《CALL OF THE DAO》Chapter 43



The great black door sounded as Lin Feng pushed it open. A gust of fresh breeze blasted his face. An immediate realization struck him. Unlike the calm and peaceful room, the area before him gave him a sense of comfort and thrill.

"I should deeply explore this place after my visit," Lin Feng thought to himself as his eyes darted in search for Jin Yuanjun and her maid.

Soon, Lin Feng discovered the pair. She was seated in a lotus meditative position, amid a plethora of flowers, with the occasional wind blowing her ink-blank hair. Jin Yuanjun blended perfectly. Her presence didn't seem intrusive to the beautiful nature. In Fact her beauty was complemented.

"Nature can surprisingly turn the most ordinary thing to a work of art." Walking towards the pair, Lin Feng made an unnatural comment.

"Should I wake them?" Jin Yuanjun and her maid didn't notice the arrival of Lin Feng and his dog. He was about to wake them up but decided against it. He took out a paper and made a note and left it near them.

They should notice this.

After being assured everything was fine, Lin Feng made his way back to the front of the house. Dark mist gathered around him and the dog, and just as they appeared, they disappeared.


"Senior sister, I have been looking around, but I haven't spotted any male disciple around. Why is that?" A frail young girl, dressed in the most common purple robe, spoke out. She pushed her black-roughly unkempt hair back as she glanced curiously at her more meaty mature senior sister.

"Oooh, I forgot to mention this to you, and given your circumstances, it is ok not to know about the Zimen sect. The reason why there are no males is that our great sect elder is a female," the senior sister's eyes sparkled as she remembered the sect master.

"Senior... sister?" The frail girl called out meekly as her senior sister spaced out.


With a light clearing of her throat, she continued.

"I should have said this first. The reason there are no male disciples is that, only females can practice the secret techniques for the Zimen sect."

"So that's how it is," the junior sister nodded knowingly as she committed her first experience of the sect. She was from a secluded village and only knew about one sect, and from what she heard, it was a mixed sect, so she was curious when she didn't see the other gender.


"Yeah, we are not like other female-only sects that do that because they hate males," the senior sister added.

"Then are males allowed to enter the sect?" The little girl suddenly asked, her gaze lingering in front.

The senior sister stopped in her tracks and mischievously looked at her junior sister.

"No, males aren't allowed in the sect except in special events. Huh.. why are you asking this junior sister? Do you want to sneak someone into the sect? I thought you knew nothing apart from your village." Smiling, the senior sister looked at her junior sister in a new light, her previous opinion of the girl wiped away.

"No... don't joke about that. I'm asking because of that," the junior sister said while her shaky, pale finger pointed forward.


The senior sister followed the little girl's finger, and low and behold, a male was in the sect, curiously looking at the buildings as if he was a lost person. Behind him, a dog followed.

"This is not right. What is a male doing in the sect?" The older girl asked in surprise.

Is he a visitor to the sect master?

Unconsciously, she walked forward. Her heart beat wildly as she saw his face. Perhaps it was her inexperience with men that made her heart overreact, but what she knew was the man before her was the most handsome man she had seen in her short experience with men.

Lin Feng looked around, stony buildings with yellow-tiled roofs arranged in a pattern leading the marbled floor to a building that towered menacingly above the others.

This is a sect?

Lin Feng was immediately reminded of the Lin family. The arrangement of the buildings screamed out sect. But maybe he was wrong, given the number of places he had visited.

But why here?

Lin Feng questioned. The great observer had asked him if he had a destination in mind, and he answered to be taken to any random place.

This is all my fault. A sect is a random place after all. The only problem is how I should answer the owners of this place.

Lin Feng felt his life was led by circumstances rather than his initiative from the start to arriving at a new star. He didn't seek any of it actively.


Well, I'm the one that wanted to know more about this place, does that count as a circumstance or an initiative?

"Umm... hello, can we help you?"

A sudden meek voice broke Lin Feng's thoughts. The voice was so tiny that if it weren't for Lin Feng's unnatural hearing, he wouldn't have caught on.

"Yeah... sorry, I seem to be lost. Can you show me the exit?"

What! Lost in the zimen sect?

The senior sister was confused by Lin Feng's statement. Was he lost and somehow ended in the Zimen sect, or was he a visitor, and he somehow lost his way out of the sect.

For the first, she thought it was impossible to stray into the Zimen sect without notifying the sect master, while for the second, she didn't believe a cultivator could lose their way in the Zimen sect.

The senior sister didn't know how to handle the situation, she was tempted to show him the way out as she couldn't detect any malice from him, but she wasn't that stupid to believe her feelings. The man in front of him could be a terrible villain, and showing him a way out could mark her as his accomplice.

"Why don't you take him to the sect master?" The little girl whispered in her senior sister's ears just when she was losing it.

"Yes, nice going junior sister," the older girl appreciated her junior's support.

"Can you go with me to the sect master?" the older girl asked politely. She knew if he refused, he had something to hide, while if he accepted, it would be the sect master's troubles.

There we go again, being led by circumstances.

Lin Feng thought to himself. He decided to refuse her offer just because of it.

"That would be inappropriate as I am just a passerby," Lin Feng answered her kind intentions.

With a command in his head, dark mist covered Lin Feng and his dog, and once again, they disappeared.

"How did he do that?" The two girls looked at each other with puzzled faces.

"I knew it. He was not a good person," the older girl was overcome by grief. Maybe she wanted the man to be a good person? What would follow only she knew.

"Let's go and inform the sect master," she added. Not letting the sect master know would be a sign of rebellion against the sect.

"Don't bother. I saw everything."

Just as they were about to head to the sect master's abode, a motherly-soft-voice stopped them in their tracks.

"Greetings to the sect master," the older girl got to her knees and politely said.

The junior sister immediately copied her senior after she discovered whom the voice belonged to.

Out of the shadows emerged a beautiful mature woman, her robes had the same purple color as the two girls, but one look and the difference in materials could immediately be identified. Her motherly gaze scanned the two girls kneeling in front of her.

"Stand. And don't worry, if that person had any ill intentions to our sect, we wouldn't still be standing.

The older girl was shocked. She had heard rumors that her sect master could handle her own even if the great Jin Wude was to attack the sect, so who was this person that her master claimed to not stand a chance against.

"Master, how strong is he?" The older girl couldn't help but ask.

"This... don't worry about it, go and perform your duties," the sect master immediately reprimanded. How was she supposed to tell them it was a dog that frightened her like never before? She had detected an anomaly in her sect and came to investigate. It was then that she spotted a man and dog. She wanted to come closer to identify if he was an enemy, but who would've guessed a gaze from a dog petrified her?

Just what is that dog, and how powerful is his master

Her cultivation as a late god powerhouse was useless.

Was that space magic? I should find them and ask if he can teach me. After all, him visiting my sect must be fate.

"Yes, master," the two girls said and immediately rushed to their duties.

"So, how am I supposed to find him?" The sect master asked herself as she disappeared in place.

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