《Dragon Sovereign》ch 15 Twins!


****Nelding Estate****

****Rezai POV****

It's been 30000 years since we won the war against the capital.

After such a long time, I became the Emperor of the Rezai Empire and my Disciples became the 8 kings under me which I didn't care about.

As a matter of fact, the thing I was most excited about was that Kelona got pregnant, after being with her this long I have found out exactly why I was attracted to her the first time I met her.

Moving on, today is a very special day. My child would be born!

Right now, I am outside the room Kelona is giving birth in, moving from one side to the other.

I have never been this nervous because it's unheard of someone giving birth to twin dragons.

I don't know if it has anything to do with the fact that Kelona was a human before becoming a dragon but the fact that I would get two children at the same time is killing me with excitement.

Over the years, Kelona joined the Rank of Sovereigns along with my Disciples.

After they all became Sovereigns, I told them about the 30 trillion other worlds which shocked them.

I told them that there are 4 Powerhouses who control all of the Worlds except this one because this one is under my control and the other 4 Powerhouses can only influence this world and nothing more.

I told them that 100 million years ago all of the experts from all 4 Powerhouses made a joint Attack on me because I didn't join them so they might as well kill me if they can't have me and that fight is what caused the continent to split into 5 different continents

I told them afterwards that after my child is born, I would be leaving this world in order to kill every single last one of the people who tried to hunt me to which Kelona said she wanted to come with me.

I denied but then she said that as my wife, she can't let me go on a mission which I can die in and there was no point if I died and she stayed because she would die as well.


After hearing her, I couldn't do anything but agree.

Back to topic, I will be a father in some few seconds which is making my heart race so fast


After hearing the scream, I bolted inside the room and saw the red haired little girl on Kelona's left arm and the red-haired boy on the right side.

I went beside her and asked, worried.

"Are you okay?"

"Of course, I am!" She said while hugging the babies who have opened their yellow eyes.

When I was about to ask to hold them, I saw that the boy had a Wired Soul.

"Honey, can you hand me the boy?" I said to which Kelona made a confused face because of the tone I used which worried her before she gave the boy to me.

I took the boy and saw that his soul was indeed wired, a normal soul would never be this strong!

After someone dies, they would go to the Soul Void and their souls would be weakened and incomplete but this boy's soul is whole which means that he never went into the void, but entered the body directly after dying.

"Hello!" I said inside his mind which startled him, looking at his face made me surer.

"I am talking to you boy, so answer your father!"

"How did you know!?" The boy answered back which made me smile

"That's because I am really strong!" I replied while laughing

"What's wrong, honey!?" Kelona said

I looked towards the girl and looked at her soul just to see that she is also the same.

I gave a heavy sigh and Kelona made a worried face.

I looked at everyone in the room and told them to leave before I took the girl off Kelona and placed both of the children in a seating position and made them face us both.

"Why did you do that? What is wrong, tell me!" Kelona said

I connected all of us telepathically.

"Now, who wants to explain this!" I said which startled both the girl and Kelona


"Well, I might as well go first. My name is Todd Duncan and I was a strong Deity who was hailed by everyone but then a bitch named Cindy Stout killed me because she said she was a hero who would kill me the DEMON LORD!"

After hearing the Baby boy speak both the little girl and Kelona dropped their jaw and the little girl was even more shocked by his words than the fact he could speak like that.

I looked towards Kelona and the girl and closed their mouths.

"Don't leave your mouths open like that. Who knows what kind of bacteria would enter!" After I said that, they both snapped out of it and I looked towards the girl.

"And you. What's your story!?" We all looked towards her while she made a complicated face filled with mixed emotions.

"My name is Cindy Stout and I was a hero Deity who died because I tripped and stabbed my own heart with the dagger I held in my hand!" She said which made Todd look at her with a shocked expression before coming back to his senses.

"YOU bitch, it was you who killed..." Before he finished talking, he fell asleep and the startled Cindy also fell asleep.

I looked towards Kelona next to me but she was only staring at the scene with a shocked expression.

I went and picked up Cindy and Todd and handed both them to Kelona before she came back to reality and stared at me with a confused expression. I gave out a sigh.

"What happened!?" She asked me while looking towards her babies

"Well, they have their memories from their past lives!" I said

"Past life?"

"Yes. Just like you and me but you don't have your memories yet but once you reach Godhood you will get them" I told her which made her even more confused.

"What do you mean by past life?" She asked while staring at me

"Let me ask you. Why did you sleep with me even though you knew me for such little time?" I asked her

"I don't know. I felt like I knew you!"

"Bingo. Even though you might not remember me, your soul does which made you attracted to me after we first met!"

"So, you are saying that I knew you in my past life?" She asked me

"Yes. You were my wife!" I said while scratching my face and she looked at me with a complex face

"Then, what about these two?"

"Normally when someone dies, their souls go to the Soul void in order to erase their memories and weaken their soul just like you and after you reach Godhood you will get back your power and memories back and that's how it is for everyone but there are sometimes when the soul moves and enters a body before making it to the Soul Void and therefore have their memories intact just like these two. Their home plane must have been close to ours which made it so that when we fused our souls they also fused with us and that's why if you look at your soul you will find there are two more souls connected to our souls!"

"But, we fused our souls 30000 years ago. How come their souls fused with ours just now?"

"When someone dies, time won't matter to them anymore so to them after they died they saw our bright souls who were about to be fused and moved towards us which fused their souls with ours and there is no way for us to know they did that until we create vessels for their souls to enter before they come out of our own and enter them which explains the twins!"


http://royalroadl.com/fiction/6693 = Lord Of Glory This story is connected to Dragon Sovereign there are some clues In both of the fictions good luck finding them :D

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