I had mixed feelings because she is the reason why I died and yet her she is my sister, I didn't know what to do, I promised myself I would never hurt my family no matter what life but here I am with a sister who killed me before.


I was picked up I quickly looked at the person who picked me up and saw it was the scary man, "what is he planning to do with me!" I thought before he went to the chair he was sitting on before and put me on his lap, I just stared at him with a confused face.


After looking at up from the book I was reading I looked at my son who opened his eyes, he looked at my wife for some time before he looked at my daughter then at me before he looked back at my daughter and showed a complex expression, "What's wrong!" I thought before I stood up from my chair and walked up to where my wife was sleeping and picked my son up from her arms.

He looked at me with many different Expression worried/scared/angry and confused I didn't know what to do.

To be honest, I didn't expect this at all, I just wanted kids that will run after me all day yelling "papa!" who would have thought I would get babies who can think and understand things, I had mixed feelings about everything.

"Are you okay?" I Asked with telepathy

" I don't know what to do anymore!" He said with a depressed face

"Well, you can tell me If I can help I will!"

"My first problem is that I hate humans because of the way they treated me in my past life I want to kill those greedy humans but I myself am a human now?" he said while looking down, I just laughed as he looked up towards me with a confused face.

"Do you think we are humans?" I said while he raised an eyebrow to my question

"We look like them, and we even have the exact same body structure as them!"

"No my son we are not humans!" I Said which made him confused

"Then what are we?"

"We are dragons!" I said with pride

"Stop joking with me dragons don't look like this!"

"This is our humanoid form, once we go in our original form we are too big and won't be able to fit in small places, so I locked your dragon form for now!"

"Is that really true!"

"Yep and that's why our hair are red and eyes yellow and our skin white!"

"Then can you show me your dragon form!"

"Not now, I will show you try later, now tell me what other thing is bothering you!"

"The person who killed me was Cindy but now she is my sister, I don't know what to do kill her and break the promise I made to myself or Let her live without taking revenge!"

"You want to kill your sister! son even if you did it would pointless!"

"Why is that?"

"Because from now we will be connected forever, and if one of us dies we would all die and be reincarnated at the same time in the same world!"

"But how?"

"Because our souls are fused, Even I am not sure how it happened becuase Only soulmates can Fuse their souls but for some reason you two also fused your souls with us!"


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