《The Mantle》Ch 12 - Tea


A flood of windows peppered his vision.

Congratulations! New Skill Learned

Dodge (Passive)

User ability to dodge incoming attacks

Calculation current level based on prior experience…

Level adjustment complete:

Dodge lvl +50

Further levels will be based on a combinations AGI, DEX, and SPD stat

Every 4 points in the combinations of stats will lead to level gain.

Well aren’t you just dodgy guy!

My first skill, woohoo! So it's based on those stats. That is fair. Those all seem to be, on the surface, to govern your ability to dodge something. It's not a very detailed list. I'm used to dealing with much more extensive sheet. Taking in my prior experience seems more than fair. The damn thing ignored skills I should already have. I should have had something. I have a CS degree and know several programming languages, for God's sake, and my time in the service should have counted towards something. Maybe… I just have to unlock them. Regardless, I have zero clues what levels even equate to. I guess I'll find out when I fight monsters again.

Congratulations! Achievement Earned

Lucky Bastard (Passive effect)

For killing a beast above your current rank in Ascension.

Achievement Perk:

A stat level modifier.

The cap 1 point cap at level 50 will now be removed

Aren’t you a lucky bastard.

An achievement already? Lucky bastard, my ass. If I was lucky, I'd been in a mansion with a harem of beautiful women on a beach somewhere. Even the children here probably outrank me, but I'll take it. I guess once your base level 50, the points went to 1 per level. I didn't know that was a thing, but I'm glad it's not. This snark is at least consistent with his supposed friends. How are you going to troll yourself in your own real-life video game?

Congratulations! Achievement Earned

Solo Savage

For killing your first mob solo down to the last beast.

Achievement Perk:

10% permeant boost to experience earned and Increased chance of learning new skills.

You killed them all! You savage.

Wait, what another achievement? I don't even have an experience bar on my status window, but XP boost is XP boost. My muscles may pay for it, but I'm sort of glad I was able to do it with Mazes help now. Ah, now here's what I've been waiting for.

Congratulations! You leveled up!

Level up x 5

Stat increase:

Strength +10

Intellect +5

Agility/Dexterity +10

Speed +10

Perk adjustment:

Intellect +5

Current Experience gained:

Like I’d tell you. No farming for levels here buddy.

Accept Level Up?


Five times level up. Jesus was I know I was a low level but damn. I don't remember how many of those things I killed. The last one may have been worth more XP than I thought. I might actually be a lucky bastard. That thing could have killed me and almost did. When it hit me, I could literally feel my ribs creaking. So 2 points per level. That's honestly better than I expected. It would be nice to min-max somethings, but this is real life. No respawns complements of the douche that came before. If you have the power to bring me back to life here, why would you risk allowing your future self to fail? Something I'll have to ask Dio more about. I don't accept the answer he gave. And no way to know how I gain experience, but I have an XP boost. Who decides if I'm farming. This is dumb. How do I grind levels if I can't farm? Out to kill you, Perrin. Everything is out to kill you, and everyone is out to get you. It's not paranoia when it's true. Accept it and move on.


Tapping yes, a new window with a yellow color came up.

Please wait…..

Please wait…..

Error 404:

User lacks the anima to complete level changes.

Please try again when user has sufficient anima levels.

Action aborted.

I'm not upset. I'm not bitter. It's fine. Everything is just fine.

Perrin could feel the scream of frustration building in his chest. This fucking place was going to make him have an aneurism. He clenched his fist as hard as he could, trying to take control of himself. He needed to go. He couldn't be in this room right now. Destruction of something sounded perfect right now. He tried to stand up, but two warm small hands of immovable force prevented his movement from the chair. Perrin pushed against the restraining hands with everything he had. His face turning red, and his whole body was taught as a bowstring from the effort.

The battle against the unmoving hands went on for a time before he finally slumped with his frustration spent. Only emptiness was left inside his chest: emptiness and bitterness. The warm hands started to massage his traps. Slowly working the ridged muscles to a relaxed state. Then their owner moved in front of him, and he met Mazikeen's face.

"I don't know what just happened lover but I'm here for you. If you want to talk about it. I made you something that will help you relax. Its just an herbal tea but it does wonders to clear the mind."

"I'm just so angry. I don't know if it's this situation or the constant set backs. They are all legitimate reason to be angry about but I'm usually so cool and level headed." He picked up the teacup that she had left him, and he took a sip. The flavor was slightly citrus. As it went down, peace settled upon him. It was like lying on a warm river rock bathing in the sunlight after a fun day with friends.

"It's good isn't it."

"It's unbelievable. What is this stuff?" He felt complete somehow, which didn't make complete sense, but he didn't think that was wrong either.

"It's called "Perfect Day." It should inspire memories to float up of times past. Everyone obviously sees and feels something different, but the tea's effects aim to bring about a peaceful mind. "About the anger… that may be my fault. I might have pushed on you a little too hard, and… losing control like I did may have made things worse."

"I knew something was wrong with me but there so much pressure on me right now that I wasn't certain."

"The tea will help with that. The effects should balance out your mind and keep you from having anymore lasting effects. I suspected that was an issue when you wouldn't talk."

"About that Maze. I apologize for that. It wasn't right of me to just ignore you and not tell you what was on my mind. Just please promise me you want play with my mind like that ever again."

"I promise I won't Perrin. I didn't know what to do. I didn't know if you had any combat skills or how you would feel about killing a person. The risk of you being angry at me seemed to be small in comparison to you dying."

Perrin took in a deep breath and let it out. "I can see where that would be a legitimate concern. The reason I was mad at you was because you didn't ask me. You didn't ask me because you knew next to nothing about my background. That's something we need to remedy."


So he told her everything. About growing up in a small town, his parents, high school, and the military. No detail was excluded from his extensive training and missions. Why he had eventually left. When thoughts that he no longer served the creed he believed he'd signed up for. Perrin never really lost that patriotism that only a fresh recruit seems to have, and when he did start losing it. When he began losing his family, he left. Not wanting to remember his time served as a negative experience.

He talked about college and meeting his college sweetheart Addison. The eventual betrayal and the dreams. Mazikeen laughed at the right parts but said nothing as she listens to his life story. She just looked at him in silent contemplation as he finished. Perrin finished his still warm tea as he enjoyed the effects. The remembrance of memories, good and bad, rolling through his now peaceful mind. Both contents to sit in each other's company.

"Thank you for sharing that with me Perrin. I knew you were different from him but I can now understand just how big of a difference that actually is. You share some things… but it doesn't matter. I regret doing what I did to you. Clearly you didn't need the assistance and it may have even put you at a disadvantage."

"We are finished with it Maze. I've forgiven you and accepted your apology."

Her face split into a grateful smile as she nursed her cup of tea. Mazikeen took a sip then spoke, "Do you want to talk about what made you so angry earlier?"

He sat his empty teacup down on the small table in between them. Running his fingers through his hair, he looked over to her, "The fight earlier was a success. I did level up and even earned two achievements somehow."

"That's great Perrin. What's the problem then?"

"When I tried to activate the level up I received and error code. I'm sure you can guess what it said."

She frowned then nodded, "You lack Anima."

"Ah-yep. I keep getting my hopes up that things will start turning in my favor. I was excited about the game mechanics aspect of this adventure that's been thrust upon me. I get here and I don't have it. I finally get access to it and it doesn't matter because I'm still just a weak mortal. I thought the leveling up would help me. The knowledge of the body stage will be in my mind when I wake up. I know that but… I don't know."

"Given your back ground I can see where that would be frustratingly hard to accept. You were arguably very powerful your training. Now you seen glimpses of real power and even know you are working towards it but the planes are conspiring against you."

"Right, at every turn. I'll be able to deal with it. The tea has help tremendously. I'm a do'er, a man of action. Once I start rolling, things happen but I keep getting stopped each time I start moving. Like the armor. That armor is great. Could barely feel the blows from those monsters. The big one almost broke my ribs, though.” He rubbed his side, where he was confident a rather large bruise would be developing over the next few days.

"Anyway, the armor no matter its effectiveness to protect me. You said that it's going to almost cripple me in progressing in the body stage.”

"Ah yes the seed armor was never meant for those not at least in the mind and soul stage. I suspect that the only reason you can even move in the thing is because the anima density here. It's frankly ridiculous. I'm almost blinded by it. I'm slowly adjusting to the levels but my presence can only reach so far and what it does reach is hazy. It will be fews day before I've adapted."

"If it's so dense then why is it going to cripple me. There should be plenty for it to use."

"The armor is bonded to you, lover. It will take from you what it desires above everything else. When you start infusing your cells with anima you will see. I have been considering ways of getting around that today. If it wasn't a bonded set then I could just push some of my own power into the thing while you gather anima, but it would just reject it. My anima is, well, mine. Its pure for the most part but there's no way to remove the part that is me from it. I've come to the conclusion that I can't fix the issue. With time you will over come the deficit. Honestly given enough time this place would almost force you into ascension.”

Damn. Doesn't matter, though. I'm not sure how much it's going to affect me yet anyway.

“Speaking of ascension. How am I going to travel on the road given that it runs right through that death forest. I’d prefer you not carry me on your back.”

“I traveled down the road a little ways. The stones on the side are marked with some type of runes or glyphs. I’m going to guess that it prevents whatever is in there from affecting travelers. We can ask the guards in the morning before we leave.”

He nodded at her statement.

"Look lover. How about a bath. I have some special oils and salts that will easy your exhausted muscles and help you their recovery. I didn't miss that you pushed yourself to the limit out there. You did good, and you deserve to be pampered a little."

That does sound amazing. A warm bath to relax in would do me wonders.

Mazikeen stood and reached down to his hand and pulled him to his feet, "Come, I prepared it earlier."

He followed her over to the tiled area without complaint. His legs and arms felt like jello from the battle earlier, and he knew it would be in for a world of hurt in two days. Mazikeen pulled aside a curtain that was now blocking the view of the bathroom area. Steam poured out from the large stone tube. The smell of exotic flowers filled the air.

"Do you need help undressing?" She smiled at him coyly.

He eyed the woman, "No, I think I can mange."

She chuckled in a coquettish manner as he moved past the woman and pulled the curtain closed. He paused and waited to see that the curtain stayed closed. Once he was satisfied, he removed his clothing in the inventory and slipped into the almost painfully warm water of the tub. Easing himself down into its dark depths, he relaxed with his head barely out of the water. The tub had been designed for lounging in as it had a slight slope that reached right below the lip. A little smoothed out spot perfectly fitting his neck. His body seemed to absorb the heat as he could feel his tired muscles untwist themselves slowly. It was the single best thing he had experienced in a long time. Mazikeen had been right. These waters were doing something magical to his body.

"Are you comfortable? I didn't get the temperature wrong did I?"

"Yes, it's honestly perfect." He called back.

"I'm glad enjoy it lover."

Perrin took in all the baths warmth it would give as he slowly started to fall asleep. Before he could entirely drift off, he heard the curtains slide back. Mazikeen slipped in, carrying a bundle in her arms. She wore a black silk robe that showed off her impressive figure while actually being modest in it's slightly above need length. He wanted to jerk up and cover himself, but he was too comfortable, and the dark tub and lighting prevented much from being seen.

She sat down with a dark-colored towel, bar of soap, and washcloth. Then she picked up the bar of soap and washcloth walked over to Perrin's head. Kneeling down beside him, she pushed the cloth and bar into the water and began to lather the rag before placing the bar aside.

He started to lean up, but she eased him back down. "What are you doing?"

"Relax lover. I'm going to wash you and nothing else. I promise." She said as she started to use the cloth on his chest. Surprisingly she did precisely as she spoke. He wasn't sure he would have stopped her if she wanted more.

After taking care of his upper body and hair, she let him finish. She got up and handed him the towel. "Dry yourself off and then come out in your towel. I need to apply the oils." She stepped outside and closed the curtains once more.

Doing as she asked, Perrin toweled off then moved the curtains aside to see a massage table sitting out in front of the bed. Understanding now what she was going for, he made his way over. Taking care with his towel to not show her the goods and lay down face first. She stepped up beside him and lay her soft oiled hands to his back. She found every single knot in his back that the bath hadn't taken care of. It wasn't painful or unpleasant. Where ever her silky smooth hand touch, only relief and comfort followed. His surrounding melted away as he couldn't resist the exhaustion any longer. He briefly remembered her carrying him to bed before he knew no more.

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