《Eternal Teacher》Ch 27 The Fight begins


With the noise coming the trees we form up into a circle to try and cover all of our angles

Get ready lads we got a fight on our hands! Yelled

With that and our weapons and fists in my case the creatures jumped from the trees and landed in front of us.

Standing around 4 ft tall a group of 20 green haired monkeys with large fangs protruding from their mouths.

“What in the world are those?”

With my words in the air answered

“Mora those are called Jungle Monks they are a very aggressive specie of monkey that grew up in the tropical tip of the continent , don't let their size fool you one on its own is able to take out a trained man and a group of this size can take over a small town very easily.

As we spoke the Jungle Monks started to make hooting noises and pumping out their chests in a way to intimidate us.

Well it's best to lower their numbers as quickly as possible get ready

Cocked her arrow and sent it piercing into the head of the first one. The instant it died it turned into a bright light and vanished.

Quieting his glasses as he sent out another bolt of lighting said

“Seems like decided to give us a little bit of the spotlight with his summoned beasts”

Taking a step forward the monkeys moved around me and went after . With his axe in hand he rotated his body spinning the axe cutting the three monkeys in half.

Putting his axe down after we cleaned up the rest of them said

“Sorry my friend but with you lvl being so high even the summoned beasts know not to mess with you”

“Is my lvl really what made them not want to confront me ?”


Hearing this the librarian cut into the conversation

“Yes and no Mora most animals know the General lvl of what they are fighting but when one can't figure it by the pressure one exerts they go off of size, or what they have faced before. Since your species is from the north and considering your size the monkeys decided that you were a force they didn't want to fight unless they had to.”

“If I was able to change my size would I be able to fight creatures like that?”

Looking at me with a weird gaze the librarian answered

“Well yes but it would take a considerable amount of manna or a ancient artifact to change one's appearance. “

(Appraisal is there a way to make my transformation skill seem like either of those?)

( Yes there are artifacts around the world that can change one's race or make them able to change races on a their own, but none of them can give a wide range as your skill)

(Well I'll use that as a last resort then)

Nodding in response to the librarians answer we continued walking towards the center of the arena.

About ten minutes into the walk we are met with the other team staring at each other we began to size up our opponents.

Taking battle stances the teacher of the summoners class spoke

“Well might as well get this show on the rode” at his word the caring a large great sword charged forward towards our group as the Mage and summoner behind him began to chant spells, Jumping in front of him with his battle axe intercepted his advance towards our back line as the two Weapon wielders started to duke it out finished his summons and brought out a group of 5 large saber bears standing at 7 ft each with teeth one and a half foot long protruding from their mouths taking aim the archer shot her arrows directly into the skulls of the first two bears bring them down as they disappeared the other bears along with the rouge and pushed forward to the alchemy and cooking teachers throwing down a vile a liquid splashed onto the bear's feet seeing this casted a fireball at it catching the bear's feet on fire with their movement restricted the rouge dashed to the left into the trees as the archer killed the bears as they laid on the ground I was struck by a fireball coming from hand looking at him he smears as my skin slowly burns feeling the pain I quickly activated my skills causing a green light to appear beneath me and my parties feet seeing the glow and my wound along with the cuts on heal the mage's face turn to a shade of rage


“To use healing magic so easily you are a disgrace to all mages very were!”

Not understanding his rage I pushed up and helped remove himself from the fight.

“Thanks Mora I needed a break this is a lot more tiring than an anvil” wiping the sweat from his brow

Seeing the fact that our team had not been caused to much damage the Mage yelled at his team for the lack of power they possessed.

“You are all a disgrace to this academy how could you not beat this group of pathetic people that don't even have professions that are good for fighting

What the Mage was saying is true but all the teacher remembered that till this year the Mage instructor had been exempted from the battle for the last couple of years to keep the fight even and with Mora being a new teacher the headmaster decided to bring him into flesh out the match. All the other teachers new even know if they didn't teach a combat class all the heads of the departments were people who could rival a B class adventure and some even higher the headmaster did not hire people who were okay at their jobs but only the best.

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