《CALL OF THE DAO》Chapter 36


While Mu Lei was wrapping up her battles, a similar situation was occurring in the dark church.

In a room in the dark church, an old man was kneeling in front of a woman. The woman had a cold and indifferent gaze. As if feeling the look, the old man's back became soaked by cold sweat.

This old man was the dark god. He had come to investigate the church after he sensed people's prayers to him were diminishing. Remembering how he was domineering just a moment ago, he couldn't help but curse himself.

He had come and loudly demanded explanations from the dark priest but was surprised the priest paid him no heed.

This made him rage and destroyed some buildings in the hope that the dark church would remember he was the one in charge, who would have expected unknown forces to restrain him and force him to his current predicaments.

Never had he felt so powerless. Even a baby was better off in the mouth of a beast.

Mei Lin looked at the man kneeling in front of her, she wanted to kill him as he had soured her good mood with his noise, but she eventually decided against it. She thought he could be a valuable pawn in the upcoming war, especially since she couldn't use her powers to affect the war directly.

"You're to repair the damages you caused on the buildings without using your cultivation."

Mei Lin told the man calmly.


The dark god wanted to retort, but he remembered his place. All that was in his mind was who the hell was this girl? Where did she come from? And how was she so powerful?

"You don't need to know who I am, all you need to do is follow my orders, and maybe you will have a good ending."

The light god face paled in fright as his little brother and 'crown jewels' retreated inside his body.


Were his thoughts no longer his? Unintentionally, he started thinking of the disgusting and embarrassing things he had done in his life.

"You are scum that deserves to die."

Mei Lin looked at him after reading his thoughts, a skill she discovered she could use on anyone but Lin Feng.

"Get out of here before I change my mind."

Mei Lin ordered the dark god, the latter rushed out of the room like a beaten dog and went to look for tools to start repairing the damages he had caused.

[ The stage has been set, conditions met. Let the ageless struggle between order and chaos begin.]


Mei Lin was surprised after hearing the 'great observer's' words. She shrugged her shoulders and went to her room. The sooner it began, the sooner it ended. Mei Lin thought to herself, and after it ended, she could finally meet with Lin Feng.


In the light church, Mu Lei received the same message as Mei Lin. Wasting no time, she summoned the high priest and told him to arrange a meeting with only high officials attending.

The high priest did as he was told and soon a meeting started. The meeting room was nothing fancy, it was a big room that could easily accommodate twenty men with enough breathing space, a long table was placed in the middle of the room, on either side of the length, ten chairs were placed. On one side of the width, a slightly fancier chair was placed there. This was a huge contrast to the dark church, where the seats belonging to the members were worse off than the leaders.

Men and women alike walked into the room while chatting with each other about the recent events.

"A saint cultivator defeated a god?"

One man could be heard asking.

"Hahaha.. old fogey, you missed a good match. I thought I was going to die. If it weren't for her graciousness powerful formation, I would be a dead man."


One man who was at the scene answered with a laugh.

"How dare you guys talk about her graciousness matters? Do you want to die?"

One woman talked in annoyance. She had a fanatical look on her face. It seemed Mu Lei had garnered herself a fan.


An authoritative voice thundered across the room, making everyone silent.

Light steps could be heard through the sudden silence. The steps seemed to have a certain method to them to the point it seemed like music.

Dressed in a white dress with shoes to match, Mu Lei entered the room.

Mu Lei looked at everyone who was staring at her. If she weren't raised in royalty, she would be panicking right now. She walked to the main seat and sat on it.

"You can have a seat."

Mu Lei said calmly. The listeners sat on cue and awaited Mu Lei's further instructions.

"All of you should know the reason why this meeting is being conducted."

Mu Lei started.

The members nodded to show their understanding.

"Are we finally going to start to battle the darkness?"

The fanatic girl asked Mu Lei.

"Yes, the destruction of the universe is at stake. If we fail, nothing but destruction will follow."

Mu Lei answered the girl whose face turned ashen after hearing her answer.

"I have gathered all of you for everyone to determine each other's strength and role in the upcoming struggle."

"Our power levels are like this: one god realm cultivator, two high priests with a cultivation base at the third-order saint, two assistant high priests at the first order saint, two-second order saint members. This will be our major force that will only come out if a major threat is concerned or if we need to make a strategic attack. Please don't expect me to participate in the war. My only task will be to give you instructions."

Mu Lei paused for a while and awaited a question. Since they didn't have any questions, Mu Lei continued.

"Our first attack will be a direct confrontation to the dark church. This will only serve to declare war against them and nothing more. Since we have a huge advantage in terms of public view, we should use that as an opportunity to pull in more believers against the dark church."

"How are we going to declare war? Should we go all out or send the lower cultivators to do so?"

One of the members asked.

"I have already made it clear, high-level members will only join if it is an important attack."

Mu Lei answered.

"You should be able to handle this, right?"

Mu Lei turned to the fanatic girl. She was the leader of the light warriors. The mission was perfect for her.

"Don't worry, your graciousness. I shall perform this task with everything we have."

The girl answered excitedly. This was her chance to shine as a light warrior should.

"Okay then, you're dismissed."

Mu Lei said while getting up and walking away.


In the Xudao starfield, at the zimen stars, Lin Feng was taking a break from reading the book.

In front of him, he had set up a nice chess game. He suddenly had the urge to play.

He moved one of the white pawns two steps in front. He looked at the game and deduced it would probably take him weeks to finish the game, so he went back to studying his book. Anyway, it wasn't his first time playing slow chess.

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