《Eternal Teacher》Chapter 18 The Headmaster and the Meeting


-2 weeks later-

In the early morning a light mist rolled off the pond. A man sat on a bench dressed in a black gown with white trim sipping his morning coffee as he waited for the new arrivals to appear. Next to the man was a letter that was addressed to him from a friend back in school, telling him to be ready for a new pair of arrivals. As he read the letter again he smiled

“From what he wrote they should be here within the hour”

Speaking out loud the man looked at the rising sun as it hit the sundial in the middle of the pond. The building the man was at would be consider a small mansion if one didn't look around more closely. Though this building stood out in the distance behind rows of trees one could see the top of a dome building. About fifteen minutes later a chime run out through the garden signaling the arrival of guest.

“Well I better go and greet them”

The man with a sigh got up from his bench and walked to the gates

-Mora’s POV-

After the monk wrote a letter he offered us a ride to the academy taking his offer we traveled for 2 days that is till the horses pulling the carage gave up on pulling me…. The animals just couldn't handle the weight after apologizing to the driver I took Camellia and started to walk the rest of the way. Taking use another 12 days to get there both me and Camellia had levels up fighting wild animals and mobs as we travels I gained many forms from a mountain cave bear to a river serpent we came across when going over a wooden bridge, Camellia also learned a few spells and, even figured out how to create mirages, the first night she used one against a pack of wolves i nearly ended up fighting it!


After we traveled for a while I was able to master verbal communication so I no longer have a pause between my words.(would be weird if your teacher paused between each word in a lecture) After the travel we arrived at a large iron gate with a high stone wall on both sides. After pressing a button on the side of the gate the sound of chimes rose from the other side. About 10 minutes later a man appeared on the other side of the gate.

“Greetings! I am Reeve Noes headmaster to GoldGrim Academy.” The man said

Looking closely at the man as the gates opened he must of stood 5 foot tall a bit shorter than the monk. His age must be in his forties, having a light beard and glasses sitting on the edge of his nose.

“I believe you are Mr Therris and this is your daughter i presume?” He said

At that i came out of my thoughts and answered

“Yes I'm Therris and this is my daughter Camellia”

As i went to bow my head to the headmaster Camellia hid behind my leg and waved.

“We were sent here by a monk in Fort Frased, he said you would have a job for me and that my daughter could go to school here.”

Smiling the headmaster looked at me

“Yes the crazy old monk told me you were coming,he also sent one of your blood pill, Impressive work.”

“Well instead of standing around how about a tour of the grounds?”

Agreeing to his idea we began to walk with the headmaster.

“The academy is about 900 acres we have about seven ponds and a forest that emcopeses about 100 acres. The school teaches children from the ages of 5 to 20 teaching the basics of reading and writing to alchemy and summoning."


As we walked we passed many large buildings all arranged around a small courtyard.

“The campus has a farmer's field to the west and an orchard of various trees varying from apples to sap giants.”

The campus was starting to look like to me like a small town, behind the main buildings rows of what i could assume to be boarding houses were lined up.

“Do you only house humans here at the school?”

Towards my question the headmaster smiled

“No we are proud to say that we have helped educate 7 different races from around the contestant and now we can say we have had 8.”

“Now understand that the school semester doesn't start for a week so you two will have time before the opening ceremony to get used to the area, Mora i would like to say it is a privilege to have you join the staff, and i can’t wait to see your class and how it goes on medical uses and anything else you can teach.”

With that the headmaster lead us to a larger building in the back of the campus.

“This will be your quarters, i would recommend that Camellia be put in the dorms so she can socialize with the other children she can visit you of course. I hope you don’t mind but another gentleman will be joining you here not enough space for his equipment.”

With that me and Camellia enter the building and heard a loud bang come from the rear.

“God Blessed Iron! dam thing won't stay light!”

Walking to the back smoke rose from what seemed to be a large black box. In front of it was a man the height of 4 ft and covered in sot. Coughing the man cleaned his face with a rag showing a white beard covered in black dust.

“Well you must be the other new teacher I'm Dhokkut Oreriver your roommate and the new smith master here.”

With a smile i knew that life was about to get interesting

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