《CALL OF THE DAO》Chapter 38


Li Cheng was asked by his father to narrate everything he knew from his encounter with the senior. The latter didn't hold back and said everything he knew about Lin Feng, from their first meeting to the last time he visited his shop.

After hearing the stories, the old men stroked their long beards as they entered a state of contemplation. It was indeed a sight to behold.

While the old men were racking their brains to spot any clue, another event took place in the immortal territory.

The immortal territory was the same as the mortal realm in that it was divided into four regions.

In the immortal southern territory, the old immortal venerable who had responded to the southern king's call for help when he thought the forbidden land had opened was arriving.

Behind him was Mu Lei's parents. Since they had broken through the immortal realm, they couldn't stay in the mortal realm any longer lest they are forcefully ascended.

The two husband and wife looked at their surroundings. They unleashed their divine sense and tried to observe the furthest they could.

The first thing they noticed was the high-grade spiritual energy. The energy was many times better than what the mortal realm provided.

"The spiritual energy here is inferior, though nothing compared to the senior's gift."

Xiao Mu, the southern king, commented.

His comment seemed to stir a scar on the old immortal venerable as his lips twitched. He remembered how he missed that energy and only managed to get a taste. His mood soured, and he said.

"Xiao Mu, don't you have anything better to talk about? If you have the energy to blabber such nonsense, why don't you start comprehending your dao?"

Xiao Mu looked at the old immortal venerable.

'Have I somehow offended him?' He thought to himself that his comment seemed rational as it was the truth as far as he knew.

"Ancestor, please forgive my husband's ignorance."

Xiao Mu's wife, the previous queen, spoke on her husband's behalf. She could deduce the old immortal was probably jealous of their fortuitous encounter.

The old immortal sneered and concentrated on what he was doing.


Currently, they were still at the gate that led to the mortal realm. To reach his sect would take him some time, especially with the group of people he was with.

He fished out a boat and made it float in the air.

This boat was one of the treasures that he was proud of. It was a peak high-grade immortal treasure. He dared to say that no one in the mortal territory could compete with his boat, either in speed or firepower. He looked back to see Xiao Mu's surprise but was shocked to see him with a look that demanded he had seen better.

'This guy is annoying.' The old immortal thought to himself. He made a mental note to stay away from him lest his anger tempts him to kill.

The old immortal flew inside the boat, followed by the cultivators that were following him. The southern king and his wife wasted no time, and they soon got on the boat, which turned into a stream of light and disappeared.

After the boat had left, a silhouette of a man appeared near the gate. He wore dark robes and a mask that covered his face. It seemed the old immortal could not spot him, not that he was actively searching for him. Still, that was enough to prove his stealth technique was heaven- shaking.

The silhouette looked at the direction the boat had flown to and took a jade slip and engraved a message into it. After that, he disappeared.

Soon after the first silhouette disappeared, another soon appeared. If one were to be careless while observing, one would think the two silhouettes were the same. They were not. The current one had vague female features. Just like the first one, she engraved a message into a jade slip and disappeared.

Again, after the second silhouette disappeared, another one showed up. They were like rabbits coming out of a hole. Just like the previous ones, he engraved a message into a jade slip and disappeared.


Thousands of li away from the immortal southern territory, a vast land was located. The land was found inside a valley with enormous mountains surrounding it.


On the land, a thriving population went on with their lives. The people wore almost matching robes. A massive castle-like building was located at the centre, making it stand out from the smaller buildings that surrounded it.

On the front of the building, 'SKY HEAVEN SECT' was written in bold. The people didn't dare to look at the words as they knew the words were written by their sect master, an immortal venerable.

Inside the building, a middle-aged man was sitting in a meditative stance in a room with marble floors and walls. His hair was unkempt, and he had a stubble beard.

Next to him, a sheathed sword radiated a baleful aura, an aura that could only be acquired after slaughtering a lot of people.

Suddenly the middle-aged man opened his bloodshot eyes, he waved his robes, and a jade slip appeared on his hand.

"Did the spy discover anything?"

The middle-aged man muttered to himself. He read the contents of the jade slip, and a puzzled expression appeared on his face.

"What was that old man doing in the mortal realm? The forbidden land hasn't opened, has it?"

He took out an incense stick and lit it. It was the same way Li Cheng had managed to summon his ancestor, only that the middle-aged man didn't use any blood essence.

It wasn't long before the incense smoke changed into the appearance of a man.

"This little one pays respect to the ancestor."

The smoky man said with fear in his voice.

"What changes have happened in the southern kingdom?"

The middle-aged man asked.

"Ancestor, I was about to summon you when you contacted me first. I wanted to report that the forbidden land of Bing has disappeared."

The smoky figure explained.


The middle-aged man spoke while getting on his feet. His face had a shocked expression. How could the forbidden land disappear?

He had personally witnessed the power of the forbidden land. Despite his immortal venerable cultivation, he was unable to enter, let alone make it disappear.

"Does that old man have anything to do with this?"

The middle-aged man thought to himself. Surely it wasn't just a coincidence that the old man visited the mortal realm, and suddenly the forbidden land disappeared, right?

Thinking of this, he picked up his sword and disappeared. It was time he paid his old 'friend' a visit.

The smoky figure was left confused but didn't dare terminate the conversation. He was left there until the ancestor probably remembered he was still there.

From the eastern territory, situations similar to this were occurring in both the west and northern regions. The respective immortal venerable decided it was time they visited their friend.

In the southern territory, the boat was arriving at its destination. The old immortal venerable looked at his sect and smiled. He could always count on his sect to improve his mood if it ever turned sour. Remembering how he had worked his butt off for the sect to arrive where it currently was, pride filled his heart.


A shout announced his arrival. The old immortal wasn't surprised by the welcome. He would be mad if they didn't greet him like this whenever he arrived at the sect.

The boat slowly descended and landed on an open area that seemed to be specially reserved for the boat.

Getting out of the boat. The old king and his wife looked at what they were to address as a home from now on.

The old king looked at the floor, which had marble tiles that shined to reflect the sun's light. The yellow glazed roof was consistent through each building.

A tall circular building stood majestically at the centre of the compound. The old king assumed it was the treasure Pavillion.

"Xiao Mu, follow that disciple to your arranged room."

The old immortal interrupted the old king's thoughts.

The old king followed the disciple he was shown to the place he would be living.

"Old man, why don't you invite me in?"

A voice suddenly boomed, prompting the old immortal to look at the sky as it was a voice he recognized and hated.

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