《Demon Saga: Phoenix Dancer》Bard's Song - Rhyme of the Maiden


[A Bard's Song]

Rhyme of the Maiden

"Nawa, look!" Corrin said, as she noticed a tiny ruffled page. "A missing page from the journal. Let's give it a read."

Peaceful fields and somber hills coloured in greens and greys.

The reds and whites of roses there, mixed into the fray.

Fields covered in dark moongrass and chipped marble stone.

These gorgeous fields surrounded Sansora, as if she was alone.

The smell, that scent, of lovely roses on a summer's day.

Made poor Sansora the ideal spot for the bloody play.

The men-in-armour gathered there, ready to protect her lands.

But, before them stood a wicked beast with golden locks and strands.

The men-in-armour stood and stared, stunned by her sight.

A gorgeous maiden stood in alluring white robes, thirty feet in height.

"Approach with caution," a brave man shouted, as they surrounded her.

The gorgeous maiden sat and stared, simply brushing her hair.

The wicked maiden dashed straight forward, tossing them into the air.

She ripped, and tore and crushed them all, the fight was too unfair.

A man cried out, "Please, my Queen! You are tearing me apart."

The maiden paused, "I only want to sit in a seat behind those glorious walls."

"Build me a throne, one fit for a Queen, so I may sit at the heart."

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