《Abnormal》Chapter 23 Celebration


I gulped, looking down at the trophy, it appears that Bethy had bought a judge.

Basically she paid the judge to give her a good score, a typical rich girl problem.

I looked at my trophy, it had my name on it, I placed it in my locker for safe keeping.

"Hey! Congrats Millie! " Sean hugged me.

"Thanks, I wasn't expecting this at all...." I muttered.

"I know right, you never know what's coming! " He laughed.

Milton was behind Sean, "Congrats."

I smiled, "You're not a bad guy after all."

I didn't really mean it but ok.

Milton looked up and nodded, " Thanks."

Yep, still don't trust him.

"Let's go eat something together today! To celebrate Miss Millie's big success! " Sean said, looking excited.

Milton and I agreed.

"So.....Pizza or burger?"


Milton suggested a restaurant, it had all kinds of food, fast food, beef, salad, and even pizza.

But there was a problem...

Bethy and her little gang of girls were there, not Abby and Collina, other girls from S.T.S.

"7 sets of salad and water please." Bethy ordered from across the restaurant.

I picked a table as far as possible from them.

Me and Sean's mouth was dangling from our jaws.

"WHAT?!" we yelled.

How do they survive in such food related torture?!

"It's normal now days..." The waiter said calmly, taking our orders and writing them down in his pad.

" Roast beef." Sean said.

"Spaghetti and tomato soup." Milton said.

"Mmmmm, a fish burger, coke, fries, onion rings and yeah....That's it." I ordered.

The two boys looked at me.

"What? " I asked.

" Alright, the food will be here in 10 minutes." The waiter said, walking away.

No one talked, there was silence apart from the girls on the other side.


"So, Sean, what made you attend Peri High?" Milton asked.

"Well...something happened in my old school...then I had to transfer." Sean replied.

"I heard your uncle homeschooled you." Milton said.

Sen looked shocked, "How did you know...."

"I have my ways."

Now...this dude is getting real suspicious.

How did he know all these? Could he be.....stalking Sean! I gasped inside my head.

"Is it true that your uncle is Cooper White?" Milton asked.

My eyes widened at this, right, Sean's sir name is white! Stupid, how could I not realise?!

Sean saw my reaction and looked shocked and worried.

"U..uh...yeah." He said, looking at his shoes.

Milton had his full attention on Sean, he didn't take his eye off Sean the whole time.

As if he forgot I was here.

"Milton." I said.

Milton jumped a little.

"Oh.. Millie, sorry, forgot you were here." He said.

Knew it....

" How did you know so much about him?" I asked.

"I just saw his sir name and reminded me of Cooper white, he said he homeschooled his nephew so I asked Sean if it was true." Milton said.

I nodded, "Okay."

But my head was think the exact opposite.

Suspicious, very suspicious, why the hell is he asking Sean why he attended Peri High?!

About Sean, what happened in his old school?

I feel so left out, I know nothing about Sean.

"Right Sean, when's your birthday?" I asked.

"My birthday? September 25th, why?" He said.

" Just asking since after all that, I realised that I know nothing about you." I said honestly.

"Oh, right." Sean said, "Well, I know you were born at April 21th 2003."

"How did you kno----"


"I have my ways." Sean smirked.

Milton turned around to look at Sean.

"What is your old school called? "

"That's a little personal." Sean muttered.

"Milton, why are you asking Sean all these?" I finally asked.

"Dunno, just asking." Milton answered.


But I just nodded.

"So where are you from?" Sean asked.

" The west side of Valila Z.X." Milton answered casually.

I stopped what I was doing and listened at what Milton was saying.

"I left because of the incident." He said.

The waiter walked towards us with some plates of food.

"Roast beef, fish burger and spaghetti." He said as he placed the plates in front of us.

Milton continued what he was saying after the waiter left.

"The incident, I suppose you all know." He said, taking his fork from the all the utensils.

"This group H.E.L, a organization that makes experiment on humans was burned down, into ashes, from what I have heard, the base was located in the middle of a forest, apparently, the forest was also burnt down, there was no trace of fire, the investigators stopped investigating as they found nothing, my mother and I moved away from that place ever since that happened."

I started eating my burger, Sean was listening closely to Milton, appearing to be interested in the topic.

"There were three survivors, two girls and one boy, the boy appeared to be one of the test subjects, the other two.... Dunno where there went of who they are, but the polices are still searching." Milton said, after that, he started eating his spaghetti.

Sean looked at his food like he just realised it was there, he cutted the meat in pieces and began eating.

"Yeah, and that's it, how about you two?" He asked.

" Milando." Sean said.

" Perizanda, where me and Sean's school is." I lied.

Milton nodded and said no more.

"Let's not talk about these kind of stuff, how about we talk about school? " Sean said, breaking the silence.

"Sure." I said.

"How are your grades? " Milton asked me, "I already know Sean's."

"Mine? Did Sean not tell you?"

Milton shaked his head.

Sean pressed his lips into a thin line, "she's a straight A+ student."

Milton nodded, "Impressive."

"Yeah except I accidentally tripped on a long jump and got a B. " I said.

Sean gasped, "You?! Got a B?!"

"It was an accident ok?" I quickly added.

"It was good enough, I got a B-." Milton said.

"I got an A! " Sean said proudly.

I clapped my hand, "Congrats bro." this boy finally got an A.

Then, it was silence, again.

"I'm going to the toilet." A girl from the other side of the restaurant said.

"Me too."

"Me three."

"Me four."

"Me five."

"Me six."

"Me seven."

All the girls stood up and walked towards the bathroom.

Sean shaked his head, "I don't get why girls go to the toilet together."

I sighed, "It's common sense, really."

Sean raised his brow at me.

"Hermione Granger in Harry Potter went to the toilet alone and got attacked by a troll." I continued.

Me and Sean laughed at that.

Milton had no expression on his face, he just nodded.

Weird guy, we all agree what I just said is funny....right?

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