《Dropped into a Xianxia World》Chapter 1


Keep in mind that you are reading this from the biased viewpoint of the Main Character! Not everything is the absolute truth!


Chapter 1:

Now I know what you might be thinking, how did all of this happen?

To be honest… I have no fucking clue.

No seriously, not a single idea comes to mind when I try to figure out just what exactly happened.

My name is, or better, was Fiodor.

Strange name I know but my parents apparently couldn’t just name me the normal way and let it be ‘Theodor’.

I was just like your everyday socially awkward and reclusive guy living his days hidden behind a closed door which only ever opened for going to work.

Basically I was a ‘neet’ or ‘loner’ that spent his time playing games and reading manga, novels and my absolute favorite, Xianxia stories.

If you don’t know what ‘Xianxia’ means then I would suggest looking it up, it’s a pretty awesome genre in Chinese literature which are basically fantasy stories about a guy (only ever read about guys at least) who gains amazing and mind-boggling power.

All of this is set in an alternate world with an ancient Chinese setting together with beasts and the ever present ‘Magical beast mountain range’ (seriously how many times have all of you read about the same goddamn mountain range with mythical beasts that hold all kinds of treasures?!).

There are very shallow books and stories out there, most of which translated by people that do it as a hobby and some have terrifyingly bad English (engrish makes my head hurt…) skills.

It is a fun read though and I follow dozens of stories while refreshing most sites multiple times a day, if at all I could probably say it’s like crack, once you start taking you won’t ever stop.

Having read dozens of translated works, most of which still aren’t even close to being finished (crazy Chinese authors and their 1k+ chapter stories) I slowly but surely knew my way around ‘Mount Tai’ and throwing ‘diamonds before pigs’.

I was an avid reader, swallowing as much knowledge as I could in the shortest time possible and gaining ‘enlightenment’ in many different parts of literature as well as ‘cultivation’.

And yes, I am well aware this is getting annoying that I keep quoting things out of Xianxia novels but there is a point to this so shut your moaning.

Anyways, where was I?

Oh right, I basically got used to all these new and strange terms and started to recognize them while trying my best to ignore the horrible grammar and mistakes as there was understandably only a limited number of translators that actually knew English pretty damn well.

Not that I can boast about my skills too much considering it’s not my mother tongue either but that is beside the point here.

Having grown up with anime, manga and Xianxia terms during my juvenile and early adult period I wasn’t a full on ‘weeaboo’ and neither was I a neck beard with double chins down to my knees.

I don’t consider myself as an ‘Otaku’ but others probably do, I for one see myself as your Average-Joe who works part time and doesn’t cook much.

Living alone, having no girlfriend or outside contact with other people except my own family, I quite enjoyed my life believe it or not.

Some men want to conquer the world or have a harem of girls, even just lead a steady life with a wife and two kids, I just wanted to be left alone and enjoy my days with the beauty and bountiful stories of literature.


Naturally most of them were about fantasy subjects but I was not one to reject a good horror or thriller story, some psychological works are more than a bit intriguing and I do also count myself as a terrible romantic so there is more on my bookshelves than what first might meet the eye.

Living my life in such a quiet and basically hermit like style I was more than content with it all.

I had no future plans to speak of and never was a big spender so I slowly but surely saved up the little bit that I call ‘reassurance’.

It was a simple life as the days passed without a hitch, one blurring into the other without any distinction between them.

Wasting my life before the pages of a book or the monitor of a running PC, some might feel sorry or even disgusted knowing of my lifestyle, but do I judge you going out and partying? Do I judge you for waking up in someone else’s bed and having to deal with all the trouble and possible pregnancy?

No, I don’t.

We all live and enjoy our lives in different ways and I had those times too, doesn’t mean I enjoy them anymore though and neither do I want to end up in a bad situation so I keep to myself and you keep to yourself, how does that sound?

Good, can’t have your disease ridden hands all over my keyboard now can I?

I am only joking naturally but please keep your distance as the way you are looking at me right now is just weird.

Moving on to more important things.

You might ask yourself just where the hell I am going with all of this.

Well I was getting to that so stop your yapping and don’t you dare just discard this as one of many trash stories, I CAN SEE YOU LOOKING AT A DIFFERENT TAB MISTER!

My life was pretty normal until the fire nati- I mean until everything changed.

Yes, we are finally getting to the real story and I can see you rolling your eyes too you know?

That is pretty rude.

It has been 3 days since then as I gazed outside the window next to my bed.

Basically I was transferred into a Xianxia world after I died from a minor heart attack from getting up too suddenly.

It was a 2-day long gaming session and I had food and drink next to me while I held back my need to go to the toilet, so when I stood up to finally relieve myself my heart couldn’t take it, apparently.

I know, pretty sad way to die and I am currently contemplating my life choices as we speak.

When I woke up I found myself to be incredibly weak and feeble, even more so than in my previous life and I thought maybe I was in the hospital for the first few seconds.

That was until I noticed the walls and badly made paper window as well as crude, hard bed I was lying on.

It only took me a day to realize what kind of world this was after speaking to a few maids with eastern features and heritage.

They seemed to be shocked that I lost my memory (yes that was the easiest excuse to gather up information on my situation after noticing that this wasn’t my old body) but because I was some kind of ‘young Master’ they didn’t need any convincing to explain things to me.

The world I woke up in was called Twindrake and I was currently on Dragon continent in Dragon City and heir of the Flamedragon clan (boy they are just as unoriginal here as in those stories aren’t they?).


Trying not to mock the terrible and pretty sad naming sense, the first thing that naturally surprised me was that the maids spoke English, but apparently had the names of Hua Ping and Hua Hong, two sisters that had always taken care of me.

This meant that they had Pinyin eastern names but spoke English, a very strange combination and once again made me feel like I was lost in some kind of bad Xianxia novel.

From the little research I had done about the language and especially basic words, their names alone… made me somewhat sad and I felt bad for them.

My own given name, Li Jun wasn’t quite like that thankfully.

Imagine my surprise when I found out that I actually gained a new name instead of keeping my old one, as was generally popular with Xianxia novels (seriously, were all those authors too lazy to think up a new name or what was that always about?).

I was, or at least woke up in the body of the young Master of the clan who had an unfortunate accident (I smell internal intrigue by the way Hua Hong was looking away while she said that) and had been in a coma for 2 months already.

While the pretty looking Hua Hong was explaining all of this to me, Hua Ping, her sister finally came back together with a ruddy looking man and a somewhat beautiful woman, both dressed in traditional Chinese clothing of a few eras back.

Do I also need to mention that they had the same eastern feel to them as well as face? I think that this world being an ancient Chinese setting has been made quite clear now (at least I hope so).

“Li Jun!”

The woman screamed as she charged into the room and gave me a rushing hug that nearly dislocated my back.

“I was so worried!”

She said while sobbing as she pressed her well-developed chest against me and if you think that I am the kind of scumbag that would enjoy this treatment then you are goddamn right but sadly the joy I felt about this development was overshadowed by the back-breaking strength she used to hug me.

Seriously, is she goddamn She-Hulk?!

“Li Min, that’s enough.”

The ruddy looking man said and I couldn’t help but take in a few loud breaths of air after that monster of a woman let go.

Noticing the relieved expression on my face I could see a pout on Li Min’s face which sent a shiver down my spine.

Hua Hong also quickly explained my loss of memory to the two and they reacted with a look of shock, which was quite understandable.

“Do you really not recognize me son?”

The man asked and I couldn’t help but shake my head.

First of all, I wasn’t his son so how should I know who he was, but it probably wasn’t wise to blatantly tell them that I was like a parasite occupying this body, so all I could give them was a sorry smile.

“And me? What about me, do you recognize your beautiful sister?”

Once again looking into her slightly pretty face before my eyes fell a little lower to her exaggerated breasts that seemed to swallow a man whole, I once again shook my head.

“No I think I would remember those quite clearly if I still had my memories.”

Everyone in the room went silent after this rather casual remark I had made about my sister's breasts and I was surprised to see her face heat up considerably as she hid it in her hands.

“It seems the heavens are truly fair, you might have lost your memory but gained a new temper, your father approves.”

The ruddy looking man said with a laugh as he patted my shoulder with a strength that made my body slump down.

Jesus Christ, is he trying to injure me or something?!

Looking at the completely beet red face of Li Min and the blushing faces of both Hua Hong and Hua Ping I couldn’t help but sigh.

Seems the joke I had used to lighten up the mood was taken as me trying to compliment or even make an advance on my new sister.

Who would have thought that the cultural difference would be this big?

After this rather awkward episode, my new father who was named Li Kong told me to rest for a few days and left to take care of a few clan matters (whatever that meant) while Li Min also followed him with hurried steps before throwing one last look my way.

Naturally I noticed the new way she looked at me as well as her blushed cheeks when she turned and left.

Don’t tell me I just made the first step on the Harem route?

For fucks sake, whoever wrote this can you please not make me have sex with my own sister?!

Naturally even though I said that inside my head I was still clearheaded enough to know that this wasn’t just some badly written story but instead my new life and to be honest I was still quite shocked.

In a way, my mind wasn’t able to accept this sudden change of scenery and especially culture.

I think I used the mental jokes as a way to cope with this goddamn situation I landed in.

Hua Hong and Hua Ping were my maids so they took care of my every need and it only took me a few hours to stand up and make it to the thing that they called toilet.

It really only was a ditch in the ground that you squatted over while the most disgusting smell as if straight from hell crawled into your nose during the business.

I was happy to see that this world at least had the concept of toilet paper and although it was a pile of folded leaves it was still better than leaving your crack unattended.

Washing your hands afterwards was apparently not the norm so I asked for a bowl of water and a towel from Hua Hong so I could still keep an ounce of hygiene after exiting that disgusting room of doom.

The Mansion I was in was as far as I could tell incredibly big and I had only seen a part of it as this new body of mine was still weak beyond measure.

Lying on a bed for two months should have made it a lot worse and for me it seemed like a miracle that I was able to walk at all.

This mystery as to why my muscles hadn’t atrophied to the point of being completely useless despite the time spent not moving naturally soon enough was explained when I asked Hua Ping about it.

Cultivation, a word I thought to have only heard and read about in novels was quite real in this world and if one proceeded far enough down its path, one would gain power beyond measure (leveling mountains with the swipe of a hand, flying up to the nine heavens blah blah blah we get it).

This new body of mine was in the first of many stages, Foundation Gathering.

It had 9 layers (what a surprise) and I was currently in the 5th layer of Foundation Gathering.

As far as Hua Ping knew there were many stages but only Foundation Gathering, Qi Condensation and Body Enlightenment were known to her.

Why no one made a list of all the stages and turned it into common knowledge was beyond me so I felt like an MC who still ‘had no idea of Heaven and earth’.

Seriously though, was it that hard to just make a list?

In a way, the more I learned, the more puzzled I was.

Things like ‘giving face’ and being offended by every single little thing seemed to be a real cultural thing here.

I always wondered why the people in those stories I read were hailed as incredible geniuses but could literally not think further than their dicks were long (low blow I know but was I really the only one who was puzzled by that?), her explanation helped a bit in that regard.

Seriously, who in their right mind would piss of a gigantic power only to stand their point or to keep ‘face’?

What did face mean if you got killed for it?

Naturally in those stories the MCs could never die no matter how ridiculous the situation got and always had a stroke of luck or fortune on their side but I wasn’t dumb enough to believe I was in the same situation.

This was a different world with different rules but still just as real as the last one (clearly depicted by the need to actually go and take a shit) and I wouldn’t allow myself to die the same dumb way I had before.

Cultivation strength in this world meant everything, no matter if you were right or wrong, as long as you had powerful fists or had a strong cultivation technique, you were king.

Dying was seen as unfortunate here but it was quite common for blood to be spilled on the streets.

Naturally the powerful clans in each city tried to keep order but if the guards were not as strong as the one wreaking havoc, why would they just blindly rush in to help?

No one wanted to die after all, even if by my own standards the general IQ of this world didn’t seem to be anywhere close to 3 digits.

The word ‘simple’ entered my mind many times as I conversed with Hua Ping and Hua Hong.

They were both pretty girls and around 16 years old but they needed clear instructions.

Anything too complicated and they messed it up and kowtowed to me many times when I told them that it was wrong.

First I thought it was only those two that were like that but after speaking with Li Kong and a few other members of my clan who were supposed to be grand and mighty cultivators I couldn’t help but shake my head.

In my world they would have been regarded as somewhat ‘special’ people no matter if they had stronger bodies and mysterious techniques.

Upon further inquiry I learned that higher stages of cultivation could make one smarter and more refined (why not just say smarter? What the hell did cultivation have to do with proper manners?).

So at least the really powerful people in this world wouldn’t just be sticks in the mud which did make me wonder, wasn’t I an incredible genius not seen even in a thousand years?

I mean back home I would have probably been around average but here this ‘average’ instantly turned into ‘genius’.


“I have made a great blunder!"

Hua Ping said for the 5th time in only two days while slamming her forehead against the already well met carpet.

Closing my eyes, I couldn’t help but sigh as I rubbed the bridge of my nose.

I had told her many times to stop doing that but whenever she made a mistake I could see absolute terror creep into her eyes and in fear I would punish her she always prostrated and humiliated herself instead.

Just what kind of Young Master was the previous owner of this body?!

Walking towards her I put my hand beneath her chin and lifted it up so our eyes met.

“I already told you many times to stop that or you will ruin your pretty face. We all make mistakes so please for the love of god, stop doing that.

Shit happens and no one is perfect so I don’t expect you to be either.”

Hua Ping’s dark eyes grew big as her mind tried to fully absorb the hidden meaning in my words.

“Young Master, your words are deep and unfathomable even though you use crude words to describe it, Hua Ping has understood your intentions and will keep them in mind from this day forth!”

Looking into the brightly shining eyes that were directed towards me and the slightly blushing cheeks on her pretty face I couldn’t help but once again sigh.

Naturally it was clear that she was my maid, therefore my property and it wasn’t unusual in this world that they served their masters in different ways too but it didn’t really make me happy seeing her look at me this way or hear the mumbled “master called me pretty” over and over again.

Should it really be this easy to make a girl spread her legs for you?

In this world it was apparently the norm that if you were from a strong enough background, you would have multiple wives or concubines.

A notion that was both interesting but also disgusting to me.

Equality between men and women was a foreign term and only strong women with high cultivation were respected.

Girls like Hua Ping and Hua Hong with next to no talent in cultivation and slightly pretty faces lived a terrible fate and could only hope for a rich master that would accept them and wouldn’t treat them too horribly.

The idea of being with someone you loved was viewed as childish and dumb here.

After all what did it matter if you loved your husband but had to visit the strongest man in town each night to satisfy his needs?

Wasn’t it better to just cut all ties with that husband right away instead of making it difficult for both of you?

In a way I both respected and despised this way of thinking that hinged so strongly on simply surviving.

Sure you would live but was such a life really worth it?

To a few simple minded individuals of this world it might be but I never had the intention to use my power as the Young Master to make these two maids grovel in the dirt while lifting up their asses for me.

I was their boss and they did their job of serving me like a customer in a restaurant, it was that simple for me.

Believe it or not but even though I was a loner I still value my humanity and just because I am in a position of power I am not going to be a beast and abuse it like so many have in the past.

I like to think that all men are equal but those that purposely lower themselves are not men in my eyes but animals that are better put down quickly.

This naturally doesn’t mean I am one of those psychopath MCs of some Xianxia stories that go around slaughtering people left and right, good god no.

It just means I have no interest with associating myself with those kinds of people as they are not worthy in my eyes (alright that sounded very hypocritical and arrogant even in my ears but I don’t care).

Pulling Hua Ping up from the ground, I once again described to her the object of my interest.

I really didn’t think it was that difficult, but maybe my request really was not what she had expected.

All I needed was a blacksmith or anyone that could handle and use metal, someone that could draw very well and a few workers.

Telling her once again to gather said individuals one by one so I could evaluate and speak with them, I sent her off.

Coming to this world that was so far behind my own in technology, intellect and culture (at least in my eyes), I naturally had my own ideas.

I tried the rather strange way of cultivating in this world but it didn’t really seem possible for me or at least right now I lacked the qualifications for it.

Clearing my mind was easier said than done when there was so much swimming around in my head and I also had no idea how to feel out the energy in my body or direct it, so I quickly gave up on trying to figure out cultivation for now.

Sure I would have loved it if my superior intellect would have made cultivation as easy as sleeping but that sadly wasn’t the case.

I did manage with time to feel this so called ‘Qi’ that had definitely not existed previously in my other body but training this way seemed incredibly slow and time consuming and I rather would like to use it in a different and more meaningful way.

The ideas I had? Well wait and see.

Noticing the rather sinister smile on my face I quickly made sure no one was around in the courtyard I was currently sitting in.

It would not be good if rather strange rumors about my person started floating around in the clan just because of the way I just smiled.

The courtyard I was currently sitting in was one of many open places in the Mansion, kind of like a little garden with a pond that I frequently visit.

A gentle breeze blew through the air and rustled through the strange black robe as well as otherwise foreign clothing I was now wearing.

There were no mirrors anywhere, it could very well be that they hadn’t been invented yet and judging by the crude way they made windows all around even in a highly prestigious clan like this, it didn’t really surprise me.

The pond had been the first reflective surface that showed me my new self and I didn’t really know if I should be happy or sad that the 16-year-old face that looked back was a lot more handsome than my old one.

Just like everyone else, I had eastern features and dark, nearly black eyes.

Straight manly jaw, perfectly round and thin eyebrows as well as protruding cheekbones that made for a devilishly handsome appearance far above the norm here as well as back in my world.

Even now I can’t help but feel slightly proud of this new face that was like a heavenly gift and it would explain why so many female attendants and clan members looked my way with heated as well as hungry expressions from the older generations.

Remembering the scarlet faced Li Min from 2 days ago made a small chuckle escape from my mouth and even though she was my new sister I couldn’t help but look forward to our next conversation.

Even though I had no hidden intentions and didn’t really feel attracted to her at all, she would make things more interesting and I would have a pretty good time teasing her, and yes I am a little sadistic if you are wondering.

“What are you laughing about Li Jun you cripple!?”

A voice filled with disdain shouted from behind me.

Deeply sighing I turned around to see Li Fen, another clan member that apparently held a deep hatred for some strange and unknown reason for the previous owner of this body.

He was seen as the rising hope of the clan as he was already at the 7th layer of the Foundation Gathering stage and that at the age of 16 too.

Compared to my own progress it could naturally only be seen as laughable but I didn’t really mind it too much.

Just based on actual IQ and life experience I was so far ahead of this dork that I couldn’t even ‘put him in my eyes’, another interesting Chinese expression that I have grown to like.

“Well look who it is, the marvelous and strong Li Fen.

Unrivaled beneath the heavens and a future star of our generation, how may this humble servant help the titan that has graced me with his presence?”

I asked with so much sarcasm in my voice that it was nearly dripping.

Li Fen, either too stupid to notice or too in love with himself took all of it as a compliment and flattery as the frown on his face quickly turned into a brilliant smile.

I swear that I saw his feet even leave the ground for a second there as his head started to swell enormously and the air of arrogance that he was wrapped in got even thicker.

“It seems you finally have eyes and can see what the marvelous me really is like.

Maybe I have been too harsh in the past to you but from now on call me big boss and we can forget about our past grievances.”

Showing me a smile full of benevolence, it really seemed like this idiot took me serious but I felt no scruple in playing with a dimwit like that as I put on the slimiest expression of worship I could muster.

“Big Boss Li Fen you are the rising star of the Li clan and I am but a stepping stone for people like you who are destined for greatness. Unparalleled beneath the heavens!

All hail Boss Li Fen!”

Seeing the utter joy on his stupid face as he bathed in my compliments as if they were a shower of gold he soon enough walked away with his head held high and I had my peace and quiet once again.

Hua Hong who had been standing not far away during the entire scene slowly stepped closer and had a complicated expression on her face.

“Go on and say what you want to say Hua Hong, I told you before to be open with me and just speak your mind whenever you feel like it.”

I said after throwing a casual glance her way.

The expression on her face got even more complicated and she opened and closed her mouth several times without a sound escaping her throat.

After a while she seemed to have made her decision and lowered her head.

“What I was about to say would have been far from right and only offended the Young Master.”

“Speak openly and tell me what you were about to say or I will sell you off to the whorehouse.”

I said with a stern look.

Naturally I didn’t mean a word of what I just said but I discovered that this was the only way that she would openly speak with me as her fear of such a fate was well deserved.

“I- Young Master I can’t-“

Noticing the menacing glare I was giving her she flinched and an ugly expression was on her face as she once again lowered her head.

“Being the Young Master of the clan and behaving like this was an embarrassment to your lineage.

Your actions today have lost face not only for yourself but Clan Master Li Kong too.”

The fear in her gaze and expression seemed to have reached a climax after noticing what she had just blurted out and with sheepish, fearful eyes she looked my way.

Without even a hint of anger, the stern expression on my face disappeared and I instead showed a gentle smile to her.

“See, was it really that hard to speak openly?

What you said might be true but let me ask you this question, who else has heard what I said?”

Gesturing around the completely empty courtyard with not even a single soul present except the two of us, I continued.

“You are forgetting that he is not only stronger but also the rising star of the clan so no matter what, I would have to be courteous to him in some way or another as the clan does allow internal fighting between the young generation and I still haven’t even recovered yet.

As mentioned he is stronger than me and I am not dumb enough to forget that so pretending to lick the boot of a moron like him will help me keep him away until I recover as well as make him happy.

And to the matter of me being an embarrassment, as I said, no one saw the entire thing except you so who is going to believe him when his word that I groveled before him in the dirt is against mine, that he is a liar and trying to embarrass the Young Master of the clan?

As long as you don’t take his side in the matter and say that I just had a normal talk with him, he has no proof and will only hurt his own reputation as well as standing in the clan, making it so that he won’t even be able to come close to me in the future again.

Even if he wants to take revenge for tricking him like this, the higher ups in the clan won’t allow it, as they will see it as him trying to pressure the Young Master of the clan or as an attempt to really cripple me.

If he speaks a word of what happened today, he will dig his own grave and destroy his future accomplishments inside the clan.”

Hua Hong looked at me with a completely stunned expression as she tried to process this stream of information and explanations.

It took her a while but finally her eyes once again held the same glow of worship that seemed to be even stronger now.

“Young Master has beaten Li Fen without him even knowing it, not with the power of your fists that could only injure him but with the power of words that have crippled his future forever. Young Master is a genius and the real rising star of the clan!”

She shouted the last sentence many times while kowtowing before me like I was some kind of god.

Once again sighing I kneeled down and pulled the pretty girl off the ground with a little more strength than intended, she thus tripped and landed in my arms which was a little awkward.

“Sorry about that.”

I said as I tried to step away but a pair of ‘jade like’ arms was currently bound around my upper body while her face pressed against my chest.

“I am yours Young Master, you can do whatever you want with me.”

Hua Hong said as she looked up towards me, her face completely scarlet red.

Seriously is every single girl here going to be this easy? I don’t want to slander her or her determination but this kind of approach just makes it seems like she has done this sort of thing many a times.

“You know you should normally only say those words to someone you love right?”

I replied while prying her hands off my back.

With a somewhat saddened face she stepped away before once again looking into my eyes.

“Does Young Master not want Hua Hong?”

She asked while letting her hands travel between the already distinct mountains on her front as well as crevice between her legs, creating an incredibly erotic picture in the desolate courtyard.

“Me feeling sexually attracted towards you if you do something like that and me loving you for who you are and wanting you not for your body but for your personality are two different things Hua Hong.

Sorry to say this but I am not a beast.

I am a man who would love to enjoy your body and every nook and cranny of it, who would kiss you millions of times down there but only if I knew you were the right one and felt the same about me.

Not because you want me for my body or want to be safe and live a nice life but instead out of love for me.

Because I am the most important person in your life and you want to spend every waking moment by my side.

Call me a romantic but I have no intention of ever using you or your sister like that.”

Turning towards the pond and staring into it while contemplating different matters, I wasn’t able to see the shocked as well as stunned expression on Hua Hong’s face.

Not even bothering to turn around I left the still dazed girl standing while Hua Hong was now the one to be deeply lost in her own thoughts.

Finally, after what seemed like hours she turned towards where I had exited the courtyard and her rosy lips parted in a soft whisper.

“Young Master is going to shake the continent and world not with the power of his fists but with his wit and wisdom.

He is not like the Young Master of the past.

After forgetting everything he seems to have the mind of an ancient sage that has gained enlightenment and that only at the age of 16.

Just what kind of man is he going to be in the future?”

Her eyes misty and as if in trance she slowly but surely followed the now mysterious Young Master of the Flamedragon clan.

Hua Hong’s heart couldn’t help but beat a bit faster when she thought back to what he had said to her not long ago, of how he would love to enjoy her body and once again she started to wonder how he could be this vulgar and unfathomably deep at the same time.


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