《The Moonlight Sorcerer》Chapter 24: Rhoselyn and Erol


"Who are you?" He spoke. What surprised me was that I 'understood' him.

Elly looked at us back and forth quizzically. She snuck into my head, ["Yuu… He said... Who are you"] Elly whispered what I've already knew. At that moment, I realized. It wasn't that he spoke in my language. It was the bracelet which he gave to me, it worked like how I communicated with Elly. The magic bracelet broke the core of the language and conveyed the meaning directly to my head.

How convenient. I wonder if this kind of thing is common in this world.

"Yuu" I answered after a short while of hesitation. His eyes are sharp and cold. His wavy hair got messed up from all of the action. He has a sculpted face that would make any girls fawn over him. But then, his intimidating glaring eyes should have negated that effect. He would scare a child with that piercing cold stare. I glanced at the girl. She was just there, blinked at me as she observes. That girl wiggled herself out from the man, who is holding her awkwardly, he immediately released his hand from holding on the girl.

That girl adjusted herself after a wobble on her feet. Her long wavy blonde hair almost covering her face, and so she tucked it behind her ear, exposing her transparent cheek. She was lying unconscious just a while ago, but now she stood on her feet facing me with a weak smile beamed on her dainty face. She stepped toward me. That man moved forward with a frowned face but the girl shook her head, as though saying 'it's alright'. She seemed to be in a better shape than before. I wondered what’s going on.

"Thank you... for siding with him" She thanked, as she glanced at her kidnapper and then back to me. She had slightly droopy eyes, which reminded me of a puppy. She gives off a dignified Lady kind of aura. She probably is someone of high status, which explained how she was dressed up if to compare to the villagers I saw earlier. And that cold-eyed man beside her. He's probably a guard of her.

I will see how things go first...

Elly suddenly leapt and caused the man to alert. But, it was too late. Elly had buried her face into the girl’s chest as she hugged her. Then, she turned her face to side as she glared at the man. That man seemed to be dissatisfied with Elly closing to the girl. He scowled at Elly's behavior. Those two gauged at each other like a cat and a dog. The girl chuckled at Elly as she patted on her fluffy blue hair.

“Miss Rhoselyn… You didn’t know, it was because of them that you were almost kidnapped! They helped that vile man. And this person...” The man vented as he looked at me, paused. He had a quick run through his mind, and then he grunted “I can't trust him” His voice is low and hateful as he shot a cold glance toward me.

I wouldn't trust me if I were in his shoes too...

"No, Erol. They tried helping me. I was listening all the time. They were fooled by that person..." She calmly explained to the dark blue haired man whom she called 'Erol'.

So, their name is Erol and Rhoselyn huh...

"But they attacked me!" Erol protested.

"What happened right before they jumped out?" Rhoselyn asked, her voice is soft but yet clear and pressuring enough. She aligned her face to Erol.


"Trying to save you, Miss Rhoselyn" Erol was confused by her question which she should have known well the answer herself. "What else could I be doing" He mumbled to himself while still pondering at the odd question.

"But, why didn't you able to save me at that moment?" Rhoselyn continued her question. Erol blurted.

"I was close to save you, Miss Rhoselyn. Until these two came out and sided with him. They attacked me!" Erol explained while swinging his hand horizontally. He frowned in disdain while giving us a glare.

"There you go... there you go... Erol, that is the problem..." Rhoselyn calmly explained to Erol as she looked at him. Erol raised one of his brow and eyes squinted in confuse.

"Huh?" He was dumbfounded.

"It was your attitude and... your face" Rhoselyn added.

"My face?" Rhoselyn's explanation only further complicated the already confused Erol. He touched his cheek and then he looked at his hand. He didn't get the message at all. Rhoselyn released Elly from hugging and she moved two steps closer to Erol. She raised both her hand and pinched Erol's cheek. "...Eh?" Erol jolted.

"Smmileee" Rhoselyn instructed while pulling the corner of his lip upward. Erol froze in place, his gray eyes dilated in astonishment. Tip of his ear turned reddish. He jolted backward and broke himself free. Rhoselyn retracted her hands while putting an amused expression. And then she turned to my direction.

"Erol always gives out a misleading impression to other people. Despite that, he's actually not all that bad. See?" Rhoselyn explained as she hinted to Erol, who is now blushing with mouth open and flustered, his eyes bulged in surprise. A few seconds after, he cleared his throat with an "Ahem" and back to the cold expression he usually put on.

"Nevermind that... Miss Rhoselyn, we will be leaving now." Erol impatiently suggested and then he looked at me. "That horse, we will take it" He declared.

"Wait, Erol..." Rhoselyn stopped Erol from walking away. Then, she pulled Elly close to her. "How can we leave this injured little girl in the dark? It was you who wounded her, wasn't it?" She asked while also glanced at Elly. Elly repeatedly nodded and glared at Erol in fury. "...He stomped at my ankle... uuuh" Elly complained as she tilted her head up looking at Rhoselyn.

"Huh? That 'little girl'? Miss Rhoselyn, don't be fooled by her act, she-" Rhoselyn cut his unfinished words as she spoke, "You name... is Elly, am I right?" She asked and Elly immediately nodded.

"Actually, I wasn't fully unconscious throughout the time. His spell 'Paralyze Sleep' was to keep me from moving and talking by blocking my consciousness. I was struggling to break from his spell but I guess I'm not powerful enough. But, I managed to maintain my hazy consciousness even for a few second. Was it you? The one I pulled?" She explained and asked to confirm her guess. I nodded.

"Miss Rhoselyn" Erol protested but is ignored. She continued talking to me.

"Are you going somewhere after this?" She asked at me.

This 'Miss Rhoselyn' didn't even show any slight of hostile toward us at all. Although we did almost successfully help the kidnapper out. Should I say that she's being prudent or...

"Miss Rhoselyn is talking to you" Erol urged me. He stared at me from behind Rhoselyn. If I stay quiet, thing will soon go awry again. He seemed to be an impatient and prideful man.

"Why are you asking?" I answered, but with a question of my own. To be honest, I don't have anywhere in mind. My questioning answer to Rhoselyn seemed to have madden Erol.


Erol stepped forward about to confront me, but Rhoselyn swung her hand up and blocked him from going further. Erol stopped and looked at Rhoselyn in frustration. That girl, Rhoselyn, although she's still occasionally, tiredly heaving throughout her speech. Still, she managed to calmly think through and talk to us.

"I feel sorry for leaving Elly injured by Erol. As his master, I should be responsible for the trouble he caused to you-" She confessed as she looked at Elly with an apologetic face, "...will you come with me? I will help with healing her injury." She offered.

Well, it's not like I have anywhere in mind. And the villagers here also looked unfriendly. Plus, I have the feeling of the guards will be soon or later come searching to here. Elly can heal herself, but she might feel inconvenient exposing her mermaid form when around these people. She didn't say it but, I've the feeling that she's been covering her identity. She never once exposed her scales ever since we met other people...

"Where are you going?" I asked.

"To the city of Easton" Rhoselyn promptly answered. I glanced at Elly. There's no familiarity on her facial expression.

City of Easton... From the way they were dressed and to compare it to the villager here. I will assume that she came from a well-heeled family thus it won't be just any small city. The city should be big and lively. Which mean... more information. But, I could be wrong, after all I don't know what's the standard of this world.

Rhoselyn still waiting for me to answer. But, before I could open my mouth, Elly cut in, "Okay!!" She excitedly agreed as she glanced at me with hope. Rhoselyn also looked at me with patient. I sighed inwardly.

"Alright, also, we're sorry too..." I apologized, after all, it wouldn't happen if not because of us being not enough observant. Same as Elly, I also jumped into conclusion about Erol. But, at that moment, any stranger would have assumed in the same way too. He didn't show any hesitation in his eyes plus that intimidating aura he gave out. That strong murderous intent.

"Not at all..." Rhoselyn humbly replied.

We reached an agreement, Elly and I will join them to the city of Easton. Although, Erol was not any slightest agree to this conclusion. Although Erol didn’t agree in the slightest. Still, he obeyed to Rhoselyn choice. Since then, he's been keeping quiet and didn't show any more objection. I don't think that he's foolish enough to engage into another fight with us too. I can feel how he's enduring himself from giving out to his stamina. He barely masked it behind his cold monotonous expression.

We went to report to the chief village about the case and about the man who killed the whole family. We heard that, the kidnapper has been around the village for the past two days. But, they never asked about his sudden appearance nor finding it weird about the family's disappearance. As for now, the kidnapper is kept detained in the village's prison.

It was late night, so the journey to the city will be started at tomorrow morning. We were offered to rest at the chief house. The chief, from the face, he seemed to be friendly. But, he showed reluctant when he offered the suggestion. It felt like, he was forced or he felt that he 'should' do that. I couldn't yet comprehend his behavior. But, I think that I will learn why soon or later.

The chief gave us two separated rooms, each for the male and female. It was not spacious but also, not cramped. The room filled with three pairs of that wooden bed with a not comfy looking pillow lying on top. These rooms, looked like it was specially made for visitors or... adventurers(?). Before Elly and I got separated, I warned her to not talking about how we came out from those caves. She nodded in consent. We walked into our room respectively, Erol didn't talk any one bit and went directly to the bed closest to the door as I also quietly lie on my bed.

And thus, I let the tiredness took over me.


It's late night.

All the villagers were resting in their own respective houses. The road is empty, with only a person patrolling the area and making sure that the barrier placed around the village is still fine. The brick and wooden houses were mostly dark or dimly lit, except for one place. That is the chief house, which is also, the village town center. Fire torches were lit surrounding the flimsy wooden fence.

In the front yard, when all the living creatures should be in deep sleep. But, there were two persons standing outside the house, muttering. It was Erol and the village chief. The chief gestured and leaded Erol to back yard where a shack and a villager guarding it. The guarded opened the locked door and they entered the small shack.

It was built for a stair to the underground jail. Where the chief detained the kidnapper. They moved down the stone stairs. It was a short trip down; the underground was parted into three compartments built with sturdy looking steel bar. Lightened with only a candle scone on the wall near the stair. The underground is dark and cold with a hint of muddy smell. The ground is muddy and scattered with dry straws. Only one person habituating the cell, which is no one else than the person who called himself 'Arex'

"You may leave" Erol ordered to the chief.

The chief slightly bowed and then he climbed the stair, leaving Erol with the kidnapper who's now staring from inside the narrow and dark compartment.

That kidnapper, glared at Erol who's also staring him with downcast eyes. He moved closer to the steel cells and then he talked.

"Who are you?" He started his first question to the kidnapper.

That kidnapper stayed quiet but constantly watching on him. He didn't seem like he will be spilling anything out. Erol opened the steel door. But, the kidnapper couldn't do a thing as his hands and legs were both chained to the furthest wall. The silver cuffs were studded with small golden gem. It was to nullify his mana so that he couldn't cast any spell for escaping.

Erol moved closer again. Until he's just one step away from the glaring kidnapper. Erol looked down at him and then he spoke again.

"Who sent you" His question is short and clear. Erol stared at him coldly.


The kidnapper spitted on Erol and hit his leather boot. But, Erol didn't say anything. He calmly pulled up his sword, slowly, with a 'shink' sound, the sword is now exposed on the air and he pointed the tip of the blade at the jaw of the kidnapper. Erol pressured the blade and forced the kidnapper to chin up. The kidnapper’s eyes glinted in disdain.

"What is your motive?" Erol interrogated again, but this time, in a much more threatening tone. He pressed the tip of his blade and caused the kidnapper to jolt. Blood rolled down to his neck, regardless his mouth still shut tight.


"AAAGGgghhhH!!" The kidnapper screamed as he pulled his own hands up directing to the side of his head. But, the chain on his hands limited his range and thus he couldn't reach the side where the blood now dripping ferociously, he trembled in pain as he looked down to the ground. Part of his ear lying motionless. Erol pressed the tip of his sword against his jaw again and forced the trembling man to looked at him.

"You, noble... dog" That man finally spoke but it was not to answer, it was to curse.

Erol retracted his sword and crouched down as he aligned his face straight to the trembling, glaring fury man. The blood still dripping, stained his cloth and down to the straws on the ground. The kidnapper started panting heavily.

"Who sent you?" He repeated the question. His tone is low and almost flat. Beside grunting in pain, the kidnapper didn't answer anything. Erol stood up and moved his sword to the other side of his head, but then, he suddenly noticed the corner of a paper peeking out from the pocket of that man. The kidnapper noticed where Erol was looking at and mumbled, "No..."

Erol pulled the paper up as the kidnapper squirmed helplessly. It was a folded paper. Erol casually opened the letter as the kidnapper struggling from breaking out of the chain. He read the content wordlessly and frowned. After that, Erol sneered as though he found something interesting.


Erol glanced at the kidnapper as he grinned in complacent of the newly acquired information. The kidnapper started to cower and morally decreased. He knew that he had lost the ground to keep himself worthy of staying alive. "No... please..." He pleaded as Erol tightly gripped the sword and stared at him without saying anything. His eyes as if staring at a piece of trash, that stare, it was horrifying to the kidnapper.

"It will not work... y-you will need me... " The kidnapper declared in desperate, hoping the man who's swinging the sword in front of him will stop whatever he had on the mind. Erol indeed stopped to listen but remained quiet and observant.

"A code, unless there's a spesific c-code... He w-will not expose h-himself-" The kidnapper stuttered and sweat started breaking out, he's no longer putting the stuck-up face. Instead of getting interested, Erol showed flat and cold expression as he leaned closer to the kidnapper's scrunching face. "Do you mean..." Erol aligned his mouth closer to his bloody ear and he whispered.

The eyes of the kidnapper bulged in surprise. "H-how?!" He shrieked in disbelief but at the same time, he squirmed with all the strength he has left to avoid Erol. Erol stared at him with downcast eyes, the slight interest he had when the kidnapper first initiated has left his eyes. He swung his sword toward the yipping man.


Blood splattered to the murky stone wall and pooled on the straws ground. A severed head rolled after an audible 'thud'. Erol turned away as he flicked the blood out of his sword. Not any sign of guilt flashed through his face. He casually sheathed his sword back as he walked out the ghost-quiet cell. He climbed upstairs. In front of the underground entrance, the chief stood and waited for him.

"Dispose him" He ordered the chief and got a "Yes" answer. Then, he walked back to the house like nothing ever happened.

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