《CALL OF THE DAO》Chapter 46


The dragon turned his mighty head and gazed at the speck of dust that barely qualified to be a creature.

"Yi Ma, what do you want from me," the dragon's authoritative voice sounded, not hiding his annoyance.

The grass seemed to be a vast jungle, rocks that appeared to be firm mountains, raindrops that threatened to drown. Such was the life of the tiny ant that dared to stop the mighty dragon, at least that is how things should be, but the truth was anything but that. A wave of his antenna was enough to destroy the heavens and split the earth for the tiny ant. The saying looks were deceiving has never been more true when talking about the ant.

"My queen requests to handle this matter," the tiny ant hopped on a stone to make itself bigger. " You might be unaware, but everything follows the master's will."

"Is that something that I, the second dragon, need to be told?" The dragon moved closer to the tiny ant, its very breath creating a mighty storm for the poor little creature, " as for your queen's wishes, why should I, the second dragon, agree to her whims?

Despite the calamitous storm the ant was subjected to, it remained unmoved like a firm mountain at the face of a disastrous storm, "of course, it won't be for free, take this as my queen owing you a favor," the ant's antenna danced dramatically to the point it was almost bewitching.

"Hahahahaha...!" The second dragon burst into mad laughter, his mane shaking wildly, " you puny creature, what could you possibly offer me. The dragon's voice showed arrogance and pride.


The dragon's laughter was suddenly replaced with silence as dark, ominous tendrils emerged from the house that had remained firm and unmoving. Chill and unnerving silence followed as the dark tendrils crept towards a particular direction.

Every creature present had their gazes fixated on the tendrils. They watched as they crept inside the chicken house and collected eggs before creeping back to the house.

It was only after the tendrils left that the peaceful atmosphere returned.

I thought I was in trouble again. The dragon heaved a sigh of relief before fixing its gaze on the ant, " where was I?... yes, little ant, what did you say about owing me a favor?"


The ant maintained its gaze on the dragon as the antenna on its dark head danced wildly. Just like the dragon, the ant general thought it was in trouble.

" As this seat was saying," the ant's tiny yet powerful voice resounded. "My queen will owe you a favor,.. dragon, don't underestimate my queen's favor," the ant suddenly floated and approached the dragon. "You have always wanted honey from the golden-winged bees, right? My queen can arrange for that," the ant moved closer until it was at the very face of the fierce and prideful dragon, "what do you say?"

To say the dragon wasn't tempted to lick the speck of dirt that was the ant into oblivion would be wrong. In fact, the dragon was actively resisting the growing urge.

If I eat this little guy, what will happen? The dragon was curious but didn't dare. The ant was powerful and belonged to his master. Eating the tiny ant would be absurd even for the mischievous dragon.

"If I, the second dragon, I'm unable to convince those hateful insects to give me their honey... Do you think you have the ability?" The dragon's anger rose as he thought how years of persuading the insects to give him honey had resulted in nothing. The dragon thought it was their honor for them to give him their shiny honey, but somehow the insects thought otherwise.

"I myself lack the ability as the golden-winged bees only give master their honey and no one else," Yi Ma, the ant, stabilized his body under the dragon rising-hot breath and continued, " but for my queen, they make an exception."

"Yi Ma, don't test my intelligence.. do you expect me to believe your outright lie?" Though the dragon's voice was loud and fierce, the expectation couldn't be hidden from Yi Ma, the ant, and that is all he wanted.

The ant's antenna waved slightly, and a black pot with a cloth covering appeared. Where Yi Ma removed the pot that was several times his size wasn't important, the important thing was the dragon's sheer joy upon seeing the pot.

"Y-Yi Ma, you are not playing tricks, are you?" The dragon's voice trembled.

"Take a look for yourself," the ant swiped its antenna, causing the pot to move closer to the dragon.


The dragon received the pot carefully and removed the cloth covering the opening using his qi.

"Hahahaha..it really is golden!" The dragon's eyes sparkled as it gazed at the shining pot. Carefully it put back the cloth, and the pot disappeared. The second dragon then looked around warily before diving back to the pool.

"Yi Ma, this one will let you handle those puny mortals," the dragon's voice sounded in the distance as it disappeared.

"I should tell my queen it was a success," the ant floated back to the ground, but just as it was about to disappear.

"Yi Ma, what do you intend to do?" the noble phoenix's elegant voice resounded, stopping the ant on his track.

"To teach them a lesson, of course," the ant turned to the phoenix and answered.

"You shall give them three chances to stop their pitiful actions, should they refuse, handle as you see fit," the phoenix displayed its fiery aura and continued. " This is not a request!"

The ant trembled as the phoenix released her aura. He knew the phoenix was acting on his master's will. Disobedience would lead to a fate worse than death.

"Hail the ancient one!" Yi Ma quickly showed his understanding lest silence is interpreted otherwise.

The ant quickly scuttled to the nearest hole and disappeared. Yi Ma rushed through the hustle and bustle of various ants as they went on with their duties, only stopping to salute the great Ant General. The tiny tunnels weren't ordinary as one would expect, markings depicting prostrating ants before a human silhouette populated the tunnel walls.

In front of Yi Ma stood multiple tunnels dividing the main tunnel. Yi Ma showed no hesitation as he chose one and rushed through it.

A couple of tiny steps later, Yi Ma arrived at a spacious room. The room was devoid of noise despite the several ants that stood silently in the room. The ants weren't randomly standing in the room. Instead, they stood on either side, creating a path between them.

Yi Ma rushed through the path and halted after a certain point, " General Yi Ma greets the ant Queen."

"Speak freely, General, so they agreed?" The voice belonged to a crowned red ant sitting on a throne made of white.

"Yes, my queen, as you already know... the noble miss allowed us to handle this situation," Yi Ma respectfully answered.

"Good, with this, the great master should see our use," the ant queen was barely able to contain her excitement. "Go forth, General, show them the wrath of the ants to whoever dares disrespect my master's home," the queen ordered.

"But my queen, the noble miss said to warn them first," Yi Ma said in a questioning tone, " I can't disobey the order."

"Oh, that's fine as well, though it will be unfortunate should they heed your warning," the queen walked back to her seat with drooping antennae, " then go forth my general and warn those evildoers."

Yi Ma moved while his front faced the queen and his head lowered. Once out of the royal room Yi Ma turned into a blur and disappeared.


"Come on. You are not using your full strength, are you?" Outside the forbidden land, Huo Great Emperor said to the sword immortal.

"I'm using my full strength. Maybe it's you who wants to preserve your strength after we break into the forbidden land," the sword-wielding immortal retorted.

"How dare you accuse me, you old bastard?" Huo Emperor fumed, fire quickly engulfing him.

"You know what, I have just had about enough of you," the sword immortal unleashed his sharp aura. " If you want a fight, then come at me."

"Foolish mortals, in front of this seat, you dare to be rampant?" Just as tension rose between the two venerable, a tiny yet audible commanding voice sounded startling the two old men.

They both turned, and behold, before them, a raging black bull stood, its eyes glowed red, and its loud breath ruffled the nearby vegetation.

"What the hell?" the two old men looked at each other with puzzled faces.

"Puny mortals, you still aren't kneeling in front of this seat?" The voice sounded again, and the two old men finally determined the source. On top of the bull's head, a tiny, almost insignificant ant stood.

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