《Abnormal》Chapter 26 Moves.


After that day, Sean would hang out with me more, I'm grateful for that, but Milton would always be with him.

Today, us three hanged out in a boba tea.

"So...how are you two doing?" I asked.

"We're good, I convinced him to installed the game we played, speaking of that, why don't we play one round?" Sean suggested.

"Sure." I said.

Milton said nothing, he took out his phone and accepted the invite Sean sended.

The game started, it was 3 vs 3, us three vs three other players.

Milton would stayed behind us, and attack only when we attack.

We lost, the first time ever since I downloaded this game, I lost.

Probably because I keep forgoting to use boost before flash.

Or..because of Milton who was always staying behind our back, once we die, he retreats instead of fighting ,very newbie-ish action.

I closed my phone, Sean looked at me.

"Your not mad?" He asked.

"No? Why would I be mad, my winning strike is lost , this is bond to happen anyways." I said.

Sean nodded, with an apologetic expression,

"It's not your fault, it's just that I keep forgetting to use boost before flash." I said with a smile.

Milton kept his phone and drank his tea.

"By the way, Milton, what is it with you? The thing you said yesterday." I asked.

"What?" Milton said, removing the straw from his mouth.

"Oh , I don't know~ maybe it's the thing about trying to split me and Sean up?!" I almost yelled the whole out, but the hint of anger behind my voice was unmistakable.

He looked shocked, Sean's eyes widened, he gave me the 'How did you know?' face.

I gave him my 'I have my ways ' face.


Milton silenced, all three of us silenced, I was waiting for Milton's answer while He was looking at his drink.

"H..hey... Let's just not talk about this..." Sean suggested.

I huffed and sat back, "okay, sure."

Milton closed his eyes for a moment.

Sean bit his lips and looked nervously between us two.

I stood up, "It was nice having to hang out with you again, Milton." I smiled.

Milton looked up at me, looking confused, Sean looked pretty shocked hearing that.

My smile faded, "But if you dare harm Sean, I will make sure to rip you apart in the most painful way." I said, my words threatening and cold.

I grabbed my bag and walked out of the drink shop.

Ignoring the stares from the other costumers.


Days after, Milton didn't dare to look at me.

Sean tried to make me forgive Milton, I did, by the mouth but not by heart.

The next few days, my attitude changed, once, when three of the students in my class tried to bully me.

I grabbed all three of them and threw them out of the second floor window.

They survived, of course, I didn't want them dead.

Damien tried to lock me in my locker again.

This time, I slapped him and threw him across the hall, after that, I threw him into the school dump, let's hope he makes new friends there, new squeaky friends.


"Hey Sean! Do you have time to hang out with me tonight?" I said, running towards Sean, it was already 5 p.m, the sun is setting, giving the sky a shade of redish orange.

"Sorry Millie, Milton wanted me to meet him somewhere, he didn't tell me but he sent me the location." Sean said, showing me a map and a red pin point.


"Oh, alright...." I said.

Sean noticed my tone.

"Hey, how about tomorrow? In the mall? Milton said he had something to do tomorrow so I'll be free then." he smiled.

I nodded, "Ok! "

He waved at me and started walking towards the school gate.

But then things got..... I need another word, mistrustful... Yeah.

Milton sended Sean a location without telling him anything but meet him there.

I took out my phone and swiped it to the location Sean showed me, I used google map and took a close look.

Alley? Why would Milton want to meet Sean in an alley?

Something don't seem right, I'll understand if Milton invites Sean to malls and stuff, but an Alley?

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