《The Mantle》Ch. 3 - As a Box of Rocks


Drawing on his experience and training, Perrin reacted quickly and decisively. Surging from the couch, he snatched his black go-bag by the door.

Unzipping a side pocket, he pulled out his dessert colored G-45 SF in a drop leg holster. Perrin clipped the holster around his right leg and lopped the support strap around his belt.

Moving to the front of the fifth wheel, he got down on one knee in front of what looked like an alcove with three windows. It had several cushions on top of a flat surface that hung over the edge slightly.

“What are you doing, lover?” said Avaya as she watched him calmly.

Ignoring the oddly calm woman, Perrin pushed on the edge hanging out from the seat. Feeling the click, he lifted upward. Metal hooks were present on each corner of the now raised portion. Perrin thread the hooks into the eyes that were screwed in between the windows on each side. The secret storage place contents would have most likely given Perrin quite a bit of legal trouble if the Fed happened to see it.

Different grenades were held snugly in individual foam holders on the compartment's left and right sides. Ammo cans and spare magazines were stacked underneath the grenades. A tactical assault rifle of some type hung dead center of the lifted portion with a sawed-off pistol grip 12-gauge right below it.

Inside the storage portion in between the ammo cans were two black vests. Perrin grabbed the sleek vest that looked like body armor on the left and strapped it on. Two plates were under the vest that he slid into concealed pockets on his abdomen's left and right side. The other vest was covered in small and large magazine pouches with another pistol holstered on the front—a line of shotgun shells placed in little elastic sleeves over the right breast. Perrin picked up the tactical vest and put it on over the sleek body armor, zipping it up in the middle.

He grabbed the small compact shotgun and clipped it to the side of his vest right below his armpit. The assault rifle was a favorite of Perrins. It had been a custom job he'd had a friend design for him. It looked like a tactical M4 with a silencer on the end of the short barrel. The lower receiver was stripped and modified to fit in the guts of an AN-94. Giving the rifle the AN's unique 2 round burst.

No reason a controlled pair can’t happen with a single trigger pull.

Perrin picked up the rifle and slid the strap around one side of his neck and arm. All of this taking less than 60 seconds. Perrin turned around. The talking cat and Avaya stared at him, both raising an eyebrow. Feeling slightly foolish standing there with full battle rattle on over a business suit like some anti-hero video game character. His cheeks coloring a little, he cleared his throat as he moved to the window.

Another explosion went off as he looked outside. It was just past sunset. The fires from the explosions helped Perrin see two women and a collard man walking down the middle of the road that ran through the RV park. They were maybe 6 units down from his place.

The woman on the right looked average. She had brown hair with an athletic frame standing at around 5' 4". She had on a dark-colored shirt and light gray pants. Nothing really stood out about her other than a slightly hooked nose and dead emotionless eyes.

The woman on the left couldn’t have been more different. Slim with an hourglass figure, her hair was silver with black roots tied up in buns on each side of her head. Silver strands framed a pale face with contrasting black eyebrows and lipstick. She wore a red polka dot dress that barely came down her long pale legs. The knee-high black combat boots with chrome buckles finishing out some type of gothic emo look.


The silver-haired seductress had the largest pair of breasts Perrin had probably seen on a woman, and each time she skipped, his heart missed a beat as he waited for her tits to break loose.

A silver chain was wrapped around her left forearm that she was twirling about. It hung down about a foot from where she gripped it with her hand—little animated figures dAngeld from a metal loop at the end.

Are those key chains?

Each time the trio came to a new RV, the collared man waved his hand, and the unit burst into a raging inferno.

What did he just do? I saw nothing leave his hand. How are they causing these explosions? Probably the propane tanks, but where did the fire come from.

Perrin turned around and said, “You two, stay here.”

Perrin opened the front door that was fortunately on the opposite side of the three individuals. Moving further into the park and away from his home, he went in search of cover.

Finding an optimal spot at a neighbors place that he knew was out of town. Perrin dropped down into the prone position and low-crawled under the edge of a red pickup truck.

The area was dark and about 30 yards away from the three. Perrin aimed down his sites, placed the reticle on the collared man, and pulled the trigger. Two rounds snapped out, hitting the man center mass, and he fell backward unmoving.

Before he could get off another shot, a hazy purple light barrier surrounded the two women as they looked straight at him.

The hooked nose female walked over and kicked the man on the ground.

“Get up, dog.” she hissed.

“Yes, mistress,” said the collared man.

What the fu….

Not hesitating, Perrin stood up, unpinned a grenade, and threw it at the strangers. Dropping back down to cover, listening for the explosion. A loud compressive blast shook his chest followed by the explosion. Taking a peek around the truck's bed, he saw the three just staring in his direction, unharmed like he hadn’t just thrown a highly explosive device directly at them.

I know that my aim was good. What the hell just happened?

The hooked nose woman stepped forward while raising her right arm into the air palm up. The truck Perrin was in cover behind, lifted into the air, and then went sailing towards the lake.

I'm fucked, and my life is complete bull shit right now.

The silver-haired beauty, smiling all the while, skipped up beside Hook nose and reached out towards him. Perrin tried to raise the rifle, but something that felt like thick cords of rope wrapped around every inch of his body prevented him from moving a muscle.

Silver hair made a slight frown like he had been a naughty boy and waggled her finger at him.

“None of that now,” she said.

Her voice was lower than expected and had a silky smoothness to it. She started walking toward Perrin. All smiles, skipping along without a care in the world. Each time she skipped, his anxiety spiked for the entirely wrong reasons.

As she came closer, Perrin saw that her eyes were a deep purple.

“And who might you be? Oh, you’re handsome, mmm… yummy!” she said as she made a chomping motion with her mouth clicking her pearly white teeth together—all the while looking at Perrin in a way that had him sweating.

She waved her hand, and Perrins vests were ripped off to each side of his body. She started running one hand down his chest while cupping his chin in the other.


“And fit as well,” she said huskily.

Perrin was desperately trying to keep the thoughts of puppies in baseball in his mind as his body betrayed him and his pants started to tighten.

She looked down at his pants and made an “oh” face then smiled wickedly.

Get it together, Perrin. Think of what to do next. You need to find a way out of this.

The hand on his chest started popping buttons off his white button-up shirt, one after another flying away into the dark. Pulling his shirt wide. She looked into his eyes, and with a fingernail, she slowly cut a line in his left peck. Little drops of blood falling down her finger. Leaning in, she took in a deep breath through her nose and shuddered.

“You smell absolutely delicious.” She cooed at him.

Her other hand moved away from his face and began running down his right side. When it reached his belt, he felt it barely grazed his stiffening shaft causing it to throb.

She brought the blood covered finger to her mouth, sucking it off in a suggestive way. Her purple eyed gaze was full of a predatory look that scared the shit out of him.

Oh yeah, she is absolutely insane.

Cursing his member for the betrayal as it stiffened to the point that it might burst through his pants.

Out of nowhere, Perrins's ears started to ring, and a pressure built in his head. Everything seemed to pause and became deathly silent.

Silver hair snapped around faster than Perrin thought should be possible, looking back towards his home. Perrin could see Avaya and the strange calico staring out his window. A look of murderous fury that had a tangibility to it seemed to be rolling off the duo in waves.

The side of his RV exploded outwards. Avaya started walking towards them on the air, each footstep causing impacts he could feel in his chest but could not hear..

“YOU DARE MAZIKEEN, YOU DARE TO TOUCH MY, HUSBAND!!!” said Avaya in a deep, otherworldly voice that resonated all around him.

Mazikeen turned back and looked at Perrin in shock then confusion. Her purple eyes went distant momentarily then glowed. He felt something brush against...he wasn't sure, but it felt like he had just been dissected or thrown into an ice bath.

“Ahhh, it is you. You’re the one we are here for,” Mazikeen said to Perrin as her eyes came back into focus.

“Your husband seems to enjoy my touch and always has,” she said suggestively, looking back at Avaya.

Always has...I've never met this bucket of crazy a day in my life.

A deadly calm fell over Avaya’s face as she spoke quietly, “How many times have I warned you, Mazikeen. How many times have I told you what I would do to you if I caught you near him again.”

“I don’t fear you, Avaya, the accords prevent you from doing anything to me here.” Mazikeen sneered back.

“I warned you, and you didn’t heed my words.” as a vicious smile spread across her face. “And I didn’t enter this plane through the ways.”

Mazikeen stiffened, and beads of sweat started appearing on her face.

“You lie. We are all bound by rules when we come to these planes.”

“Shall we find out whose hands are tied, Mazikeen the WHORE!”

Without another word, Avaya shot her right hand out like she was seizing something, and Mazikeens arms snapped to her side.

“No, you can’t. It isn’t allowed, Avaya. Are you trying to start the war again?” said Mazikeen in a shaky voice. The fear plain to see on her face now.

“I’m "technically" not here right now. Back door, you see.” said Avaya with a clinical look coming over her face. Turning her closed fist, knuckles down, she began to slap the fist in her other hand's palm.

Simultaneously, Mazikeen’s body moved like a puppet on strings and started slamming the earth with every palm slap. The impacts sending shockwaves out like ripples in a pond, each time her body struck.

Mother of god, she is terrifying.

Perrin felt the bonds around him fall away after the 7th or so impact. Mazikeen was no longer in control of whatever she had been doing to him. He watched on in morbid fascination as some type of anime bull shit was happening in front of his eyes.

Each time Mazikeen hit the earth, cracks shot outward like little lightning bolts. Her face was a bloody ruin. He could feel bile start to rise up in his stomach as the beautiful silver-haired seductress face became more and more like hamburger meat.

Not able to take the site anymore, Perrin held up his hand and said, “Stop Avaya. For god's sake, stop.”

She turned to him with a confused look on her face, Mazikeens body held in mid-air. “She touched you, Perrin. She cut you. She tasted your blood. I warned her what would happen if she came near you again. I swore I would kill her. She is evil, my love. EVIL. She doesn’t deserve your pity, and nor do I wish to grant it.”

“What you are doing right now, Avaya,” Perrin’s gaze turned to the broken woman and gestured. “That is evil, and I won’t be a part of it or be associated with anyone who is a party to such acts.”

He meant that too. He didn’t believe women were delicate little flowers that required perpetual saving. But he would not be a part of this.

Sure, Mazikeen had been with the collared man who was clearly doing some type of … I don’t really know, maybe pyrokinesis. I read that word somewhere.

But he had not seen Mazikeen do anything other than skip around and smile. Which was kinda scary and a little disturbing now that he thought about it.

I mean, okay, she might have been a little forward with me…. Bordering on sexual assault….possibly. But the cut was just a nic, nothing that serious. She is just a little off, that’s all.

Who was he kidding? He saw how crazy she was.

She is definitely cracked. But crazy doesn’t make you evil, and I didn’t see her commit a single crime. No, I won't stand for this.

Blanking his face and speaking with a tone of command, Perrin said, “You will stop this instant, Avaya, or I will never forgive you.”

Avaya looked at him, searching his face, trying to assess him for any sign of a lie or weakness to his words. Finding only the steely-eyed gaze, he had perfected in the military years ago. She floated down to the ground and opened her hand. The wreck that was Mazikeen hit the ground with a meaty thud.

Silently praying to whatever higher power might be listening, Perrin relaxed.

It’s not like there would’ve been a damn thing I could have done to stop her if she’d called my bluff.

Looking around, Perrin saw his home and everything around the park decimated. It looked like several mortar rounds had impacted blowing everything to shit. Mr. Johnston and his wife's RV were simply no longer there.

I don’t want to think about that right now.

His eyes fell on the calico feline sitting atop of hook nose’s chest, licking a bloody paw. Hook nose seemed to have passed out—a large wet stain in the crotch of her grey pants. The collared man lay 10 feet away, his body ripped in half, viscera dangling out of both halves. A look of utter horror frozen on his face.

I don’t even want to know. Nope, not going to ask. Don’t care, don’t care, la la la la... Already going to have enough nightmares from this LSD laced shit show.

Perrin looked to Mazikeen, then rushed over to his wrecked fifth wheel. Jumping through the hole Avaya had made, he searched for his black go-bag. Finding it where he had left it, Perrin made his way back to where Mazikeen lay.

Sitting the back-pack down beside her body, he unzipped the large part and dug around for a second, finally pulling out an OD green military-style bag. The bag contained everything a trained person might use to stabilize someone until a medic could take over the injured's care. Perrin had taken the Combat lifesaver certification course several times in the Army.

Pulling out gloves, Perrin ran his hands over her body, searching for open wounds and bleeds. Her right humerus had an open fracture, the bone jutting out of the skin, blood oozing out all around it. As he went to try and possibly set it, the bone seemed to drag itself back inside the skin and slowly started sealing closed.

Why am I not surprised? Unrealistic "magical" healing powers. Of course, why not? This whole night has been complete bull shit anyway. Fuck it.

Noticing that the blood wasn't returning into her body as well, he decided that he'd stick her with an IV. Pulling out the catheter, tubes, and what not needed, he hooked her up.

Once that was settled, he leaned over her head and checked her pulse. It was slightly elevated but steady. He watched her chest rise and fall, counting the breaths. Finding nothing off, he looked at her face. Her jaw was most definitely broken given the Angel it was in.

Her left eye was swollen shut. Lifting up her right eyelid, her purple irises were surrounded by blood. Pulling a flashlight out, he found that her pupillary response was good. Satisfied with everything he saw, Perrin felt she wasn’t in any real danger.

That's the best I can do in this situation with what little I know, and it's not like she even needed my help anyway with that healing ability.

As Perrin was about to stand up, she reached out with a mAngeld hand and brushed his arm. He paused and looked back down at her ruined face that was slowly mending itself.

“Ank ewuuu,” she said as a bloody tear rolled down her face.

Not able to reply, Perrin nodded to her. She closed her one good eye as he stood up.

Avaya had walked over to the calico feline and seemed to be having a heated discussion.

Didn't Avaya call her Dory? I’m pretty sure that’s what she said.

Perrin felt drained and overwhelmed. Too much had happened in too short of a time. His mind was reeling, trying to piece together all the things he had seen and been told. The one thing standing out the most was he had been powerless. Most likely powerless to stop any of these strangers.

I’m one of the most highly trained individuals on the planet. A trained combat professional, an operator by all definitions of the word, and I couldn't do jack shit. None of my skills mattered; hell, I couldn’t even use any of my skills, I was so powerless. Bout as useless as a box of rocks Perrin, a fucking box of rocks.

Pulling away from that unsettling thought, Perrin could hear the two now, their discussion becoming a little more heated.

“...we have to get out of here now, sister. The Arbitrators will be here at any moment. You may not technically have broken the accords but I doubt they will see it that way, and neither will our uncle.” said Dory. “Not to mention if these two sent out a signal to their friends before we subdued them. We won’t be enough to stop the enemy from taking or killing him.”

Avaya’s look of anger started to fade from her face, and uncertainty replaced it.

“I suppose your right, Doretha,” said Avaya grudgingly.

“You need to give him the soul trinket like we planned. They won’t be able to find him there,” said Dory as she gestured to him.

“We don’t have time to teach him DO..RE..THA! He could die if we let him go in unprepared. And we don’t even have the time to show him how to get started.”

“I know you are a scared sister, I fear for our love just as much as you, but you must have faith in our husband. He and Uncle left that thing in there with all the instructions. They created the place anyway.” said Dory in assuring.

They keep calling me husband or their “love.” How can I be married to both? Hell, Dory is a cat, a terrifying one that he didn’t really want to think about at the moment. But still, definitely a cat.

Perrin eyed the two. He couldn’t deny the draw he had to Avaya. It was a type of magnetic pull he couldn’t explain. The same force-like tug was coming from Dory as well.

Avaya, looking soothed, nodded her head. “Your right, of course, sister. It’s just been so long, and we haven’t had enough time together. I feel lost without him.”

“As to do I sister, as do I. But at least we have spent these moments with him. To see him, to touch him, after all this time. That's more than our other sisters can say.”

Saaaay whaaaa, more sisters? Does that mean I have more “wives”?

A real panicked feeling started to overtake him when both females noticed him listening to their private discussion. Looking at each other again, they nodded and started making their way towards him.

Dory came up to him and started rubbing up against his leg, making purring sounds. Perrin began reaching down to pick the little calico up and then stopped giving himself a shake.

“Are you doing that?” he said, scrutinizing the blue gold-eyed feline.

“Doing what, my husband?” as Dory continued to rub against his legs in a figure-eight pattern.

Perrin absentmindedly started to pick the cat up again and forced himself to stop.

“That, whatever you're doing to me right now.”

“Damn, I almost had you,” she said. “You can’t blame a girl for trying.” shrugging somehow, at least Perrin was sure it was a shrug, Dory padded over to where Avaya was standing and sat down on her haunches.

The two just looked at him. He could see a look of sadness and longing on their faces.

“Perrin. We have spoken about many things tonight. I know you probably have an untold amount of questions, but our time is short. I would ask you to please listen to us as we try to explain what has to happen next.”

Perrin was not liking where this was going. He heard her saying something about leaving. But he wasn’t about to go anywhere with these two.

Whatever pull or kinship I’m starting to feel can go straight to the pit for all I care. The moment I can escape, I’m dipping the fuck out of this circus.

These two “supposed” wives of his had to be, hands down, the scariest individuals he had ever encountered in his life. And someone with his background that’s saying something.

No, I’ll be a good little boy and bide my time. When they leave, I call up my battle buddies in the Fed, sign whatever bs contract they want to give me. In return for a few years, they will ghost me. It will be like Perrin A was never born, and I can forget this fantasy garbage ever happened. I wonder if they can put me in a programming position?

“He's going to try and run sister,” Avaya said. “Yes, sister, I believe you are right. He's definitely going to try and run,” Dory said.

Perrin stiffened.

They can read my mind? Surely not, Fuck, that had to be a lucky guess. There is no way they can read my mind.

The duo started to smile slowly in a knowing way. Perrins panic began hitting new heights as they stared at him.

Dory broke out into fits of laughter first, falling over to her back paws holding her stomach. Avaya joined her in laughter after a moment.

“Oh, sister...it’s too much. I can’t …I cant bre...I can’t breath.” Dary said in between breaths and giggles.

Perrin scowled at the laughing duo. They soon recovered, and their smiles faded back to the sad look.

“Give it to him, Avaya. We have wasted too much time. We may have to pay for that laugh if we don’t hurry.” said Dory.

Avaya walked over to him and reached to the side. Her left hand seemed to tap something. She turned her hand palm up, and a medallion fell out of thin air into it. She hesitated for a second then handed it to him.

The medallion didn’t look like anything special. It had some type of blue gem in the center of one side and some writing on the other. Avaya spoke before he could inspect it more.

“Listen closely, this is your medallion. It acts as an access key to a pocket world that you and my uncle built together. No one besides you can open it. When you first walk inside the portal. It will be the only safe zone you have with food and water. It is actually your personal study. Outside that area is extreme danger. Do not go out there until you are ready. Now tell me you understand what I just said.”

“Pocket realm, safe room, food, water, etc., don’t go out of the area until I’m ready, etc.,” said Perrin distractedly.

He had just noticed something behind Avaya. A group of people in bizarre clothing started walking through the entrance to the RV park. And by bizarre, he meant they were from all different eras; some even looked futuristic. If that wasn’t enough, he looked up, and 5 blue-white balls of light seemed to be falling like comets down from the atmosphere…. straight at them.

How are they moving so fast... there is no way we can getaway.

As if the damn things had heard his thoughts, they sped up—streaks of blue-white trailing behind them.

Fear started to rise in Perrin as the fiery balls broke what was probably half the laws of physics. Then they landed without a sound or impact, breaking the other half. The five looked like angels, shiny white robes, wings of white, silver, black, and gold. They all had different racial skin tones.

Their landing spot just happened to be beside the now conscious hook nose. She looked with fear on her face as she scrambled to get up. The dark-skinned Angel with silver wings pulled a blade made of some garbage fantasy white light that Perrin honestly didn’t care to think about right now. The power coming off those 5 had already maybe... probably made him pee a little.

Avaya and Dory turned around and saw what he had been looking at in horror. Avaya said something that sounded really foul to Perrins's ears and turned back around.

“Okay, the medallion has a gem in the center. It’s a one-shot portal stone. You need to place your blood on the stone to activate it. Do it now!!”

Doing as she demanded, Perrin pushed his hand down on the cut that was already on his chest, opening up the little nic once more. He placed it on the medallion. A burning pain shot out from the hand holding the medallion, spreading throughout his body. He felt too hot as whatever it was seared through his body. It felt like what he imagined being injected with liquid molten metal would feel like. He tried to scream, but nothing came out.

As the pain hit a crescendo as the liquid metal burned through his mind, it was over. Perrin found himself on his hands and knees. He wasn’t sure how long it lasted. It felt like years. Looking up, he realized it had only been seconds. Gathering himself, he saw the medallion lying on the ground and picked it up and slid it in his pocket. Perrin looked around, and what he guessed was a portal into pitch-black darkness was standing off to his left.

Avaya and Dory rushed him. Avaya hugged him, and Dory pushed her head into his side.

“Be careful, my love. Stay strong and remember what I said. Don’t leave the safe area until you're ready.” said Avaya. With that said, the two broke away.

Perrin looked back over to the shining beings. No one seemed to have moved. Hook nose was back up towards what he guessed was buddies Dory had talked up about moments ago. One moment the Dark skin Angel was there beside the five, and the next was behind hook nose swing downward in a strike was going to cleave her in half. Moving just as fast, hook nose pulled some type of poll arm staff out from thin air and paired the incoming sword of bull shit. Because it was, and you couldn’t tell Perrin otherwise. Visible shockwaves rippling out from the impact of the weapons. And that's when someone threw a big pile into the fan.

Dory and Avaya had turned around a burning rainbow-colored aura surrounding them. The group of oddly dressed individuals started attacking the Angels. Fire ice lighting and what could have been plasma was being thrown around everywhere. It looked like a type of video game battle where everyone was using their limit breaks all at once.

Hook nose was some type of badass from what Perrin could tell. She was fighting the dark-skinned Angel and a red-headed female angel with gold wings to a standstill.

Two of the more futuristically dressed people from hook nose group broke off from a 4 on 1 fight with a middle eastern looking female angel with jet black wings. They looked directly at Avaya and Dory. Then they were in front of them.

Dory called back to Perrin, “Go, my love, go. We will handle this trash.”

The two sneered at the words and attacked the women. Perrin was clipped by a piece of flying debris and was sent rolling backward. He landed on something hard and unyielding and groaned in pain. Moving off the offending object, he saw that it was his assault rifle.

Useless piece of shit. A fat lot of help you were. Now you’re literally a pain in my neck.

Getting back to his feet, he looked at the portal and considered what to do. Thinking quickly, he decided to grab the weapon and his split tactical gear.

I don’t know what I’m going into, so I should probably bring what I can.

On instinct, Perrin hit the dirt as a shard of ice the size of a power line pole flew right where his torso would have been.

Nope, Perrin had about had it with this shit. He was getting the fuck out of dodge. If it had to be in the black hole of darkness, then whatever.

Running towards the portal for all he was worth, Perrin was about to jump in when something told him to roll to the right, trusting his gut. A thick bar of a purplish light lanced through the area he was in previously. The ground and everything in its way were simply gone; a smooth cylindrical-shaped gore in the earth ran as far as Perrin could see.

Trying to get his barring, he saw that he was by his go-bag. Dropping things real quick, he put on the black backpack. At that moment, a steel beam came from fucks nowhere and slammed down about six inches from Mazikeen's unconscious body.

Thinking she wasn’t his problem, Perrin turned around to head to the portal.

Not your problem, you fucking hypocrite. You saved her only to let her die in this garbage farse.

Cursing himself and the shity consciousness that had developed over these past years. He grabbed the unconscious insane woman and sprinted for the portal again. Jumping the half-circle ditch with a crazy woman on his back, fully expecting to be hit by some other magical garbage, Perrin ran into the dark vertical slit of bullshit.

Perrin swore he could hear two female voices screaming, “NOOOO,” as the portal snapped shut behind him.

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