《Nameless》Firuz - Zama


Firuz gasped in horror as he backed away, his back pressed hard against the tunnel wall. A grey worm stood before him, its body was riddled with delicate black patterns that formed rings around its body. 'Galvi!' his heart fluttered in his chest as he wanted nothing but to run, run as far away from here as possible. But the tunnel was narrow and his exit blocked by the dreadful worms. The whole tunnel was filled with grey slithering creepers

"What should I do? What should I do?" His mind raced for an answer, while his eyes were glued to the hideous worms before him. Still as a rock, staring at him with white bean-like eyes. They stood still, stiller than any living thing Firuz had ever seen. He took a deep breath, shifted against the wall, the swarm rustled.

Firuz froze, careful not to make any unnecessary movements. Fear dulled with time as reason spoke to him. "What are they waiting for?" Firuz dared to move; terrified of the slimy creatures and yet he reached out his hand, slow at first. Seeing the lack of interest from the worms, he became bolder and scrambled to his feet. He studied his hand and glanced at the worm near him... 'Please don't bite' he swallowed hard as he reached out towards the worm in front of him.

The Galvi before him shifted. Firuz's heart leaped into his throat, once again his hand reached out; this time the worm didn't move. His hand touched the worm and suddenly the scene shifted. Firuz found himself, staring at the worm, pressed against the wall. "What--" He looked at his body and instead of arms and legs, he saw slimy skin, riddled with black-ringed patterns.

He looked around, finally noticing a barely visible string, connecting every worm in the swarm. He closed his eyes and focused on the string. His consciousness split over the whole swarm as he felt connected to the millions upon millions of grey worms in the swarm. He opened his eyes, his mind still reeling from the shock as he discovered the reality. He was no longer a human, he had become a Galvi.


Firuz stood before the glowing dune, he found himself fascinated by the warm glow of the golden dune. It seemed to be made up of silk if you look at it from a certain angle. Sometimes it appeared solid, like molten gold and at other times, it looked like sand. Firuz felt his body tingle as he bathed in the light of the golden dune. A strange new desire formed deep inside his heart. He must step inside the dune. He must.

His grey slimy body slithered towards the sand. As his body touched golden dune. A shockwave rippled out, swallowing his swarm in the process. He felt terrible pain as every single worm in his swarm was evaporated under golden shock wave. Firuz opened his eyes, he stood in the middle of a golden plain, his body reduced to a delicate, yet profound rune.

He looked around and was greeted by an ever-shifting desert. The sand around him shifted like great serpents. Dancing to the gentle warm winds. He looked above and a great ball of fire burned into the sky. "Where am I?" Firuz looked around, his gaze absorbing this strange new world. He had never seen such bright colors and sky was clear and vast and so blue, stretching out to eternity. "Where are the rivers?"

[He is talking about the sky rivers. mentioned in chapter 2]

Firuz had never seen anything like this. He drifted in this strange world of sand for hours and hours, when finally he saw something familiar. Green flowing mist rippled in the distance. Upon seeing him, the green mist rushed over to him. It coalesced to form a nubile woman with a clever face and watery eyes. She jumped around and giggled. Her demeanor filled with natural grace, while her laughter soothed one's heart.


"Isn't it so wonderful," Madr said as she flitted around in the sand.

"It certainly is." A deep voice rolled out from Firuz's. "but it's so--"

"Oh don't be such brood... We are lucky to find this place." Madr frowned as she appeared in front of Firuz. A gentle smile played on her lips. "It's perfect. This will be just perfect. I know it."

"They will ruin it once again. They always do."

Madr turned towards Firuz, the smile she wore cracked for once as she let out a deep sigh. "We are not to judge. I have a part to play and so do you. We can't worry about what is or what will be." Her strength returned to her she smiled at Firuz.

"I don't want to see you get hurt. There is a madness in me... They inherit it -- they won't stop unless they destroy it all." Firuz could feel the deep sorrow in the voice. "... let's forget about it. It's alright. I will hold myself back. I will not let them touch this world."

Madr eye's shone with tears as she caressed Firuz's cheek. "Zama! You will do no such thing. I won't see my friend suffer because of me."

"Friend." Zama spat the word, it felt like poison to him. "I am no friend to you! Never have been." and once again Firuz could feel Zama's troubles. He was afraid, afraid of hurting Madr.

Madr pursed her lips as he stared at Firuz. Her body glowed with green bright light as her body started to disintegrate. "It has started!" She smiled at him. "Your time will come soon -- don't hesitate. Let take things there natural course. We are too insignificant to worry about it all." Madr smiled her beautiful smile. Firuz felt himself boil over with emotions, he wanted to say so much. He wanted her to stop, wanted her to stay with him. But, he kept his silence and watch her go. Madr shone with a brilliant green light and her body spread across the horizon, turning into rolling green mist.

"Goodbye, my friend..." Madr whispered her last words as she became one with the world.

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