《Abnormal》Chapter 3 Friend ?


I unzipped the small pocket on my bag and pulled out my favourite book, 'Harry potter'.

Soon, everyone lost interest and stopped staring at me, except Sean.

I sat there and read for minutes, he just kept staring , "Uhh.. Sean, can you stop staring at me ? It's kinda creepy..."

Sean's eyes widened and realised what he was doing, " O..oh, yeah... S..sorry." He muttered before turning his body back.

He turned but he just kept staring at his book, as if he was deep in thought.

"Alright ! I'm done marking the worksheets, I'll call your name and you can collect your papers." Mr. Marco announced.

The room silenced almost immediately.

I stared with my mouth open, "Hey Sean ! "

Sean jumped a little and turned his head towards me, "Yes? "

"How did the teacher mark all that in 10 minutes? " I whispered curiously.

"Must be his quirk.. His eyes were glowing so..." Sean replied with a grin.

I smiled back and muttered a thank you.

"Sean ! " The teacher yelled.

Sean stood up and rushed towards the teacher, I tilted my head to look at him when someone stuck out their foot and tripped him.

He fell and hit the ground with his face first, the class erupted in laughter.

I gasped, how ? Why? What did he do to deserve that ?

Sean stood up and rubbed his nose, I could only see his back, but it was pretty clear that there was blood on the back of his hand after rubbing his nose.

I couldn't help but clench my fist.

Sean walked towards the teacher and took his paper, this time, he carefully walked to his seat, but instead of sticking out their foot, the bullies swung their leg at the back of Sean's knee, making him fall backwards, he landed with a loud thud and the class bursted into laughter, again.


Sean laid there for a second before sitting up and walking back to his desk.

I pulled out a tissue and offered it to him to stop his nose bleed.

He looked at me , pretty surprised, he accepted the tissue and nodded, meaning thanks.

I glanced at his score.....14...oh.

"Millie !" Mr.Marco announced loudly.

Right, the teacher didn't speak a word or scold the students for their actions either.

I felt my lips tighten as I walked towards the front desk, none...nothing came.

No one tripped or kicked me, why ? It's not that I wanted to be tripped, it's just that what did Sean do to deserve that kind of treatment?

I took my worksheet and ran back to my seat.

Hmm...100, not bad.

" We have some news." the teacher said ," Our highest score for today's test is 100! "

The class gasped, everyone started murmuring until the teacher continued talking.

"And surprisingly, that 100 goes to our new student, Millie! " Mr.Marco announced.

The class silenced, it's either they felt ashamed or they're too shocked to say or do anything.

Sean gave me a thumbs up, I smiled for that.


The bell rang, and we were dismissed.

I exchanged books in my locker when I saw Sean walking pass me.

I squinted my eyes and saw him holding his schedule.

Hey! He had the same class with me today !

"Hey Sean ! Wanna walk to class together ? " I said as I ran towards Sean.

The students in the hall stopped talking, and some of them even gasped.

Sean turned to me and stared at me in shock.

"W..what ? " he said, his eyes twice as large.

I looked around me, more than a hundred pair of eyes were staring at me, it felt a little uncomfortable, no..very uncomfortable.


"Erm...Wanna we walk to class together? I saw your schedule, you have the same class as me today, it's a miracle isn't it ? " I said, ignoring the odd glances.

Sean was dumbfounded, " Millie I get that I'm good looking and all ( Some girls snorted at this ) but I'm a cripple Millie, a cripple! " He said, his voice a little cracked.

I stared in shock, not knowing what to say.

Sean turned his head and walked away.

The boys on my right sniggered and laughed at Sean about how pathetic he is.

"But Sean wait ! " I yelled, the boys stopped laughing and stared at me.

Normally people would walk away after knowing someone's bad reputation, but this is a total different situation, he was born like this, it's not his fault for being a cripple.

"Sean..But that doesn't mean we can't be friends right ? "

Sean stopped in his tracks, the crowd gasped, the hall silenced.

He turned and looked at me, "Is this some kind of joke or something ? "

I was shocked and puzzled to his answer, what ? What does he mean ?

"Is this some kind of prank ? To play with me and dump me like a toy later on ? "He yelled.

My heart sank, I didn't mean it that way....

But it was too late, he turned and ran, the crowd laughed at his actions.

One of the boys came up to me and patted my shoulder , " If you really want to play him, you gotta try harder, next time, just lock him in his locker, that'll do." he laughed.

I just stood there, not knowing what to do or say.

I didn't mean it that way... I just wanted to be friends.....

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