《Eternal Teacher》Chapter 16 Footsteps Come with Quakes Part 1


-Mora POV-

As the guards accompanied us to the fort they formed a diamond shape around me and the monks,while doing this i could see that they would seem to shake as if they had a cold whenever i looked in their direction.Rounding the street corner we seemed to enter what looked like an open market.Stall owners yelling out prices people buying goods and children running and playing games…..well that's what i would want to say.The moment i walked around the corner the market turned dead silent, the stall owners went quite,the children stopped dead in their tracks,and the shoppers seemed to be ready to drop their purchased goods.At this the gaurds stopped their march and seemed to gulp the air around them.

The Monk Jehsoann who was walking next to me looked left and right at the people in front of him. After a moment he turned to me and bowed his head

“I am sorry for this rude action of this city Mora, this city even though it has a diverse population of humans dwarfs and beast-kin that have not seen the other 7 races that exist. “

At these words I looked closer at the crowd in front of me and say men and women that were shorter than others and people with animal ears coming out from on top of their heads and people that resembled more animal than people.

“Your race of the Giants has not been seen for a long time except for wanders on the outskirts of the northern border” the monk said

*so there are other races in this world, and what's this about the others, any ideas aprassel?*

*the amount of recognized races very with nation to nation but in general they all recognize the ten major races*


*And these races would be?*

*the ten major races include human dwarf beast-kin elfs fairy giants spectators elemental angles and demons, there was once a eleventh race but it has been lost to time*

Think about this the monk spoke to the Gaurds

“Might we continue boys I don't think our guest would like this treatment of disrespect to last much longer”

Hearing this the Gaurd nods and we continue are trip,arriving at a large stone tower the Gaurds bow to the monks and head back to the gate. After a few minutes 4 more monks come out of the fort and bow to Jehsoann .Jehsoann turns towards me

“I'm sorry my friend but these men will be casting a revealing spell to check for hidden items or invisible or concealed people or “bugs” before we enter the fort”

At this I begin to sweat and I can feel camellia grab my shoulder tighter

*Are they going to discover what I am this could be bad *

Authors note hey guys junk here so i will try to stay with Moras pov from now on (might throw in Camellia every once in a while) so little short but you guys get to chose now lol

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