《Tales of the Legendary Hero》Chapter 4


This is bad. Isn’t it?

The dragon try to attack me with it’s tail. But what is this? why its movement is so slow? Come to think of it since I arrive from this world I feel that the movement of inhabitant in this world are very slow. First in the war when I wait the guard to pass in front of me I feel irritated because he is walking very slow, the in the forest why the animals movement very slow though my run speed normaly shouldn’t be that fast right? I mean in the university when I run all out I can only run 25 km/h. (Look at this for reference http://www.speedofanimals.com). So why those fast animals seems slow to me? Am I get faster? Maybe I get some buff like those anime, manga, and light novel character when transfered to another world? Well this is time to test my ability on this dragon unfortunately the opponent I face is very strong. But although I am looks like this thanks for my continuous training in my previous world I can break a wall with one punch. Now I want to see if I have some buff like those fiction character. It’s better to try than dead without fight right?

I evaded his attack and jump to the dragon back. I punch its back with all of my strength. The dragon scream in agony and fly to the sky. I punch his back repeatedly but the dragon fly higher to the sky.

~ 1 hour later ~

Level Up

Level Up

Level Up

Level Up

Level Up


Dragon Slayer Title Acquired

Fame Increased by 5000

Stamina Increased by 10000

Strength Increased by 50

Agility Increased by 50

Vitality Increased by 100

Inteligence Increased by 50

Wisdom Increased by 25


Dragon Form Acquired

Dragon Ability Set Acquired

The Windows with “Level Up” writen in them pop-up 50 time. Is this mean I had leveled up 50 times? And lucky me it seem by killed the Red Dragon I got many bonus to my stats.

Back to the current situation. The dragon is bled and died from my punch but my fist is broken from hitting its hard scale. The dragon is finally dead and now we are fall to the ground. Shit is this the end of me. Well dead like this is not bad. Because I am dead after I killed a dragon who can kill a paladin and a warrior easily. Hahaha what a joke right? Well I hope before I dead at least the gods let me see a pretty girl once.

The memories of my past in my world begin resurface from my birth till the current event. What a happy memories.

But now come to think of it I fall from this height my body will be splatteredly like jelly hit rock. At least I want to die decently without missing any part of my body. The only way I survive from that gruesome death is to use a soft object to prevent me from hit the solid ground but where I can find it. Then I see the dragon body. I got an idea what if I use the dragon body to prevent me hit the solid ground. Then I flip the dragon body in the air so I can stand on its stomach when I fall. A moment later we hit the ground loud noise can be heard. Shit will I dead like this? Well at least there is something that I want to try before I lost my consiousness. I hope it works.


“Sta... tus Win... dow...”

Status WindowName:FreyAlignment:NeutralLevel:75Class:N/ARace:HumanGender:MaleTitlesDragon SlayerFame:5000Infamy:0-Health:1 / 250000Health Regen:0.5 / SecMana:100000 / 100000Mana Regen:0.25 / SecStamina:60000 / 60000Stamina Regen:0.75 / Sec-Strenght:500Agility:350Vitality:325Intelligence:375Wisdom:350Leadership:200Luck:100-Attack:9500Defense:5000Physical ResistancesSlashing:300Piercing:250Crushing:200Elemental ResistancesFire:350Water:150Wind:250Earth:275Light:150Darkness:150

A status windos appeared. I see the stats. Wow I am so OP Hahahaha. I smile proudly and lost my conciousness.

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